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File: 23 KB, 662x967, xuo3mdl2gdsz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9747255 No.9747255 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw portfolio 4x'd, but 4,5 inch dick still 4,5 inch

>> No.9747270

You can get surgery for that shit.

>> No.9747278

dick size is determined by estrogen and testosterone balance in the mothers womb.

Find a roastie with high test, and your son will have 8+ one.

>> No.9747322
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>> No.9747346

game of life, get better roastie, have better children

also twins have different finger prints, again because of the mothers womb

>> No.9747347

Buy a dick stretcher with your gains. Bathmate can give you girth but not necessarily length.

>> No.9747446

Does that really work

>> No.9747447

I have the same size and I prematurely ejaculate. It could be worse OP

>> No.9747491

I heard HGH and roids can make your dick grow, but you'd be trading a slightly longer dong for bitch tits, baldness, and heart problems.

>> No.9747512

Listen up children
to gain length you need to strech the ligament, you do that when soft, and with a stretching thing, for girth you need to pump the vessels so the pump will work, all that has to be done slowly and consistently over time.
because of small size you at once stimulate too many nerves, witch triggers a response if you where huge you stimulate fewer nerves endings at a time. Easy fix is to add a cock ring on the base of your penis, maybe even a big one, that way you stimulate directly less and you might even get to the point of full control. Practice with cock ring and rubber vagina.

>> No.9747523

Damn how do you live
That sounds horrible

>> No.9747525

HGH will make everything better, the only side effect is cancer.
It will actually regrow your hair.
If you have a way to offset cancer, as it promotes super growth you will live foreever and be youthful.

>> No.9747541

Thanks anon, appreciated

>> No.9747550

I wish mine was 4.5... only 3.5 here
you don't understand how it is to have penis that small, you don't have sex or woman at all, because it's too shameful to admit that you essentially don't have a legit cock

>> No.9747576

So basicly cancer for a bigger dick.

>> No.9747596

> because of small size
> if you were huge

Yup, gonna kms now

But thanks for info. I actually thought about buying a fleshlight to practice holding it in.

It’s hard to want to try. Why try when you know deep down a woman will never truly be sexually satisfied with you, especially knowing that she has had more fulfilling partners than me. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had sex with a handful and had a long term relationship, but last year I succumbed to fucking hookers because there is no pressure.

The only time I lasted decently and felt like a decent man was when I was banging this Thai chick I met (non hooker lol). Because she was foreign, I didn’t feel there was this stigma and I felt I could compare or be better than her Thai counterparts. Any time I banged American girls I knew they had better cock than me.

Sigh. No wonder so many men go MGTOW or whatever. They have to cope with the new hyper sexualized era and if you fail to perform, you can get divorce raped.

Crypto is my last hope bros.

>> No.9747601
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>tie a rope around your penis
>tie the other end of the rope to a heavy rock
>throw the heavy rock through a cliff
>now you have a huge penis

>> No.9747604

if you have sex with sexually mature individual, it will be ok. Most women are immature children. So yes it is not cool.

If you make it your goal and you are consistent, you can build up your dick.

However, the most optimal way to do it , is to just make sure you have a decent roastie so your kinds are better off. So it makes sense to invest that time in making money. However if you have the time, just work out your dick.

>> No.9747606
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>tfw 6 inch dick but my ex told everyone I have a micropenis and everyone I know calls me microdick rick now

>> No.9747611

your dick seems very stable, can I somehow use it as a store of value?

>> No.9747621

>tfw 7x 4.5

>> No.9747645


It’s not easy. I struggle to find meaning in life elsewhere. I mean I’ve had partners and it seemingly was ok. Maybe it is all in my head and I’m putting more pressure than I need to be.

But growing up in CA, I’ve felt pretty inferior knowing I could never please a woman.

This anon has it right. It’s shame.

At 29 I’m trying to find meaning elsewhere. I still might have relationships and have sex, but I guess it is coming to terms that my SO won’t fully appreciate my sexual side, and will have to compromise elsewhere on what I bring to the table. I guess that’s the way it is. The chips fall where they may.

How long do you last?

>> No.9747649

Im 6 inches x 6 inches but i premature ejaculate.

My last hope is the priliy pills, if they dont work im going an hero.

>> No.9747651

this will work, buuuuuut, you can't tie it. That is the trick in the stretcher devices, you tie it without breaking something.
Sex is just dopamine.

>> No.9747661

let me guess: You are 200lbs overweight and don't lift either.

>> No.9747663

dumb ass, get a cock ring, fuck with only half you dick, practice, you will punch a hole in hoe

>> No.9747668

Them feels...

>> No.9747697

stop masturbating, its fucking up with your brain function.

>> No.9747703

I’m 4.5 but if really turned on by porn I’m 5.5ish but yeah those premature ejac feels are the worst.

I’m pretty much banking on making money through crypto so I can find meaning in life and find happiness. If I can find a woman who I trust won’t leave me because of my shitty sex then so be it. But it’s been troubling finding one I can be comfortable about it with.

Hope we all make it small dick/PE bros

>> No.9747717

Sry not to hijack thread

I’ve tried that but I still can’t last longer than 1-2 min.

The second I put my dick in, I have to cum. If it’s raw forget it

>> No.9747758

I tend to come very fast when I go in raw aswell.
Thing is I can get hard again and then fuck longer.
I do this like 3 or 4 times while having sex and each time I last longer.
I just take like 5min break everytime I cum to get hard again.
Just don't be insecure about it, aslong as you can get hard after cuming its fine

>> No.9747788

Well there are more things than just the cock in sex luckily, but still when it comes to penetration it just feels like a disappointment. I can last for quite a while tho but at some point it just feels pointless to continue.
Just whip it out and show it
On the contrary, Im really fit for a 24 yo guy. Work out, run, eat healty. Hoped that it would somehow improve things but it has not changed a thing.

>> No.9747810
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Just settle for a girl who's 5ft or find some asian tight sloot.

They literally won't know the difference.

I'm only 5 fucking inches and I've never had a problem pleasing women

>> No.9747919

You need to have consistent sex first, which is imposible because girls don't want a guy that cums in seconds. kys

People that don't have real premature ejaculation will be ignored from now on.

Try stretching and jelqing I guess

As far as PE goes, the only way is modifying our chemical balance, so we need drugs. Priligy is my hope, I have heard great things.

I tried cialis, it makes me harder easier which is great for escorts but I still cum fast, also gives me a fucking headache. I'll try viagra, but PE wise, Priligy sounds good, if that doesn't work then it's over. Nothing will.

Unless I become insanely rich and I can visit a escort daily I can't have sex daily for proper pratice.

1 BTC will be worth millions in a decade or so so keep holding.

>> No.9748085

Have you tried getting a fleshlight and practicing? That might be the next course. I’ve fucked regular girls, then fucked hookers last year to cope.

But thinking about trying this to give it another shot to fix it. Probably not good to just fuck hookers as a coping mechanism.

Never heard of that drug but I’ll look into it.

>> No.9748239
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>TFW 8" Cock and every single girl I sleep with feels the urge to tell me how big it is.

>> No.9748313

Also have a 4"-4.5" dick. Also short, around 5'7". Pretty much been depressed my entire life about it, I always knew something was wrong with me. Not even sure how much getting super fit would help me. I've had sex (one girl- asian girl, she was tight as far as I could tell and also a virgin), but I just feel like I'll never be happy, I'll never feel powerful because of how hypersexualized and porn standard our society has become.

>> No.9748485

You must have a ton of insecurities if you come on an online anon forum to brag
Lol if you ignore it it literally doesn’t exist. Not joking

>> No.9748569

Not really. Someone made a thread about dick size so I responded. Its a confidence booster knowing its not an issue, but TBQH having a big dick is over rated. A lot of girls can't even take it and whine about being sore. Its one thing to feel insecure about having too small of a dick, just imagine not being able to have sex with chicks cause it hurts them. Grass is always greener biz bro.

>> No.9748596


Not really wishing that we had a big dick (at least for me), just that we were average.

>> No.9748612

i have an 8 in dick can i make money with it? also have a nice body

>> No.9748615
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>tfw 7 inch dick but only had sex once 4 years ago with an asian virgin and she was crying afterwards
Haha, b-big dicks s-sure are nice

>> No.9748655

Rather than feeling insecure focus on learning to please a woman. Most women can't even get off from vaginal penetration anyway, so size is typically irrelevant. Learn how to be a good lover and please them and the size of your dick doesn't matter.

Only if you want to fuck dudes or old rich ladies. And that still isn't a gurantee. Fuck bois are a dime a dozen.

>> No.9748683

just keep your pubic region shaven. shave at least once a week.

unkempt pubic hair makes your penis look smaller than it actually is

my dick is also on the small side (5.5 inches) and i routinely get compliments from girls on how nice/large it is

seriously, no jokes. just focus on being a good partner in sex and have fun with it. that's all people really want anyways

>> No.9748687

Mine is 8 inches as well and it sucks sometimes. It takes a long ass time to finish and I’m a sedentary motherfucker so I’m always sweaty as a bitch afterwards. It’s hard to stay stimulated because the nerve endings are quite far apart

Oh and various issues arise. Having to do like 30 mins of foreplay in order to be able to fuck the girl because if not it literally will not go in. Hitting the cervix. Not fitting in their mouth. Etcetc

>> No.9748711

The smaller your dick the longer you will keep your hair

>> No.9748735

Same problem, but i think it is just lack of practice.

>> No.9748736

uhh 5.5 is actually exactly average

>> No.9749265

I always wondered if girls only feel a hard log of shit scraping into their flesh hole rather than a tingly warm sensation at every thrust. Now I know.