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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9748068 No.9748068 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make money, start a business or even wagecucking, but I'm such a beta that I'm afraid to even leave my own house. I was raised by my mother who is narcisstic and has other numerous mental problems, she abused me physically and mentally, and brought my self esteem to zero. What should I do now?

>> No.9748502
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just be yourself anon

>> No.9748527

For the learning so deep, get ready to start, hint, it's all true...

>> No.9748559

What did she do to you anon?

>> No.9748617

You could stop blaming your mom who birthed your ungrateful neet ass and likely sacrificed her own happiness for you many times, you are not gonna make it blaming other people especially your own mother

>> No.9748619

she beat me until I was able to defend myself, and by mental abuse I mean she would always make me feel embarassed in public and in front of further family, threaten to stab me when I got anything less than an A and so on

>> No.9748629

get a mcjob and expose yourself to the worst society has to offer to increase your social skills

>> No.9748677

force yourself to be social. it obviously wont be comfortable but it will pale in comparison to the abuse that you sustained. you aren't dead, but right now you are living, either.

>> No.9748688


>> No.9748743

Unironically go see a therapist

>> No.9748762

Get out of your comfort zone, understand that life isnt that serious and see it as a playground, value yourself more than anyone because no one will do it for you. you are more important than anyone else, stop chasing people validation. Do anything and everything you wan't and don't give a shit about what anyone else think. I know its easier said than done, it takes time. Start having self respect, taking care of yourself, and go out of your comfort zone as much as you can. Whenever you think about doing something that would seem embarassing just do it. Literally nothing will happen. You won't die out of embarassement and no one will give a shit 1 min later. Force yourself out of your comfort zone and start taking care of yourself. What you eat, sleep shedule etc. good luck anon, I used to have a very low self esteem and I was in the same situation as you, my mom abused me while I was young and I went through heavy depression, started taking drugs and such. Don't smoke weed aswell or take any drugs if you are doing so. Cigarettes is fine.

>> No.9748812

It'll make him worse. Therapists label problems and justify them instead of helping overcome them.

>> No.9748834

this. OP just relax dude. Try slowly improving and stop caring

its all good, man

>> No.9748923

Is /biz/ becoming neo r9k? Fucking frogposting NEETs and undesirables shilling their bullshit cuck logic and shitcoins?
If you are so afraid to leave the house then maybe you should put a bag over your head and go see a doctor and get a prescription for some fucking Xanax or something to deal with that anxiety
Saw a 300lb man with no ankles filling up his car with gas, he walked into s busy gas station and bought a pack of malboros and some gum
Nobody gave a fuck about him when he came in or when he left, people have shit to do and continued to go on with their lives
Stop letting that voice inside your head make you think people give a fuck about who you are or what you are doing because they don't

>> No.9748999

my mother has been stuffing herself with heaps of xanax since before I was born, that is supposed to be something good?

>> No.9749061


I was unironically in the same situation as you. Don't listen to the others in this thread, I bet you have crippling anxiety and panic attacks that make you unable to "force" yourself to just do it. I was the same.

Here is what you need to do. Buy tianeptine online. It's the best treatment for panic attacks, social anxiety, agoraphobia, all this shit you suffer from. It's nothing like the shit the psychiatrist will give you. This actually lowers your serotonin instead of increasing it. It doesn't turn you into a brain-damaged robot, if anything it improves you condition and some people even refer to it as an empathogen. It starts working very quickly, you should be able to feel it on the first dose and the anxiety lowering effects just get better. It's best to get it in pill form, I only know the dosages in pill form, powder might be a bit different. standard dose was 3 pills a day 12.5mg x3. I felt the best when I took 25mg x2, once in the morning and once 12 hours later. After you have fixed your life you will be able to go off this and your brain will have been trained to not be afraid of normal situations anymore.

>> No.9749076



After you get on this shit your anxiety will go away and unless you have other health problems this will help you enough to be able to get a job, this is when you have to force yourself to put yourself out there. Not before, if you do it before you will just have more losses and failures and it will fuck up your psyche even more. After you get a job you will be able move out and pay for yourself. Alternatively, if you cant get a job, sign up for study for someplace that also lets you move to there. Cut all contact with your mother. Maybe you can repair that relationship sometime in the future but you're not in a position to do that right now, you don't need the extra stress of seeing her and hearing her and having her put you down at every step of the road so just let her go, forever, or maybe just for now depending on how you feel about it later.

If you try this, and please do you will be so happy you did later on, and it worked out for you, please send me a little something my way for guiding you in the right direction:

BCH: 14wfvjqjTcALnRRsE7TgzxVzqcsFvajy33

If you want more help write down your kik or email or something here and I'll do my best. I was in the same situation as you, I know how awful it is.

>> No.9749098

It's supposed to cut down on your anxiety when used in controlled doses but your mother sounds like a drug addict
You don't need therapy you need HELP because a fear of leaving the house sounds like schizophrenia

>> No.9749129

its called agoraphobia

>> No.9749225

she often goes to psychiatrist and gets it prescribed, she has a fuckton of different drugs she takes, she once took me to psychiatrist too, I overheard that doctor saying to my mother that "your kid is hopeless", that was when I was like 11, now I'm 23
I will look into it, now the situation got kind of worse because my mother told me that she has big debt she accumulated over the years and if I don't get a job soon we will get kicked out

>> No.9749267

You can't. That kind of thing stays for your whole life. You're gonna get depressed and addicted to drugs.

>> No.9749292

I'm already depressed for a good decade, I thought that was a given, no drugs though, it's hard to get drugs when you have no income

>> No.9749391

Get tianeptine you will not regret it. Just stick to the dose, no more than 50mg per day (pill form)

>> No.9749402

Relying on something else but yourself to get out of a negative mental state is fucking retarded

>> No.9749429

>having no idea how therapy works

>> No.9749434

I know how you feel. Listen to the others and do drugs, preferably magic mushrooms.

>> No.9749459

This shit sucks but you gotta just not give a fuck and build yourself up, the whole “I can’t” mentally has fucked us. If you reallly go full SORTED™ you will be glad you had these struggles and will be more appreciative of living what most people would consider a standard happy life.
How old are you?
What is your current financial situation?

>> No.9749467

just go tanning

>> No.9749502

Cutting contact with mother in your situation is vital, and don’t try anything smart no gay ass notes or one last fuck you just drop and DO NOT look back.

>> No.9749567

Youre a fucking retard who hasnt dealt with mental illness. Youre basically telling him not have reflexes as you hit him in a knee with a hammer. The point of tianeptine is to remove that anxiety, go out into real life, and retrain your subconcious brain to not think that being outside or being around people is as dangerous as a wild tiger. Tianeptine is especially good for increasing neuroplasticity as well. After youve done it for a long enough time you can stop the treatment because the dyfunctional anxity panic reflex response has been retrained and normallzed

>> No.9749570

Just do whatever you gotta do to get away from your mom. Join the army maybe.

>> No.9749595

If op mom was really beating him and shit then I think his mental condition would surpass a “negative state”

>> No.9749600

This, and do it as undramatically as possible, OPs mom sounds like someone that would feed off of drama and would want to make it as long drawn out and painful as possible

>> No.9749784

This some deep shit but I can't descifer

>> No.9749819

or you could be me and get wickedly addicted to the stuff

>> No.9749997

Addicted to what

>> No.9750267

First step: stop wasting your time on 4chan.
Second step: study, read books.

>> No.9750304

Do a job where you work alone-security guard or some shit and work your way out from there. Don’t try to find a situation where you don’t have to ever leave. Even if you can survive staying in the house make yourself get out.

>> No.9750391
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hey anon, that sounds interesting thanks. does it affect libido/erections? I once took SSRIs and they fucked my sexuality, now its back to normal. I dont want that shit again. I can deal with it all, diarrhea I dont care, but ED? Id rather kms

>> No.9750466

My mom fucked up my brain too so I feel for you, I hope things go better for you than they go for me. I seem to fall into a state of depression every time I try at something and I sabotage all attempts because of fear of failure and general lack of self-confidence.

This is a trap i cannot find the exit for, but I keep searching. You're not alone, OP, we'll figure things out one day.

One thing I do recommend is that you move as far away from your family as possible so that you start building some character. Right now one of your problems is that your personality is nonexistent since you were trained to please other people and disregard your own needs. Putting yourself in a position in which there is no one to serve but yourself helps a lot.

>> No.9750630
File: 212 KB, 1458x974, 2018-01-18 05_12_45-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom fucked up my brain too... I can confirm that moving away helps a lot - you dont constantly encounter places that remind you of bad memories, you can start anew. BUT it can happen easily that you miss the entry to the new city and end up totally isolated and lonely, so you need to have a plan. have a plan on what youre gonna do, how to meet people etc. you can do it frens

>> No.9750698

No I'm pretty familiar with insurance scams.

>> No.9751270


You are a total and utter faggot

>> No.9751643
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kill yourself, and when you wake up, rage.