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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 611x611, DclfuY8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9744908 No.9744908 [Reply] [Original]

should i buy this anon?

>> No.9744938

yes. deffo yes. as always door and don't listen too much to the know-nothing team

>> No.9744957

lmao no, it was just added to IDEX, Mercatox, CMC

>> No.9745089


Don't take investment advice from /biz/ just use it to find interesting leads and do your own research.

>> No.9745106

nothing to dump anon. no ico, no airdrop, no premine. miners have already dumped what they needed. different story here.

>> No.9745231

U r crazy not to buy a little bit of this. - Really cool concept.
- Crazy potential for high reward. - - - Micro cap.
- No one knows about. Listed on CMC. Doesn’t even have market cap yet.
- no premine. Fair distribution.
- awesome community. Great Dev who is very active in discord.

>> No.9745249

The fomo is going to be insane on this. For once in your life get in early.

>> No.9745521

1500 checkin in. Am I a whale?

>> No.9745545

Nope sorry

>> No.9745615

nope. sorry x2

>> No.9745894


Fuck you pajeets

>> No.9745999


>> No.9746011

I have 4000, does that count?

>> No.9746134

If you are not in the top 100 holders you certainly are not a whale.

>> No.9746151


>> No.9746235
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But you will make IT.
Big Holders will sell early, smaller holders will hold longer and cash out the same amount

>> No.9746241

Top 70 here, not fucking selling

>> No.9746321


This is objectively false. There's no liquidity for big sellers. They take profits because they aren't dumb, but they also accumulate. Look at the top holders wallets for 0xBTC and see that almost zero have sold.

>> No.9746394

This coin is just gonna keep going up.

>> No.9746540

Well it has a lot of catching up to do, it's objectively better than BTC in every way so it has some climbing to do. We're quite likely to see a price singularity with 0xBTC

>> No.9746602

yeah, I like the potential of this coin.

no reason this can't reach similar market caps as bitcoin gold or bitcoin diamond. the concept is novel enough

>> No.9746648

>no reason this can't surpass similar market caps as bitcoin gold or bitcoin diamond. the concept is novel enough


>> No.9746690
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>0xbtc is a scam

Don't let the drumph supporting nazis tell you this. It's the only green in my portfolio right now.


>> No.9746900

wow you lucky fucking dog.

>> No.9746917
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Also is better than eth, does not need to be wrapped in order to communicate with smart contracts, has fixed max supply, will always be mineable, designed to be a store of value. But will be scaleable with ethereum. Normies will kit have to interact with eth at all once lava is out.

>> No.9746931

**kit -> not

>> No.9746978
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Not having 3000? In 2018?

>> No.9746993


this coin is literally FUD proof.

>> No.9747109
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Sorry fella I just increased my stack.

>> No.9747187


>> No.9747221

This guy's kind of a faggot but it gets the point across well enough.

I have no way to prove this I guess but I'm top 20 holder, I'm literally not selling even a portion of my holdings until $10 and even then I legitimately think it could go 100mil+ to compete with Bitcoin Gold and Diamond

>> No.9747257
File: 317 KB, 395x463, no dumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got this captcha when i was logging in on mercatox
no dumping confirmed

>> No.9747288

Bitch, we're flipping BTC. Haven't you heard?

>> No.9747314

Nobody in even the discord legitimately believes this, maybe like one or two moonboys. Devs have stated that in an ideal situation it competes with BTC and ETH as store of value, but even they agree Bitcoin isn't going anywhere lol

>> No.9747323

Can it flip BCH?

>> No.9747352

Don't you want a lambo Sir? If yes then you should buy

>> No.9747361


Maybe one day. I think this iteration on bitcoin has a much better value proposition than a bitcoin clone that has centralized leadership and is constantly hostile to the whole crypto space.

>> No.9747382

Maybe in the future? But this coin doesn't need a 5 bil market cap (1000x from current valuation) to be successful as a store of value on ethereum blockchain

>> No.9747442
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It's a pipe dream, but I really want it to happen just to fuck roger ver in his faggot fucking ass. Granted that shyster fuck is probably accumulating and mining this now, on the off chance that does happen.

>> No.9747605

you 0xBTC fags are the dumbest most delusional people in crypto. BCH is backed by the richest people in crypto (who literally prefer it to BTC) has a huge group of skilled devs behind it, massive Hash power, and a market cap in the 10x billions.

0xBTC is a shitty smart contract built by 1 guy in his mom's basement. It is nothing but a generic erc-20 token with a dumb mini game to distribute the coin. Anyone can copy it easily. Anyone can create another generic erc-20 and distribute it through a faucet or airdrops and get an even more equitable distribution than 0x without wasting energy. Nobody is going to use 0x in their project's smart contracts rather than create their own utility token; why the he'll would they want to generate value and demand for a coin they don't own (0x) rather than capture the value generated by their project via their own token. It literally makes no sense. Eth is the store of value on Ethereum and it always will be. The only other tokens with value will have utility in some economic system. As interoperability develops you will be able to do shit like wrap BTC and tokenized BTC so that it can be used itself in smart contracts.

it is an absolute miracle 0xBTC got to the price it hit already and only happened due to massive shilling efforts and the number of absolutely gullible and unintelligent people in this space.

save your money and stay away from this trash. there are much better coins you can spend your money on obviously

>> No.9747629



no matter how dumb you are you don't actually believe this

>> No.9747775
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>> No.9747819

It has no reason to exist and no long term future. Nothing more than a pump and dump. Make sure you're not the last one holding the bag.

>> No.9747821

stay poor, see ya at 10 buckos

>> No.9747895
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>> No.9747941
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You should only buy it if you want to be fucking rich someday, OP

>> No.9747968

It takes a high iq to understand this project

>> No.9747986


nice counter argument faggots


>> No.9748110
File: 36 KB, 400x321, 1454976930153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first mineable ERC token is a huge deal

It will take off just like regular Bitcoin did, and after doing so be a viable store of value and digital commodity

It's Bitcoin but with the speed, cost, and flexibility of Ethereum.

It already has smart contract compatibility with the second largest crypto and largest smart contract platform that exists

Who fucking cares about BCH?

>> No.9748276


>> No.9748278
File: 133 KB, 1167x633, 0xBitcoin Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most bullish thing is this

>> No.9748327

what is 0xbtc current market cap?

>> No.9748330

How do I upvote this post?

>> No.9748341

A lot of the criticisms of 0xBitcoin regarding its utility and actual ability to establish itself as a store of value are weakened immensely when you realize that Bitcoin competitors like Gold and Diamond, which don't even slightly have a reasonable path to store of value dominance, are still valued at over 400mil.

0xBTC provides much of the benefits that those altcoins do, but all within the Ethereum ecosystem. This coin is literally FUD proof desu

>> No.9748356

Amounted minted at time of post: 2702000

Aggregate price according to CMC: $1.82

Price x supply = $4,917,640 market cap as of now.

>> No.9748381
File: 23 KB, 400x300, 1525723902693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so... garbage shitcoin bitcoin clones have 400 mil market cap.

We are going to be fucking millionaires off of 0xBitcoin, boys

>> No.9748385
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mfw I finally got in early for once

>> No.9748638
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>> No.9748789


it is an erc-20 token boss.

>> No.9748817

The cope.

>> No.9748832

it has literally nothing to do with bitcoin. you just threw "bitcoin" in the name like that shitcoin bitcoin private did (without even the airdrop somewhat correlating it with BTC)

>> No.9748853


you are the faggots praying someone eats your b.s. and buys your bags. there is a reason you faggots are shilling this every 3rd thread. coordinating in your shitskin discord

>> No.9748867
File: 72 KB, 730x438, The road less traveled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Btrash
This is the road to travel

>> No.9748878

Agree because it is that easy to make this and persuade pajeets that they can mine the next bitcoin. Bitcoin was developed by a team and 0x I haven't found much on their team. Kind of like Dero. It wouldn't hurt to buy 10-20 of these for kicks. But going all in is retarded. In the long run, this will not be around and if it is, it's in the back of the bus behind real coins with real use and backed by quality teams.

>> No.9748894

this coin is perfect for mining

>> No.9748918


>literally nothing to do with bitcoin
>is literally bitcoin on Ethereum

Nice reading comprehension.


Easy to make a clone of this now that's its made sure, especially because it made the EIP918 so everyone can make one. Clones aren't valuable though (see BCash and Litecoin), iterations and new technology are.

>> No.9748944
File: 34 KB, 1000x562, wojakser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0xBitcoin is implemented as an Ethereum ERC20 token and so its success is largely dependent on the success of the Ethereum Network. >If Ethereum cannot scale using methods such as Plasma, Casper, and the Loom network, then 0xBitcoin will not be able to realize its full potential as the fastest and most effective decentralized currency in the world.

>> No.9749025
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I have no bags only balloons

>> No.9749043


what makes it Bitcoin on ethereum, explain that. Bitcoin is fucking Bitcoin; an independent network. Because it is "mined" it is Bitcoin? is Dogecoin Bitcoin then? is zCash Bitcoin? those are mineable. Is it because you randomly ripped off the name "Bitcoin" and applied it to your shit token? Please explain how it is literally Bitcoin on Ethereum and what that even fucking means.

>> No.9749049

>missing the point

>> No.9749051

I just noticed it got listed in IDEX. Is moving the tokens from my MetaMask to my IDEX balance the same process as when I do it with my ETH?

>> No.9749138


The fact that every parameter and design decision that went into Bitcoin is present except using PoW only for distribution, and the Ethereum network secures it. So the supply, the rate of production, the difficulty adjustments, etc. Everything that made Bitcoin a great store of value and medium of exchange. Except the iteration part is using Ethereum so transactions are much faster and cheaper and scaling can be done on the Ethereum network. This isn't that hard please read the white paper before asking stupid questions.

>> No.9749152

Just like Satoshi Nakamoto and finding out who he is doesn't matter. What matters is the technology is here and it's not going away. Nano transacts faster and cheaper than bitcoin, but why is the price falling?
I just doubt it will be significant compared to GVT, NULS, ZIL. You never know. Antshares became NEO that went to the moon and back multiple times.

>> No.9749175

In bitcoin mining is used to protect the network. In 0xBTC it is used to waste electricity. Deal with it 0xFAGs

>> No.9749190

What does it matter who the devs are? Would the existing, publicly accessible code be any different if it was coded by a golden retriever? The devs made the smart contract and there's LITERALLY nothing they can do anymore to change it. They are powerless.

Over time development of projects relating to 0xBTC will be done by core devs and community members. You, anon, have as much power to build on 0xBTC as any of the core devs.

>> No.9749336

It's starting to hold its ground. Gonna look into it more before buying, but leaning that way. It would be more identical to bitcoin if we didn't know who developed it. Who is the real 0xSatoshi 0xNakamoto? Ethereum is going down, so this probably will succeed as long as ETH can scale.

>> No.9749357

Ethereum isn't going anywhere and they'll find a solution for scaling. $10-20 in the next year is a good price for this.

>> No.9749902
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>should i buy this anon?

>> No.9749975


imagine being this clueless

this is who buys into 0xBTC

>> No.9750024

you have a better chance of getting rich off this than chainlink.

take that for what its worth.

>> No.9750077

Listed on Payfair.


>> No.9750086


yea it is a shitty smart contract. not a fully functioning network like BTC.

by your own admission.

So why the fuck do you faggots compare the two? 0xBTC and BTC are nothing alike.

Outside of crypto you faggots would be sues for copyright infringement for stealing the name

>> No.9750106


core devs are are never touching your shitcoin. they work on the BTC network not ethereum brainlet.

even ethereum devs won't touch 0x. Shit, no-one will but you speculative "miners" and the people dumb enough to buy your bags

>> No.9750252

I bought 800 at $0.9 and sold at $2.30 an thought its another biz P&D

Should I regret?

>> No.9750278

good gains anon i won't lie, but it's gonna bite you in the long run imo i hope you're not a regretful guy

the way i see it, total scams that offer nothing new like bitcoin gold/diamond are sitting at above 400MM market caps, while 0xbtc is at what, 3MM right now?

i believe 100MM is a safe guess once youtubers etc have finished accumulating and start promoting itaccumulating and start promoting it

>> No.9750321

this wouldn't be so bad if you guys just came out with your token realistically and didn't make wild claims and call it an improved bitcoin. just call it what it is

an original erc-20 token which uses a simulated mining algorithm for distribution. That is literally exactly what 0xBTC is.

>> No.9750336

hmm dont know. I dont trust biz vaporwaves and their discord is creepy

>> No.9750342

its going to reach at least $100 minimum by eoy, you fucked up

>> No.9750347

>should i regret?
Why? This thing will never hit $2.30 again, it'll just get dumped to hell by bagholders every time it starts rising

>> No.9750349

Bitcoin gold is one of the first forks and was airdropped which is why it has an inflated market cap. There isn't much liquidity in reality so if any significant portion of the supply was dumped it would drop to zero. Most of the coins haven't even been scrapped out of the snapshot wallets.

0xBTC can't really even be compared to those with its distribution model.

>> No.9750356

Ill take the MCAP of bitcoin gold.

>> No.9750373


I will bet heavily against that at odds if you aren't a broke pajeet and can escrow your end with a 3rd party we can agree on (in Vegas ideally). I'll take up to 100k against.

>> No.9750390

fuck off slav shit

>> No.9750396

well orderbook od marcadox looks pretty good. OVer 70eth in buy orders. I've never seen as much there and no sell walls

>> No.9750637

are we posting again?

>> No.9750804

U can already smell my Mercedes Maybach

>> No.9750890

> shitty smart contract
It works exactly as intended so how is it a shitty smart contract?

>0xBTC and BTC are nothing alike
They're similar in some ways and different in others. The 0xBTC mining distribution, halving rates, difficulty adjustment, etc are all essentially the same. In terms of thematic similarities, both can act as store of value because all distribution is based on mining, there was no ICO, and there was no pre-mine (current devs and OG miners have less 0xBTC concentrated in their hands than Satoshi has in his).

0xBTC is not meant to be a blockchain network, it doesn't claim to be. It lives on and is secured by the Ethereum network. Thus, it can act as a true store of value while also being of use in the largest smart contract platform in existence.

> Outside of crypto you faggots would be sues for copyright infringement for stealing the name
Run to daddy US Copyright Law and state enforcement.

>> No.9750931

Also this just so you stop bitching about arbitrary intellectual property rights, idiot


>> No.9750950

How long till this really moons though?

>> No.9750983
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1. ETH network overall is scam
2. Token code is not sertified, it posible have security holes/back_doors
3. Transactions cost to mach- the overall ETH network problem
4. 99% of perconal computers cannot download ETH blockchain in real time

>> No.9751318
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Giga chad coming through

>> No.9752161

You’re a mad lad

>> No.9752350

god damn

>> No.9752381

holy crap this chart on mercatox. IM all in another coin but this looks so sweet for 1.5 swinging every day

you guys think how long will this pattern last

>> No.9752802

Just purchased 200. This will be enough for me for now. I want to believe. If not, it's less than 1 eth so no fucks given

>> No.9752862

difficulty readjusts in a few hours here, so probably another pop