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972594 No.972594 [Reply] [Original]

Canadians report in, how do we make a living in this country? The economy has completely collapsed, there's very little employment opportunities, taxes are high as fuck, government regulations make entrepreneurship near impossible. Our economy has been reduced to scamming foreigners for tuition money and selling overpriced shit quality houses, the only stable employment is working for the government. Is the only option escaping to America or the UK?

>> No.972597
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Pretty much breh.

Trying my best to get my tight lil ass into Queen's so I can get a degree that is actually valued in the rest of the world and moving away.

Fuck Canada, this country is shit and so is its government, taxes, people and everything in it.

Le refugees is coming too, le gudbye C(u)ckanada

>> No.972637


>> No.972640

I work in Alberta in a field that resells US made products. my line of work relies on easy credit and a strong CAD. So I don't know either dude.

>> No.972658

I am a male escort in Toronto
I make good cash money about $2500 per week

>> No.972661

Gay escort?

Was considering this but only as a top or getting sucked off tbqh.

>> No.972664

try asking on r9k

>> No.972679

suck a lot of american dicks

>> No.972689

I have plenty of friends at Queen's, commerce?

>> No.972694

Yes but I'm not there yet, working on it family

I'll probably just go to some easy ass school where I can graduate debt-free tho since all likelyhood Queen's isn't looking too good for me rn

>> No.972762
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18 year old freshman here. I make $15/h living in New Brunswick. Blessed.

>> No.972780

>living in New Brunswick

Oh you poor dear. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy

>> No.972797

>tfw I'll be hustling these donuts all day today

That candy cane looks like shit btw

>> No.972802

senpai tim horton's quality hella went down

Shit really isn't that good anymore and the price is went way the fuck up

Fuck Canada

>> No.972803

Fuck, lads... This one hits home.

I'm in law school at UBC and wondering what the fuck is going on in Canada. The regulations strangling entrepreneurship are really unfortunate. This country has potential but we're getting wrecked.

>> No.972804

B.C here, making $14.5/hour on avg
Thinking of self-taught programming or becoming an electrician.

>> No.972807

>This country has potential but we're getting wrecked

This country is a shithole. FUCK Canada

>> No.973128

I want out but no where else looks very appealing, either.

I'm thinking online business is safest well the CAD is low for max conversion profit. However, shipping from Canada costs out the ass so even that feels less viable.

>live in Saskatchewan
>one of shittiest provinces
>feels bad

>> No.973177


Why do you fags live in such shit places? How did you even get there in the first place

>> No.973180

Yup I'm here for Petroleum masters, probably gonna leave again asap. I like Canadians but your govt seems to just take the worst decisions

>> No.973226

Born here, family lives here. My entire father's side of the family is big into agricultural business and they make some hard cash from it. I don't really see any of that money, though, so it's not like I'm sitting on a fat inheritance or trust fund.

Though everyone in my family seems to 'wish they hadn't settled down in Saskatchewan' it's not worth moving for them, not just for business reasons but for being so close to family.

>tfw you just want out to become successful elsewhere
I'll visit, but this province in and of itself is hopeless. We even have a shortage of doctors because we have so little to offer compared to other provinces.

>> No.973228

What do you people even do in Saskatchewan? Do you have reliable internet? Is there many stores? Is it pretty much a desolate wasteland?

>> No.973240

Most people drink or do drugs. I live in one of the bigger cities but that isn't saying much. Everyone I've met who comes from Regina is a degenerate, no exceptions so far. Fair warning to any Canadians here.

There is reliable internet, stores, etc. It's not so different, though lots of small towns scattered around. There is very little to do in terms of entertainment/big stores opening up, though, because
1) our economy sucks so we're stingy with dollerydoos
2) not a high enough population in any given place to have adequate amount of customers, for the most part

Everyone who does something with themselves leaves. Cabelas (sports/hunting store) is pretty popular.

People here are kind of like hicks in my honest opinion. Not super progressive

>> No.973269

Sounds terrible.

And I thought Ontario was a shithole.

>> No.973338

Don't get me wrong, Ontario is shit (though I've only stayed there for a year before). But compared to Saskatchewan, it's mostly golden. You guys have a lot of weirdos though, I'd think the crack was in the water supply or some shit.

>> No.973353

Economics major in gta reporting in

No ways to get rich in Canada, we get raped with capital gains tax

>> No.973404

>No ways to get rich in Canada, we get raped with capital gains tax

Yeah kind of fucking sucks.

Especially not that TFSA is reduced back down to $5.5k yearly contrib.

What uni you at senpai?

Idk man Canada itself is so shit. I mean it's safe and pretty high standard of living but everyone and everything is so retarded... The people are dumb as fuck and all unsuccessful, etc.

Like Canada is absolute garbage in terms of entertainment, sports(olympics i don't even want to touch on, W E S U C K), technology sector, every sector really.

It just seems like a place you stay at to get an education and maybe some experience then leave with no looking back.

>> No.973440

bump baka

>> No.973453

>Work for Canada post.
>Have stable guaranteed income.
>Everyone think's I'm fucking insane for wanting the Tories in govt. and begging people not vote NDP or Lib.
>They ignore that I lived through an NDP government and know whats coming.
>NDP fuck up the royalty review for oil.
>Then they fuck up and hike business taxes.
>Then they fucked up the budget.
>Then they fuck up even further and want to bring in a carbon tax that will hit households for $400/yr.
>Then they fucked up and decided it would be smart to introduce WCB for farm workers even though they don't need it.
>Next up is muh $15/h wage.

I warned everyone, and Trudeau is one shade over from the NDP. This plane is crashing, with no survivors.

>> No.973458

smdh senpai.

Where to move to bruh

Where is the promised land for C(an)ucks?

>> No.973461

Alberta still needs doctors.
Thats pretty much it. Next couple of years here are going to be filled with a LOT of foreclosures. Homes in Ft. Mac have already dropped 100k in a year.

>> No.973466

Foreclosures in Ontario? I don't believe it pham.

House prices are fucking exuberant, anything in Toronto is minimum $1million. Everywhere slightly less.

>> No.973467

I want to move to Canada but the choice of profession i have gone with (Government Funded Public Tard Wranger Aka police officer) is not a legitimate for immigration there.

What kind of other avenues do i have for immigration? I live in the UK currently.

>> No.973471

>What kind of other avenues do i have for immigration? I live in the UK currently

You don't want to come to Canada.

The UK is infinitely better than our shithole. Tons of people who came from the UK said you don't make jack fucking shit here, salaries are higher in the UK.

>> No.973472

ITT: Poorfags who live in buttfuck nowhere looking for someone else to blame for their lack of success.

>> No.973476

Not blaming anyone, phamily.

Just tired of our feminists, SJWs, fuck-high taxes, shit healthcare, terrible infrastructure, low salaries, lack of jobs because no one wants to start companies here and every industry is more or less dead, shit everything really.

I can't think of anything good about Canada besides (a few) somewhat decent universities, overall pretty safe and ... Well that's it.

>> No.973480

Well im a police officer here and i looked at the basic salaries of a Ottwa officer and they are almost 45k British pound convertedcompared to my basic which is like 31k with London allowance included pre-tax

>> No.973481

Hmm maybe for some jobs, but it'd be hard to get in.

Immigrating to another country as a professional is a fuck ton of work, ridiculous amounts of paperwork, money etc for about 3 years.

>> No.973485

With the unrest in Ukraine im thinking about pretending im a refugee from the region, seems to be easier then any of the other bullshit that i'd need to fufil.

>> No.973488

>With the unrest in Ukraine im thinking about pretending im a refugee from the region

Yeah fucking right.

We haven't taken a single refugee from Ukraine into Canada. In fact I heard 0 talk about it whatsoever. I was actually thinking about this earlier.

But now refugees from Syria? SIGN US UP BRO. Such a fucking joke our retarded government was dead-set on taking into 25k syrian refugees in a little over a month but now decided to just take 10k and take the rest later. Even though there's been huge commotion over how it's hard to screen them in such little time.

Maybe if you pretended to be a Syrian refugee... Who was gay. Yeah our government only wishes to take Syrian women and child now... And gay men. Now sure how they'll check if you're gay though, I think the officials might bent over to let the refugees fuck them in the ass for proof of homosexuality.

Fuck this shit country i fucking hate Canada

>> No.973490

Uh, no, Alberta and sask, the provinces that have been giving the country positive figures for years.

You better believe BC and Ontario are going to tank eventually though.

>> No.973493

>Alberta and sask, the provinces that have been giving the country positive figures for years.

Only because of the jobs and population size tho.

Saskatchewan has less than 1/13th of Ontario's population.

>> No.973592


>> No.973607

Where else would you rather live you kek?
-US has a shittier economy, shittier health care overall
-Most of Europe is taking in more refugees
-Scandinavian countries are the kind of socialist shit you're against
-Middle East/Asia are shit central

You're probably just a useless unemployable NEET DESU, please leave this country, we don't want you.

>> No.973609

Wanted to move to Canada from London... now I'm not too sure anymore

>> No.973615

How do I become a cop in canada?

>> No.973618

And to think, three years ago I thought canada looked pretty comfy compared to Michigan.

>> No.973623
File: 66 KB, 750x751, pipe-fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-US has a shittier economy, shittier health care overall

What? All the good companies are in the US, they have MUCH higher salaries as well as plenty more jobs.
Their healthcare actually treats you more or less immediately rather than in Canada where you wait for 8 hours in the emergency room or 5+ months for an MRI or a specialist.

>-Most of Europe is taking in more refugees
>-Scandinavian countries are the kind of socialist shit you're against
Wasn't talking about them
>-Middle East/Asia are shit central
Yes agreed

>You're probably just a useless unemployable NEET DESU, please leave this country, we don't want you

You're the one that's probably a NEET. If you think our economy isn't completely fucked.

Tell me one industry in Canada that isn't completely fucked. Everything is crumbling, there's no jobs because no one wants to start a company here and WE PRODUCE NOTHING. Nothing at all, all the good jobs are overseas, which is where most of our student head for co-op, and grads head for fulltime employment.

DID YOU KNOW how many Canadians leave Canada?

Here's something for ya.
>As of a 2010 report by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, there were 2.8 million Canadian citizens abroad (plus an unknown number of former citizens and descendents of citizens). For comparison, that is a larger population than six of the ten Canadian provinces. More than 9% of all Canadian citizens live outside of Canada. That compares to 1.7% of Americans, 2.6% of Chinese citizens, 3.3% of French citizens, 4.3% of Australians, 9% of British citizens, and 21.9% of New Zealanders.[1]

More than 4x as many Canadian citizens live outside of Canada. Gee I wonder why. It can't be... BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING SHITHOLE FAGGOT COUNTRY

>> No.973669

bump desu

>> No.973677

Currently studying a bachelor of commerce and coming to the realization how much of a shit hole is compared to the rest of the world (European perspective)

Question : How can I milk my dual citizenship. I have a European (Netherlands) and Canadian citizenship. I thought maybe I could leverage it.

Concentrating in information systems in Carleton (2nd year)

>> No.973685


>Question : How can I milk my dual citizenship. I have a European (Netherlands) and Canadian citizenship. I thought maybe I could leverage it.

Dutch citizenship, which means EU m8. I don't know the specific laws, but I'm pretty sure you can go wherever you like in the EU and work.

>> No.973690

>Currently studying a bachelor of commerce

Damn bruh was going to do this tbqh

>> No.973697
File: 185 KB, 595x335, boeing-factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toronto fag here

I was making 18.25/hr operating forklift/reachtruck at a big distribution centre. Worked up to 60 hours a week so I got a fuck ton of overtime.

I've gone back to school to learn machining/ tool & die. My buddy makes 80k a year just operating a CnC machine in the Toronto area.

My tool & die professor came back from Mexico. He says Canadian aerospace, and auto companies are sending Canadian machinists, mill wrights, tool and die guys down to Mexico, and they're all just banking money.

My professor was doing some sort of laser lining with a Canadian aerospace manufacturer in Mexico, and he was getting over $80 bucks an hour, and was allowed to work up to 80 hours a week.

It's the new oil sands for Canadians.

You've got to complete your apprenticeship first, and get your "journeyman" ticket. Otherwise companies won't consider you for these jobs.

Honestly, if you live in the Greater Toronto area, just get a forklift job right after highschool, and do that until you figure out what you want to do with your life.

>> No.973704


You're all a bunch of whiny bitches. Life here is good.

>> No.973730


You post on /r9k/, you most likely are a NEET or got lucky enough to get a cozy job

>> No.973744

i work delivering pizza and sell weed on the side, lyfe is gud.

>> No.973750

Wrong to both friend ;)

>> No.973753

Ok then tell me how is he life here good?

Healthcare is shit. Taxes are beyond ridiculous, half of the population of the relevant cities(Vancouver and Toronto) is Chinese or Indian. Economy sucks, no jobs. We elected a weed smoking man.

What positives are there to this Godawful country?

>> No.973757

Please shut up.

You smoke weed, and jack off to kek porn in your mom's basement.

What the fuck are you doing to improve your situation?

>> No.973760

You exaggerate everyhing. Sure the oil sands have slowed down but I dont see people in the burbs sucking dicks to surive. Wah wah you cant get ANOTHER 60 inch flatscreen for Christmas this year.

I live in Vancouver, live 2 blocks from English bay with a kickass view of the mountains and ocean and have a kickass euro girlfriend who cooks me breakfast on our days off.

and really "HALF" of the pop is Chinese or Indian? Fuck off. THere are a lot of ching chongs here but its still mostly white. Surrey and the outlying areas do have loads of brown people though.

>> No.973763

>also healthcare is shit
I'm not a fucking fatass and the only time I've ever been in a hospital when I was born. Any time I need to see a doctor I can get in within a few days and I'm on my way.

>> No.973767
File: 205 KB, 1734x655, of course immigration isnt a problem xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and really "HALF" of the pop is Chinese or Indian?

It certainly feels like it at least in Ontario.

Pretty high in Vancouver tho, and it's not slowing down any time soon. Pic related.
Also Chinese investors keep buying up homes which doesn't allow ACTUAL Canadians living in this country to afford to buy a home.

>You smoke weed, and jack off to kek porn in your mom's basement.
But I don't do either of those.

>What the fuck are you doing to improve your situation?
What am I suppose to be doing? Lynching shitskins?
I can't change our retarded prime minister, our sky-high taxes or our terrible economy which our government put all our chips into oil for a decade.

>> No.973769

>I'm not a fucking fatass and the only time I've ever been in a hospital when I was born. Any time I need to see a doctor I can get in within a few days and I'm on my way

So if I get injured I'm just suppose to bleed to death in the emergency room of a supposedly first world country?

And appointments for specialists are usually AT LEAST 3 months, there has been reputable studies done showing that the wait times in Canada to see a specialist has often times either put the patient at significant risk of worsening their condition, or actually worsening it and requiring further treatment.

WHAT THE FUCK am I paying such high taxes for when I don't even get to use the healthcare?

>> No.973770

So you're doing nothing. That's what I thought.

>> No.973771

>So you're doing nothing. That's what I thought.

Give me a suggestion.

What can I do to change our shitty government, our retarded policies and fix the economy? I'll do it right now if you tell me how. There is nothing to do.

People will vote for a fucking curly haired faggot because "he's cute" and he promised to legalize marijuana.

But wait we're getting refugees by 2016, this should really help us when we need to sustain a couple 10 thousand of people

>> No.973774


youre paying taxes to help more pakis and chinks bring their elderly parents to Canada so they can become citizens and start getting those sweet sweet benefits while commiting insurance fraud and lounging all day. not to mention they breed like rabbits = more child care cheques = more money to bring their friends intot he country too.
mmm god bless canada I mean New India/China.

>> No.973776

>mmm god bless canada I mean New India/China.

Pretty much. I like how some of these shitskins even started gangs in Toronto/Vancouver.

Great!! Let's bring more over :))

>> No.973790

Oh look dumb ass faggots don't have anything to say because they were proven wrong

>> No.973836

I finished University and moved to Korea to teach. The job market looks dreadful back in Canada, I miss home but I have no idea what I would do for work in smalltown Ontario.

>> No.973841

Canada is a fucking shithole with no jobs and a leweedman president.

>> No.973892
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>> No.973918

Be a minority or woman

>> No.973944
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>> No.973994


It could be worse

You could live in New Zealand which is where I am stuck

>> No.973996

>You could live in New Zealand which is where I am stuck

Eh it looks pretty cool in New Zealand from the videos I've seen at least.

Don't you guys have that Hobbit place and some cool nature areas?

>> No.973999

nord esat yurop reporting
you guys are a joke
almost everyone in my country says the same shit as op about his own country
and some other countries (canada included) is seen as god-tier countries
you whiners and losers are the same everywhere

>> No.974006

>almost everyone in my country says the same shit as op about his own country
>and some other countries (canada included) is seen as god-tier countries

Yes Canada is great compared to third world countries, but among 1st world countries Canada has got to be the worst.

>> No.974063


Did you notice the statistics in the post I replied to regarding kiwis who don't live in NZ?

>> No.974066

Yes that was my own post.

I mean it makes sense tho, since obviously limited opportunities in New Zealand and could get boring but for a change of pace it looks nice. I'd visit if it wasn't so far...

>> No.974080


It is a boring country to live in but a beautiful place to visit

Definitely visit here when you get the chance

>> No.974444

Is it possible to teach English there with a three year Technology diploma?

>> No.974473

I knew faggots like you would pop up blaming this guy for your shitty lives when he's been prime minister for 3 weeks. Why not take responsibility for how useless you are? Please leave Canada, we don't want you anymore.

>> No.974547

>Canadian citizens

Passports don't tell the whole story, there are something like 300,000 "Canadians" in Hong Kong alone.

>> No.974551
File: 152 KB, 800x527, trudeau sitting like a cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. People leave this shit country enmasse. Especially immigrants who's parents brought them here then they grew up to find out it isn't all that good afterall.

>I knew faggots like you would pop up blaming this guy for your shitty lives when he's been prime minister for 3 weeks. Why not take responsibility for how useless you are?

Because in these very short few weeks he has proven to be grossly incompetent and an absolute moron.

"Working hard" to bring over as many refugees as possible?
Gender balanced cabinet over an actually efficient one?
Acting like an utter retard at every public event? - Taking selfies with girls lmao, great strong leader!

>> No.974553
File: 44 KB, 620x400, trudeau in his natural habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolerant, strong leader

>> No.974554
File: 1.81 MB, 1280x720, trudeau punching like a faggot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trudeau punching like a girl and then getting dropped from a light punch


>> No.974555
File: 339 KB, 615x571, trudeau facebook blazing kush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justin "just legalize it" Trudeau

>> No.974564

i mean, lots of immigrants come here healthy, but they start to eat our shit food and become unhealthy

>> No.974566
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>i mean, lots of immigrants come here healthy, but they start to eat our shit food and become unhealthy

What? You mean curry for every meal and Chinese food literally cooked with sewer oil?

They're welcome to go back, no one invited them in the first place.

>> No.974568


>> No.974571

what can one do in nova scotia, other than getting the fuck out

>> No.974573
File: 136 KB, 700x450, york u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're suggesting that our healthcare and food is worse than literal 3rd world countries?

In India they shit and throw dead bodies into the "Holy" River of Ganges, then there's people downstream washing themselves up. They openly defecate in the streets and have 0 quality assurance.

They're welcome to move back there if they wish, if Canada is so bad then why do shitskins from all the over the world try to come here so badly?

>> No.974576

whaaaat? what kind of people do you think they let in? they let productive people in, thats why it normally takes years to get in

>> No.974590

Get with it, it's 2015. Gone are the days of the 65 year old conservative leaders that are out of touch who most of the population can't identify with. The world needs to get more progressive.

>> No.974591
File: 158 KB, 614x978, 1448512764924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get with it, it's 2015

How could I forget the current year.
>It's 1939! Why aren't you gassing jews?!

>> No.974610

AB here.

gonna go into oil

>> No.974641

...not really a great time...

>> No.974652

I'm sure you're a 28 year old NEET who had everything handed to him from mommy and daddy his whole life and managed to develop very conservative right wing views even though you've never earned anything yourself. Now that you're approaching 30 mommy and daddy are making you look for a job and since no one wants to hire a self entitled man child with no experience you're going to blame the country and everyone else for your own short comings.

>> No.974658
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Wrong on all of those.

I was just pointing out how retarded of an argument "It's CURRENTYEAR" is. What does the current year have to do with anything?

>Gone are the days of the 65 year old conservative leaders that are out of touch who most of the population can't identify with. The world needs to get more progressive.

I-i... Trudeau literally got elected because of nepotism from his father being in politics, he has no formal education in anything related to politics, economics or leading a country.

He's a drama teacher who's resume includes mentioning his daddy and being a snowboard instructor.

>> No.974663

Yeah it's not like he was an MP for 8 years before he got elected, right?

>> No.974673
File: 110 KB, 420x420, just(in) trudeau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't mean awfully much, our MPs are retarded

>> No.974675

At Ivey if any of you HS fucks are thinking of applying. Always see Ontario HS kids on /biz/ for some reason.

>> No.974676

Nice tuition lmao

Ivey is for dumb ass goyim

>> No.974678
File: 2.86 MB, 500x500, trudeau dancing with real canadians.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trudeau dancing with True Canadians.

This is your prime minister, senpai.

>> No.974681
File: 38 KB, 400x340, the cuckoldress of ontario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who elected this hideous "woman" in Ontario?

>> No.974683 [DELETED] 
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Faggot cukkold: the prime minister

>> No.974684
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Average liberal voter.jpg

>> No.974685

Dudes a rockstar, if you want to put his professional experience aside and start commenting on his sexuality, I'm certain he's fucked infinitely more women than you, which I mean isn't hard to do, considering you're an unemployed NEET man child.

>> No.974687

>Dudes a rockstar

Watch the webm in this post: >>974554

HIS PUNCHES LOL, and he gets lightly punched once and falls down like a baby

>> No.974688

Guess you missed him beat the fuck out of Patrick Brazzeau.

>> No.974689

In what way is he a "rockstar"? He is effeminate in every single sense of the word.

Look at the video of him dancing with Indians? This is the leader of a g7/8 country...

>> No.974691

>Guess you missed him beat the fuck out of Patrick Brazzeau.

Yeah I must've missed it I don't know that boxer. Is he any good?

But just from the webm you can see his girl-like punches and falling like a brick after getting hit once lmao

>> No.974693


Enjoy M8

>> No.974696

googled it, this brazeau guy isn't even a boxer

They both don't know how to fight LMAO i skipped to the middle of the video

>> No.974701

Best bschool in Canada, but you already know that.

My parents are paying, m9

>> No.974706

>Best bschool in Canada, but you already know that

It's just a more expensive Laurier BBA.

>Honor business administration
what a meme
If you wanted to spend more why didn't you just go to Queen's Commerce?

>> No.974737
File: 1.07 MB, 2994x831, 1448514289184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like cukkold... Like son

>> No.974740

Something tells me you're not making enough to be affected by the new tax rules.

Quit giving Justin shit. He just inherited a shit system and economy. Give your God Harper shit.

>> No.974749

I'm an immigrant here and think it's pretty shit. No culture. Same strip malls and stores everywhere. Poor quality housing (it's made of paper and with shoddy craftsmanship). Education is expensive as fuck (I came from Europe where it was free). You need a car to get anywhere.

I will probably move back. Sorry, Canadians.

>> No.974753

>I will probably move back. Sorry, Canadians.

It's expected. 10% of Canadian citizens live in another country and it will likely only grow in the next 5-10 years. Maybe to as high as 30%

>> No.974794

Couldn't agree more.Recent grad living in Toronto. Life couldn't be better

>> No.974799

>Couldn't agree more.Recent grad living in Toronto. Life couldn't be better

>He got lucky to find his job

What field?

Also good luck with getting laid off in a few years most likely

>> No.974806
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>> No.974819
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>> No.974824

youre bating hard

Of course the fucking degree is a meme. It's the clout that comes with the name. I didn't go to Laurier because I actually want a good job.

QC network is an sliver of iveys. Type in toronto pe, toronto ibank, etc into google. Everyone is from ivey m8

You know all this cmon

>> No.974838
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>Of course the fucking degree is a meme. It's the clout that comes with the name. I didn't go to Laurier because I actually want a good job.

Memeier has the largest Business co-op program in Canada and is actually a lot similar to the top schools surprisingly. Especially for Accounting it's definitely among the best (going to Ivey for accounting would be retarded).

It's not bad at all, you fell for Ivey marketing.

>> No.974866
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>> No.974904

So everyone with a job got lucky?

Finance. Two co-ops and networking like a cheap whore.

If I could do it again I'd go into tech and head south of the border.

>> No.974921

But sure you didn't need to take them as refugees. A) they didn't want to leave and B) if they did they'd come over as family of someone in saskatchewan. Loads of Ukies there.

Go further and work for embraer. At least when they go under, someone else will hire you. No-one wants the entitled lads from Bombardier.

Health care here is fucking awesome. You've obviously never lived anywhere else.

>> No.974923

I fucking love Nova Scotia by the way

>> No.974959

foreigner here. But I read that most of the workforce is going to be retiring in 5-10 years. Wouldn't that mean that there will be more open positions for canadas youth to take and start making a decent living?

Also I was thinking about going to university there then checking out how good the economy is. If not I'll just move back to murica. Also tuition is about 10k cheaper In canada than murica so at least canada is good for a less expensive eduaction

>> No.974964

>So everyone with a job got lucky?
Nah just a lot of people complaining about trouble finding full-time, decent employment in Canada, it's not particularly booming.

>Finance. Two co-ops and networking like a cheap whore.
What university?

>> No.975005

thomas fanjoy plz

>> No.975010

north yurop is not third world faget

>> No.975019

reminder: Canada is one of five countries to be top 15 in both medium exports and median income and, of those countries, is in the second best position regarding national debt (looked at according to percentage of GDP).

Stats don't lie

>> No.975065

I hope you're kidding about the debt to gdp ratio

>> No.975078

What's your average and extra curriculars breh

>> No.975108

85 average no EC's

>> No.975183

Shitty faggot country

>> No.975263

>law school
You are going to painfully regret this career path. You'll work longer hours to make the same money as the average office drone....if you're lucky enough to find work.

>> No.975264

At least stay for the lol weed

>> No.975362

Who /Laurier BBA/ here?

Elitist memers do not reply.

>> No.975372

You should really get on extra curriculars and bringing up that average. It's my first year there and I was talking to the recruitment officer and he told me if you make the 87 cutoff, theyll take your marks off the paper and just read your pse

>> No.975374

smfh... After learning that QC is $16k/yr tuition with no co-op, kinda bummed out.

Honestly might just go to a shittier meme school because of the free dosh and easier overall

>> No.975468


>> No.975579


>> No.975612


>> No.975632

C'est vendredi, on mange de la poutine!

Also every major factory’s are closing down where i live, there is no "middle job" now, it's either burger flipper or highly specialized jobs. And the wages are on the down side because there is so many job seekers ready to prostitute themselves for peanuts.

>> No.975635

>. And the wages are on the down side because there is so many job seekers ready to prostitute themselves for peanuts.

>B-b-but the NEETs in this thread said Canada is a great place to live!

>> No.975641

It may be a great place to "live" but not to work.

Oh and entertainment is shit, all the culture have been Americanized, pop culture all over the place, mother fucking Tailor Swift and shit all day long on the radio, and every day is a copy of the one before. Tv is ain't better, stupid infotainment and try-hard tv show that try to copy american productions. No wonder why i don't own a Tv.

>But I read that most of the workforce is going to be retiring in 5-10 years.

I've been hearing this shit for the last 20 fucking years yeah.

>> No.975642

>>But I read that most of the workforce is going to be retiring in 5-10 years.

>B-bb-but it said so on the CBC!

Which happens to receive billions of dollars of funding from le taxes tbqh

>> No.975656

Ya, and some specialized school who live off subventions by spreading this kind of messages, like trucking school crying about trucker shortage but when you look at job offers there is very few and ask 5-10 years experience and low wage. A friend of mine told me he asked his company (trucking) to do a bit less hours (they pushed him beyond the regular 70h/week) and they told him that if he don't want to work there is 10 guys behind the fence waiting to take his place.

And even specialized job are getting lower wages now, they pushed so much for people to go to school that now there is a too high ratio of graduates compared to the available jobs. So instead of having 2 bachelors for one spot now there is 20.

>> No.975722

true shit family.

What you studying tho?

>> No.975727

>What you studying tho?
Nothing, i operate a CNC machine in a wooden door shop.

>> No.975730

tru, u Saskatchewan or some shit?

>> No.975733


>> No.975737

Ah nice, Quebec is pretty good. I've been meaning to pay it more visits, it's really beautiful there and the women are not disgusting to say the least

>> No.975750

only visit, since its the most corrupt, most socialized province in Canada.

We just gave Bombardier 1.5 billions, which then proceed to send jobs in India and Mexico. 1.5 billions only for ~1500 workers in Quebec. I fucking hate the government here.

>> No.975767

>I fucking hate the government here.

That's p much our federal government though, it sucks for everyone.

Liberals' projected costs for the 25k refugees is $1.2bln so far, which will likely grow more than expected when they bring their families here to be together in a few years.

>> No.975778

and don't forget this one too

>> No.975839

Any tips for trying to get a job in the US after graduating?
>tfw prolly gonna go to UofC cus my grades are shit tier and I can't afford to live without my parents

>> No.975845

what major?

Try to get a US co-op or something at least, that'd be your best bet probably to solidify your chances

>> No.975847

Prolly gonna apply for Commerce(I'll go finance) or engineering. I'll try for a co-op senpai thx.

>> No.975849
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My Canadian buddy was just talking about this last night. He lives in America now (got married to a Dr.). He's been buying Canadian cars, flying up there and then driving them back. He said he gets them for about 75% of what they go for in the states because Canada's economy is so fucked right now.

>> No.975850

Yeah senpai. Do everything you can to get into co-op, make sure your GPA is high enough(don't just go for the minimum it's usually a bit higher than that), network as much as you can and maybe get some EC's or at least join a few clubs, preferably relevant to finance.

>> No.975897

thats quite gay anyway tbqh

>> No.975923

eh it's not that bad.

I just don't want to get fucked in the ass or suck cock

>> No.975937
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Btw Iveyfag.

Laurier ranks 2nd(tied with McGill) for investment banking on linkedin. Above UWO.


>MFW schulich and ivey fags getting cÜcked by Laurier

Pathetic tbqh

>> No.975983

pussy fags can't reply?

>> No.976301


>> No.976302
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Literally who?

Ivey has stayed on the top for the past 3 years for international

>trusting stats on fucking LinkedIn

>> No.976310


hes just a laurier grad who wants to defend his shite school

>> No.976322

You go to the USZ. That's all you deserve. We don't want sell-outs in Canada. Canada, in a decade, is gonna put the world to shame. Move your asses Americans. Hurry up and do something. F**k you for wanting to keep USZ on the top. Viva the giant topplers (Canucks).

>> No.976323

Work part time at GO Transit/Metrolinx for 29$ an hour while studying to be an electro-mechanical engineering at school.

Got lucky with the job I guess, but I hate the program I'm taking. Not sure if I'm going to drop out but I have about a semester left and a half left (until may) to graduate.

Pretty good job though, have good benefits + pension, union and job security, and a shitload of opportunity to move up anywhere in the company.

>> No.976328

>No Columbia or nyu .
>MBA when he was arguing about the bba and hba programs.
Seems like this list is pretty shit as well senpai. How come the 2 schools with the best placement in wall street not on that list?

>> No.976335

Canada's credit rating got downgraded in 1995. Our key lending rate was 10 times higher than, what it is today. And our currency was much lower than what it is even today. But after 3 calls that I made to CFRB (News Talk 1010) AM radio, people got a big kick in the ass and started to move. Now the whole world is coming at me to stop my love for my country's economic health. Till just a year ago our currency was worth more than that of the USZ's. I challenge the world to attack Canada. It's too late. The key move has been made. And you are gonna be left in the dust soon.

>> No.976337
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>Implying I meant that Laurier has particularly good MBAs

Nah senpai. And how do you not trust Linkedin stats? It clearly shows who works in Investment Banking with what education and who doesn't...

>B-b-but if tuition is higher that means it's better!

Pic related ya dumb ass

Wait let me guess, LinkedIn is a shill for Laurier and is secretly lying

>> No.976343
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And pic related is their methodology

>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-bbut Ivey is better! It costs more and I heard about it more because of its marketing!!@@

>> No.976349

Doesn't realize that federal and provincial politics are separate.

Canada post is run by the federal government. The provincial ndp have nothing to do with your job dipshit.

Harper had 10 years to promote Canadian oil and did a shit job. Don't you remember the "I won't take no for an answer Obama"? Well Obama and the world told you to get fucked and keep your dirty oil.

The new government is trying to fix that image but It seems you have a hard time understanding that.

>> No.976350

>The new government is trying to fix that image but It seems you have a hard time understanding that

By bringing refugees to strain our social services when they're already under a lot of load and we're having economic trouble.

Brilliant Trudeau! $1.2bln that will grow into more when they bring their families over isn't a lot at all! I'll be happy to pay for it!

>> No.976355

Implying to women can't be part of an efficient government. You're a jackass.

>> No.976367

>Implying to women can't be part of an efficient government. You're a jackass.

I did not imply that you absolute idiot.

I said that we shouldn't hire people, ESPECIALLY TO GOVERNMENT POSITIONS just to make it gender balanced. Women should be hired because they're the best for the job, not because we have too many men somewhere.

Enforcing a gender balanced cabinet only hurts both men and women, because now when a woman is chosen people have to question whether she earned it by her own merit, or just to fulfill a gender quota.

>> No.976386

Well fags? What is your response?

>> No.976403

bump, faggots getting btfo left and right ITT

>> No.976425

I've never been more proud of this country. We are dedicated to showing the world that we are a welcoming, inclusive nation of open minded, loving people, who are committed to climate change. The truth is these refugees are a net benefit to our society -- literally every expert had been saying this on CBC. Syrian refugees are less likely to commit terrorism than our own home grown Muslims. That goes to show, even in 2015, we have a long way to go to make this group feel more welcome.

Canada is choosing to make a bold statement as our neighbors to the south bicker over a measly 10k refugees. Please America, let us take them for you since you're obviously too bigoted to show any compassion. They will become Canadians. And they will be treated like Canadians. After all, in the words of the newly christened prime minister Justin Trudeau "a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. Sunny ways friends, sunny ways".

>> No.976511


>> No.976535


canadian businsses owner here.

Im taking a fucking beating, I run a IT company that does A LOT of overseas work..I'm losing a ridiculous amount every month..Thankfully though im moving my company to the USA in the new year so canada can fuck right off..id rather give the yanks my tax money then this fucked up government/country

>> No.976571

lmao finally someone who isn't a goy here, too many liberal supports itt tbqh

>> No.976645

desu desu desu desu desu desu

>> No.976648
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>government regulations make entrepreneurship near impossible

>> No.976650

>10000% tax rate
>6 trillion regulations
>Small businesses get crushed, large businesses just lose a lot of profit so they tend to move overseas

le vote for Canadian Bernie(trudeau)

>> No.976667

>got married to a Dr.
Is your friend a doctor?

>> No.976692
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>government regulations make entrepreneurship near impossible

>> No.976829

Yay Queen's

>> No.976831

Yea... 85 won't cut it for comm. LOWEST is 87 and that's if you have EC's up the ass. You could get in for econ with that. Econ grads at Queen's have really good prospects.

>> No.976834

i might just go for memeier tbqh

it doesn't seem half bad and would probably be better than these other memes

>> No.976840

85'd get you into Lolrier... it's actually good for biz even though the campus looks like dystopian Russia. You might be able to do rotman too

>> No.976847

Idk senpai... When I think about it, in theory Laurier BBA should be like top-tier only second maybe to Queen's or something.

For several reasons:
1) More scholorships, lots of free dough(cheaper tuition by a lot than Ivey or Queen's Commerce)
2) Has much better co-op than any other biz school, let alone ivey, schulich or Queens which don't have it at all. Much better for money(graduate with little to no debt) AND like a year of experience which makes up for any prestige loss compared to other schools
3) Is actually not that bad, at least by linkedin stats for IB it's tied with McGill and above Ivey/Schulich, pic in my post here: >>976337

It really seems p good tbqh. Just the co-op reason seems sufficient since getting actual exp before graduating should help tons...

>> No.976858

So basically...
>graduate at least like $60k in debt(need line of credit + osap i think)
>minimal work experience(summer or if I get into internship)
>One of most reputable school

>Graduate with positive dosh thanks to all the free dosh, cheaper tuition and co-op
>Decent school, not really a piece of memeshit
>Pretty good school, at least according to linkedin meme

u know what i mean pham

>> No.976873


>> No.976928

Law is looking pretty solid in Canada

retirement bubble and all that

>> No.976947


stop pumping this shit thread ffs

>> No.976952

eat my pussy i want to discuss memes with other Canadian fags but they keep leaving everytime I bttfo them

>> No.976979

Who /britishcolumbiamasterrace/ here?

>> No.976983

How's Hongcouver?

Are houses affordable yet?

>> No.977000

I live in the Kootenay region, houses are dirt cheap and it's like 95% white here lel

>> No.977005

Should I come from Ontario to study in BC?

Is it hella expensive?

>> No.977010

if you do, you will probably have to live in Vancouver or Victoria, both of which are incredibly expensive cities.

I personally would not, I went all the way to Toronto to study so I could go to UFT.

however, living here is really nice, and if you live in the countryside or a smaller city you don't have to put up with astronomical housing prices.

>> No.977019

>I personally would not, I went all the way to Toronto to study so I could go to UFT.

UofT is shit... Why would you? What are you studying?

Don't you guys have a bit cheaper tuition over there? Unless I have reading problems or didn't notice something in BC tuition is at least a few thousand cheaper.

>> No.977026

went to UFT for polisci and law, degrees from uft look much better and are a lot more well known, the school was alright but most employers seem to think it's the highest standard of academia.

Our tuition prices are indeed lower; but you are probably going to end up paying more in the end because of the fucking insane cost of living in Vancouver

>> No.977033

>because of the fucking insane cost of living in Vancouver

How much is it?

Ontario isn't much lower in most places I'd imagine. Also is SFU a meme? Should I only go to UBC

>> No.977044

SFU is decent for science and technology, but a degree from it is definitely not as good looking as one from UBC.

The cost of living is pretty crazy in Vancouver, be prepared to pay 1.4K a month for a glorified closet if you can land a good deal. if you live in or near down-town Vancouver, it's pretty realistic to pay anywhere between 4-7K a month just on living expenses.

If you really want to study here, then find a room-mate, and ideally go to UBC

>> No.977062

I just want somewhere cozy ;-;

I looked on memejiji and there is a nice 3 bedroom shared by 3 people(including you) for $550

>One room in a 3-bedroom renovated suite is available DECEMBER 1st.
Convenient location - East 29th w/o Fraser - 15 min to Downtown on bus #8,
20 min to UBC on bus #25, walking distance to Main St. attractions.
New laminate floors, large living room with w/b fireplace.
Spacious kitchen with eating area, new tile floors, paint, dishwasher.
The room is fully furnished but you can bring your own furniture.
Washer and dryer is shared with upper floor suite.
>You will share the suite with 2 men.
>Rent is $550 INCL. ALL utilities, cable TV and wireless extreme speed internet.

That's not expensive at all... $550 plus tv, internet and utilities is great

>> No.977068



INSTANTLY SHITLISTED I aint going to a school that supports the genocide of European countries

>> No.977072

That's a pretty damn good deal for Vancouver, but sharing with 3 men sounds a bit cramped.

Also, yeah UBC has a pretty strong leftie bias, but it seems almost all the prestigious universities in Canada do.

>> No.977077

>Also, yeah UBC has a pretty strong leftie bias, but it seems almost all the prestigious universities in Canada do.

Kinda sucks dude, why is it always like that?

UofT is practically India and the feminists run a muck.
I think it was last year or a few years ago where feminists wouldn't let people into a lecture by a professor who supposedly said "misogynist things" and they were just yelling like harpies at people trying to hear what he had to say.

>> No.977085

My guess for Universities being far-left is just due to them being government institutions. And the Gender studies and African American studies professors probably have a lot more time to butter up the administration than more important departments.

Luckily I took law at UFT, and law professors won't put up with shit like that

>> No.977090

I always wonder though, do gender studies and african studies majors even ever get hired?

Outside of becoming a professor I can't really think of a single job for them, why isn't that major just removed because all graduates realize they will never be employed?

>> No.977095

Also is there any redpilled universities?

Where all the professors are skinheads who lynch niggers?

>> No.977104

I want to be an intern at the aryan brotherhood

>> No.977106

For gender studies, I guess they could possibly get a job at a shelter for abused women or something of the sort, but it still seems like a pretty much worthless degree,

I'm guessing they don't want to remove it because they are afraid of the backlash from those students, as most of them barely have to do any work as a result of being in a fucking pointless course.
Universities can push around the Sciences,Legal, Financial and engineering students around all they want because they normally have to actually do work, so there is no fear of retaliation.

I doubt there really is any redpilled universities,however, I have known a few red-pilled professors IRL though, usually it's Econ, Science or law teachers that are most red-pilled in my experience

>> No.977109

sucks senpai.

I guess if you can't beat them you gotta join them. Or at least feign your agreement

>> No.977175

gl to all you wagec(u)cks for your future endeavours

>> No.977178

>tfw dumb, stupid Can(c)uck

>> No.977236

Frigg meng my one-itis is gonna be going to UBC. Was thinking of applying there myself but it feels like you have to room up with like 4 people in a tiny apartment just to afford it.
>Post tips for ricing up your grades

>> No.977288

I'm so fucked.

>> No.977292

>TFW our meme prime minister is giving our money away for no reason while we're in a recession with 15% youth unemployment

T-thanks Trudeau

>> No.977463

>ask teachers for help with questions you already know the answer to so when he or she is in the midway of answering it "you get it" and complete the answer for them and appear smart.
>actually be enthusiastic
>participate in discussions

Just appear smart you fag.

>> No.977814

Just got a decent paying job (60k CAD) with full benefits and pension. I'm 21 and still live at home paying no rental expenses other than my car insurance and phone bill.

However, the drive to work is an hour each way. Should I just suck it up and save my income until I could afford a condo or house? I feel like owning a house or condo would be expensive especially because of the maintenance fees. I also read somewhere that the cost of living ratio is too high for Canadians. Would it make more sense just to get an apartment?

>> No.977820

>Would it make more sense just to get an apartment?


Houses are like $1million at the very least in Toronto, a bit less in other places in Ontario though. The amount of opportunity cost you would lose out on with your down-payment, interest on mortgage, property tax and maintenance costs would be incredibly unworth it.

Much better off buying meme funds and renting an apartment.

>> No.977841

yeah wtf is this. I hope he isn't worse than harper

>> No.977842

>I hope he isn't worse than harper

He is

>> No.977917

Canada does have an underwhelming population so that decision isn't bad

>> No.977920

>Canada does have an underwhelming population so that decision isn't bad

We are overpopulated. 15% youth underemployment, middle of a recession. Plus it's not like they're putting them in the underpopulated provinces, they're going into the ones where we have enough people.

Also refugees will likely never contribute and will pretty much indefinitely remain on social services. If our own Canadians can't find jobs how are a bunch of people from a war-torn part of the world where they can't speak good, if any English going to get jobs?

>> No.978098

Oddly enough I am one of those refugees and myself and my family had no trouble quickly learning English and getting good jobs. I regularly volunteer for the community and work for a charity organization. Mom's a nurse. Taking immigrants is good

>> No.978100

You're a refugee? From which country?

>> No.978125


>> No.978127

Yeah but you're white, they're not

And we're taking too many and too quickly

>> No.978397

That's college for ya. Do it and enjoy it

>> No.978530

dont know if its a real university but they have memetastic videos

>> No.978697

We bought share of bombardier.
We got some Equity out of the business and the Fond de placement will upgrade the shitty management at Bombardier. Its not all lost.
Aviation always get help of their government.
Regardless, yeah it was a shitty deal.
Bombardier pension fund will drag the company down. Let it close start over imo...

>> No.979472

This is exactly what I was thinking too. At what point/price would you see it worth buying a house/condo for?

>> No.979526

>At what point/price would you see it worth buying a house/condo for?

Definitely not anywhere near the current market prices.

I am a NEET faggot but I've done some reading on Canadian housing and all that and there is a pretty strong consensus that homes are overvalued at the highest, or close to the highest rate in the world. No other countries has homes as overvalued as Southern Ontario/Vancouver area.

>> No.980077

Get out of IS or get ready into it now. If you haven't done a coop or internship yet, consider either getting one ASAP or suicide.
You're a much lower skilled and only slightly int-buffed college IT grad by the end of it if you don't shape up.

>> No.980940

Stop memeing bro. Literally check the Bay alum - theyre all from Ivey. Ivey has all the US BBs do OCR.

>> No.981033

>Stop memeing bro. Literally check the Bay alum - theyre all from Ivey. Ivey has all the US BBs do OCR

Check out LinkedIn IB, Ivey is beat by Memeier.

>> No.981092

Lol none of the bulge brackets or decent boutiques do OCR outside of top schools in US NE or Ivyleague/top10.

>> No.981096

To add; if anything all the OCR your gonna get will be in Baystreet. Firms aren't gonna go through the hastle of getting you an EB card just so you can do a 3 month summer internship or do a 1 year co-op term lol. Most Queens/Ivey/Rotman/Uninearbaystreet alumni work in RBC/TD/CIBC.

>> No.981102

>b-b-b-but my University's propaganda department said i will get into wallstreet almost immediately... Firms will be lining up to hire me!

shaking my head at these retards who think laurier BBA is bad. you'll be saving hella guap and it's just as good senpai

>> No.981106

Didn't say Laurier was bad m88. Just calling this guy out for lying about Ivey OCR lel.

>> No.981110

ik im talking about the morons who insist it's bad in both threads and I BTTFO all of them by analytically comparing it to other schools.

They probably think that Queens/Ivey will get them into Wallstreet when the best you can hope for from a Canadian Uni is the Toronto office of the banks on Bay street.

They hire like 5 people for memaystreet from Canada and if you're shitposting on 4chan most likely you're not going to be the top of your school.

>> No.981115

>go to Waterloo for Accounting
>tuition 9k up the ass second year
>switch to computer science
>go down to the states for co-op
>70freedom bux per hour, chill as fuck, code all day, drink all night

don't bother falling for the business degree meme and expect not to kiss ass for the first 10 years

>> No.981116

to add to my previous post, if you're a dumb fuck that can't into maths or programming then ignore this post

>> No.981118

Typical /COMFY/ finance route is better in the long run yo:
>Do CO-OP plus whatever EC
>Use networking to help land a job as an analyst
>After 2 year analyst stint, switch into middle-level/vp position in PE/MA/RM working 40h a week but still pulling in 200k+

>> No.981119

>>70freedom bux per hour, chill as fuck, code all day, drink all night

Holy fuck pham. Really? Where did you work at...

And I wish i could get into UW for compsci man. Do they accept transfer students? I didn't bother applying because i got some retakes and shit and I didn't do the euclid or anything so it looks utter shit. I would suck at least 5 admissions cocks if I could go there though.

>> No.981126

In SF. I lived at an online friend's (minecraft ayy lmao) house who's from there and his parents are established in tech. Most people I know rent a place in downtown core for like 2k for a shitty room split with 3 people so I got lucky.

My transfer was internal so it's probably easier, though still kinda hard (most others I know that tried the switch ended up just dropping out). It's near impossible to switch to CS here with co-op if you're already in second year or beyond.

>> No.981129


Well my plan is to keep learning programming memes as a hobby and to keep studying Finance as a "day job". Seems pretty smart since I could earn dosh and potentially even get a job as a software developer in enough time, if i get bored with memeance.

I'm practicing my C++ pham but it's kinda hard

>> No.981130

This nigga knows whats up, Waterloo CompSci is great for US jobs. I did a four month co-op at IBM in Canada (basically as prestigious as you can get), and was getting $23 kekbucks/h. Had a drink with a new grad and he told me they started him off $30 kekbucks/h.

Did my next co-op at NVIDIA in CA, was getting 8k/month, green benjamins, not kekbucks. Feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.981132

I didn't do the Euclid. It honestly doesn't matter. You don't have to be a math genius to get into undergrad CS here, though it helps and there are definitely a good number of autists here that wreck everyone else in academia.
Where ever you are now though, it's probably fine. Get your portfolio up, make shitloads of stuff, contribute to open source projects, and make more stuff. Show your passion and people will notice.

Ye, I honestly feel like IBM is the filter for all the SF jobs. Everyone I know that's in SF has been through IBM. What year/program are you?

>> No.981137

Not really man, if I had to do it again I'd do my co-op at LoyaltyOne or similar... pretty certain its more glamorous than grunt tooling work. I graduated last year.

>> No.981140

>Where ever you are now though, it's probably fine. Get your portfolio up, make shitloads of stuff, contribute to open source projects, and make more stuff. Show your passion and people will notice

I'm not studying CS though. Just doing it for fun and as a potential way of earning dosh in the future.

In theory it should be possible to earn both dosh from Finance job and programming some memay right? And I figure I could probably even switch careers later on if I got a nice portfolio of work done, opensource projects, paid work, etc.

>> No.981143

Any big corp would probably do. Now that I reread my post, it did sound like I exaggerated about IBM a bit.

>> No.982807

Good job... you're immortalized on /r/uwaterloo now.

>> No.982810

I'm pretty sure Nvidia doesn't pay that much. All the co-op offers I've seen are below $40/hr.

>> No.983049

>Go to Waterloo for Arts (Econ/Poli-Sci)
>Apply for Software Engineering Co-ops
>Have minimal programming knowledge
>Use coding buzzwords to land interview
>Be amazing at interviews
>Get a Software Engineering co-op paying $19/hour
>Pay half the tuiton of engineers and CS kids

>> No.983050

You fucking nigger.

That does not sound legit tbqh.

>> No.983055

I'd gone to hackathons with friends who could actually code, so I just pretended I played a bigger role than I did. Also to be fair, I did get this in Novemeber, main round had over for a while.

>> No.983063

fammm should I try to reach UWaterloo economics then and do that? Seems like it would be super easy and great. Do they even let you apply for co-op outside your major?

>> No.983093

The difference is on graduation they make 6 figures while you are still at 19/hr

>> No.983147

You are 100% correct. I got lucky and will probably be able to earn a lot during my co-op terms. However, I would be in no way able to pursue a cs career (nor do I want to). I would not recommend others attempt what I did, it is rare for engineering jobs to be taken by non engineers. I got lucky and shit posted about it, if you want to do software or cs you should actually go to school for them.

>> No.983823

a cs career is shit anyways

if you stay technical you'll be making 100k for the rest of your life, 200k MAX unless you go into research

go into management and you'll be stuck in middle management having to kiss ass like business fags while not having any people kissing yours because they're all autistic technical people

and either path you're still expected to pull overtime for no pay

tech is a fucking scam tricking people with easy money

>> No.983833

>if you stay technical you'll be making 100k for the rest of your life, 200k MAX unless you go into research

Wow what a terrible salary... Almost everyone would be happy making $150k/yr eventually. How the fuck do you think this is low? What is your idea of a good salary, the /biz/ meme of $500k starting Financial Analyst?

>> No.983857

Agreed, CS max is 150. I think i'll do finance unless there's another degree that'd beat it.

>> No.983922

Applying to CS at waterloo and toronto rn. I've got an 88 average but i can definitely get it up to a low 90 by the time all the marks are submitted. Do i have a chance at getting into either? I have no extra curriculars either, does that matter?

>> No.983925

>studying CS
>not creating your own company
Fuck outta here senpai. STEM wagekeks are the worst.

Unless you went into STEM for a management position w/ MBA, you're wasting your time.

>> No.983930

And how do you expect to start a company without capital from working your "stem wagekek job" AND without industry experience?

>> No.983969

its still the general consensus that Canada is a great place to live from anyone outside of Canada

>> No.983970


>> No.983975

>Applying to CS at waterloo and toronto rn. I've got an 88 average but i can definitely get it up to a low 90 by the time all the marks are submitted. Do i have a chance at getting into either?

From what I've heard/read 88's a bit low and might get declined as even low 90's averages have been known to not get accepted sometimes.

EC's would definitely make up for a bit lower marks. You applying to UofT st.george or Scarborough/Mississauga? It would definitely get you into any besides UTSG.

>> No.983976

what the maximum age to get in?

>> No.983977

What ECs are specifically wanted? Does it have to be school related stuff? Could it be stuff like hobbies? Also, included those schools in my applications because ive heard of people being accepted in the past with mid 80s, and their websites even say that the admission average is a high 80

>> No.983979

Also i applied to st george

>> No.983981

>What ECs are specifically wanted?
UWaterloo mentions taking the Euclid as being beneficial for applications. Anything really but preferably math related(maybe participating in a chess club or something is one i can think of)

>Does it have to be school related stuff?
Not sure but what I'm saying is that if they see someone with 88 average + some EC's versus someone with 92 average no EC's they would probably pick the 88 average one.

UTM and UTSC are definitely less prestigious than UTSG, and arguably worse in terms of shitskin-content, co-op programs, marking curve(some have said this is a nightmare at UTSC), etc.

>> No.983984

The fuck is this? Underage is allowed on /biz/?

>> No.983986

Ontariofag here. When can we finally nuke Toronto off the map and get rid of our.... lovely.... government again?

>> No.983987

Ok but as i said i got off to a bit of a rough start, but i can definitely get it to a low 90 by the time the final marks are submitted during midterm 2nd semester. So assuming i do that, is there anything else i can do to improve my chances of acceptance? Also, what is your source for the chances of being admitted? Do you know someone who has been rejected with a low 90 to u of t comp sci?

>> No.983988

I'm not though, I am just answering his question.

I am actually a NEET.

>> No.983989

Im in grade 13. Try again faggot

>> No.983991

>Ontariofag here. When can we finally nuke Toronto off the map and get rid of our.... lovely.... government again?

The refugees will do that for us. Then we can all deport them once they complete the mission.

>So assuming i do that, is there anything else i can do to improve my chances of acceptance?

No not really. Only Queen's McMaster and some other school have supplementary essays.

>Also, what is your source for the chances of being admitted? Do you know someone who has been rejected with a low 90 to u of t comp sci?

A friend or two getting rejected and also hearing the general average of people accepted. Also reading memeforums like redflagdeals, studentawards, etc.

Good luck pal.

>> No.983994

Alright thanks then

>> No.984004

Waterloo is 95+ for SE last year, but CS is usually a couple of points lower. CS values math more than side projects, so do the Euclid and CCC if it's not already over. Otherwise just lie on your aif or pray your high school gets adjusted.

Don't know about UofT but I would think it didn't rise as much there since it's larger.

I got early acceptance on a 92 without supplementaries, even though it was 3 years ago, so your high school matters.

>> No.984007

Not him of course but do you happen to know anything about transferring to UWaterloo compsci or applying with retakes? I heard they look down on both very strongly since they consider UW much stronger than other schools(rightfully so).

>> No.984011

Yeah ive just been looking at the admissions website and some other forums and it appears that they don't care about extra curriculars so much at u of t, and i've seen several people say they got accepted with a mid-high 80

>> No.984014

>i've seen several people say they got accepted with a mid-high 80

At St. George campus? Hmm that's quite contrary to what I've seen.

And yeah a lot of schools don't care about EC's, it's only a few that do but I was just saying that it would really help if your marks are a bit lower.

>> No.984018

Oh by the way, try asking r/uoft and r/uwaterloo about admissions if you haven't.

>> No.984019

Theres some reddit and other threads with people saying that. Also it appears that the program has become a lot more competitive in the past couple years, so that could explain the change in admission averages to stg. I dont care so much about waterloo, mainly i just want to get into st george at u of t. If all else fails tho, i applied to guelph and carleton as a backup

>> No.984023

>Also it appears that the program has become a lot more competitive in the past couple years, so that could explain the change in admission averages to stg

Oh absolutely. Marks have gotten very inflated so now there's tons with 90+ averages since they can "cheat" using private school courses and such.

>I dont care so much about waterloo, mainly i just want to get into st george at u of t

Nah bro you don't.

UofT compsci is nothing special, it's obviously good and internationally well-known but it's not amazing. UWaterloo is by far the best both in ranking but even just the co-op is GOD-TIER. You basically graduate UW compsci with 2 years of relevant exp and quite a bit of money while others are in debt to the tune of ~$50k.

>> No.984027

>UWaterloo is by far the best both in ranking but even just the co-op is GOD-TIER.
Yeah i sort of accept that, but i dont think i can honestly expect to get in. Realistically, I think i have a good shot at st george if i can get to a low 90. But i guess ill just have to wait to find out

>> No.984077

Thanks for trying Diet America [TM].

Similar products available internationally.

Try our Kiwi and Koala Shit flavoured beverages.

>> No.984098



started own business

$80k/yr FREEDOMDOLLARS working 3 days a month from anywhere in the world. Spend the rest of my time working on TWO other businesses.

the fuck you cu cks talking about? Canada is great, ever heard of networking? cant you hold down a fucking conversation or shmooze? Get people drunk and make them laugh it will take you further in life than any "SUCKED THE CORP COCK" resume

I wont lie it wasnt always like this, for a long time I made fucking $0 and lived like a hobo, I burned through the best years of my youth and technically 2 of my 3 businesses still dont make a fucking penny.

Next year they should start paying that sweet sweet freedom dollar though.

>> No.984107

>half of the population of the relevant cities(Vancouver and Toronto) is Chinese or Indian.
At least you can easily get an indian gf

>> No.984109

>Wanting one

Gross as fuck senpai. They all smell like curry, are hairy and just generally un-appealing unless they're really mixed.

>> No.984117

I like curry senpai and think indian girls are qt

>> No.984132

You can transfer fairly easily from math (math co-op, if you want cs co-op), you just need to meet certain grade requirements in 1st year, so you can try that instead. Anyone can take the 1st year CS courses too, so you won't be behind. I don't know about external transfers.

I don't know how UofT is, but I find 4th year courses at Waterloo are really lacking. We have good low-level things like compilers, real-time, or the computer engineering courses. We have like three profs who teach graphics which is nice.

Meanwhile we have weak or no AI, computer vision, computational linguistics, or speech/language processing, courses. Our HCI course is more about how to do user testing than doing something interesting like haptics or AR.

I agree that 1st and 2nd year are spectacularly rigorous though, which is what makes students good at co-op.

As above, if you are confident you can do well in university, then you can also try going into math and then transfer.

You can ask uoft but uwaterloo is just shitposting

>> No.984150

>I don't know about external transfers

Damn. I'd suck cocks to get in UW compsci ;-; But I got a feeling with my retakes and being NEET for so long it's probably impossible. Oh well, that's why there's Business for subhumans like me.

>> No.984151

All you can do is start your own business, there's a shitload of things to manage and you have to sign up for like 40 government websites but it's worth it in the end. The only true way to become rich and successful here.

>> No.984158

Each retake is treated as 1% off of your average.

>> No.984196
File: 96 KB, 290x294, UNIVERSITY_OF_LIVERPOOL_COAT_OF_ARMS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> getting a real degree at a real university in a real country is as expensive as getting a 'prestige' degree at a meme university in america-lite


It's a worthwhile investment if you're even mildly driven and want to get in on the burgeoning new tech industry in the north-west of England.

A Computer Science/IT related degree can take you almost anywhere you want to be [as long as you're not a lethargic cunt].

> stormfaggery

I don't care. In 4 years I'll be ahead of all the useless white supremacists on this website.

>> No.984197

10 years of shit economy and all you faggots are are already blaming Trudeau

4 years from now Canada will be the same (except with legal weed maybe) and all of you will remember Harper as a saint.

>> No.984202

>the same

>Trudeau bringing in thousands of refugees who will want to also bring over their families to be together
>crumbling healthcare system
And hundreds of other things.

Whatever tho, at least we might have legal weed that will cost $35 for a gram because of the regulations/taxes. Then we can get all get high to forget about our shitty country

>> No.984262

Was bought by american company, what did you expect, improvement?

>> No.984263

Holy fuck, you serious!?
Man, really considering it now...too bad you would have to live in shitty mexico...

>> No.984920

>living in shitty mexico

whats so bad about it? it's not like you'd be a fucking pleb, you'd be living in a gated community lmao