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File: 92 KB, 289x241, 1527643581321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9766096 No.9766096 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 28, lift, have a 6 figure job, vacation, do recreational drugs, fuck women and even sometimes distance run in my free time.

I look decent, probably 7/10 and am considered by most to be an outgoing, alpha male. I probably have slept with 200-300 women in my lifetime and can only remember one time in my life that a woman turned me down for sex once I took her home.

Are other guys in /biz like this or are they mostly acne ridden 35 year old incels? Is it a joke or a reality?

>> No.9766115

pretty much same as you OP

>> No.9766118

im 5'8
8" cock
hot wife
steady job
about $5k in crypto
banged around 50 chicks in my life

i feel bad for the nerds that actually have that problem tho.. dang.

>> No.9766124

130k a year job in the midwest
two year old BMW M4, 500+hp
two motorcycles
nice house
$100k in <current year> crypto
can deadlift 400+ @ 170lbs
do brazilian jiu jitsu (8 years)

>> No.9766125
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Anon I assure you many 28 year old NEET virgins like myself browse this board and we are just as amazed people like you exist as you are of us

>> No.9766130
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>> No.9766132

200-300 women? Wtf? From picking up women in bars or what?

>> No.9766133

>all these boomers itt

>> No.9766134
File: 253 KB, 468x468, E7D85E06-0228-468B-B745-E805007EFECF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24, 5 figure Engineer, worked a year since graduate.

Virgin, basically the definition of an incel.

I welcome it. Smoke a lot of pot.

>> No.9766145
File: 130 KB, 640x972, Image_Germania_(painting).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in Army
>get TS/SCI
>unlimited job potential
>work every other year as a contractor
>make over $200k when I do work
>in my off year right now
>oh my God it's amazing

I got into crypto in 2013 as well. I'm 30. You all hate me now.

>> No.9766149

dude I'm 20 and only had 2 wtf 200-300

>> No.9766151


>> No.9766155

it doesnt take as much as youd think to become an incel. women are pretty much all attracted to the same type of guy no matter what they say. the dude that looks like a 6/10 in your eyes is a 3/10 in a womans eyes.
>durr dont rate people on a scale its rude and immature hurr durrr
fuck off normie. how else am i supposed to explain the concept that some men are more attractive then others
>no, everyones equal, just get a haircut
i fucking hate you

>> No.9766174


>> No.9766176

Enjoy your STDs

>> No.9766184

>It's another relatively successful faggot feeling insecure about his life and posting to /biz/ for attention and relief episode

>> No.9766203

He thinks it will make him happy lol.

28 yr old non boomer here.
All in on REQ and LINK
College dropout
Live with parents
Don't have many friends but the 2 I do have are quality
Don't work much, just 1 or 2 days a week manning the cash register at a small supermarket
Slept with 1 girl and got a blowie of another so not a virgin but not experienced.
Pretty satisfied with my life up till now.

Sounds like your dad wasn't proud of you or something which is why you are fucking so many women and feel the need to post this bullshit here.

>> No.9766220

Tinder, bumble, craigslist (back when it was a thing). Just be honest about what you're looking for, take somewhat decent care of your body, and be confident. You'd be surprised how many women are just as horny as you.

>> No.9766228
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And i'm sure you feel the need to brag about this on an anonymous Burmese vintage leather wallet crafting image board because you're not insecure and don't secretly hate yourself

Pic is probably you

>> No.9766230

This is absolutely not true. I'm decent looking. I try to take care of my body. Pretty much average looking all the way around. Average sized cock too. It just takes confidence and honesty.

>> No.9766244
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>he fucks so many women because he wants to fuck his dad

>> No.9766256

I'm a ~30 year old 9/10 looking neet (disability) cryptomillionaire with a qt gf that is also a cryptomillionaire (I gave her some advice but she invested her own money and she didn't copy me 1:1).

I'm considered a bit weird but I get away with it because of my chad halo.

>> No.9766257

Tbh, I enjoy having sex with new women, especially when partying. It is truly blissful to be on Adderall / Coke And fucking the living daylight out of some hottie you just met. Women go out of their way on the first few sex sessions, and I'd rather have pornstar like sex every time rather than the first few times and fucking a dead fish for the next 20 yrs

>> No.9766322

> I probably have slept with 200-300 women in my lifetime and can only remember one time in my life that a woman turned me down for sex
Nice larp you fucking retard.
Post selfie or gtfo

>> No.9766335

>functional dick or sex drive
Haha. Stop fantasizing you fucking virgin.

>> No.9766346

What a wierd haircut

>> No.9766359

>my single exception toitally disproves your proposed general observation
ah, the logic of the brainlets

>> No.9766369

While normies and women care about haircuts he's there plotting the next move that will make him $100mil.

>> No.9766370

>im a waggie

>> No.9766417

Hot wife
3 kids
80k in crypto
Banged 16 women

>> No.9766429

Forgot to say: speak 5 languages, lived in 3 countries

>> No.9766465

9/10 only because I drink too much
Stopped counting at 30
No fucking clue how many I've hooked up with - got head from.
Been in quite a few, and currently committed relationship.
This board is a mix of both. That's why I like it and keep coming back.

>> No.9766495

26 and lift.
>Used to be a fat pimply liberal
>Said fuck this
>Lost 50 lbs in 5 months and have maintained a six pack for 4 years
>Now more conservative and pro Trump
>Now get hit on by girls daily

>> No.9766520

im 23
fuck thots to pass time
invent cool shit with my team of engineers
eventually starting a new space start up
big house, bigger yard, supply of infinite beer and weed.

>> No.9766529

You either sink or swim but no matter what you will always be posting here.

>About to be 29 years old in 2 months
>Lift and in good shape
>7.5 inch cock
>Definitely slept with over 20 different women and then lost count
>Have my own house, gf for 2.5 years, and I'm fucking some of her friends but she doesn't have a clue
That said, I think there are a lot more Chads on /biz/ because the dudes here like to take risk and enjoy gains.

>> No.9766569

>can fuck almost anyone I want in my city
>can't be arsed as I just want to get rich

>> No.9766588
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22 yo future millionaire NEET reporting in

Im super cute but shyboi, i just want 1 waifu my entire life. Is that too much to ask of this sick world

>> No.9766609

>I'm a scum bag aren't you jelly
No would rather be poor and heart broken

>> No.9766623


what makes you think everyone on here is automatically an incel / basement dweller to even ask that question?

genuinely curious

>> No.9766643


>> No.9766658

Because that's what everyone calls each other and I thought it might be the case.

>> No.9766660


he should go hang out at /soc/

>> No.9766710

37, easy non-physical job paying 74K (4 days a week), do performance enhancing drugs, married, probably dying from performance enhancing drugs, pretty fat crypto portfolio that wife will not get when I die because no multisig smart contract to function as a will, good stock portfolio that's set to liquidate because she doesn't know how to trade. Only banged 6 women because I'm an INTJ and would rather do science.

>> No.9766776


net worth 23.5m
sold multiple companies

>> No.9766821

Most of the people here that "basement dweller" life turned into living room life in their own apartments/homes but they're life and attitudes don't change . Stoop kid never leaves his stoop.

>> No.9766822

You are living a life completely based on others expectations of you, completely bereft of any meaning or happiness. Congratulations!

>> No.9766825

cs degree and very skilled at it

virgin incel till 28, really hated it, but then started to really push myself, went to bars etc on my own and talked to everybody, and finally met a really cute girl, now my gf of 3 years this way.
i'm a skinny fat 6/10 nerd btw, so there's hope for all of you incel frens.

>> No.9766848

Lol, you're fucking me.
What I`m trying to say is we're the same. Every word. 24 as well.

>> No.9766857

I'm 33, sold most of my company two years ago, I started it with 2 other guys 8 years ago and when I left it gave employment to 5k+ people (telecom), been into trading an game development since for luls, married, have a son, I lift 3 times a week.
I've looked better and I'm balding, 5'8, I've fucked 2 women in my whole life.

>> No.9766883

This life is a cruel joke and you are the one caught at the butt of it for being such a bleeding heart.

>> No.9766902

You have a .1% chance of being AIDS free.

>> No.9766989

6'4 white guy at least 6/10 but /soc/ said 7

company worth 400k, no debts in business or personally

do 20k a month (gross), about ready to double that

impressive amount in Precious metals and crypto (I did sell 20 btc before the bubble for no good reason whatsoever, yes I am retarded)

Never really had a girlfriend. I am not a virgin but girls don't like me.

>inb4 wtf??

its personality. I just have a bad one. Sucks... but I really don't like people anyway, although I do desire to BE liked

>> No.9766999

Wait, you are telling me you are an ass hole but girls don't like you? That's always worked for me.

>> No.9767002

My nigaaaa.

Meh I think it’s all overrated, maybe..

Could just be the incel in me talking.

Why are you still a Virgin if you don’t mind me asking?

>> No.9767015

no i'm nice

>> No.9767018
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>these posts
Nobody cares who you are or what you do

>> No.9767026

I figured that's your problem. You need to learn to be charming but an ass hole.

>> No.9767029

>6,6 but it's not big deal
>Not a virgin probably have 100 kids banged a small city everyone came from my no big deal 14 inch fist penis
>Make 6 figures every other minute
>Take a few drugs(illegal) no big deal or anything it's chill brah
>Look like Adonis
>Travelled to distant galaxies
>Colonized Pluto
>Mastered phasing through walls

Do incels actually exist? I thought everyone did this basic shit

>> No.9767033

>still posts here

>> No.9767036

The bragging ones like OP's are boring, yes, but some others can give some insight into life n shit.

>> No.9767049

yeah it takes so much effort for me

its like having a second job to be charming, attract women, etc.

banged a lot of hookers though. certainly lost count of that.

>> No.9767055

What's with this whole incel doesn't exist or that it's a meme? There was a fucking sub-reddit called incel where a bunch of whiny-ass low-T bitch-ass-niggas came to cry about their issues instead of fixing them while blaming the world for their problems. I seriously hope that every incel gets lined up and shot.

>> No.9767066

Yeah but don't sell yourself short, you aren't dumb and women aren't exactly difficult to figure out.

>> No.9767068

They only cared when I put on the mask

>> No.9767069

Larping faggot

>> No.9767076

alot of larping itt

>> No.9767086

>thanks larping experts

>> No.9767133
File: 980 KB, 750x1334, IMG_3179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 m
100k+ Salary
Fucked over 150 girls (no larp)

>> No.9767194

thanks I'll give it a go

>> No.9767215

5'6" and that many girls.
Doubtful. I actually sleep with a lot of women and unless they are desperate bar whores they wouldn't fuck a manlet with smaller hands then them.

>> No.9767267

If your life is so great, then why are you here?

>> No.9767288

The good and the bad
>$150k income, highly educated, travel, physically fit/strong, big dick, have really cool friends to chill or go out with
>5' 7", socially awkward with some people, enjoy solitude too much, gotten laid only a few times

>> No.9767311


Unironically, this. (no larp)

>> No.9767319

Cause I'm trying to become a crypto millionaire.

>> No.9767341
File: 244 KB, 492x497, 1504443769387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

out of all the posts in this thread, provided youre not daydreaming or larping, im most impressed with what youre doing
aside from this guy obviously
hes the most well accomplished itt

>> No.9767357

incel just means a guy that women dont want to fuck. nothing more. most incels didnt even know there was a word for what they are, let alone posting on reddit about it.

>all the guys women dont want to have sex with need to be lined up and shot
honestly, thats the narrative now. ridiculous

>> No.9767422
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I'm 25, a lawyer and an accountant, virgin, skinnyfat, unathletic, terrible at anything physical, socially anxious and awkward, watches anime and plays vidya all day, that's about it.

I can't convince myself to lift. I don't even know how to start lifting, given how physically weak I am.

>> No.9767433

>200-300 women

>> No.9767456

No larp. I wish I was less promiscuous in hindsight

>> No.9767462

>Women go out of their way on the first few sex sessions, and I'd rather have pornstar like sex every time rather than the first few times and fucking a dead fish for the next 20 yrs
further proof of larp
sex with a gf is much better
if you want pornstar sex you use prostitutes

>> No.9767494
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>> No.9767501

>married to a 22 year old girl, we are each other's only sexual partner, kiss relationship ect.
>married since I was 22 and she was 18.
>200k household income in Chicago.
>own a 650k apartment 88 floors high.
>no car.
>spend around 40k per year on average
>zero debt.
>350k in crypto (70% OMG, 20% ETH, 10% BTC)
>750k in stocks/mutual funds/savings.
>Don't like going on vacations, never used drugs or drank alcohol.
>never had to deal with dating whores and dating "culture" like bars clubs ect.
>8/10 6'2" aryan.
>plan on retiring once the next bull run starts, or once OMG gets listed on coinbase.

>> No.9767532

Which languages?

>> No.9767544

9/10 anyone who claims to have a "hot wife" useally just has a 30-35 year old ex bar slut caked in makeup with fake dyed blonde hair.

>> No.9767559

Money, power, success none of it matters. The only thing that matters is how many respectable white children you produce in this world.

>> No.9767628

Well if not then you really did spend too much time and effort fucking stupid sluts. I fucked 50 girls and it was pointless to waste so much time on that

>> No.9767652

How does it feel to be mormon?

>> No.9767687

Goddam keep the larps coming! Good entertainment. Taking coke and adderal and fucking random thots? Anyone who has truly been geeked out will call BS on the fucking part. After a couple of grams your dick doesn’t work and you just want more coke.
200-300 women? So you’ve been picking up on average two new girls every month for 15 years? 1-4 has herpes. The other stats are redic. You have a complex (and simplex).

>> No.9767696

>I don't even know how to start lifting
its not exactly rocket science. find something heavy and pick it up, repeat until desired results are achieved.

>> No.9767707

what are you going to do when you retire? fuck vacations i get that, but whats wrong with travel? dont you want to see the world with your own eyes?

>> No.9767751

I'm 5'11
165lbs, average build
Average dick
Make $80k a year in engineering
7/10 looks maybe?
I've managed to fuck some literal model tier women and have never been broken up with yet I'm nothing really special in the physical department or particularly alpha. I'm really intelligent and well spoken, I also think I dress well.

Basically I'm here to tell you that being witty/kind/well spoken/well dressed can go quite a long way to cover for not looking like a Greek god. I'm basically your typical 4chan autist nerd but I can hold a convo and I take care of myself so I get laid. It's not too hard guys, you'll make it.

>> No.9767755
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Isn't that dangerous? What if I die from lifting? I'm a physically weak person.

>> No.9767773

I'm not Mormon, I'm an atheist.

>> No.9767780

Not really, I just like staying home all day. I'll probably just be a shut in for a year or 2, then maybe I'll get the urge to travel.

>> No.9767793

have you found love yet?

I noticed that I actually can't love anyone. I have just been sleeping around with women like you did, not as many but still.

>> No.9767803


Fucked 150-200 vaginas
7inch rod
100k crypto
900k house
Own company and earn 250k+ a year doing easy mode graphic design work mostly packaging
Girlfriend that lets me do what i want

Good to see its not all just neckbeards in her OP

>> No.9767811

incel with 70 btc here
i just play fortnite all day

>> No.9767817

I'm 30
In IT. 135k
Married to a girl that has been with me since well before I made any decent money. She made more than me and carried us financially for a few years.
We have a kid.
Nice two story house.
Two decent cars.
I don't know where I rank out of 10 on looks. Probably not high.
5'11" 205 lbs.

Life is good.

>> No.9767870

its dangerous not to lift if youre physically weak. you not to be less weak to increase your chances of survival. and not just in a dangerous situation, but just health in general. human body gets stronger if you beat it up a little, thats how lifting works. dont lift more then you can handle, but eventually you will be able to handle more. if you never challenge your body well, if you dont use it you lose it.

>> No.9767895

Itt boomers who want children to believe that someone with a 6 figure job and a stable wife still measures their dicks, cares about their height and looks, and finds time to post on an anime board about how good their life is.

Your insecurity levels are through the roof.

>> No.9767929
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I think I'm buying dumbells first.
I'm so weak I can't even make a 3 pointer in basketball for fucks sakes. They're always short because I'm not strong enough to throw the ball.

Anime and videogames did this to me. I spent my entire childhood and adolescent life in a house playing vidya and watching anime.

>> No.9768078

Christ, I have seen fat fucks look like fools getting women on the dance floor. They just had confidence in what they were doing and did what they were doing well. If you can't handle the narrative that guys have to be useful at something in life and are at least approachable then you might as well kill yourself. History already shows that only 40% of men get to pass their genetic material so it's nothing new under the sun, the only thing is we have technology to allow people to live longer to bitch about everything in life. What a fucking miserable lot, makes me wonder why they even bother living.

>> No.9768103

>median income
>a bit dumb though because I don't cook for myself
>say I'm going to gym
>6'3" is considered manlet from my perspective
>think I might have been hardly rused irl starting (lucidly at least) ~2014 - it will always be such though til QQ
>work a lot and enjoy it
>say I'm going to reactivate tinder but busy (desu it's true, but idk how honestly)
>brave new world
>most of my friends are distant due to my drinking and attitude in that mindstate
>lucky enough to have a couple golds
>believe in ARK
>a bit alcoholic due to genetic and potentially "ptsd" reasons, but I'm too chicken-shit to cure myself with mushrooms
>happier than where I was for a couple years past though which is good
>how 'honestly' happy though is hard to determine for myself; life is pain

>> No.9768119

That you can't see the irony in this brings me great joy

>> No.9768143

Really fuck you... im on east cost... poor, struggling, programming a big think and I read this.... fuck you

>> No.9768175

everyone in here is a larping faggot kys

>> No.9768185


Make just under 6 figs.
I love hard stims. Coke, Speed, etc
I have a gf. I've had a vasectomy so we fuck all the time without worry.
I'm lightskin. Honestly like 8 outta 10. Probably a 10 outta 10 compared to most here.
I've slept with around 15 women.

>> No.9768244

>implying i base everything i think i know on personal experience
im not like you, so its probably hard for you to understand that learning can come from the experiences and observations made of society in general. its not that hard to observe, try to pay attention

>> No.9768285

19 year old
Family owns large security and insurance company in Eastern Europe
Currently living back and forth between EU and US
Over 300k usd personally invested in crypto
Have banged about 50-80 broads, 95%+ hookers
8/10 5'11" 210lb very swole n vascual
9in phallus

>> No.9768286

>he was fat
that doesnt really matter all that much to women. its more about confidence i understand that. but what you dont understand is that just showing up and trying your best sometimes isnt enough. sometimes youre so unnatractive, and for reasons beyond weight and physical appearance, that the work youd need to do on yourself to succeed would turn you into someone you dont even want to be. meanwhile plenty of guys that cant get laid can hold good jobs and contribute to society. being confident and making a good effort and being good at something and useful in life sometimes, for a lot of people actually, isnt enough. women can be pickier then you realize and some guys just dont have what women want.

you said it yourself, 60% of men didnt even breed. you think back then in prehistoric society that such men were allowed to just sit around playing with rocks, no they had to contribute to gathering food or some shit. and apparently just showing up and being useful has never been a guarantee of sex, far from it.

so why deny incels exist or why imply theyre all bad and need to be killed. or that they just need to dance more or whatever like those fat guys you saw at the club. whatever. fuck off

>> No.9769240

I've actually fucked over 9000 women, it feels good to be alpha like you OP

>> No.9769299

>people say I'm handsome, I don't see it and don't really care
loving gf, bought a home together, gonna marry her one day or another
>chemE, love my job, pretty good pay and absurdly good benefits including 10 weeks holidays
>I run a lot, cook, hike, paint. read
>been on 4chan since 2009
can't really leave now

>> No.9769348

>I'm 28, lift, have a 6 figure job, vacation, do recreational drugs, fuck women and even sometimes distance run in my free time.
Trying to make it to the cringe compilation? kys you useless retard, you are nothing

>> No.9769391

>still a faggot

>> No.9769408

Ill be real with you dude, at 24 a body count of 15 is not a lot for a guy. I dont know where you live but in my city I knew 21 year olds who have slept with over 100+ girls.

>> No.9769450

What's the point ? Hookups with sluts are pretty shit and unfulfilling compared to a serious relationship.

>> No.9769477

I'm an incel but I choose not to gun down women or go on some beta rage. I'm improve my life someday and hopefully have a girlfriend.

>> No.9769482
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this is absolutely disgusting. why are there so many normies here?

>> No.9769590

Theyre fun. Its nice t oget your dick wet. Women are too hard to please and I dont know how to have a serious relationship.

>> No.9769612

Nah, sex gets so much better when you actually know the girl and you love each other.

>> No.9769648
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a virgin here, but nowhere near the high kill count.
It's my personal decision that I don't wanna waste time on meaningless sex, yet I still get super jealous reading about people with 100+. Why does that happen?

>> No.9769676

I'm telling you its your attitude. This is anecdotal but when I was 16-18 I had this attitude that if I was really nice and good to girls they would see what a great guy I was and love me. Turns out acting like that will make a pussy more dry then the Sahara desert. Around the age of 22 I started going out and talking to women but having a "I dont give a fuck" type of attitude and in general being an asshole to them. They love it way more.

Women are fucking weird and I will never understand them.

Also if your fat you should lose weight. It doesn't matter if your extremely confident/witty/social, women will just turn their heads instantly to a fatass.

>> No.9769695
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Nah I'm like 7-8/10 and now have a srs gf, and I have always had regular secks (after my nerdy teens).
Just no high kill count and although it was totally my decision and I could have easily gone manwhoring and decided not to, I still feel jealous.

>> No.9769724

ah I feel it. That sentiment is pretty common. My close buddies with girlfriends all became a bit reserved and while they probably enjoy the regular sex I can always tell there is a bit of resentment/jealousy when I tell them about a girl I fucked.

Right now is probably the easiest time in the history of humanity to be a manwhore. So many sluts and the whole idea of sexual freedom among women make it the golden age for us men.

>> No.9769801

Yeah, I guess...
I found myself a non-whore somewhat early in life, and since they're so rare and I want children, I missed out on some fun with human trash women, so I'm slightly bitter.
I still know played my cards right, but you just can't have it all and the grass is always greener... Thanks for helping me understand why I feel this way

>> No.9769853

if you get married make sure to sign a prenup and if you feel the relationship is falling apart, having children will net magically mend the relationship. The joy of pregnancy will eventually fade and you don't want to be fucked with child support if the bitch decides shes bored and wants to fuck around and re live her twenties.

You probably already know this but I gotta throw it out there because a lot of young men get fucked this way. The courts are very biased against us in divorce/child custody cases.

>> No.9769948

I'm in Eastern Europe where courts don't hate men, and she's a high earner herself, so I got that part covered.

>> No.9769976

to this day i still don't fully understand why do turbonormies post on /biz/
intellectually, i do: the hallmark of normiedom is wanting to feel special, so you go here and tell yourself you're different
but intuitively, it just doesn't make sense. you could just as well join a normie-friendly biz place like that bettersomething community about real estate

>> No.9770031

I've been on this forsaken imageboard for more than a third of my life now, why should I leave because some r9kid think he owns the place ?

>> No.9770047

>All in on REQ and LINK
you're not going to make it

>> No.9770135
File: 34 KB, 480x480, 1502489022440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of being with a woman is an absolute fantasy at this point. I can't even imagine it anymore.

>> No.9770393


>> No.9770397

26 yrs old, 6'5, blue eyes financial analyst alpha chad here. Nice body count, me around 50

>> No.9771376

yeah, I disregarded women completely since my teenage years and I think that's the right way to live, yet still get that inferiority feeling in this kind of threads

>> No.9771557

>Lost virginity at 20, was a pimple faced MMO NEET.
>Got obsessive into combat sports in 20s and did quite well.
>Fucked 20ish women
>Had two long term relationships currently 4 years in with a girl who pays more rent than me (she earns more), built my computer (she is a qt nerd) and is into crypto enough to tell me how shit nano was while it was at ath.
>Earn 60k, job prospects not great because I've fucking hated every job I've ever had so i keep 'reskilling'.
>50k in crypto, complete life savings with goal of going back to NEET life playing MMOs (Camelot unchained fags) , training Jujitsu, smoking copious amounts of weed and reading fantasy books.

I consider myself the bridge between the chads and NEETs.

>> No.9772253

Triggered, but true.

>> No.9772510

>live at home
>no sex in 4 years
>only slept with 1 girl
>5/10 in terms of looks
>2/10 toxic personality
>15k networth

I could probably have sex if I went out more and bought my own place but I live in a major city in America and its dumb expensive.

>> No.9772534

Because they are too stupid to figure out the natural laws of the universe, such as the law of attraction, and use them. If you want to control the world you have to control yourself and yes love isn't enough. If I want incels dead it's because half of the men are already garbage so they really shouldn't reproduce in the first place and if you are a real fucking man you will know that.

>> No.9772605

Let's see

>close to having made $1.5M in sales (I make online courses)
>About to start grad school for computational physics
>6'2 190 lbs 10% bf (this is probably my only chad attribute)
>mildly receding hairline but minoxidil is keeping it at bay, seriously considering getting a hair transplant though
>mild gyno, considering getting surgery for that as well
>have slept with 14 women but no gf so far
>get hit on at least once whenever I go out drinking
>moderately attractive, I'd say a 7/10

Not a chad but not an incel either. I'm pretty happy.

>> No.9772790

Basically this. I did the same and spend my teens and early 20's studying and working and just kind of ignored women until I passed my PhD candidacy. I finally started going out with one of my students. She's not a turbo whore, but she's definitely had a couple. Most of the time things are good and we bang a lot and she'll cook/clean. Sometimes though we bang less, and I start to realize that she's already had her carefree romances and I'm just kind of a safe option, which makes me regret not being with more women. I dunno. I don't think this is going to last in the long run though since I don't think she wants kids.