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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9723830 No.9723830 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9723851

They are locked boy

>> No.9723857

You're right, there's still a right shoulder before it crashes!

>> No.9723858

Yeah locked so i guess i'm fine.

>> No.9723870
File: 77 KB, 648x595, 1525462098995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is an exchange

>> No.9723885

trading is still active buddy

>> No.9723894

>implying i'm going to rely on someone else for my airdrops

>> No.9723920

Locked in my eos at $20 on my ledger, feels good desu

>> No.9723937

Yah idk why ...

>> No.9723951

it was never going to stop. but now people who didn't leave their coins on exchanges can't sell.

>> No.9723976

wasn't planning to sell anywho

>> No.9723986

I'm not the only 30min trader to see this hahaha!

>> No.9724003

Its a great excuse for exchanges to fuck you out of airdrops. If you move coins at all right now they can hold their hands up and say anything they want. Touching those coins right now is risky as fuck.

They can do literally anything they want right now and get away with it.

>> No.9724033

the contract is frozen you dumb dumb. no one can transfer coins, not even exchanges. trades are not executed on chain.

>> No.9724106

Yeah but it DOES give them the ability to say "Oh we didnt think you had X in your wallet at the time of X!" They can then just chose the moment you had the least number of tokens.

And just completely raw fuck you in the ass.

>> No.9724120

you're a retard. the tokens people are trading right now are the ones that will be mainnet tokens. they don't need to take a snapshot of their own balances since deposits were suspended already. when mainnet is stable you can withdraw whatever you traded. it's not complicated.

>> No.9724330

Yeah but they can make up any story for what their own policy was when they will consider the airdrops that they thing you should obtain.

I say fucking touch those tokens at your own risk.

>> No.9724390

If I was them I would milk this shit as an excuse to get away with keeping airdrops AND giving you the incorrect number of EOS coins.

They would be stupid to not do this.

>> No.9724419

Believe it or not, businesses that handle people's money are beholden to their reputation. If they fuck people over and scam people, guess what happens? People stop using their exchange.

>> No.9724456

Yeah but this would be too easy. It would be impossible to fight them on it.

> Oh sorry, it looks like you had this many tokens at X time! That was the moment our system counted how to divide the airdrops!

It would be so fucking easy

>> No.9724474

sold. idc about EOS. shit doesn't even work.

>> No.9724500

EOS will be Tezos 2.0

>> No.9724507

It would also be easy for them to exit scam. How fucking underage are you to not understand how businesses work?

>> No.9724536

>It would also be easy for them to exit scam. How fucking underage are you to not understand how businesses work?

I am talking about lack of consequences dumbass. They can pick any time from now until main net goes live to selectively say how many coins you actually had. Exchanges dont have to follow the same rules as EOS. They have to have their own system to decide when to split up the coins and airdrops.

They can do literally anything they want 100% consequence free right now. And if you complain you will just get a bunch of

> Brainlet, why did you move your tokens then! You were supposed to hold them.

Zero sympathy will be spared for your now completely fucked dumb ass.

>> No.9724549

>I am talking about lack of consequences dumbass.
There are not a lack of consequences. The consequences are that their reputation is ruined and they lose all their customers.

>> No.9724593

>The consequences are that their reputation is ruined and they lose all their customers.

You would be the one blamed this time. Their reputation would be 100% untouched. People would forget about it in 2 weeks.

>> No.9724630

Bullshit. Everyone would just point to all the other exchanges not fucking people over. People don't just forget when millions of dollars get stolen.

>> No.9724663

hmmm i wonder if this is somehow connected to the $100 million ETH larimer sent to bitfinex yesterday...
naww couldn't be, this is organic

>> No.9724664

No, everyone would just laugh at you for being a fucking idiot who thought he hacked the universe.

Its not even technically fucking over anyone. It would literally just be you fucking shooting yourself in the foot and whining about it while they continue on like nothing fucking happened.

>> No.9724680

If I had ETH right now I would dump it too.

>> No.9724698

If this were the case then Ethereum's price would be moving inversely to EOS's.

>> No.9724727

You're right anon. You're just smarter than all the people running exchanges. They should be paying you to consult them on their business practices.

>> No.9724792

This is called a straw man I think. Its people who are in denial usually who like to use them when they get schooled.

Well I hope you have fun stressing over this shit cuz you fucking gave up a chance to get airdrops and maybe even lost a big chunk of your coins.

>> No.9724807

>This is called a straw man I think.
You're not very good at thinking.

>> No.9724825

>Well I hope you have fun stressing over this shit cuz you fucking gave up a chance to get airdrops and maybe even lost a big chunk of your coins.
My coins are all on my wallet...I'm just pointing out that you're a retard who doesn't know the first thing about running a business. Would not be surprised one bit if you were underage.

>> No.9724826

It would affect eths price much less than it would affect eos since the mcap is bigger

>> No.9724837

looks like a bear flag to me

>> No.9724848

MC is irrelevant. Volume/liquidity is what matters, and EOS has had double the volume of Ethereum over the past 24 hours.

>> No.9724887

>I'm just pointing out that you're a retard who doesn't know the first thing about running a business.

You proposed an argument other than exchanges are 100% trustworthy though. kek

>> No.9724898

>I'm just pointing out that you're a retard who doesn't know the first thing about running a business.

You never proposed an argument other than exchanges are 100% trustworthy though. kek

We c

>> No.9724918
File: 14 KB, 320x320, putinwink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should consider learning how to use the internet before trying your hand at running a business.

>> No.9724952

Oh your so clever. This must mean you were right the entire time right! I mean your the one desperate as fuck to hold on to the notion that moving your tokens is a safe idea right now. Which its fucking not.

How fucking old are you anyway? Because you seem like a fucking 8 year old. hahahha

>> No.9724977

I know you are larping and saying your shit is in cold storage. 100% sure you are like "fuck he might be right, SHIT"

> Activate full fucking denial mode!


>> No.9725040

You seem kind of like one of those people who went to college and thought it made you smarter than other people.

> "I took a business course MAAAAAN. Its time for you plebs to move outa my way."

I mean who the fuck even uses "Learn how to run a business" as a fucking way to make a come back to a bullshit argument? What the fuck HAHAHAHA

> You can talk as soon as you learn how to run a business man! My dad owns counter strike so I can crush you like a bug!!!

What the fuck! HAHAHA

>> No.9725042
File: 56 KB, 1225x362, dumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong again kiddo

>> No.9725053


>> No.9725070

It's pretty obvious that you do. Getting a little hysterical now aren't we. Imagine getting this upset at being wrong on the internet

>> No.9725111

>Getting a little hysterical now aren't we.

I am laughing my ass off right now. Are you fucking larping? I wasn't expecting this and my head is spinning from nasty hangover. I am fucking delirious right now and this shit is killing me.



>> No.9725124

An alcoholic, well that explains it. Hope things get better for you soon bro.

>> No.9725147

>An alcoholic, well that explains it. Hope things get better for you soon bro.


>> No.9725322

a soul sucking,
life crushing,
magical place anon

>> No.9725401

lol this thread is obviously your way of coping with the fact that u missed out of the next biggest bullrun in crypto.

>> No.9725455


>> No.9725477

Wait a second... Are you the same guy pretending to be another person?

this is the gift that keeps giving.

>> No.9725582

No I'm still here. I don't want you to KYS, but definitely seek help for your mental issues.

>> No.9725645


>> No.9725654

This is cringe man. kek