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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9737542 No.9737542 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not know what they even plan to do with all of their money? I invest responsibly, I have for years, I'm going to retire early. But then what

Buy a lake house and jet skis? To use alone since I'm a loser incel? What is the point of this money?

I'm really disenchanted with money now. It doesn't bring me happiness

>> No.9737554

Money doesn't bring you happiness once your base needs are met. You gotta find your purpose outside of that bro

>> No.9737555

Ill probably take up politics

>> No.9737561

Hey I graduated from there.

>> No.9737590

Reminder that women don't care how much money you have these days. It is all about FACE, FRAME, HEIGHT

>> No.9737608

I've seen chinlets get women due to money. Status can trump your looks nigger.

>> No.9737611

>not buying a Dutch wife
>not using the alien technology of the (startups) you (invested) in and requesting them to build you a waifu robot free of roastie tendencies
>not buying a share of Berkshire Hathaway
>not wanting fuck you money
>not wanting to live like Dan Blizerian fucking hookers, shooting guns and winning big in Vegas every weekend
The absolute state of the incel community

>> No.9737645

>Dan Blizerian
He's a trust fund babby loser

>> No.9737683

I don't care about him personally but his lifestyle I would like to experience just once

>> No.9737688

>aspiring to live like a vapid instathot
he's just another manlet trying to avoid thinking about it

>> No.9737744

>Anyone else not know what they even plan to do with all of their money?

They both will probably go shopping for shoes and handbags.

>> No.9737772


Buy acreage and start a small farm. Get some dogs and go for long hikes. Avoid the internet and people, and ignore the news. Make moonshine, smoke cigars, and shoot my guns.

Vacation a few times a year to break the monotony.

>> No.9737779

clean your fukcing room and stop poasting sluts on /biz/ dude
im so sick of this shit
fuck off
you will not make it
you're too dumb
as evident by this shit thread.
enjoy the ban.

>> No.9737797
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how rich are you already? how long were you poor for? i think i know i will face the same fate as you desu, but im still at a very lowly stage atm...

atleast now, you can move up. as in move up into the bigger problems of life, you pritty much graduated from the rat race so to speak, which most people will never make, so pat yourself on the back for that. your a loser faggot incel like myself which just means you probably might low key have an higher ego/ self esteem than you might perceive yourself to have, which isnt a bad thing... you should work on yourself, get to know yourself, what you like/dont, (which your probably clueless about since you probably didnt try anything else like myself, eg sports, music). keep cultivating yourself, upgrading yourself emotionally is something most people dont do anyhow, i suggest atleast going through 48 laws of powers by robert greene just once then just stem from there. understand how the human mind works, and how this seemingly bullshit "positive thinking" is actully magick tier, and just mere belief and imagination can truely manifest and transform yourself if done in repetition.

you must be smart enough to have made yourself out of the rat race at your age, so your definitely smart enough to carry on and explore onto the grey area where most people simply can never reach.

also once you've cultivated yourself, you'll attract women on the same frequency and vibe as yourself so worry about that shit later, i hope i can make it financially too, my burden feels pritty heavy atm senpai

>> No.9737871
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i also wonder how, or when i'll make it financially, i literally work in a grave yard, and i really want to get my own small house and just go ape shit on art, sculpture, and decor like a true madman, make some formal looking garden with just white and black flowers, and shrines on my yards...

i always just imagine having a qt grille friend/wife, im a kissless, sightless and handholdless virgin at 25, and the pain gets pritty bad, and i'd go insane if not for the work i do desu. staying in home not doing anything depresses you/me more than anything else probably.

also try no fap, it kinda helps you a little bit, atleast with sleeping... what advice would you give to get ahead financially? i got roughly 10k all together to work with...

>> No.9737903

he's right.
you want a woman that wants you for your money?
have fun with that.

>> No.9737909

I just want to 10x to buy a mobile food truck or open a construction company as I can get the work but don't have enough to start up. The mobile food truck would get parked outside a hospital in NYC where they recently removed anything unhealthy and jacked the prices up on the shit they sell. The nurses and staff in general are pissed but have no options. I want to set up a food truck which as long as it's mobile doesn't need hospital permission and sell interesting comfort food, coffee, candy etc. They cost about 100k for a new big truck so I'm going to start with a news stand type trailer while I apply for my licenses and permits, build a reputation with the nurses by offering what ever they like and donating 5% of sales to their union to put towards lobbying for higher salaries. A woman I know with a truck at a decent sized park who has a monopoly by city permit makes 120k in cash and doesn't really hustle.

>> No.9737945

My family grew up really poor, so I feel rich now because I've met modest success. I could theoretically stop working right now and live comfortably for a few decades, but I'm young so I'm not fully at the retirement level. But I will be in a number of years. I don't know what to do in the further future

>> No.9737979

>But then what
Reinvest, and continue. That is the eternal, inscrutable logic of capital. Not quite the same as selling your soul, but the next best thing.

>> No.9738032

>Anyone else not know what they even plan to do with all of their money?
No, every time I think about crypto, I think about the possibility of living in a place that doesn't have holes in the window screens or having a car that sometimes doesn't start when it's too cold outside. The possibility of not having to remember which one of my pans is the "good pan" or the possibility of not having to work 60+ hours a week to support myself and also my sick mother. Yes I know I am very well off compared to many people in the world, it's a blessing to have food on your table let alone internet access. But I dream of better days for sure.

>> No.9738040

red pill me on dutch wives

>> No.9738079

seconding this.

>> No.9738082

Damn, I've already made it. I'm over here browsing Amazon for a Macbook to get my sister as a graduation gift.

>> No.9738110

How can I get a girl like this?

>> No.9738146

Become a sugar daddy but pimp her put on patreon by paying for a high end photographer who will take pictures of her "lewd cosplay" sets
From everything she takes give her 40 and take 60 while still cashing out on her
You also get your dick sucked whenever since you're still paying for it in the end
They are expendable since there are tons of thirsty bitches looking for a handout anyway
She already sold herself to you, so she'll sell her soul for a allowance as long as she thinks you'll keep providing for her

>> No.9738154
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Is 23 years old too old for girls like this? Will they think I'm a creep?

>> No.9738165

Go to any mall in a nice suburb in America or buy a lambo and wait for one to show up at Starbucks

>> No.9738174

It's okay, it's easy to think you haven't made it when you see people flaunt their wealth with expensive cars or extravagant weddings and stuff. But it's really all a matter of perspective, and what "making it" means to you. There are people who would say that for them, "making it" is simply knowing they will have food and fresh water every day. For others, it means having at least a million dollars in net worth. It's different for everybody. We all started this game differently, some were given nothing, or even less than nothing, while others have the opportunity to say, live in a first world country or better, have a rich mom and dad. But so it goes.

>> No.9738209
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welp, considering that you have no hobby probably, why not start a project/vision to solve this problem and possibly hit a gold mine? im sure gaming just dont cut it since that fills a massive void in this generation of hobby-less folks, porn is another niche, and outdoor fags/ gym nigger is the more normie's way of filling this void. make a new thing like this but deeper, your smart enough to setup yourself ahead financially, why should anything else be an obstacle? use your imagination guy

>> No.9738214

Nah, your good. I'm a 33rd yr old bloomer that these girls will call the cops on.

>> No.9738228

It's not for the money sweetie. It's for that awesome go getter personality that's correlated with money that money implies.

Women are so into personality but superficial men just wouldn't understand.

>> No.9738232

No. I'm 30 and my gf is 22. They love older men, especially the libertatian girls.

>> No.9738244

Literally the perfect age for them. I wish I was still 23.

>> No.9738260

Thank you bros. I'm actually 22 right now but I'll be 23 at the end of July. Gotta not waste any more time...

>> No.9738266

Ok but what do I do after I get to the mall?

>> No.9738291

couldn't be any more accurate

>> No.9738608

I hope to make 500k but this market crash stuff hurt.

When I do make it I plan to retire with my family, fish, hike, garden, enjoy the life of not having to work 10-12 hour days.

>> No.9738631

I'm 40 and I fucked a a 18 yo college girl last week. Suck it nerds.

>> No.9738680

It's mostly a numbers game, just flirt and talk em up, if they are with friends either do a kamikaze or just pull her aside
I'd suggest Tinder or Bumble if you're an autist and if you are skinny, white and make at least 50k a year try Bars and Nightclubs

>> No.9738714

From being on tinder about four different times, I can confirm that as young as 18 year old girls want to bang older guys. I match with 18 and 19 year olds all the time, but I've only ever met one from tinder. She was 19 and I even carded her. I don't fuck around

>> No.9738897

Where do you live that 500k is enough to retire?

>> No.9738946


>> No.9738958

Money can't buy happiness, it just makes happiness more accessible.

>> No.9739043
File: 364 KB, 1000x667, 1505089211908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creative activities. painting/drawing/etc., music, gardening. cooking.
hobbies. astronomy. ham radio. trainspotting.
recreational activities. boating, fishing, trapping.
exercise. martial arts.
crafting/building. carpentry, metalworking, building electronics/gadgets.
traveling. tourism, eating different food, visiting historic sites.
farming, ranching.
reading. learning languages. writing poetry.

Clemson has some super hot babes.
Consider realizing those fantasies before it's too late. Lest you spend your life masturbating in regret, pretending that the fantasies are close enough to memories.

>> No.9739132

also start a business--truly the ultimate fulfillment of man's championship of capitalist society..
mowing lawns, moving furniture, cleaning junk. own vending machines. start a franchise store.

work for a charity/non-profit.

>> No.9739185

OK, you can't be an incel if you've got that kinda of money, it is your choice to not get some escorts. That is voluntary.

>> No.9739187

Missouri. Basically buy a house out in the boonies. Bills are less than 500 a month, especially if ya build a nice small inearth and use fire wood if ya ever need or solar/wind.

You can do your own well or rain collection with a filtration system.

It basically means your bills are less than 500 a month.

Then garden, fish, hike. raise animals. Already do all this well when I get some time off work.

>> No.9739286

Sounds terrible desu. I could live better than this in my parent's Nigerian village.

>> No.9739383

Which hospital.

>> No.9739408


>> No.9739425

what bills are you talking about for 500 a month? is this including all expenses?

>> No.9740327


he's a fake social media loser that pays for everything