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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 18 KB, 512x512, 6RriS9A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9730920 No.9730920 [Reply] [Original]

Literally the only token that matters in the end.

>> No.9730975


>> No.9730991

Whats this

>> No.9730999

I've got 2000 of these and I'm finally break even again.

My most comfy hold, but God damn this project needs to deliver already.

>> No.9731171


I expect to hear some exciting things by the end of the month, Q3 should be pretty great with the release of plasma

>> No.9731639


I expect the real takeoff to happen once their product is really ready.

Vansa said that NDAs will be lifted once the product is closer of completion, so id say late Q3/Q4

>> No.9731659

>My most comfy hold, but God damn this project needs to deliver already.
it won't. projects dont deliver once you've given them money. exit while u still can.

>> No.9731858

Nothing, you don't need to know.

Comfy stac anon, I have 1,700 but I'm young/have no debts or expenses. Will I make it?

>> No.9731902

Solid stacks boys. Do you plan to sell the cosmos hardspoon and ELEC airdrop pumps?

>> No.9732563

Probably not, I'm in for the long term. This project has huge potential imo for real world use. Also I want to hold until staking.

>> No.9732671

10k reporting in

>> No.9732737

Post wallet ID.

>> No.9732753


XLM already does what OMG promises to do in undisclosed future +dapps and smart contracts

what is so special about OMG?

>> No.9732756

That's fucking retarded. So it's only going to be Ethereum smart contracts and OMG? Literally, you should learn the correct usage of the word literally or embrace living your one and only life as a faggot.

>> No.9732997


I think you're confusing coins and tokens newfriend.

>> No.9733345
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>> No.9734189
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Wew nice

>brainlets still dont hold OMG

>> No.9734216
File: 16 KB, 790x433, DoesntWorkWithEverything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets better

>> No.9734230

That’s not litecoin

>> No.9734298

I have held 2200 of them, which is pretty much all i have in crypto since $18.00, I have yet to loose faith. They are pretty much guaranteed to be one of the new coinbase erc20's. It's not just that, of all the tokens out there, the reality of this being implemented as something that is ACTUALLY USED, is huge. Fuck, who is gonna change browsers for BAT. Microsoft can't even pull that off.

>> No.9734403

Litecoin isn’t a token

>> No.9734476
File: 38 KB, 381x353, 1525378312457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is currency. Why don't you say it ?
B/c it is fucking not.

>> No.9734523

that's actually quite a big deal......
It implies the database query looks through uncommitted changes in each page.
They have been preparing the page to contain an entry for Omisego.

The funny thing is that people will still not see this as their buy signal.

>> No.9734534


Why don’t I say what? Reread the first post newfriend

>> No.9735172

didn't think this was real, tried it for myself. its real.


>> No.9735351

I tried all the other coins.

Only one that returns this page is fucking EOS.

Love the OMG listing, hate the EOS.

>> No.9735367
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, zr6teyevxflz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO aswell

>> No.9735397

Fuck this

>> No.9735424


>> No.9735478
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>> No.9735507



>> No.9735601



>> No.9735710

Is TRX an ERC20 token? I bought in January and I just want to break even and cash out.

>> No.9735714

Seems like you're getting ahead of yourself there... Link is a pretty normal word, and there were 43 results

>> No.9735728

We should keep in mind that just because it's listed doesn't necessarily mean it will get listed... They could be doing work ahead of time and decide something isn't right, and not take it live

>> No.9735733
File: 360 KB, 540x960, danlarimirseesyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate money?

>> No.9736260

the reason they included those search words is for normies typing "how do i buy omisego" or "how do i buy ripple". they would get the supported currencies page to see that currency is not supported. its really no indication that any of these currencies are going to be listed. its ok i was retarded too for a sec about it.

>> No.9736300

2400 and staking all of them

10 cents per token per day somewhere during the middle of 2019

>> No.9736327

where u get these numbers delusional faggot

>> No.9736340


>> No.9736357



>> No.9736364

Not trying to fud but I have a serious concern with Chainlink. Chainlink has been on Ropsten for a month and everyone was expecting all these potential partners to test on the test net. The team even told people to keep an eye on Ropsten to see the customers using the network. Well for 3 weeks the only transactions on Ropsten have been regular peeps taking the 100 Ropsten link from the faucet. There has been absolutely no requests for data. In fact, someone asked Thomas why and then Thomas made a run to show it works. Well I see Thomas's request for data but it is the only one.

Why is there no testing on Ropsten? Where are all these customers/partners/devs that are supposed to be drooling at the potential of Chainlink? I know the lack of communication, lack of updates from Sergey, lack of social media presence, increasing competition from large players are all red flags but this may be the largest...

Does anyone actually want to use Chainlink Network?

>> No.9736482

Ok, Here's my question

If Plasma is set to be the catalyst that propels the next ETH run, and OMG stands to benefit immensely from said implementation as well, should I hold ETH or OMG?

ETH's chart looks juicy as fuck, so will OMG's gains > ETH's gains in the next run. Even if OMG goes up to 100$ per coin, that would in a likeliness mean that ETH is rocketing as well. Why hold OMG over ETH?

>> No.9736509

Pretty good portfolio Tbh

>> No.9736559

OMG going to 100 is a way higher percent return unless you think ETH is going to 6000

>> No.9736594

Well I guess my logic is that if OMG is rocketing up that hard then inveitably ETH will be as well. What if the flippening actually happens and ETH is worth more than BTC?

>> No.9736676

>does anyone want to use a Json parser built by an autistic anti-social philosopher major with no industry connections and whose only friend is a literal cuckold?

Guess not

>> No.9736699

>What if the flippening actually happens

>> No.9736711

Ok, WHEN the flippening happens, ETH will make significant gains compared to OMG, no?

>> No.9737607

OMG is an ethereum scaling solution. If ETH kicks ass, OMG will kick even more ass. Same can be said for any infra project on the platform.

>> No.9737617


>> No.9738326

Percent gains wouldn't be equal. Omg would go at a higher percent than eth. If eth goes to 4000 that's only 5x. If omg goes to 100 that's a 10x. So omg would gain more short term than eth even if both do well.

>> No.9738482

I genuinely feel sorry for anyone holding this