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File: 233 KB, 1078x1348, Screenshot_20180603-224338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9739837 No.9739837 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz brethren. So I got into crypto December of 2017. I was up like 7x for a while but didn't sell at the top. I'm gonna be honest ive fallen for more scams than I'd like to admit and I'm down pretty much like 90% of what I put in. At this point I'm just fucking desperate and am willing to essentially just gamble that 10% I have left and hope for a 10x. What's the easiest way to go about it? I'm down to pure gamble it at this point. I neee to do this so I can afford to go to fucking university next year. I can go without the 10x too but I'll just end up having to take a few small loans which id like to avoid if at all possible. So my biz brethren... Help a guy out. What would you do?

>> No.9739921

Check "recently added" on CoinMarketCap and go all in on whatever seems kinda good
Godspeed desu

>> No.9739958

Guess you didn't get the memo on "don't rush what you can't afford to lose"

>> No.9740010

Buy link retard

>> No.9740016

Whatever you buy, make sure you also clearly document your goal and your exit plan. Convince yourself that this plan is correct NOW, because when you're sitting on that 10x your nuts will try convince you that it's going 15x.

>> No.9740019

NKN would be your best bet for quick profits. Dont know if they can pull of a 10x but 5x pretty sure

>> No.9740033
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Speaking of recently added to cmc....

>> No.9740073

Im gunna catch alot of fud saying this but im in the same situation as you more or less. I chose Amb

>> No.9740092

Turtlecoin. I'm serious.

>> No.9740149


This is actually really important thanks for reminding me. This past week is the only time I've actually taken crypto seriously and even tried day trading. I've yet to make a trade that ended in a loss (only like 8 total trades though). Honestly if I can keep this up pulling 2-3% profit each trade I could easily make back my losses.

>> No.9740179

Your profit potential will be limited to those people impressed enough by Versetti's antics to buy in. The big potential partners you've had hinted to you for months are probably not within that group.

>> No.9740188


I'm all ears for shills but give me some reason mate. I need to clutch it with this last 10% so I can't afford to get burned. It literally makes me sick that I got through first year of engineering with a fucking 3.4 gpa yet I've fallen for so many God damn scams/pajeet coins. So tell me brother why turtle coin?

>> No.9740200

A small edge, discipline and patience will serve you well. It's a challenge not to bump up the risk though. Either getting too confident, or trying to make up for a bad run. Stick to the plan. Good luck, anon.

>> No.9740207


Your right I fucked up. But to be fair im not completely fucked I'm just in a slightly more undesirable situation. Think of it like this. Before I could get through uni no debt everything would be great. With these losses I might end up like every other normie who ends up trying to get out of debt for a couple years.

>> No.9740223


For sure. Thanks brother.

>> No.9740232

Since OP's topic is boring, can we discuss how Sara Underwood is a Patreon abuser instead?

>> No.9740242

what do you mean by that?

>> No.9740248
File: 78 KB, 803x409, 919si7qmhgwmtDSc85WWh-oZBPK1LrFPStqWI8onnJM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she?

If QLC get its marketing together, it could 10-15x, but that's a big if. Keep an eye on it, they should announce their partnerships and release their new white paper sometime in July.

>> No.9740255

Go all in Matrix AI, wait till next April.

You’ll make 10x

>> No.9740267

Do you think it is fair for someone to charge $20+ dollars to Patreons to see tamer pictures than what he puts on her regular Instagram account?
She basically has over 2500 people funding her lavish lifestyle and travels all over the world. And she won't show a single nipple for that money as, the time she did, it got leaked and she got upset, so she toned down on the nudity.

That's right, a Playmate of the year toned it down on the nudity.

>> No.9740270
File: 98 KB, 1200x900, DcvpXWiVMAAU9Ov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture

>> No.9740278

i forgot she even had a patreon.
just basically being paid to be a normie, why are people even giving her money to begin with.

>> No.9740436

>That's right, a Playmate of the year toned it down on the nudity.
What do you think her reasoning is? Is it so she can be more 'family friendly' and do big brand endorsements or something?
Frankly I find it amazing that it's still a viable lifestyle for her - like there are so many thots out there - how has she managed to take her audience captive and milk them for all this money?
>inb4 women is life on easy mode - I demand more penetrating analysis than that

>> No.9740447

She has a boyfriend/husband who might lose his job if she did so.

>> No.9740452


good luck op

>> No.9740518

Sounds like the lazy bitch needs to step up her game and pay for her man in case he loses his job security.

I'm joking, but is that a actual stated reason? If so I wonder if her patreon isn't actually that big of a cashcow and it's hubby who is paying for her lifestyle?

>> No.9740528

do you faggots actually buy link? you do know nothing is going to come of it, right?

>> No.9740531

No idea, that's just a guess, and I'm almost certain she earns a lot more than him. Seems like he teaches in an inner city elementary school or something.

>> No.9740562

Fair enough.
Also I take back my theory about him bankrolling her. Here's a, vague, estimate of how much she would earn.

It estimates she makes between 7-31k a MONTH, obviously that's not a constant and it fluctuates, but goddamn! I wonder how she does it when there's so much competition in the thot-osphere?

>> No.9740570

NKN buy on switcheo

>> No.9740625

Get Zil. Mainnet sharding is a reality and it's utilizing a new smart contract programing language called scilla. Look into it and we'll make it together.

>> No.9740939

>lip injections
pathetic and gross

>> No.9740977



>> No.9741012


You done fucked up op. hook, line, sinker. the age of the shitcoin moons is coming to a close. hodl coins with good use case scenarios and you will see about 3x by eoy.

>> No.9741828
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, SJ22.avi_snapshot_00.18_[2018.06.04_17.29.50].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I have an entire folder of her early full nude vids and I don't even read Playboy.

>> No.9741961
File: 181 KB, 500x438, 4098993343_5501331815_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nicely done.

I wonder what allowed her to become so big comparative to every other playmate. Every month another exhibitionist, probably with fake tits, gets her body paraded across America's news agencies (or now the web) and she is the only one I know of in the top 4 'adult' patreon.