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9724996 No.9724996 [Reply] [Original]

>6 june bounce
>7-10 june bilderberg meeting

Are you ready to finally free yourself from slavery?

>> No.9725001

I want to believe

>> No.9725017

tfw the crash was really one massive bull flag

>> No.9725028

Please be real. I just want a cheap house and cheap car to continue my life of NEETdom alone

>> No.9725068

It's a simmetric triangle.
It could break down too.

>> No.9725106

not a chance in unironic hell kek

>> No.9725321

Should I remember you that it took 4 year to Bitcoin to go back to the 2013-2014 ATH?
And that went from $1000 to $200 during those years?
$20.000 to $3500-4000 wouldn't be so illogical and we're way closer to $4k than to $20k+.

>> No.9725349

You realise BTC crashed so hard because of Mt. Gox? The sentiment was way different after the collapse

>> No.9725392

this. bears you’ve had months notice to close your position. this bounce is final confirmation. long now or get liquidated.

>> No.9725399

Rothschild, Rockefeller, Soros and other family investment offices have been saying there will be an economic disaster soon and they've been moving to gold and "other currencies"


We now know, after admittance, that these "other currencies" they were referring to were cryptocurrencies.

Also XRP is a CIA project to divert capital outflows from global central banking system, right back into the global central banking system. Open-source doesn't mean it's not backdoored.

>> No.9725403

IG report coming out and trump meeting kim in less than 2 weeks. also SEC meeting in two weeks regarding regs

>> No.9725417


fuckin newfags

>> No.9725465

I genuinely believe that in such a volatile market like crypto that BTC going from $20k to $6.4k is actually a correction and that it's still going to be worth $100k one day. Not sure when, of course

>> No.9725470

i waw looking at this earlier too; so do we think it will break up early august or down

>> No.9725482
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fucking kek, please let this happen

>> No.9725483

wow that's insightful rebecca thanks so much

>> No.9725501

No problem nigger

>> No.9725529

Let's hope Bitfinex can keep their true operations secret. The Medium article (https://medium.com/cryptomedication/uncovering-the-real-cartel-in-bitcoin-65b56a7a00a2)) tries to explain it all. Don't you think "they" would want a discount price to buy bitcoin at? Say 2-4k? I think we will bart down to 4k and then something will happen. They will put a lot of their money into it.

Rothschilds selling off some of their real estate triggered the thought that they will move some of that money into the cryptosphere.
SEC meeting may bring FUD which will shake some out. Price drops further and they buy. Eyes peeled the next few weeks.

>> No.9725544

That irony though

>> No.9725733

Fine, but do you think that Soros or Rotschild are going to buy your bags?
Do you think that they will pump the price just because they want all of us to be rich?

Think about the 2017 bull run, it especially started when the rumors of futures at the end of the year started circulating.
They inflated the price and then shorted with high leverage with no risk the fuck out of it.
As you can see when the price is not manipulated the volume is quite low and nobody buy Bitcoin because the price doesn't multiply by itself like was happening in late 2017.
And there are still a lot of bagholders that are waiting to break even and leave this shitshow forever.
For (((them))) would be way more logical to squeeze the price down to shake out more Bitcoin from bagholders hands.
You know it's a bullshit those people that say "when BTC goes to $4000-3000-2000 I will go all-in", because they're the same than there they would wait for "$2000-1500-1000" etc, so they have nothing to worry about to push down the price.

>> No.9725775

Jesus Christ this way of thinking is retarded.
1) who is holding out this whole time to sell at fuckin 2-4k
2) the second a large amount of money floods in the price would spike out of that range

>> No.9725831


If it bounces off, we're actually in for a golden bullrun. Interesting to see what will happen the next few days.

>> No.9725997

They're securing their own bags. They have a lot of money to move in and should if a collapse of the euro and usd.
>For (((them))) would be way more logical to squeeze the price down to shake out more Bitcoin from bagholders hands.
Yes. Volume low, price not moving around a lot. Bitcoin is a little stable right now. They'd buy up as many bitcoins if they haven't already that if we all sold off, the price would still be high. That may happen with a bull run to 100k then a clean sweep down to 20k. Read this one


>> No.9726086

(They) have to be a part of that cartel and then the Gox sell off in September will push a lot of coin back. >>9725775
They could buy billions of dollars worth. Bitcoin hit almost 20k. That money is out with slower amounts coming back in on these new tokens like NKN, NEXO, HOLO, etc. 1/1000000000 of the worlds money is in crypto. You know damn well people will start selling if it keeps dipping to 6.5k, 6k, 5.5k. True capitulation. Bitcoin was less than 1k a year ago. No reason for that money to come in, but it did and it went to 20k. Futures and it didn't scale. But when(they) get ready to buy it, Blockstream will fix the scaling issues. Unless (they) decide to buy BCash or something else. Sounds farfetched, but that's how they think. Play the game.

>> No.9726900
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>Bitcoin was less than 1k a year ago.
it was 2400 a year ago, but close...

>> No.9727242

Devil confirmed

>> No.9727480
File: 34 KB, 817x443, 1526355716376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XRP a CIA project

>> No.9727566

>No reason for that money to come in
You aren't as intelligent as you think you are, brainlet.

>> No.9727571

Implying they are not going to
>domp et

>> No.9727624

>if it bounces again this time it will be different

>> No.9727667

yeah, I've been saying that since November, before it even fucking happened.

>zoom out
>log chart
>April 2013

of course that's the fucking Stone age to you noobs

the 6 6's ending on 6/6 is a nice touch

>> No.9728649


>> No.9728680

Wait what? You're saying you can take any 2 points, draw a line between them and call it TA? And people actually fall for this?

>> No.9728690

Do I also need to remind you that BTC crashed from $200 to $30 then went to $1000 a few months later? See I can pick and choose the data that fits the narrative I want too.

>> No.9728701

>t-this time is different
no it isn't

I am actually looking forward to a long and painful bear market just to tone down the fucking hype here
I hope it goes to 3k before a new ath
t. crypto maximalist since 2013

>> No.9728710

>implying after a mega bear market we see another mega bear market for no reason instead of just sideways action

At some point I just stopped wondering why the average biztard makes no money in crypto.

>> No.9728714

Lil Tay said $20k easy by EOY so I'm all in

>> No.9728716

Yes it's exactly the same as last time, a pump from $30 to $200 then a crash back down to $50 then a pump to $1k by the end of the year. Then we get a true bear market.

>> No.9728722

>mega bear market
choose one

>> No.9728726

>Rothschilds selling off some of their real estate triggered the thought that they will move some of that money into the cryptosphere.

>> No.9728735

They're not mutually exclusive...

>> No.9728742

>mega bear market
oh sweetie this is nothing yet

this is possible yes

>> No.9728754

true bear market is only possible when btc sees no use. throw in a crisis like say an euro crisis with italy and it's over in the blink of an eye.

>> No.9728760

For the market to have a true bull market again, we need to see at least 3-6 months of solid, slow, consistent growth (otherwise people will be too eager to take profit after small movements).

>> No.9728778

A euro crisis would likely be good for Bitcoin. People will look to exchange euro's for gold and bitcoin.

>> No.9728793
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>everything loses 90%
>no bear market yet but true bear market will come

Either IQ70 or spoken like true butthurt retards who missed making any money in the last 2 years, trying to trap others into making none either.

>> No.9728797

Fiat doesn't even have to crash. People AND businesses just need to realize how easy it is to avoid taxes with crypto. We need conscious effort to kill the stagnating state.

>> No.9728801

but I have seen several bear markets and one of them 2 years long
I'm not saying any true bear market will come just that it will continue you fucking retard newfag

>> No.9728805

please tell me this nigger will run to 100k by 2021. i can't go back to having a job

>> No.9728837

Bitcoin could crash to $10 and there will still be people claiming 'this is nothing yet'.

>> No.9728853

I really wouldn't call them "people"

>> No.9728866
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lower highs, higher lows in a bear market with decreasing volume and decreasing google trends means a shortcut to slavery, not freedom from it

>> No.9728875

We have seen higher low's, zoom out.

>> No.9728887

that's what he said