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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 935 KB, 850x1120, Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 10.19.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9766608 No.9766608 [Reply] [Original]

Strap in boys!


>> No.9766630


>> No.9766670
File: 454 KB, 1078x516, sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure he means tomorrow night.

>> No.9766673

holy fuck its real

>> No.9766692

aaahhhh holy f-fuck yes yes yes i just went all in

>> No.9766704

>tfw mcafee pumps my bags

>> No.9766709
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1524171279505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one knows about chain link outside of biz

>> No.9766711

I don't think LINK would pump even if Satoshi himself came out and told everyone to buy it

>> No.9766714

the moment stinky linkies become the laughing stock of the entire cryptoverse

>> No.9766720


>> No.9766724
File: 61 KB, 537x615, 1507075194712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahahaha fuck yes it's real

>> No.9766751
File: 136 KB, 600x600, B9284424-B4BB-4424-A0F0-A01E425385D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goddammit another faggot made a shoop of something Link-related pretending go be noticed by someone significant
>check the link
>instant erection


>> No.9766753

I even got excited but it seems like he's running a meme contest, tehre's a shitton of memes with him on his page

>> No.9766758

Hahaha based mcafee

>> No.9766778

LINKtard desperation bordering on madness

>> No.9766786

>he would have 800k followers if he didn't know how to keep people interested.
mcafee has been shit posting longer than you've been shitting on the street, pajeet.

>> No.9766787

Wait until he looks into it. Linkies get ready to be richie's.

>> No.9766790

if dubs he starts shilling link tommorow

>> No.9766795

he just bough 100k

>> No.9766807

The point is that this is completely neutral for LINK
Not an endorsement.

>> No.9766810

It's a meme contest you dumb fucks.

McAfee only shills coins when he get paid to, hope that this will never ever actually happens to LINK because it would be the ultimate stigma of shame and this project would lose any kind of credibility.

>> No.9766814
File: 437 KB, 5186x2029, Cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast, i will not allow the pajeet trickery on my biz anymore.
Linkys on suicide watch
>52 btc volume
amongst the lowest on binanace for a few weeks now with absolute pajeet shitcoins that no one has heard about.
>Duhhhhhrrr volume doesn't mean anything

DAILYYYYY reminder this coin is shilled by pajeets selling a dream and hope of 1000x gains

>Pajeet buys snake oil $1 for 1ml
>Pajeet offers to sell at amazing price $20 for 1 ml
>Pajeet says $1000 EOY for 1 ml of snake oil
Literally no different than Link shills

Daily reminder
Biz said link would be $10 after SIBOS. Assblaster said $3 by May. The whale larper said $1000 EOY (all in the archives)

The only person who predicts correctly is the oldfag who always posts that black Amex saying it will keep falling until 0 (so far he is more accurate)

I refuse to let more of my biz brothers be pulled into the crab bucket. Do not waste your money on a pipe dream. You have better odds else where, play your cards right.

>52 btc volume

>> No.9766816

hes not looking into it. he takes 5 random memes emailed to him and posts them.

the absolute state of desperate stinkies

>> No.9766817

it's an endorsement, correct.

>> No.9766831

Who cares? His followers all see this

>> No.9766836

Fuck me that's so good

>> No.9766840
File: 1.30 MB, 742x853, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aaahhhh holy f-fuck yes yes yes i just went all in

Here's one on BTCP he just posted, why not go all on in that shitcoin too?


>> No.9766846

Among 1000s of others
He's been posting like 10 an hour
come on guys I'll hold my poorfag stack to the grave but I'm delusional to think this will bump the price

>> No.9766850

why not learn how to use the toilet?

>> No.9766860


>> No.9766878
File: 1.39 MB, 1074x659, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Strap in boys!


>> No.9766897

poor pajeet offers financial advice while shitting on a street.

>> No.9766923
File: 2.16 MB, 1338x815, Capture3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



All in on DGB! Strap in boys!


>> No.9766932

It's weird. in the beginning I was fudding Link to accumulate more. which I did ultimately when it was around 13 cent. I amassed 300K Link. I definately think I have enough to make it. the problem though is that I can't stop fudding my own investment where I am literally all-in with my life savings. I designed some of the most hated and posted memes regarding Chainlink. again... I am all-in with my live savings and I have no intention whatsoeva to shill this project. instead I went to insane lengths to meme fud whenever I can. sometimes I sit a whole day in front of the screen and I FUD FUD FUD FUD. I don't something is wrong with me. but since I have invested in Chainlink I feel verydifferent. my behavior makes absolutely no sense... yet I am 100% sure I have to FUD my own investment.

>> No.9766945


stop trying to fit in so hard, newfag

>> No.9766953

ok but where do we catch falling knife

>> No.9766974

nice just bought 100k

>> No.9767054

How do you send him a photo to post???

>> No.9767195

is this what they tell you on the shitting streets, pakeet??

>> No.9767257


no, it's just obvious you're a newfag. you probably lurked here for a short while, saw the words "pajeet" and "shit in street" come up often, and now you're using it in every post because you think it gives you some kind of credibility here

>> No.9767599

topkek at "pakeet", you have to go back

>> No.9767615

betcha know a lot about street cred, hmmm pajeet?

>> No.9767620
File: 332 KB, 736x1112, perfect union.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767626


>> No.9767633


with every post you are only furthering my point

>> No.9767640

you shit on a street pajeet, you have no point.

>> No.9767659

The guys right newfag. One pajeet post would have sufficed

>> No.9767676


>> No.9767706

pakeet brown knights have arrived to rescue their fellow street shitter. totes adorable!

>> No.9767749
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1501755550349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9767942

we need anything we can get at this point lol

>> No.9768520

you just described me. 50% of my investement is in LINK and I shitpost on biz to fud link in hope that I can buy more at cheap. What is wrong with me.

>> No.9768952

this is pasta, retard.

>> No.9769047

I mean, he actually followed sergey and steve and the price never budged

>> No.9769052

It's okay boys the Mcmadman has spammed like a dozen pictures recently, normies wont get onto it yet. We're still safe.

>> No.9769075

Last nail in the coffin for link.

>> No.9769083

mte desu

>> No.9769412


>> No.9769443

Mcafee post about Link, and the price drops.
Did Chainlink neutralize Mcafee magic effect forever?

>> No.9769454

its fucking real

>> No.9769468

Fagfag checking in
Just market bought 100
Will I make it

>> No.9769470
File: 556 KB, 741x527, 53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9769471

Mcafee tweeted Verge
Verge moon
Mcafee tweeted Link

>> No.9769515


I got freaked but it looks like he has been spamming this type of shit for the past week (? maybe longer IDK)

he also announced another presidential run.

This is nothing to worry about

>> No.9769536


>> No.9769571

>mcaffee tweets XVG

>mcaffee tweets LINK

>> No.9769757 [DELETED] 

Lmao i dont even own any link, i just wanted him to post it so i could see people talk about it on biz

>> No.9769821

the tweet that saved STINKY LINKIES
has sergay gotten a gym membership yet?
maybe at least some push-up and pull-up bars for his office
hell, he could benefit from just getting a bike and a $1.50 swim pass at the public pool.
fat disgusting fuck without any sense of style
LINK is dead. McAfeeshilling is really your last hope. you cucks went too far shilling link EVERY SINGLE DAY across multiple threads. i will laugh so hard when you lose it all. you're already down a lot by "holding".

>> No.9769876

Just bought 30k

thanks op

>> No.9769892

>Mcafee shilling your coin
>People think this is a good thing


>> No.9769899
File: 163 KB, 1536x2048, 1526455772038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a time to be half-dead !!

>> No.9769910

yea, its something about crypto meme war or some shit. Hes just posting all types of crypto memes.

>> No.9769911

He isn't shilling anything you illiterate fucktards. Literally only sharing memes people send him.

>> No.9769981

Had a very long discussion with the John after I sent him the meme last night. Told him all about the oracle problem and how chainlink is the solution to this problem. After an hour he had came round to see the truth, and that LINK is posed to reach $1000 end of year. He thanked me for opening his eyes, and offered me a gram of coke. I respectfully declined.
He then said he must alert the masses about LINK, but I said its best for now you just post the meme as a nod to the boys on /biz/ who have brought LINK to where it is today. He agreed that was the right thing to do. He has prepared a segment for LINK for his upcoming crypto currencies speech, and plans to talk about LINK a lot more, after he has delivered that talk. It is possible we may see him alongside Sergey at an upcoming conference.

Stay tuned...

>> No.9769994
File: 379 KB, 750x770, 1528159017523-biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9770007

delusion, the post

>> No.9770030

>Not an endorse
freindly reminder every token he touches goes to shit

>> No.9770039
File: 166 KB, 750x575, 1528110503392-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a screencap plz fren.

>> No.9770041

Wow, don't moon so hard

>> No.9770048
File: 314 KB, 1000x1271, 1515016752272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know this is pasta

>> No.9770068

John is a champion of privacy. We had this conversation over a decentralised, encrypted communications platform behind 7 proxies. All records of the communication were burned on completion. Not that I'd ever violate the NAP by exposing our conversation without consent of the second party.

>> No.9770101
File: 53 KB, 640x754, 1527814095395-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9770209

>the absolute state of linktards
How will stinkys recover from this?

>> No.9770439


>> No.9770443

You can thank me when we make it anons.

>> No.9770451
File: 167 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180606-114026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9770481


unironically a pretty good larp

>> No.9771211
File: 207 KB, 1280x1229, 1528045270706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

load the fud

>> No.9771377

Hagahhaaghgagaaaga I never thought I see this day

>> No.9772169


>> No.9772435

Whats his name again?