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File: 788 KB, 1080x5553, Whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9743976 No.9743976 [Reply] [Original]

This includes Ethereum for 100k.

>> No.9744024


>> No.9744031

Mom has every right to be pissed. She led him on to get his money.

>> No.9744050

She's obviously just trying to gain support but guaranteed she still has shit loads of his crypto

>> No.9744053

Biggest cuck ever it sounds like

>> No.9744054

Man what a loser.
It's one thing to give money away but at least find a woman with a soul

>> No.9744058

lol the mom needs to post that reddit post on facebook

>> No.9744061

hahah holy fuck

what a scumbag

>> No.9744063

his mom rised him to be such a cuck so it's all her fault

>> No.9744084

The incels here womt blame the.desperate virgin who put this thot on such a high pedestal

The loser who killed himself resembles you so you are mad. You dyels are pathetic


>> No.9744086
File: 70 KB, 800x534, goodjoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a soul

>> No.9744087

The mom needs to see the Reddit post first. Is this kid on the news anywhere?

>> No.9744089

Cold world.

>> No.9744092

What a fag, should’ve sent money to me.

>> No.9744101

nothing of value was lost
by him or his mother

>> No.9744134

i do not know... idk why these autists think he's a loser and a cuck when it's quite clear from that reddit thread and her post history that she was exploiting him. she says she is a friend but doesn't cooperate with his mom? what kind of friend is that.. hope his mom sues her

>> No.9744139

The incel is a loser cuck and the woman is a soulless bitch.

>> No.9744147

It's beta he is dead now. We should be grateful for his sacrifice and learn from it.

>> No.9744149

i wouldn't expect more from a chink named LEE

>> No.9744170

Sounds like an Asian American thot
Cold and calculating

>> No.9744180

I don’t understand this story

>> No.9744181

Yeah anyone have more screenshots from the thread before she deleted the post?

>> No.9744193

24 days ago, her reddit user is "amyleebae"


the bitch was so concerned about the money she didn't even think about "her friend"

>> No.9744204

He was a turbobeta. But this bitch exploited him and the world should know.

>> No.9744213

Hapa incel detected

>> No.9744217
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>a woman with a soul

>> No.9744218


>> No.9744220

also possible she stole his eth

if she BREATHE she a THOT

>> No.9744228

How can we be sure he killed himself?
Or perhaps, she stole the Ethereum and then he killed himself when he realized his life savings were stolen.

>> No.9744231

She was either exploiting him, or she is a thief. The mom should go after her with everything she has.

>> No.9744234

Maybe manipulated him and driven into suicide....

>> No.9744243

Seriously I also don't see how it matters if he was retarded enough to give her free money.

>> No.9744249

The Internet is a truly weird place. Absolute proof for some alien race to deem us unworthy of existence.

>> No.9744251

Someone post this in /pol telling them this chinkwoman exploited a fellow neet and hell breaks loose

>> No.9744253

that's what i'm thinking.... what kind of person accepts 100k from someone and doesn't care about them.....reeks of chink i'm so triggered

>> No.9744267

Good idea In gonna do that
We need their autistic powers

>> No.9744273
File: 87 KB, 1440x1080, 1519859344618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le I can't get laid so all women are whores meme
Damn it feels good to be an aryan male with a aryan woman who cooks and cleans

Oh wait, neet master race right?

>> No.9744285
File: 2.24 MB, 230x156, 1407016781490.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she'd be too stupid
IF (big if) she stole it I'm sure only with the help of her bf

>> No.9744296

he totally killed himself because she was off cheating with chad

>> No.9744301

Justice for the neets!

>> No.9744331

No but seriously tell me when you are done posting, really curious how this unfolds

>> No.9744334

>j-justice fo n-n-neets
Even though you don't even know who she is. You're not getting the money if you private message her your dick or insults on reddit kek.

>> No.9744343

He gave his ethereum to some nasty thot kek

>> No.9744359

My ISP is banned at pol.
CTR shill really abused proxy fagging and I can't post anything kek

>> No.9744362


they were roomates, so all she would have to do was go into his room and find is paper backup when he was out

the idiot probably told her about the eth trying to impress her

>> No.9744371

Not really looking for the mone though got more than enough, thanks. But srsly fucking chinkwoman probably stole that money with her bf and now is trying to make her look credible with calling the police and playing the victim role

>> No.9744388

Thread up

>> No.9744410


this isn't >>adv faggots

>> No.9744415

This is gonna be a-awesome

>> No.9744453

You don't even know if it's a "chinkwoman" that's something you decided in your faggot pol brain, and you don't live in a real world if you're surpised that someone would dare steal 100k. Crypto theft happens all the time. We don't know the real story but I blame all parties. I would never tell a friend or whatever she is, about 100k worth of computer money.

>> No.9744455

What a loser. He could have given me the money and I would've spent it on a solid business, but he gave it to some whore hoping to "buy" her "love".

>> No.9744486

Or most likely he just wanted to give it to someone. I have a hard time deciding who I should give mine if I an heroed but its not going to happen regardless

>> No.9744496

chink bitch is probably the culprit, id imagine there are enough autistic people out there to find out who she is and ruin her life like everyone seems out to do

>> No.9744506

Give it to an animal shelter.

>> No.9744518

Or don't an hero and become an animal shelter yourself. Or to someone who loves animals. My god, why would you kill yourself anyway if you had money and could do good things?

>> No.9744537

>cold and calculating womyn cucks beta orbiter out of his eth
>other virgin retards go out to try and ruin said womyn's life

>> No.9744541

I wont. That's why I said it's not going to happen, genius. There should be one way for everyone and it's up, not down.

>> No.9744544

Because after giving it to her, he didn't have any money anymore?

>> No.9744589

It should be really easy considering a guy killed himself. You just need to track the suicide.

>> No.9744611

And so justice was served thanks the internet nazi squad

>> No.9744620

Yea I'm betting on this. 100k to a dumb roastie? No way he's that stupid. And considering how she says "the money" it would have to be a significant portion of his net worth. Fucking evil.

>> No.9744648

i like how you all are calling this guy a loser when he had a decent amount of money and his own place. i think the loser in this story is the leeching roastie with the “lol 0 a year income”

he fell for the same thing a lot of guys fall for when they’re inexperienced with women. mistaking a pretty face for a pretty personality. unfortunately he had a lot more to lose than most.

think back to your youth, and i’m sure you can find a memory of you bending over for an ungrateful pretty face or giving away shit to a girl because you think it will win her favor.

it’s a natural part of growing up. you have to learn most women are parasitic if you show them too much kindness. you have to usually learn this the hard way, because you’re not taught it anywhere else.

for some kids it’s giving away a phone charger or buying them lunch. unfortunately for this dude it was a lot of fucking money.

>> No.9744653

>i think the loser in this story is the leeching roastie with the “lol 0 a year income”
No she's up 100k

>> No.9744661

this beta cuck deserved to die. she is a good investor and did nothing wrong.

>> No.9744673

I'm interested in her question on how to tax it if she cashed out the gift of 10k or 30k?

>> No.9744677

also this is an obvious larp

>> No.9744696

Now thats an insight

Hea madly in love with her yet realizes shes using him

As a last beta effort towards penetration he gives her all his wealth

She fucks off with Chad Csmasher

He kills himself

Mom gets angry and jealous cuz son didnt tell her about le money

Yes, some moms are so fucking retarded that they will literally get jealous of their boys first gf/girls he gives affection/attention

My mom was like that bit she died of cancer so its all goos

>> No.9744706
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made me chuckle

>> No.9744708

Is it at all possible he was going to kill himself anyway and gave away his money so his friend could at least have a good life?

>> No.9744757
File: 1.73 MB, 209x213, skeeeup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9744763

People commonly give away their possessions/gifts before they commit suicide. But of course you saddos jump on the "thot" immediately like it was her fault at all. Giving shit away is one of the tell-tale signs someone is about to kill themselves.

>> No.9744769

>t.m'lady fedora faggot

>> No.9744784

She says in her post that there were prior issues between them. That in addition to her attempts at hiding the fact that she recieved 100K from him and attitude upon getting called out over it makes her highly suspicious.

>> No.9744788

Yeah, it's set up so lazily and convenient

>> No.9744806

>People commonly give away their possessions/gifts before they commit suicide.
true story... dude gave me a Pontiac Firebird Smoky and the Bandit edition becasue he was going to off himself and just wanted to give his shit away... I had just met him about a week beforehand

>> No.9744808

Fuck this amy lee chink scammer

>> No.9744835

nice. is there some place where rich depressive dudes congregate?

>> No.9744884


>> No.9744890
File: 67 KB, 720x552, ngbbs51194eb60007b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize of course this is probably the exact mindset the guy had when he gave her $100k?

>> No.9744892


>> No.9744895

maybe he gave her that money because he knew he was going to kill himself. maybe he didnt give it to his family, because he doesnt like them. i dunno

i cant actually read the image because its too large for my computer to load. i only have a 20mbps connection and an i7 processor with 8 gbs of ram for a 788kb image and it wont load wtf. whatever. image too long i guess thats a thing

>> No.9744904

>Wow, a 100k worth of crypto? Uh, I dunno what that is, but thanks lol!
>Don't forget, rent is due Monday
>kbye, gotta go see Chad now
Yea, she seems like an upstanding lady.

>> No.9744917

I think people are calling her a thot because a short while after she's already with another man

Your armor is getting dusty m'lord

>> No.9744931
File: 80 KB, 710x473, 1521472820552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Beta orbiters are physically and mentally deficient males who do not deserve to have their genes carried on in the genepool.

Don't get mad at the roastie, but she did the human specie a favor.

The weak and defective MUST be eliminated. Otherwise they breed with Asian females resulting in Elliots.

>> No.9744967

no it is not. here is the deleted reddit post in /legaladvice, also her reddit cache:


>> No.9745031

Is it possible that she killed him and took all his money then said he killed himself while trying badly to hide the fact she cleared out all his accounts?

>> No.9745052

yea right this bitch stole his shit and he killed himself knowing he could do nothing and he probably told her how on top of it.

>> No.9745115


>"I changed my mind, can I have my ethereum back?"


>/kills self

>> No.9745129
File: 768 KB, 1280x1519, 9C437A26-07D5-43BA-9794-8021FEB3DFF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, what the fuck is the problem? This shit is pure alpha.
>living rent free
>no job
>got gifts
>everything was paid for
>had a boy toy
>had a chad BF
>boy toy killed himself and she collected her reward
Please, name me something more alpha than this? I’ll be waiting.

>> No.9745134
File: 33 KB, 508x419, 1525734804369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self-aware incels aren't the ones buying girls gifts

>> No.9745145

mexican cartel gore does nothing to me but this made me sick to my stomach
idc how beta the guy was, that's fucking disgusting

>> No.9745149

So this guy had obviously more than 100k. And he’s renting with a roommate. Is this how he tried to get close to girls or did he just want to sniff her underwear?

>> No.9745152

Yikes the absolute state of cucks

>> No.9745224

She deleted her account and posts after getting called out

>> No.9745262

Alternatively, he asks for her to pay the share of rent she owes and instead she murders him. Then when people start checking up on why he hasn't been active lately she says he killed himself right after giving her everything he had.

She's the one who's saying he killed himself and she's the one who's claiming he gave her everything willingly.

>> No.9745272

i bet there are a few thots right here right now thinking they wish it was her, or at least thinking how to bait betas for their crypto shekels

>> No.9745283


Probably a typical crypto user who is holding for millions instead of cashing out and alerting the iRS

>> No.9745307

can someone find the mom so she can see this chink whore's exploitation of her son

>> No.9745337
File: 151 KB, 500x360, 1507929597941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned this lesson at 18

>go to visit a girl at her college
>spend like $150 doing a bunch of shit with her
>even set up her apartment
>never make a move on her because I figure she was a good christian girl and I was doing the right thing by not pressuring it
>find out she fucked a married guy like 3 weeks after

Aaaaaand now I'm on 4chan

>> No.9745358


A lot of women are downright evil. A man can be angry, sure... but woman can be soulless manipulative bitches without any sense of wrongdoing, remorse or regret. If that would have been my brother, i'd kill her.

>> No.9745370

Its not because shes a woman, its because she’s chink.

>> No.9745372
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>> No.9745377

lmao no. They all do this shit, just on different levels

>> No.9745409


>> No.9745444

Now that is a spicy larp.

>> No.9745472
File: 129 KB, 720x960, 1AAAD7AF-D722-4120-8521-DBBB2025B6C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, she's not even good looking wtf

>> No.9745486

>woman with a soul

Oh sweet summer child. You have a lot to learn, young man.

>> No.9745500

Every one of these bitches are unequivocally gold-digging hoes and I shall dick them ferociously with no respect

>> No.9745542

Bet he was thinking she's more reliable cause she's ugly.

>> No.9745543
File: 827 KB, 968x928, 1526337951794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this woman was given 100k in ethereum

>> No.9745552
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, japanese girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i hate anime now

>> No.9745554

That's not her.
There are so many Amy Lee's in California it's impossible to fix her
We need to start here
And find the mom first

>> No.9745568


>> No.9745577
File: 308 KB, 783x753, juggernaut law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh fat chicks wont leave you hot girls have bad personalities

>> No.9745608

>Absolute state of men

>> No.9745625

Am I the only one thinking she definitely was on his cock?

>> No.9745630

This is extremely depressing desu

>> No.9745650
File: 59 KB, 550x535, 1526841479950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw any post on this board could potentially have been made by a dumb whore with a blown out roast beef vagina

>> No.9745665

Internet was a mistake. My first hint that shit was going to get fucked up was being in xbox live servers when a chick would show up and the whole damn topic of discussion changed to her.

>> No.9745702

he killed himself over that HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fucking beta cuck

>> No.9745714

It's not her bro
That's just some random chick named Amy lee

>> No.9745801

That happens to live in California... and is a neet and doesn't like books....
Just a little coincidence goyim, move in, nothing to see here

>> No.9745857

Not a mom's job to make you tougher that's daddy's fault.

>> No.9745858

and graduated HS in 2015, which would put her age at 22 ... the only thing fucking with me is the October move-in ... if she graduated Baylor in 2018 ...

>> No.9745865

Seriously how can you be an Asian woman and get fat before you hit 30?

>> No.9745878


there is no indication she led him on though.

>> No.9745897


Holy lord, the memes about Betas and Asian women are real..

>> No.9745909

Fuck right off Amy!

>> No.9745954

is there any other info she gave on reddit?

>> No.9745994

Is that a fucking dude?

>> No.9746041

> 22 (graduated hs in 2013-2014; college 2017-2018)
> chinese (possibly)
> moves in in October (from?)
> lives in CA
> roommate killed self early June 2018-late May 2018
> mom rants on FB

best bet would be to make a short list of Amy Lees age 21-23 from California (might not even be real name, might be middle name) and cross reference with recent suicides’ moms on FB

i dunno man, check out /cow/ for a basic how-to in this stuff

>> No.9746143

can't find anything on facebook

>> No.9746187

This can't be true!
Holly fuck. I really hope it's not true.

>> No.9746228

2 candidates so far.
I'm guessing he was in his 20's

>> No.9746242

Unfourtunately not. This specimen is studying in a college in texas

>> No.9746246

someone should doxx the bitch and rob her irl.
fuck this roastie bitch. she probably drove the guy to an hero.

>> No.9746279

didn’t she move back to California

>> No.9746291

man women are fucking cold "Yes but I don't get why it matters" like bitch yeah people regularly gift each other six figures. Must be a larp.

>> No.9746296

And you dropped out of elementary school.

>> No.9746330

"Are you sure anon?" She said "Are you sure you aren't giving me 100k because you think that would make me wanna fuck you? Because I am not going to fuck you. As you know, I am in an open-polyamorous relationship with 5 older men, I don't do promiscuous things. I am not that kind of girl, I have morals. Plus you can get like a $20 blowjob down the street from a better looking girl you know..."

"I am sure" he said. "And you don't have to fuck me. I respec women. While Chads lifted weights, I studied cryptvesting. I can make it back 10x in a month. Actually, this is like a fun challenge for me. Give you 100k and make it back by next monday, when testnet goes live!! I have no need for it. You do though child... you have 0 income. So... accept my gift of 500k LINK my sweet asian cupcake."

Then the market crashed and he off'ed himself.

>> No.9746336

Unfourtunately not. This specimen is studying in a college in texas

Larping is a thing on 4chan not on /legaladvice

>> No.9746358

go on....
of fuckin course it is...girls are fuckin clueless of hurt others, but want others to know how THEY feel...

>> No.9746412

Adds to the reality desu
If she was clearly out of his league, he'd known and this wouldn't've happened

>> No.9746439

Jason Thomas Vera would be my pick.
But that's just a shot in the dark.
I'm looking further.

>> No.9746450

Well it's not her.
Thx for the info.

>> No.9746476 [DELETED] 

so she is asian? explains a lot asians are not human

>> No.9746507

im sure karma will come back to bite her... right guys

>> No.9746523

i am disgusted she doesn't have the least bit of remorse or regret. poor fucking dude, but he's already dead

>> No.9746560

Nah. Pic isn't her. Actual girl lives in Cali.
Kill yourself.

>> No.9746568

Naomi Vera Zavaleta would be the mom.
I don't have FB so it's hard to check that all and confirm.

>> No.9746594

Also goes by Naomi Vera?

>> No.9746619


>> No.9746638

>aryan male with an a aryan woman who cooks and cleans
>posts anime picture
there's bad larps, and then there's your larp
best a faggot like you will ever get is a cuckbox in some big city and some woman with glasses who looks exactly like you

>> No.9746644

Which persons mom is that supposed to be. On what name did you look that for?

>> No.9746670

The guy who killed himself. Related to Jason Vera and Naomi Vera
IF that's the guy.

>> No.9746671
File: 273 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180604-124321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good find
But if it was a suicide, should they explicitly mention it or just say "passed away"?

>> No.9746673

Don't you fuck whores BEFORE you pay them?

>> No.9746680

The only worthy one is the mutt ark girl, shes so broken god, I have a thing for broken girls.
I'd love to make them submissive for me and control each and every aspect of their life.

>> No.9746685

They won't mention suicide and the obituary is super vague. That's why he is my pick.
Anons I can be super wrong here.
Naomi Vera has an Instagram btw. Another "service " that I avoid.

>> No.9746693

>projecting, the post
i understand it's necessary cope for retards to assume everyone else is similarly retarded, but no, most people do not give the equivalent of lifetime earnings of a second-worlder in an attempt to gain favor with a girl who has no interest in them
magnitude matters, and your attempt to normalize the size of his gift makes you as retarded as this loser

>> No.9746701

>giving away 100k eth to a roastie
Would tell him to kys but atleast he did that right

>> No.9746723

What a nasty piece of shit. Felt sick reading her responses

>> No.9746767
File: 240 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180604-124932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can call and get the mothers contact info
Jason Thomas Vera

>> No.9746815
File: 19 KB, 387x380, images-85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's borderline impossible that she had all these benefits without fucking him.
>She fucks him for months
>He tells her about his eth stack
>Bitch finds out how to transfer his funds
>Takes his eth and hits the road with chad
>Kid realizes he got played and had his life savings thieved by a dirty thot
>Calls mom in desperation, tells her about the stolen money
>Offs himself

>> No.9746835

How to not get fucked lads?
My parents died, father gave executor of will to this woman who became my guardian. She SPENDS ALL OF IT and there could have been over a million since we sued for my mothers suicide.

How do I make sure that my kids never get fucked by fucking stupid gold diggers

>> No.9746836

What a fucking ho.

Proof to all non believers, NEVER TRUST THOTS.

>> No.9746860

Believe it or not some guys are so beta they will get played like that. Like that scene in idiocracy.

>> No.9746862


It's called a trust dumb fuck

>> No.9746872

Will someone do this ? Or should I do?
I'm not good at shit like this

>> No.9746922

They probably won't give you the info.
It would be different if we knew for a fact who the mother is. But we don't.
You can't just call and ask for her name/number. What story would you use?
I mean if we assume that Naomi is her name then I think I can find her phone # without calling the place for it. But to call them and ask for her name is a lost cause.

>> No.9746955

send flowers and let them know

>> No.9746963

>What story would you use?
Potentially incriminating info on the bitch?

>> No.9746975

Women are such goddamn parasites. I feel so sorry for the mother who lost her son to this leech. Women always bring down the most vulnerable men and leave then with nothing

>> No.9746976

fucking kek

>> No.9746983

when did i ever say it wasn’t retarded? i’m saying it’s a common scenario for confused young men who lack experience with women and it’s always a retarded move on any level. they’ll be overly generous in hopes of winning favor. we have no idea what his financial situation was like. he obviously had money if he could afford rent for two people and could invest that much money into crypto. he also apparently didn’t value his own life at all. to him 100k could’ve been meaningless. it’s a naive approach to women, but i’d call him a victim before i’d call him a loser.

>> No.9747004
File: 148 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180604-130617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it. Wasn't that hard I guess.
What story should I use?

>> No.9747007

They will direct you to the police, bit I like your thinking.
What we need is someone with FB account to send Naomi Vera a message.
I would hate to disturb her if that's her son, and would hate to disturb her if it isn't.

>> No.9747011

hold on, on the reddit post the girl said his parents are from out of state

>> No.9747018

Just ask straight up if she's his mother, and send her the link to the post.
She may come here and comment.
Text. Don't call.

>> No.9747029

THANK you!

>> No.9747036

>it's one thing to give money away

No it's not. Only fools give large sums of money as gifts, especially to women.

>> No.9747038

>Has never heard of VPNs

>> No.9747043

that could still be him, not his mother though

>> No.9747053

holy fuck the top comment links to ''fool.com'' and it has info about paying taxes
daily reminder that if you aren't doing your best to hide your assets and under-report your income as much as possible you're retarded

>> No.9747057

It’s in a trust brainlet. She is the executor

>> No.9747064

Guy was probably going to commit suicide anyways and the whore didn't even care or bat an eye, just accepted massive gifts, which is a sign for a potential suicide.

>> No.9747073

girl here
how do i find a crypto cutie to dote on me?

>> No.9747095

And? There are just as many trolls over on Reddit as here - and many of the trolls there are aspies from here, because of the irrational hatred for Reddit here.

I don't buy ANYTHING I read here or there seriously, especially in bullshit forums like /legaladvice, which is just a bunch of neckbeard armchair lawyers virtue signaling to people in trouble - and most of the posts are trolls. Wouldn't be the first time someone trolled them - and created a "backstory" for it. I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of you incels doing it, either. "I know, I'll show those thotts, I'll larp being a girl who rips off a dude with crypto!"

Reddit or 4chan, chances are it's bullshit.

>> No.9747098

Theres no fucking way he would kill himself for a 2/10. Jesus christ

>> No.9747122


You said specifically, "how do I make sure no gold digger fucks my kids over", you specifically leave your money to them and them only. Your step-mom got free reign of the money because it sounds like your Dad SPECIFICALLY gave her that power by making her executor! Really the only one to blame is him and him only.

>> No.9747131

Sure, go ahead, unleash the weaponized autism here on unsuspecting innocents, with no actual proof or verification. Good idea.

>> No.9747142

>Larping is a thing on 4chan not on /legaladvice
Oh, you sweet, sweet, sweet, fucking dumb summer child.

>> No.9747148

Thot or not, that bitty was eating good off that cuck.

>> No.9747151

spread your legs

>> No.9747162

but the girl didn't do that

>> No.9747273

Right - suppose he trusted her though and then that happens. Is there no one like a 3rd party you could let control the investments etc?

I kinda hate him at times but I can’t blame him, he was dying of cancer and my sister and I were underaged. Guy was probably worried about how he would live. Grandparents think my guardian did it for money which would be blackmail i guess.

I’ll enjoy watching that roastie die though. Her fucked everyone financially, even her own family and now ex husband.

>> No.9747311

She did for her Chad boyfriend.
Alpha fucks, Beta bucks.
This girl had it figured out.

>> No.9747320

i dont want a chad bf
i just want the beta bux and a good vibrator

>> No.9747321

Suicidal people give away everything they have. That's how you know someone is going to commit suicide.

He had plans killing himself before he gave away 100k you idiots.

>> No.9747324

wonder why he just didn't kill the chink if he was going to pussy out on life anyway. might as well have

>> No.9747334

sorry you have something special between your legs that men will move mountains to get into.

>> No.9747335

This is the correct answer. Mom needs to just get blacked already to get over it.

>> No.9747340

yeah but this girl didn't give it up for the bux
just possessing a vag gets you $$$, u dont actually have to use it if u think

>> No.9747354

Wondering if this reddit post was a larp.... some idiot on biz posted “that 22 year old boomer who thinks he made it with 100k” a couple days ago

>> No.9747362

>too stupid to file taxes
>smart enough to plan and execute the perfect murder

huehue her reddit posts are just a front right /biz/bros?

>> No.9747383

Someone check that already im not on my pc but will get back to that if no one does

>> No.9747394

Holy shit what a vile bitch. Women are evil.

>> No.9747413

She probably thought he was just being a really good friend. I mean she's just such an amazing person so why shouldn't she have her rent paid and $100k+ worth of gifts?

>> No.9747422

Did someone find out who that is now?

>> No.9747430
File: 343 KB, 1079x1149, PSX_20180604_134121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too elaborate larp so not likely. She asked the question about the crypto tax like 20 something days ago.

>> No.9747443

What a fucking low life slut

>> No.9747487

Yeah right, that's the public story but her lizard brain is screaming "LOL RINSE THIS BETA FOR EVERYTHING HE'S GOT"

Thots should be dropped off of cliffs.

>> No.9747488

and you know this bitch ain't gonna hodl

>> No.9747514

the whole story stinks of foul play. The police should investigate this but I know they won't.

>> No.9747553

Still looking.

>> No.9747582

Women don't have souls, it doesn't matter how white they are.

>> No.9747622
File: 101 KB, 633x711, AA5C3850-F4A8-42D4-90C3-A46BC9AA6362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL. Imagine what the real details of this story are. Women will literally lie about anything and everything to not lose social status, she probably led this guy on so hard and then revealed she had a boyfriend.

Look at how vague the story she posted is, there’s zero details surrounding his suicide. I’m giessibg all the missing details make her look bad, so she does the womanly thing and just chooses not to include them.

>> No.9747624

Using this to look for more info potentially from the deleted posts


>> No.9747640

What would be the best way? Looking through death records?
So he killed himself last week and we know its california and he needed to be between 18 (no idea what age you'd have to be in california to rent a flat)and maybe 25. What other infos are there that would narrow it down more?
Or would it be viable to actually look after the username amyleebae?

>> No.9747648

Go to June 4 and select different time stamps

>> No.9747664

Yeah, this is my guess too.

>> No.9747825

>it's ok to give women money if you think it has a soul

>> No.9747858

She said this
>The cops said I'm not in trouble and I've told her this but she doesn't listen to anything. I blocked her number and now she's posting rants, harassing me on facebook
The mother has a facebook;!!!

>> No.9747900
File: 306 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180604-141542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may be another way
Search for keywords on public posts

>> No.9747947
File: 157 KB, 1164x514, YPTMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9747957

I love how this fucking cunt just slyly mentions he gave her "gifts" at the end of the post like it was no big deal.

>> No.9747977

She has deleted her account now apparently?

>> No.9747989

Most likely what happened:
He loves the slut. She friend zoned him but exploited his love. It's a one sided friendship, he gives everything, she gives nothing. It's a gamble he took and he lost. At some point he probably gave her a lot of Ethereum as a gift when it was cheap. I mean, what else would he be talking about to her? Oh, and they probably did fuck, she used him for that too. The soulless selfish slut drove him to feel life was truly pointless. Mother is angry because she's a female and knows the mind of a female. Probably wants the money.

>> No.9747999

>Amy Lee, is an American singer, songwriter, pianist, and record producer. She is the co-founder and lead vocalist of the rock band Evanescence.
Are we getting memed? She's even from California. I get that it could just be a dumb handle, but of all the names to pick.

>> No.9748007

Also, can confirm a chink with the last name lee or lei is sure to be a soulless chink slut.

>> No.9748024

He probably installed a cam in her room and when she was gone, he downloaded all the footage and discovered she was masturbating to cuck porn.

>> No.9748041

Anyone who gets exploited for over 100k is a cuck.

>> No.9748056

Hey its possible for reddit admins to look for the ip adress this is stated in reddit's privacy policy. We could find out what area she posted it from and could continue from there

>> No.9748061


>> No.9748065

good shit anon
keep it up

>> No.9748098

Women aren't people. You will NEVER see a man pull this type of shit.

>> No.9748100

idiots, he gave the money because he was going to kill himself. He had plans in the first place

>> No.9748129

thot cucked a beta to death for 100k+ and stacey mad

>> No.9748133

Someone post this shit on Ellen Pao's Twitter.

>> No.9748140
File: 143 KB, 1102x1235, PSX_20180604_143720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this has potential

>> No.9748148

>Beta orbiters are physically and mentally deficient males who do not deserve to have their genes carried on in the genepool.

>> No.9748151

Is there a temple of cuckoldry? He should be established as the absolute God

>> No.9748163

So the moral of the story is to never tell anyone about your crypto stash and this situation would not have happened.

>> No.9748169
File: 48 KB, 750x563, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't talk like a friend

>> No.9748183

This pretty much. They're literal children whose only use is giving man children.

>> No.9748186

your already here

>> No.9748203


>> No.9748205

Desu, might be something but I think the roommate she's referring to is the roommate of her female neighbor that killed herself, probably not the same thing

>> No.9748219
File: 104 KB, 720x1043, 367828721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'member her? I 'member

>> No.9748234

being an unloyal parasite is sooooo alpha gtfo b8

>> No.9748241

Who that?

>> No.9748251

Read the first part
>Boy my kids grew up with also committed suicide
The girl she's talking about below is some other thing

>> No.9748263

yep, this may be it

>> No.9748265

Yeah but
>She (meaning the female neighbor that killed self) had a roommate that no one felt comfortable with

>> No.9748273

This x 100

>> No.9748283

In the bottom half of the post she is talking only about her neighbor, a woman who also killed herself.

The "it" that this may be is in the first half, about a boy her kids grew up with just down the street killed himself

>> No.9748290

> Cheyenne Rose Antoine pleaded guilty to manslaughter.
Figure out the rest if you want.

>> No.9748296

salty faggots, get a 10/10 gf pls

>> No.9748309

Yeah I'm trying to contact her now on messenger

>> No.9748312

Some bitch who murdered the other girl it seems.

>> No.9748348

Indians doing Indian things. Nothing to see here, folks

>> No.9748383

Things that happened. Jpg

You aren't fooling anyone, roastie/numale.

>> No.9748417

Both people in this situation are fucking idiots.

The girl is a fucking idiot for telling people she has 100k in crypto, and basically laying out to everyone why she is a useless cunt while trying to garner sympathy. Not only that but a 100k gift is almost certainly something the IRS would want to know about.

The guy is a fucking idiot for giving someone 100k, especially for giving it to a woman who is clearly not interested in him. Even bigger idiot for killing himself over a goddamn woman.

One of those situations where I hope it gets worse before it gets better

>> No.9748438

You idiots. This clueless bitch didn't steal Ethereum from him. He pitied her depraved soul, obviously why he is providing free housing for her, and gave her slutty whore ass some crypto. Now it's worth a lot and he regrets associating with the bitch at all. Never provide a woman shit and hope she'll love you. She never will. Only thing this slut wants is to watch the world burn. You can't change the stupid whore. She's worthless.

>> No.9748468

Her rants gotta be public...
I forgot the mother is out of state...

>> No.9748470

No matter how much you like someone, giving them 100k for no reason, especially when it seems like it's a good part of what you have and you know that that "love" is unreciprocated, seems weird. I'm not saying the guy is blameless, but there might be more to the story than we know. If she manipulated him into giving it to her, it's not any better than trying to take advantage of an elderly person with dementia or someone who's medically retarded. In any case, she's not reacting in a particularly empathetic way.

>> No.9748476

>now its worth a lot
He gave it to her like a month ago

>> No.9748507

>be a woman
>date some beta enabler for a few weeks
>get 100k for doing absolutely nothing
I guess it's about time I take the pink pill

>> No.9748512

i see, well maybe he was rich from crypto and liked her a lot, but she never liked him back, so he did this ridiculous thing due to being unstable as a result of being rejected. After all, killing yourself is something a very unstable person does. It doesn't just randomly happen.

>> No.9748545
File: 300 KB, 1080x1164, 1526695842803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a woman with a soul

>> No.9748563

> never made a move

Can't blame that one on the woman. You pussed out and probably would have gotten laid

>> No.9748580

I don't know man
$1,000, sure
$10,000-$20,000 maybe
But $100,000 for a thot?
And your entire stack for that matter?
That's fucking sketchy

>> No.9748591

If those Reddit posts are archived just direct it to her, perhaps there is an ongoing investigation and it could be evidence.

>> No.9748594

Someone with FB look into it?
I got busy and had to stop the search but will be back at night.

>> No.9748609


>> No.9748613

The parents were out of state. That's an important tidbit.

>> No.9748620

I've been searching but no luck so far.
New.thread when?

>> No.9748650

When a woman asks for money or asks for something, I say no.

It's that simple to resist thots

>> No.9748690

Ffs. I can tell from the responses a lot of people here really relate to the turbocuck who offed himself. You should follow in his footsteps. The weak need to be culled from the genepool.

>> No.9748706

Because she is Asian American. Lol

>> No.9748741


>> No.9748750


>> No.9748795
File: 141 KB, 845x883, runescape laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman with a soul

>> No.9748799


>Culled from the gene pool
>By a force external to them

Yeah, about that...

>> No.9748802

This x100

>> No.9748816

I love you

>> No.9748819


>> No.9748830

Believe it or not, some men give everything they have to women they haven't fucked, thinking that those women expect them to give proofs of commitment. Once they realize that it was all in their heads and the woman wasn't at all interested, they off themselves.

>> No.9748833

Should have told her that he kicks her out + brag about the money; would atleast get him laid

>> No.9748842

It's called having empathy. If he did what he did, he was mentally ill, and he should have gotten help instead of getting being taken advantage of to the point that he felt he had to off himself.

>> No.9748869

I lost over 300k in crypto as a poorfag 23 year old and never considered suicide (because of that, at least) even though my life is almost objectively shittier than this guys. I feel like there has to be more to this story.

>> No.9748884

It's physically impossible for me to do so.
I just really dislike motherfuckers like this girl.
I would react the same way if that was a guy doing it to the girl.
I don't give a shit about the gender. It's just something about my moral code that doesn't let me just do nothing.
The girl in this example(regardless of how she got that money) had no fucking reason to keep "gifts" free rent, and the money.
If you notice her only concern is how to deal with the mother of the deceased and is happy to hear that she owes her nothing.
Literally says
>>It's what I needed to hear
To an advice to threaten the mother with a restraining order.
What friend worries about shit like that after someone close to them dies?
I mean, if that was me(and by some miracle I actually accepted the money) I would feel ashamed dude. Not entitled.

>> No.9748897

I used be like him when I was younger. He could've changed

>> No.9748919

This probably isn't even her

>> No.9748926

I don't, but anyone with minimum emotional health can not approve her behavior, she is evil.

>> No.9748927

did you buy eth when it was worth $1?

>> No.9748941

>I just really dislike motherfuckers like this girl.

>Guy comes to live with you
>Falls in love
>Starts paying for everything to impress you
>Tells you he is in love with you
>Girl says: 'I have a boyfriend, I don't think you understand what I meant by being your FRIEND'
>Guy thinks he's being tested, she wants him to prove he loves her
>He gives her all his money as proof of commitment
>Girl says 'thanks, but I think you should keep your money'
>Guy thinks he's being tested again
>'No, you can keep all that ether, because I'm very rich and I don't need it anyway'
>Guy thinks he's really impressing her
>She thinks 'I really need that money'
>Asks: 'are you sure you won't need it'
>'Dead sure'
>Girl keeps money
>Next weekend, she goes on vacations with her boyfriend
>They spend part of the money
>She gets fucked all week long
>Guy realizes that she wasn't testing him
>She doesn't give a fuck, in fact
>Kills himself

>> No.9748960


and that is why i don't even watch television or read newspapers anymore. Real journalism is not to be found there anymore. I literally trust PewNews more then that garbage in pic related. No joke.

>> No.9748971

Yeah honestly he kinda deserves it. He's in a dark realm now

>> No.9749029

And yet if I was in her situation I wouldn't accept this money. And it's not only my wishful thinking. I know I wouldn't.
And even if someone would-> then how cold of a bitch you have to be to just worry about the money AFTER your friend died?
I mean c'mon, it's a simple human decency. He killed himself sometime in the last 3 weeks and all she's worried about is the money.
The money, may I add, she, first denied of having.
She literally compared 100k in ETH to a purse.
Nah...no matter how you slice it she's a fucking piece of shit.
The guy might have been naive and in love, maybe weak even...but she is a villain in this.

>> No.9749053

This is probably at least somewhat true, I'm guessing she is even less scrupulous than that interpretation lets on though because I can't even imagine accepting that much money as a "gift".

She's not dumb. Rent free? Nerdy dude? randomly giving you 6 figures?

Morally she was in the wrong, probably allowed herself to not think about it. I can't even imagine having someone pay for my rent and on top of that give me 100k, I would refuse it or at the most have them help me invest in in various projects so we could share the growth.

>> No.9749085

He LET himself be taken advantage of and had every opportunity we all have to improve ourselves. He could've worked out, learned an instrument, or got a chill job just to make friends. Instead he pedastalized a thot and when he realized it was only in his head instead of gaining a valuable life lesson he ended himself. Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.9749099

Same here.
Also what we are overlooking here is the fact that if a person accepts a "gift " this big, they know very very well that to the giver it means hope.
The bitch in this example knew what she was doing. She's not the brightest bulb but she knew. And that's the least malicious interpretation of what happened desu
What if she didn't have the money when she was asking for the tax advice?
What if she knew that she will have it, and was preparing in advance though?

>> No.9749104

this, it's easy to laugh at the weak beta guy, but this is a story about a young man giving everything for a feeling of love he felt. We have no idea about how much she was probably leading him on.

>> No.9749111

Except if your fantasy scenario was the case, it's unlikely she would react the way she did. It looks like as soon as he died, her most immediate concern was if she was in the clear to keep everything, and she wasn't particularly honest in her portrayal of what she took from him. There's also the fact that the family knew about her and their reaction also hints that there would be more at play than she lets on. Like others anon said, if the genders were reversed, it would still be as disgusting. Someone took advantage of someone else who was mentally ill who ended up dying because of it, and the person at fault is basically shitting on their corpse and laughing it up. It sucks.

>> No.9749139

If there is any justice in this world she will be on the short end of some very brutal karma.

Honestly if someone was able to figure out who this really is, the mother could probably cause a raucous in court. She could get the police involved because it's inherently a sketchy situation (big gifts right before suicide raises some red flags, at a minimum it would warrant investigation). The mom could raise competency/consent issues with him giving away the money since he obviously was not in a good state of mind. Further the girl could face taxing issues for not reporting such a large gift. Mom probably has nothing left to lose and there's no way this girl would be able to defend herself/afford a lawyer in a civil court

>> No.9749155

>>nothing of value was lost
We all have better and worse days in our lives. And we all have a need to not be alone(exclude personality disorders like sociopathy), desperate people make desperate decisions.
Did you think about it that way?
Maybe he was completely lost and needed a company, even if he had to buy it.
Following your logic guys who rent prostitutes are worthless as well.
The problem with your logic is that you assume that a person which is weak is worthless.
How many genius scientists pay for services of prostitutes?
How many are contributing to the society but in their personal life they suffer tremendously and are, what you would consider "worthless"?

>> No.9749206

>And yet if I was in her situation I wouldn't accept this money. And it's not only my wishful thinking. I know I wouldn't.
What if the guy tells you he has A LOT of ETH, and that's only his pocket change? I've seen this sort of situation happening. Men lie to impress women all the time.

>> No.9749218

> Nothing of value was lost

Dude had the foresight to invest in crypto early and make himself financially stable at a young age, there's definitely some value in that. Clearly he wasn't emotionally mature and he let a woman take advantage of that. Depression is a serious issue man, and this girl might not have been the root of it, but she was definitely a contributor. Young "love" is pretty fucking terrible and we've all had those bad days, except this poor bastard's only emotional support was the exploiter herself and he had the means to off himself

>> No.9749263

>It looks like as soon as he died, her most immediate concern was if she was in the clear to keep everything
But she says in he Reddit post that she doesn't have any of his money.

>> No.9749272

What's pocket change for him is not pocket change for most of the people, ergo it's an excessive "gift".
Gift like that in any situation comes with strings attached. Even if these strings are just hope and a promise.
And if I'm not interested I'm NOT interested and would not give any hope to someone I cared about(or even didn't care desu).
If he was my "friend" I wouldn't accept anything that would hive him hope. The free rent that he gave her borders on inappropriate already, but I can kind of understand it.

>> No.9749279

You really think he would have given that "gift" to a male friend? Cause it certainly doesn't sound like he gave any to his own mother. I think we can infer a little bit of what was going on with this female "friend" that he paid rent for and showered with gifts.

>> No.9749291

And that's the problem, thats how the entire story started, because Reddit users found her post from 3 weeks ago in which she clearly stated that she got a "gift" of ETH that would allow her to cash out 38k USD for a few years.

>> No.9749323

My issue is that she was so shady about the whole situation. Leddit detectives had to snoop around her post history and call her out before she revealed that these "gifts" he was giving her were not the same as purses or clothes (which she originally indicated), but THOUSANDS of dollars of ETH.

Either accept that you are a gold digger and own up to it or turn the guy down and get out of his life. She's playing down how she was literally financially dependent on this guy (she's renting the place with him while she has a BF? Doesn't pay for anything and gets 100k in ETH, etc...) while also acting like this was a mutual friendship when she clearly didn't give a fuck about him (as evinced by her literally only asking about the tax ramifications of her gift, the effect of her lease with a dead co-lessee, how to get a restraining order on the mom who found about the money etc...basically nothing about her "friends" actual death, just the potential impact it may have on her financial stability). This girl wants to have her cake and eat it too. Fuck that. While it's hard to place the blame on someone for someone else's suicide, she's definitely a shitty person

>> No.9749359

I've searched every single public Facebook posts out there using all kinds of keywords combo I could think of... Could not find those rants
I'm starting to think she made the rants private so this Amy chick couldnt see the posts.. any other leads?

>> No.9749363 [DELETED] 

Who has 100,000 ETH to give away in anycase. I call bullshit.

>> No.9749415

1)parents(mother) are out of state so we can exclude Cali when looking for them
2) he killed himself in the last 3 weeks
3) the gold digger is a student and 22 years old
4)he could be any age, really, but my bet is on early 20's
5) her handle amyleebae was used only on Reddit
6) I found a guy who would match the criteria but can't find relatives and be reasonably sure (I made a mistake with a mother)
7)The gold digger talked to the police and she is in the clear(I'm not sure how to use this info)

>> No.9749427
File: 50 KB, 434x345, 2bixat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these triggered neet amerimutts
You know /biz/ isn't /r9k/ right?
I couldn't possibly be a dutchfag with a girlfriend, nope definitely not

>> No.9749440

If she's a student btw then what Uni?
Also I kind of assume they are both students but that may be wrong

>> No.9749444
File: 25 KB, 720x472, 1521812143470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly this cunt had some role in his death, she omitted crucial information amd now shes hiding all her posts. who the fuck gifts some random thot 100,000 in crypto anyway

>> No.9749480

>gold digger talked to the police and she is in the clear
Doesn't mean shit. She's a confirmed liar. Could be an ongoing investigation for all we know.

>> No.9749521

How do we know she's 22?

>> No.9749534

fucking 4chan, how can u not find her or her mother? where is the fucking weaponized autism you all claim to have.

>> No.9749565

>neets aren't going out and indulging
>give them money

>> No.9749622

gut feeling tells me we are on to something here. keep digging.

>> No.9749654

She said so in the post from May 10th that she deleted

>> No.9749854

New bread >>>9749818