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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9725141 No.9725141 [Reply] [Original]

Post them.

>> No.9725191

BTC is old tech. Another coin will take its place (most likely ETH).

>> No.9725202

ETH is old tech. Another coin will take its place (most likely EOS)

>> No.9725204

CSW is Satoshi and BCH is the realt Bitcoin. BTC has been hijacked by the Bilderberg Group.

>> No.9725216

EOS is gay

>> No.9725217

ETH will never have sharding. Vitalik has been promising it for every 6 months since 2015

>> No.9725221

People on /biz/ will never make it and Crypto is dead

>> No.9725235
File: 72 KB, 404x404, chiplink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS is ol.....
wtf am i talkin' about 1000K/// EOY$$

>> No.9725241

BTC is destined to be intrinsically worthless. The lightning network's handling of transactions ends incentive for miners to invest in hardware (after the supply runs out).

>> No.9725253

Not really seeing any blackpills. Just the usual tribalism.

>> No.9725296

>actually wanting to take charcole pisss
OK kid. crypto. a govement scam. That dry enough, for ?

>> No.9725306

>you will not make it if you have less than 100k in crypto right now
>if you are frequently unhappy and have grown cynical, demoralised, and negative towards life, having money will no more bring you happiness than having the ability to walk brings you happiness now (which is a miracle for someone disabled, but manages to be more positive than you) you will simply be an unhappy rich person
>life is a never ending search for authenticity, you can fill it with experiences but the deepest part of you desires for this intangible feeling of something being genuine, the laughter of your friends, the respect of your peers, the attraction from a woman, even if you go full isolation NEET, you will look at yourself and ask yourself if you are being authentic or simple running away from yourself
>all your research and skill and understanding of cryptos pales in comparison to the power of herd mentality

>> No.9725318
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>> No.9725338


>> No.9725341
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>> No.9725369

Chainlink is the last 1000x in crypto
Chainlink is the last 1000x in crypto

>> No.9725373

ur mothers egg was a garbage bag and u are pure garbage

>> No.9725383

dogecoin is the real bitcoin cash

>> No.9725391

Btc is a good store of value. Its like the crypto equivalent of gold.

>> No.9725393

EOS is a scam. Another coin will take its place (most likely Cardano, ADA)

>> No.9725409
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>> No.9725415

EOS is old tech. Another coin will most likely take its place (most likely chainlink)

>> No.9725437

The lack of blackpills posted just makes me think you goys actually believe in the shit you hold. Just wanted to check.

>> No.9725450

Nothing people use to judge projects has any meaning. Partnerships are meaningless, roadmaps are meaningless, "the team" is meaningless, even "the tech" is meaningless up until the point where a working product is making value that very moment.

>> No.9725451

its literally all an elaborate pyramid scheme

>> No.9725456
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Big Institutions will never seriously invest in Bitcoin, they will sponsor their own coins and shill them.

Bitcoin and ethereum are the Netscape navigators of crypto. Once Facebook, Microsoft, or Google release their own coins, it's over for the coins that currently exist.

Crypto is useless as a medium of exchange because most coins are either deflationary or have inflation rates that are too low.

Monero price is a better index of overall interest in crypto than Bitcoin price.

>> No.9725457

Chainlink is old tech. Another coin will most likely take its place (most likely Holochain)

>> No.9725461
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>> No.9725491

>Big Institutions will never seriously invest in Bitcoin, they will sponsor their own coins and shill them.

This is the hardest black pill to swallow

>> No.9725496

65% of you will never see a single dollar from your crypto and no you won't be buying anything with it

>> No.9725504 [DELETED] 

Thanks to niggers like this spreading this mentality I didn't make it in December
Fucking nigger mentality didn't allow me to put more than 150 bucks on XSH at 2 sats

>> No.9725508

this was the progression that i expected
you're just a retarded bag holder and you fell for the FATcoin meme

>> No.9725513
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Another black pill: mining companies are becoming oddly similar to Central Banks.

>> No.9725516

There will never be another bullrun.

>> No.9725586

mother of all moons, i dumped mine at 30 sat :(

>> No.9725615


this is brainlet tier. why would people dump bitcoin for amazon coin? because of the name? If Amazon tries to retain any control it ruins the value by nullifying decentralization and the resultant censorship resistance (which gives crypto its value).

you aren't dropping any blackpills just showing your lack of understanding

>> No.9725634

Holochain is a scam coin. It will be rebranded to Holocaust coin and be worth 6 gorillion one day

>> No.9725638

if that were true people wouldn't be excited about big name sponsorships ala ripple

Face it. If Amazon came up with amazon coin that substituted Amazon Prime and worked like BNB it would be 1+ billion MC almost instantly.

>> No.9725656


crypto adoption (especially currency coins) has nothing to do with corporations and "institutional investment". That is a dumb fucking meme. All that would matter in that regard would be a company accepting BTC/XMR in exchange for goods and services. This doesn't even really depend on the companies themselves; what matters is people in general using it and demanding its acceptace

>> No.9725675

NEO l e s b i a n

>> No.9725685


yes of course because it would derive value from the amazon platform itself since you would be required to be it to order shit. It wouldn't be used outside of that though; especially if it had bad qualities. BNB isn't used outside of Binance.

It certainly wouldn't compete with BTC. It would be a utility token not a currency.

>> No.9725689

Every single alt is controlled by whales that decide when to pump them and you aren't a genius if you made a lot of money off of them. You just got in at the right time and held

>> No.9725702

block array will unironically hit 3 dollars eoy

>> No.9725705

Only Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, etc have enough customers to make crypto go mainstream. Right now there are more people collecting Bing rewards (which don't even appreciate) than Bitcoin investors.

A lot of people talk about Amazon eventually accepting Bitcoin. In theory, that could take the price to 100k. But Amazon has nothing to gain from pumping Bitcoin. Jeff Bezos Is not an idiot, he's not working to make early adopters of crypto rich. If Amazon decides to take crypto payments one day, it's going to be in Amazon coin.

>> No.9725717
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crypto is full of faggot cucks like these subhumans

>> No.9725731

Amazon knows who the early adopters of Bitcoin / Monero etc are, and they have no reason to help these people get even richer.

>> No.9725779

Noone can predict the market.
Even mega-whales get eaten each day. They are not that different from us, except for being able to bet more money in hopes that it lets them redue the risks

>> No.9725804

BTC is old tech. Another coin will take its place (most likely ETH and EOS).

>> No.9725816

EOS is scum tech. No other coin will take its place (most likely r.i.p. crypto)

>> No.9725840

womencoin is the future
total supply 25 billion WOMEN
shill me a coin as brave or as strong as this one

>> No.9725845

You don't understand what central banks or mining companies actually do.

>> No.9725867

Oracles are really just timestamped APIs and not revolutionary technology

Blockchains are just distributed databases

Proof of Work is a ridiculously stupid concept from an engineering standpoint

Proof of Stake is doomed long-term because currencies have to be inflationary if the number of users is growing over time (hint: we are still getting more people)

Cryptocurrencies are never really any more or less secure than any other cryptocurrency. The participants just don't have the option of browsing data that's available in either case

TL;DR crypto is pretty bullshit

>> No.9725884

That scamming is perfectly okay within crypto

It's the wild west and I'm billy the fucking kid

>> No.9725891

>Proof of Stake is doomed long-term because currencies have to be inflationary if the number of users is growing over time (hint: we are still getting more people)

Could be solved by having ways to destroy the currency. But damn yeah that's a good point regardless.

>> No.9725992

>a coin run by a 21-man council of elders in pakistan is the successor to ETH

yeah thanks i'll be sure to invest in projects when they're finally up and running, years after you and everyone else have traded up to giant stacks and the price is 400000x what it was when they were a quarter of the way through their roadmap

i remember that shit too, dude
these niggers were spreading this EXACT SAME "you will never, ever make it" fud at around that time

that is like one of the brightest bluepills in this thread, dude. more mining companies are being made and trying to compete, and if they have even a little bit of initiative to do so at this point or at any point in the future (including finding ways to give IP laws the fucking finger) then they WILL succeed in expanding operations and gaining hashing share, even if they mine at a loss for two years and have to eat boots to stave off hunger.
i know it seems counter-intuitive, but coins that are NOT asic-resistant are the ones that are the most "fair" in the sense that they are a straightforward competition for who can build the most capable hashing hardware; that layer of asic-resistance is simply something that can be exploited by a few people who can keep a crack or two that they've discovered in the resistance a secret, and mine away.
at the end of the day, asic-resistant coins are perfectly fine, regardless; it's your business whether or not you trust that the devs aren't somehow pulling anything funny.

>PoW ridiculously stupid from engineering standpoint
those engineers should squat a little lower and stand a little more to the right and take brainforce and iodine

>> No.9726000

I don't see how that's a good point at all? You can be inflationary and still be PoS.

>> No.9726017
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Wikipedia is old tech, another online encyclopedia will take its place. Most likely uncyclopedia.

>> No.9726021

asic-resistant and quantum-resistant coins are pointless. whatever you do to counter miner centralization, technology will always improve. the more expensive mining rigs will always win.

>> No.9726031
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Put more faith in ED
It has that Shadow the Hedgehog kind of edge that Uncyclopedia just never had

>> No.9726038

Heres a blackpill for you anon: you're a fucking idiot lmao.

>> No.9726046

so where does the new stake come from then? Is it inflation? In that case you look at a currency with supply approaching infinity over time, therefore it's effectively worthless and subsequently no better or worse than the imaginary money issued by banks. Let alone the fact that you have to work with numbers of fixed size which brings a whole slew of technical complications as the size becomes stupidly big.

Is it stagnant? Then the system breaks at some point because the next user can't aquire stake.

>those engineers should squat a little lower and stand a little more to the right and take brainforce and iodine
A process with the sole purpose of being inefficient, effectively random and just asymptotically deterministic makes for a good engineering checklist.

I'll just slow down my vehicle by drilling holes in the fuel line too. Brakes are just an unnecessary optimization really.

>> No.9726191

Bitcoin tech is more powerful than people can imagine. Shortsightedness and an effort to cripple BTC has rendered it useless, BCH is picking up the mantle and will render all other coins pointless. Exchanges will be useless, as will every other alt coin. They are delaying the inevitable for as long as they can.

>> No.9726237

ARK will briefly overtake ETH, NEO, LSK, and ,WAVES combined in price when the VM comes out as you will be able to execute smart contracts across all chains against each other with the VM smart bridge.

>> No.9726249

>>>9725141 (OP)
>People on /biz/ will never make it and Crypto is dead
This is the only accurate post here.

>> No.9726267
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Crypto is a zero-sum game, every dollar earned is a dollar someone else lost, and statistically speaking you're probably not clever or ruthless enough to come out on top of this millennial magic money FOMO dogpile.

>> No.9726355
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Crypto is dead. We will continue to see this never ending hills and troughs that are successively lower than the last until we reach the bottom.

There is no hope. No more recovery. Just a slow bleeding until its death.

Just despair.

>> No.9726398

Eventually a stable fiat comparison coin system will be established and become the new trading pair for alt coins.

Bitcoin will be flipped by this coin.

>> No.9726421

Chainlink is old tech. Another coin will take it's place (most likely SKY).

>> No.9726484

I assume you mean that you think mining is a waste of energy. If you consider mining to be a total waste of energy, you don't realize that it—through being an actual requirement to mine bitcoin—both prevents an inexpensive (or even a reasonably, and eventually an extremely, astronomically expensive) hostile takedown of the network, and acts as a financial incentive for anyone who has spent a lot of money on the network not to mess with it and destroy trust. The only problem with this model is that it does not stop an extremely high-tech, extremely INNOVATIVE takedown of the network—but, in order to finance something like this at any stage in bitcoin's life, you'd have to have a lot of money and a good incentive to do so.

>effectively random
This is a bad thing? Ouch, the randomness hurts my superior modern computer engineering aesthetics xD. Ouch. Ouch!! XD

>asymptotically deterministic
I see you're from one of them SCHOOLS—or, you been eatin' wunnadem BOOKS. Regardless, if I understand your lingo, gringo, you just pointed out one of the reasons why an investor WOULD want to buy Bitcorns.

Bitcoin did not gain an intrinsic value of at least $5000 per coin and fuel the growth of dozens of companies through being wrong. When people are investing in the most efficient, cost-effective and localized ways of generating energy because it will help them mine Bitcoin faster and cheaper, Bitcoin will not be wrong for demanding the absurd amounts of energy required to mine it—costing hundreds of millions of dollars in energy to mine a single coin. Bitcoin is not wrong, and the free market is not wrong.
I'm sorry to say—but, you've got to understand, you are the one that is wrong. You might at least find it comforting to know that, in the present day, you have lots of company.
Shit—why am I explaining this to you?! Tell me that you don't think that the government should crack down on miners for being wasteful! WTF i love gardening now

>> No.9726487


>> No.9726540

mining is just generating SHA256 hashes over and over and over until you get one that conforms to some metric (below certain threshold)

This means that, currently, about 18498207565769527525376 (difficulty * 2^32) hashes need to produced for each new block.

that means there are, on average, 18498207565769527525375 hashes performed that do literally nothing. Nada. Zero output for static input. Waste of fuel.

If you are going to argue that this makes sense from an engineering perspective you must be literally retarded. This is peak inefficiency per design.

The only argument for it is that you can build a public ledger with it because its so fucking slow that forks can't get long before getting pruned. Not even that's efficient, but instead only works if the system is slow.

>asymptotically deterministic
that just means that someone is bound to find such a hash as time approaches infinity. Try reading a book for education past highschool.

>> No.9726553
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>Cryptocurrencies are never really any more or less secure than any other cryptocurrency

>> No.9726554


> 2^32 hashes to get a new block

That's more hashes than there are atoms in the universe, you're way off.

>> No.9726581 [DELETED] 

yeah, but the monero chain still has this information. It's just not accessible, which is exactly what I said.

The bitcoin network currently has about 33.3PH/s (peta = 10^18) which checks out at about one block every 10 minutes as per design. https://data.bitcoinity.org/bitcoin/hashrate/6m?c=m&g=15&t=a

Maybe you just realized just how retarded PoW is, huh?

>> No.9726594

yeah, but the monero chain still has this information. It's just not accessible, which is exactly what I said.

The bitcoin network currently has about 33.3EH/s (exa = 10^18) which checks out at about one block every 10 minutes as per design. https://data.bitcoinity.org/bitcoin/hashrate/6m?c=m&g=15&t=a

Maybe you just realized just how retarded PoW is, huh?

>> No.9726604

don't worry you'll be dead by then.

>> No.9726647

also 2^32 is around 4 billion, which is less than the number of people on earth, and certainly very far from the number of atoms in the universe

>> No.9726672
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something about the way you handle averages (or the data you've presented where this average comes from) is bananas
so, if you can't back out from your insistence of taking an "engineering perspective" to the matter and admit to seeing why bitcoin using up electricity for this purpose isn't a total waste, even when it is explained to you in my basic high-school grade english, then you're being as impossible and as dense as a new edition of some university textbook that a snivelling nerd might bury their nose in and insist on their superiority through their understanding of its contents with. you're fucking wrong, and i'm fucking right. i don't care what irrelevant bullshit you know.

if you insist on being a durty niggar, then

>> No.9726681
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We're here.

>> No.9726719

Bitcoin required hashes required (on average) to find a block in a specific timespan

Current difficulty

Plug the numbers yourself if you don't want to believe me, but they're accurate.

All I am saying is that this is, just from the most simple of perspectives, a stupid way of doing things.
Computers generally don't do things by wasting a ton of computation on doing literally nothing, and the fact that coins were built without the need of PoW is clear evidence that this approach is wasteful and outdated.
Which is all I was saying from the very beginning.

Now go shove your mom's dildo up your ass, you've been BTFO retard.

>> No.9726797
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>> No.9726809

>electricity and worldwide GPU supply are arbitrary metrics I just made up
nigger you're really grasping at straws now just to have the last word

>> No.9726849
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dude, you just don't get it
crypto is not a game of necessities and coins don't just disappear because something more "efficient" has come along
i could say that the fact that proof-of-work coins haven't disappeared is evidence that proof-of-stake coins are a waste of development time and a fruitless dead-end in terms of development, but that would be as nonsensical as saying that because something doesn't need PoW then PoW is outdated or "wasteful", even if it is clear that it incentivizes energy production through increasing demand for it and simultaneously financing it in the most direct manner imaginable
it's simply not up to you to decide things for everyone—and it's a damn good thing, too, because the way that you see things seems very linear and controlling
the point of all of this is, you're gonna miss bitcoin cash when it hits $10,000, and there's nothing i can do to change that

not that i would want to!!! drop me an email fuck_you_nigga@harvard.edu

>> No.9726855

BTC got hijacked by AXA. BCH is bitcoin back to normal. Bitcoin community outlets are full of astroturfing shills of AXA's made out to make BCH look illegitimate and r/btc look like Roger Ver fanatics.

>> No.9726862

we still rely on oil when free energy exists

we're going to "waste" money on perfect accounting

>> No.9726866
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>the point of all of this is, you're gonna miss bitcoin cash when it hits $10,000, and there's nothing i can do to change that

>tfw you accidentally spill all your spaghetti and out yourself as a complete mongoloid

>> No.9726885

jesus christ i thought that you might actually have a sliver of hope earlier on rest in fucking bananas you absolute chimp

>> No.9726887

This minus CSW being Satoshi. CSW is insignificant even in the BCH community.

>> No.9726897
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please point to the exact level of stupid you think your arguments should be categorized as

>> No.9726898


Bitcoin, simply for being the first crypto ever including an incredible backstory containing an unknown creator who's one of the richest people on the planet (and possibly ever as BTC raises in value), is the only cryptocurrency that is guaranteed 100% to stay relevant.

It is the "chiclet" phenomena (which is primarily in latin american countries), where one particular brand is so popular that they become interchangeable with the actual base product.

Think VHS and VCR.

>> No.9726943 [DELETED] 

Everything is though. Society is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.9726948

most likely Everpedia, which runs on EOS.

>> No.9726961

nice projection with the whole "grasping at straws just to have the last word" comment you made
not even fucking kidding—if you're ever worried that your trading might turn to shit and you really just want a guaranteed ticket to a comfy life, buy one single bitcoin cash ahead of time—right now, even. i give you this advice sincerely; i've seen plenty of people who have been ruined pursuing wealth, and it's fucking depressing. the most depressing thing i've ever seen was a broke dummy. go buy it, you little idiot—i'll give you a belly rub afterwards.

>> No.9726974

lol this nigga.

Satoshi is actually a government cabal, not an individual. Whose intentions are weaponization of anti fiat propaganda machine to destabilize world politics .

>> No.9726980
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>> No.9726988

you forgot to tell me what level of stupid argument your point is on. Shilling your copycat trashcoin that doesn't do anything new isn't what I wanted.

>> No.9726999



>> No.9727047
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Not a crypto blackpill but pertinent nonetheless: your gains will never restore your youth. Every last one of you is destined to be a 30+ year old boomer, no matter how much money and effort you throw at the problem. Your thinking will slow, your vision will blur, your body will start to slip up, your creativity will dry up, you will be as un-self-aware as the most boomer of boomers, and there is not a god damn thing that crypto can do to stop this, if you even make it in the first place.

>> No.9727073

This is so true kek. Alt coins wreak insider information trading

>> No.9727089

Hows that a black pill? That's just fucking true.

>> No.9727102

Literal brainlet
Or rather, you're the high iq guy who says it can't be done because it's not a perfect solution. Meanwhile the people who see that perfect is not necessary make bank (and change the world)
I'm almost sorry for coming down on you this hard, but I remember those saying the same thing in 2011

>> No.9727104

Transhumanism mother fucker.

>> No.9727274
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>> No.9727322

Ripple will be the new bitcoin

>> No.9727450
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>> No.9727457
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You're a moron too

>> No.9727482
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If you're alive right now you won't live to see the day, regardless of how good your diet is or the nootropic stack you swallow every morning

>> No.9727493

>he thinks adoption requires decentralization

I was also a kid once

>> No.9727514 [DELETED] 


>> No.9727532

>I got lucky investing in something that nobody knows what the fuck it does.
>I'm somehow a genius.

Congrats you got in at the beginning of the bubble. Get out while you can unless you can actually trade the swings and know TA

>> No.9727618
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Good point but a better example would be xerox.

>> No.9727639

we are witnessing the birth of a new world order

a fall of oligarchs and rise of working class people smart enough to shed the chains of wealthy banksters

>> No.9727872

Crypto will account for the entire fiat supply of the world when central banks try to print their way out of the next debt crisis.

>> No.9727899

If you havent beat 100% of users on binances captcha verification thing you will never make it

>> No.9727934
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crypto only exists at this scale because of money laundering, government crackdown would kill it very quickly

>> No.9727964


>> No.9728076
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There are jews out there who try to induce FOMO in traders who don't know better.


Charlie Shrem is the jew.


>> No.9728212
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have fun trying to buy ur tendies with microsoft points, faggot.

>> No.9728300

Never understood this screenshot.

They obtained private keys and can't tell how many XMR they have? What a bullshit

>> No.9728580

AMB is literally they most legitimate project in the entirety of crypto right now.

>> No.9728668

If you invest in Crypto, you're the product.

>> No.9728697

Chinese projects are all scams

>> No.9728708

always 20/20

>> No.9728767

Bitcoin needs a yearly inflation of a few percent or high fees to be secure. If someone tells you that it's deflationary, it's a blatant lie.

>> No.9729028

the IQ distribution shows that black people have a higher IQ than white people, on average

>> No.9729127
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>Altcoins are not secure at all (pic related)
>Top 3 pools could collude and double spend bitcoins
>A 33% attack is possible, 51% attack is a meme
>There is no such thing as ASIC resistance, dedicated hardware will always out-perform GPUs (drop in XMR hashrate means there were secret ASICs before the algo change)
>Bitcoin's only real use case is buying drugs, weapons and child porn

>> No.9729262
File: 25 KB, 600x405, 20060122_Multiracialists_are_Crazy,_Part_3_IQ_graph_racial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haaaaahhaaaaaa. No.

>> No.9729275

you do see the mean is literally higher for blacks, right?

>> No.9729387

Powerful words and accurate.

>> No.9729425

I read cuckaberg has a team working on a FB coin right now....

>> No.9729437


You are literally the dumbest poster on biz I’ve ever seen. Literally.

>> No.9729440

a world where bitcoin became the global currency would be a complete dystopia for anyone who didn't get in early

>> No.9729480

You are a dumb fuck. Its a frequency distribution...the black mean is ~80 IQ, the white mean is over 100 IQ. Jesus. I'm just going to guess where you fall.

>> No.9729509
File: 68 KB, 600x600, BBE6A617-9475-4B05-942B-66B13AC102BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahaha not one fucking positive reply to this comment, true blackpill or maybe even a solid red pill since the agent smiths are out in full effect

>> No.9729528


This is more or less the smartest thing anyone in this thread has said.


Basically just retards pretending they know more than they do.

>> No.9729562

all crypto is uselss

>> No.9729651

lol white boyz are so fucking triggered hahahaha

bow down cumskins we're taking over youre universiites, your women, and your cryptos

LINK $1k eoy

>> No.9729660

right on the money

now this on the other hand is an atomic grade bluepill

>> No.9729670

Only Bazingacoin will remain in 5 years.

>> No.9729700

That means there's a higher concentration at that mean whereas white is shaped more normally and spread out.

>> No.9729717


getting baited this easily. This board really is the most retarded of them all

>> No.9729876

hahah dumb nigger.lol.

>> No.9729888
File: 32 KB, 474x711, 1513801441833-sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9729903
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1527905084687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at that mean
And where is "that mean" for blacks? 80...and where is it for whites? Over 100. Boom! Niggers so triggered.

>> No.9729917

The thing I don't understand about /pol/tards, is that even if black people DO have lower IQs than white people, why does that make it acceptable to be a cunt to them?
Like, if you went to a distant cousin's house on the other side of the country, and met your cousins for the first time, and over the course of the night figured out that they weren't as smart as you, would you just suddenly start treating them like total shit? Is that the sort of person you are, someone who just really pours shit on people that have low intelligence?