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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9715688 No.9715688 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else stuck in a worthless shitcoin?

>90% down from ATH
>ZERO buy orders, so can't even cut my losses if I wanted to
>70% pre-mined and they dump the second there is a buy order, there are people with hundreds of millions they want to get rid of
>Completely useless and has absolutely no purpose other a bunch of Ranjeets shilling from some Discord, a dead coin walking
JUST. Let this be a lesson /biz/, don't buy fucking shitcoins shilled by Discord groups.

>> No.9715699

Please post a single piece of evidence that shows there is a 70% premine

>> No.9715730

I just saw quite a lot of people bought some hours ago

I placed a 1 sat order a couple days ago of like 1,4 mil trtl and it got filled when I was asleep. now I hope this coin moons its only at 1 sat

>> No.9715745

I am stuck 0.5 ETH is PLY.
I mistakenly bought Play coin instead of Polyymath and now my 0.5 ETH is stuck in a utter shit coin.

>> No.9715755

i dont think they had a premine since it launched on biz.

>> No.9715769
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Ok op why don't you go somewhere else with your shitty attempt at shaming the good name of TurtleCoin because no ones gonna beleive you here

>> No.9715807

Back to your Discord.

>> No.9715824

>mfw when i could have had 15k$ if I sold TurtleCoin at the right time

>> No.9715864
File: 79 KB, 888x499, 2bev87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit if you don't want me here, I'm here because I want other people to see through the stupid FUD dumbasses post like you, mr op

>> No.9715893


>> No.9715963

Mine moar Shells.

>> No.9716011
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>> No.9716047

Shit! I didn't realise there was a 70% pre mine! I read it on the internet so it must be true! Dammit!

>> No.9716092


Op post a single piece of evidence please or you passively admit that this is entirely fud BS

>> No.9716099

1 trtl = 1 trtl

>> No.9716119

>>90% down from ATH
95-100%, it went from 40 sats to 1, and eventually no buy orders lmao

>ZERO buy orders
there are buy orders for 1 sat right now

>70% Pre mine
proofs otherwise false

>Completely useless
Welcome to crypto
enjoy your stay

that being said it's an absolute shitcoin but everything you said is wrong

>> No.9716427
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>> No.9717136
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Turtle. Fucking. Messenger.

>> No.9717329
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>> No.9717356

If you're daft enough to buy trtl instead of mining it I don't have much sympathy for you

>> No.9717379
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>> No.9717392


Well said

>> No.9717397
File: 71 KB, 623x281, blind as well as retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZERO buy orders, so can't even cut my losses if I wanted to
pic related you stupid cunt

>> No.9717426

I joined their discord channel few months ago and it was premined af. There were a lot of people who had Millions and Millions of this shitcoin and they were all waiting the shill on biz just to get " free " money. You must be retarded to fall for this shit

>> No.9717488

Try harder, tripfag

>> No.9718395

Do you understand the concept "doing it for the lulz"?

>> No.9718582

TRTL in a nutshell: Keyloggers, Hidden miners, premine, 1 sat.

>> No.9718655

>tfw i literally have 30k in turtle coin....
>tfw i put around 300k into it (my whole portfolio)
>tfw waiting for the next bull run so i can hope to at least walk away with less of a loss
>tfw i listened to biz and got fucked

Fuck you guys.

>> No.9718685
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You need to do the needful.

>> No.9718735

My exit bag is in my closet if im ever feeling in the moment, but im trying to hang on for two more years. If no bullrun at that point then im officially offing myself.

>> No.9719661


>> No.9719802

>putting 300k in some obscure shitcoin shilled on /biz/
no one could possibly be that stupid

>> No.9719819
File: 61 KB, 610x458, TRTLchick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep bumping

>> No.9720190

These projects will unironically save turtlecoin

>> No.9720265

What are you talking about?

>> No.9720842

buying turtlecoin is probably the 2nd biggest indicator you will never make it in crypto

bitconnect is top indicator ofc, hard to beat that but turtle is close

>> No.9720855
File: 101 KB, 655x436, cozy turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe they know something that you do not know. If you absolutely, 100% for sure, without a doubt knew that Bitcoin was going to spike to thousands a token would you have sold your house and all items to buy BTC?? It would not have been stupid. TRTL is unironically going to moon hard in 2018. Pic Related

>> No.9720865
File: 607 KB, 800x792, safe pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why FUD Anon? Do you really think you cannot find comfort in the shell?

>> No.9721301

comfy af in Turtle
btw that sell wall in nothing, Peepcoin at a sell for over 200btc when it was at 1sat
the marketcap for TRTL is 1.1million btw
you're telling me this isn't a gold mine?

>> No.9721438

What the fuck are you talking about, dumb phoneposter?

>> No.9721469
File: 128 KB, 426x1020, Screenshot from 2018-06-02 16-22-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice shills that came here directly from the discord.

I'm a member of the turtlecoin discord and they've linked to /biz/ 2100 times. I'm sure they're not shilling here though.

>> No.9721487

I mined it in december and dumped it at 30 sats, feels good.

>> No.9721498

And your point is?

>> No.9721502
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>> No.9721518
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>S-so w-what if there's a c-coordinated shill campaign organized on the discord for this shitcoin

>> No.9721638
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LMAO the absolute state. You can't even transfer TRTL ffs

>> No.9721658
File: 43 KB, 429x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's a "community coin" after all. There's nothing wrong with having a shill army.

>> No.9721685

So you admit there's a shilling campaign that originated from TRTL discord.

>> No.9721742

I don't know what's more hillarious: The keylogger FUD or your ridiculous claim. Every TurtleCoin shill acts entirely on his own. There's no "organized shilling campaign".

>> No.9721986

>peepcoin 200 btc wall when 1 Sat

Stop lying fucking faggot

>> No.9722026

shill me on this, it would make sense for this token to have utility like this.

>> No.9722036

> Every TurtleCoin shill acts entirely on his own. There's no "organized shilling campaign".
>direct links to TRTL-related threads on the discord
sure lol

>> No.9722123
File: 13 KB, 125x125, 4AD791AA-102B-417C-9253-23131AB0D83D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys really don’t understand what turtle coin is. You realize that btc was literally worthless in the first few years. Ppl mined it and forgot about it. Through out hardrives... it didn’t even have a value.

The whole point of turtle is it’s free.
Anyone can mine it, the inflation rate is set so high. It’s mean to be distributed as best as possible for as cheap as possible.

If you want turtle to succeed. Then mine it and build an economy around it. Make some captcha with a faucet, make a gambling game. Anything really. Just to wide spread it. Make it easy and free give our turtle shells make rains ect. Turtle is about fun and free coin you can mine. And maybe in the far future years from now it will be worth something. That’s how I see turtle.

Btw I mined over 50mil turtle in the past few months.

I could care less about the coin, it can die tmrw and I won’t care! Don’t invest what you aren’t willing to lose, and that goes for traditional investments how much more for crypto and how much more for a monero clone???

Be smart guys, mine some turtle and forget about it like a good chad. Don’t make a fuss about a coin that can be mined on my cellphone.
Don’t expect to be a millionaire overnight or even at all

This is just for fun

Pls don’t be retarded

>> No.9722164

When will the first pizza be bought with TRTL?

>> No.9722725


>> No.9722991

Bitcoin got more valuable later because it became harder and harder to mine. Turtle wont get harder to mine for another 110 years. Im not exaggerating, its literally that long.

There will always be this much oversupply. Its a shame really, turtle would be a great coin if you could just buy it for way less than one satoshi.