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File: 266 KB, 1200x1687, 1200px-Francisco_Lachowski_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9768306 No.9768306[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's more attractive to girls, a good career and character or looks?

>> No.9768310

How do I mine this with my Macbook pro? How many can I mine in a day? 25 or so?

>> No.9768311



>> No.9768312

looks, then career

>> No.9768313

Good looks

>> No.9768318

if the girl is 7/10 or above:

if the girl is 1-6/10

>> No.9768319
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>> No.9768322

looks, career, character

>> No.9768323

Why does he look like a sex robot

>> No.9768324


>buying depreciating assets

lol /biz/ never change

>> No.9768330
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>all these males projecting what they think women find attractive

>> No.9768331
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>> No.9768336

Looks get u in the door easier
personality/career keeps u there

If ur unattractive it can develop overtime once u get to know someone.
Happens all the time. I started developing feelings for some girls that i didn't find attractive at first it just happens *shrugs*

>> No.9768347


In order
1)Capacity for violence/blood on your hands
2)Zero affection/coldness

women like sociopath.

>> No.9768356

nigger what

>> No.9768386

8 inches of meat lolly

>> No.9768395

Fair assessment while there are obviously variations between women.

>> No.9768401

Women like sociopath that are human with them

>> No.9768402

This no irony.

>> No.9768406

It's an age thing, once they've been dicked by enough studs they go for money.

>> No.9768415
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Then status, rather than career. But once you get old you will get MeToo'd if you don't have a lawyer present at all times

>> No.9768419
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Hello brother

>> No.9768431

Looks for banging and one night stands, money and career to keep them.

>> No.9768455

>woman is 18-25

>woman is 25-30

>woman is 30+

>> No.9768471

1. looks
2. bank account (if big enough #1 doesn't matter)

>> No.9768473

simple answer: a black athlete.

Sorry /biz/, the truth hurts

>> No.9768480


1) career
2) character
3) looks

1) looks
2) career
3) character

>> No.9768488

fuck off nigger

>> No.9768489

Good assessment with looks being 1 for younger women but wtf is character? The guy's I know who have been with most women, I mean hundreds, all have dark triad qualities.

>> No.9768495

What kind of brainwashed idiot would go for women who are older than 24?

>> No.9768502
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okcupid and tinder says black men are the most unattractive and get the least amount of responses yet they have the most confidence of all the races... interesting lmao

>> No.9768508

but not too black, they love when you're half like me :=)

>> No.9768511

Triggering depressed neets is like taking candy from a baby

>> No.9768521
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Its looks. Also, if you're face doesn't fit pic related you're not going to make it. Look up the golden ratio face.

>> No.9768528

Don't you just love the fake facts white people (You) put out on the internet to try to brainwash normies to believe your make believe reality?

This is actually true. Lucky you!

>> No.9768530

Alpha fucks: game(aka learned charisma) and look
Beta bucks: providing capacity

>> No.9768612

honestly tho..this nigga gayy

>> No.9768650

Depends on the girl you idiot.
Some girls like rugged older men, some girls like young twinks. Some girls don't mind if you don't earn as much money as her, some are gold diggers. Some want a cautious man with experience, some want a man who is wacky and 'fun'.

You're going the wrong way around about this - look at yourself like a product - you say 'what are the qualities of this product' then you find the customer suited to the product, yes you can then lift, or learn to salsa dance, or start wearing cowboy boots or whatever to trick her into thinking you're the personality she wants. But that only comes after you find who your 'target market' is.
Of course, most guys will fuck it up completely, they don't know how to "own" the fake identity they've created.
This has happened to me, I'll sleep with a girl once because she thinks I'm one thing, and then the more time she spends with me she realizes I'm not.

>> No.9768655

i have spent 3years with a girl for her looks.
10/10 asian

im telling you: its so not worth it.

sex? yeah sure. but if you can get a 10/10 you can get any quality of sex you want anyway.

>> No.9768668
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>mfw some men are still THIS bluepilled on women

>> No.9768703
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>said the 22 year old boomer

>> No.9768710

When younger looks but eventually when years go by they will stick with career and character . And when she’s a single mom she will stick with anything

>> No.9768716

humor, confidence

>> No.9768725

nah girls think im funny but some girls won't give me the chance of day while others will.. its just all preference

>> No.9768735

Girls are fickle as fuck, anon. Whatever you don't have is ""what matters"" to them. In actuality they just feel entitled to want it all.

>> No.9768754

I will pay you to get a vasectomy.

>> No.9768764
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The guy who killed himself after giving a chink 100k worth of eth a few days ago
Virgin trump who had to pay a pornstar to have sex with him vs the chad clinton who got sucked off at the oval office

>> No.9768768


Knew this already chicks are making more money then men in their 20s.. I cringe everytime a poorfag always talks about golddiggers this and golddigger that when in reality they probably richer than you.

>> No.9768773

One drop rule, spearchucker.

>> No.9768800

send pic of gf and last 3 mainsqueezes mr. redpill

>> No.9768803

>One drop rule
im not a burger so i dont give a shit about this. My mummy and daddy always told me im just as black as I am white <3

>> No.9768839
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you're forgetting that genetic superiority comes from diversification you inbread fuck. Now i might just let your mum lick my milk chocolate balls

>> No.9768850

This. Women like men who aren’t afraid to kill. It’s something they can sense.

>> No.9768879

It's the ugly wypipo that are always the most bitter. Pay him no mind

>> No.9768893

Tenth post best post

>> No.9768928

Yeah, what a bunch of Elliots.

>> No.9769000
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Realest post in this thread and it doesn't get a single reply.
Copers gonna cope.

>> No.9769016


>> No.9769019
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>topkek "rope or cope"

>> No.9769023
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One more blackpill. I need to make more. So much more material out there

>> No.9769040

The left abstract kinda confirms PUAs though, with a modifier that needs to test for an attractiveness threshold.

A 7/10 male with game is better than a 8/10 male without game but if you are < 6.5/10 then no game will help you.

>> No.9769055

Sociopath here, can confirm. I've always been a shitty boyfriend and sometimes on purpose just to see how far I can take it but it always make them get more attached. I don't understand women, sometimes they seem more fucked up than me

>> No.9769063


How does that "prove" PUA? PUA would reject the blackpill outright.

>A 7/10 male with game is better than a 8/10 male
No, a 8/10 will MOG the fuck out of a 7/10.

>> No.9769066

In the fyckin end they do the same lol. And they even dont give a fuck in fact. My girlfriend is way to chubby and any talk aboht this ends with her rage quitting and tears.
Dont care what they want. Do want you want to do, what u fell u shut do (no, not playin vidya games..) and eventually they will come to ask if they can join. Than u project the terms.

>> No.9769294

That conclusion is wrong, or at least grossly over simplified - it's not "all that matters is attractiveness" but all that research suggests that attractiveness MULTIPLIES" all other traits. Also it doesn't quantify what "universal attractiveness" is (although we can have a guess that it implies 'golden ratio' and facial symmetry and large eyes - can anyone confirm?), I still stand by my belief that women have different "types". If not, boy-bands wouldn't be successful. But all those 'types' still adhere to those same laws of universal attractiveness.

What I mean by this is if there's a 8/10 guy with no personality and no money and a 7/10 with personality and money, the 7/10 will in MOST cases (again - look at that middle abstract about women's "self characteristics") win out. BUT, 8/10 guy with nothing and 5/10 guy, 8/10 guy will win out in almost ALL cases.

In other words MARKET DIFFERENTIATION matters!!!

>"it is possible that visually appearing to possess certain traits may be more important in initial selection processes than actually possessing desired traits because the visual stereotypes are more easily available than information about stable behavior"
Even though it's inconclusive, I believe this 100%

>> No.9769313

> but all that research suggests that attractiveness MULTIPLIES" all other traits.

Wrong, attractiveness is NECESSARY for a relatrionship to function.

>> No.9769352

Then how come ugly people are still getting together - if you read it as "necessary" then only attractive would be pairing off, and there'd be like 40% of the population who are khv.

I'm not trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes and say something stupid along the lines of society not being superficial, but that conclusion that attractiveness as a sole factor does not compute. And frankly I'm surprised that on a board dedicated to business and finance there isn't a more nuanced, polyfactoral analysis going on and everyone is just sticking on their untested worldviews which perfectly reflect their media market segmentation.

>> No.9769373

>Then how come ugly people are still getting together

Generally ugly women date up to men who are above their looksmatch. Betas can leverage wealth but it doesn't provoke genuine attraction

> conclusion that attractiveness as a sole factor does not compute.
Money and status both matter as well

>> No.9769394

Okay, sounds like we're on the same page then.
Also, how does Socioeconomic status fit in, I remember reading research that while age discrepancy (older men dating younger women) is common in Western society, less than 5% of people marry or date outside of their social class.

>> No.9769410

It depends.

If a girl wants a beta fag who will provide for her she will want a man with a good career.

If she wants a fuck toy who she'll actually be sexually attracted to and someone who will make her vagina tingle, she will want in shape alpha who has a IDGAF attitude.

>> No.9769417

>muh dik, nigga yo mom bix nood mufugga
Have some fucking class you subhuman

>> No.9769431

I get the feeling your mother never told you to stop breathing through your mouth as a child, and now you have a weak chin.

>> No.9769444

This is pretty accurate

>> No.9769460

Girls look at the whole package to estimate whether or not you have a future.

>> No.9769527
File: 109 KB, 1500x1125, 2e2109bcc7c341911c89dfc7dabafdc8833fd414e722305570e1d7b85a4624e2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bing bong, why do you sound so triggered my fren. We're only having a minor discussion on this west Polynesian blanket weaving forum. She told me she likes the feel when they touch her tongue, something about the hairs pricking the taste buds ;=)

>> No.9769703

This. A 7 or above girl has been banged out by so many chads and is jaded to the point that a gangrenous cock from an arab rapist feels the same as a male model making love. They just want money and status and cocaine.

>> No.9769748
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>Some girls like rugged older men

>some girls like young twinks >>9769000

>> No.9769766

character > looks > career
if you're an average man, what you see as good character is fairly different from what a woman sees as good character

>> No.9769771
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>Some girls don't mind if you don't earn as much money as her, some are gold diggers

>> No.9769819
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>Some want a cautious man with experience, some want a man who is wacky and 'fun'.

>> No.9769869
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you're not a master troll but an obnoxious fetichist, and your fetish is boring
you get the same level of hate ponylovers and feet addicts used to get, for the same reason: nobody wants to hear about your boring life in unrelated threads
likewise, you use the same excuse to cope: everyone else is "jealous" or "triggered"
just accept you're a waste of oxygen who makes the life of everyone around you slightly worse by your mere existence, hitting that soft spot of inconvenience without being enough of a problem to be dealt with permanently
basically, you're irrelevant, you'll always be irrelevant and nobody will ever pay attention to you beyond getting irked at the retarded shit you say for 5 minutes then moving on with their life

>> No.9769881
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>if you're an average man, what you see as good character is fairly different from what a woman sees as good character
for a good looking man

>> No.9769912
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classic boomer cope
it's different in all cases

>> No.9769916
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e x t r e m e c o p e
Of course hot girls can be sluts but most sluts are ugly

>> No.9769942


>> No.9770061

Looks > money > status
Take the blackpill
And this comes from a 8/10 dude

>> No.9770155

looks you fucking genius how else will the bitches get close enough to you to find out what you're worth.

>> No.9770368

There was that one, her ex boyfriend is nothing special, kinda good looking but no chad by any means. I'm no chad either but not worse looking than her ex boyfriend. Tried to get her pussy. She denied and told me that she just didn't (feel it emotionally) from the beginning. What did she mean by that? Give me at least a couple of chances bitch. BTW I'm well mannered and not unintelligent. Got a sense of humour. Like to make gifts.
She is kind of a 5 or a 6. With makeup a 7 at best. I think I am better than her.

Seen her friends. Fucked up individuals.
She is rather fucking losers who treat her like trash she is I guess.

>> No.9770416

The fucking state of biz

>> No.9770431

Mandible prognathis is objectively unattractive. Women don't go for the ape look.

>> No.9770454

Character an looks