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9716773 No.9716773 [Reply] [Original]

LINK will be delisted on binance, because the volume is too low;

>> No.9716802
File: 451 KB, 1125x750, fvvsdvdv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, gives me more time to accumulate.

>> No.9716860

i don't think it's funny anymore

>> No.9716876

Everyone already knows this you brainlet. Delisting is 7th june

>> No.9716884

Seriously what the fuck happened to the volume though

>> No.9716900
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About time

>> No.9716905

kek they already announced the delisting for next week

>> No.9716932
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LINK was submitted to binance from USERS, not the Team.

Sergey does not want it listed anywhere yet in the first place.

So yes, unironically more time to accumulate

>> No.9716955

someone stopped paying for the bots
guess sirgay and the other faggots dumped enough of their stack on you idiots

>> No.9716985

Binance probably listed it in the first place because they wanted to accumulate some from trading and withdrawal fees. Nobody knew about it then the same way nobody knows about it now. I’m sure they’re building a nice little bag of a couple million as an investment.

>> No.9717030

>delusion: the post
binance listed it because they needed exclusive tokens in the beginning to gain interest
binance was'nt in the place it is now back then when they listed this shitcoin

>> No.9717041

Does anyone know how much keeping a token listed costs? Like, what's their maintenance effort? I can't imagine its much.

>> No.9717049

i think it's a one time listing fee

>> No.9717060

Yeah, for the one that wants to get it listed. But is there any effort at all in keeping a token listed?
Unless they list shit like nano that fucks their exchange up ofc

>> No.9717067

its a shitty scam token with no fucking progress or partnerships

>> No.9717071

The coping mechanism of you retards are astounding. The project is dead, get over it, your money is gone. Cut your losses and move on.

>> No.9717086

you have clearly no idea how this game works
you have to pay for the binance bots market making all the time
>on time listing fee

>> No.9717087

This. Actual coins that will survive have partners and have dozens of full time employees.

Anyone still in this needs to get out.

>> No.9717090
File: 2.46 MB, 1410x1198, 1507851442527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Chainlink does work and companies adopt it, they know it will be huge and LINK tokens will be a hot commodity. If they make partnership announcements before a working product is proven then they know people like us will be scrambling to buy in anticipation of its adoption and in turn drive up the price, increasing the amount they have to pay to have access to the network they'll be reliant on. By waiting to make partnership announcements they ensure that they're able to buy LINK at a cheap price and that they have a working product before any big moves are made. These companies would be vastly increasing their risk exposure by making partnerships announcements prematurely. The Singularity will happen over night in one go.

>> No.9717104

Oh sweetie...

>> No.9717107

what type of abuse have you taken to come to that reasoning? it's like the prisoners in the Stockholm experiment, you're brain dead mate, get help.

>> No.9717110


>> No.9717116

Trust me sir, i really care about your financial well being sir. Better sell all Link now sir before its too late sir.

>> No.9717128

> constant updates in github and tracker
> dead
I like fud, fud is good, but can you please write something which can't be proven false with the bare minimum of research? You're making the rest of us look bad - and that's saying something considering how dumb our fud is sometimes.

>> No.9717145
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the path of the prosperous anon is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil jews.

>> No.9717152

how many full-time employees does he have
how many is he hiring
he has a office for his work and employees in san francisco, the epicenter of where tangible projects are
name one partnership

its dead nigger

>> No.9717187

and on top of that he has 100 mio now from the ico
do you understand what that means?
there is no need to ever build an actual product, they are filthy rich already
why should they throw their money away for marketing and devs?
makes no sense

>> No.9717200



>> No.9717208
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>> No.9717218

Because he wants to be immortalized, not just rich.

>> No.9717241

Good recon Captain. Devour those links like a hot cum load

>> No.9717246

uhm, no?
most of the ico's who raised that much will never deliver anything due to the aforementioned reasons
many of the icos who raised only half that much have dozens of employees and are actually doing something
the singularity will be the mass suicides of basementdwellers when reality kicks in

>> No.9717267

brown ID pajeet detected

>> No.9717302

>absolute state of LINK holders
it keeps going further and further down the CMC


>> No.9717401

At least 11 contributors for code alone to the github iirc, so that's not including private repos. I don't know how many full time employees he would have outside of this, but that wouldn't be all - I wouldn't think that I would need to explain this to an adult with access to the internet, but then your retarded ass came along.
How many more is he hiring? Why don't you ask him, faggot. I don't have a direct line to the guy.
> he has an* office for his work and employees in san francisco, the epicenter of where tangible projects are
That's not really fud, but then again we've already established that you're a retard.
Swift, docusign, cryptlets are all partners which have been working with Chainlink. These are confirmed things - so not including the speculation around all of the other big names who seem to be in the background whenever this project shows up anywhere.

You could find all this out if you would just do a little bit of research - but you never will, either because you're just too lazy or you're illiterate. Nolinkers are the perfect example of a bottom-of-the-barrel subhuman.

>> No.9717419

can you show confirmations of the partnerships between Swift, Cryplets and Docusign? Like an announcement from one of those entities. don't just point to a fucken symbol on the website because that doesn't mean shit.

>> No.9717438

no, (((he))) cant

if you cant tell, its a fucking kike shill we are dealing with here

>> No.9717449

I signed up for binance just to buy link. So there's at least one good thing link did for me.

>> No.9717491

Swift has been working with Chainlink on its GPI nostro. Cryptlets uses CL as its SDK. The docusign CEO has been riding chainlinks balls at SIBOS and even retweeted linkmarine meme posts (how much more fucking obvious can you get.)

>k-kike shill, kike shill
It's ironic that you're trying to get people to drop their chainlink bags for you to pick up, but you then proceed to call ME the kike here. Good logic, you can't even type a 2 line reddit-spaced post without fucking yourself.

>> No.9717500

>kike shill
What coin should I buy wise one? Which non-kike ones are there?

>> No.9717517
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>> No.9717521

so no actual partnerships. when any of those companies makes an announcement stating that they are partners, then you can call it a partnership. you idiots think an NDA with a company or a presentation that they made is a partnership. sorry sweetie, it just doesn't work that way. muh connect the dots it's so obvious lel 1000 EOY

>> No.9717525

These are the brainlets that will FOMO in when link starts hitting triple digits.

>> No.9717538

You tell em, marine

>> No.9717613

> working with swift on an extensive blockchain interface POC is not evidence of a partnership
> using CL as an SDK for a microsoft azure project is not evidence of a partnership
> the CEO of docusign, a company which deals with the implementation of secure digital contract signatures is such a fan that he retweets linkmarine posts, this is not basically a confirmed partnership either
I can't believe that anyone is so stupid that they can't see this incredibly basic and obvious shit. So here's MY question for you. Are you:
A) a retarded 12 year old who chromed so hard he developed severe brain damage and can't even make basic deductions
B) a retarded 12 year old who just stole $50 of his mum's trick money and thought he could influence the price by writing trash tier fud on a mongolian fingerpainting canvas

I don't even want them to FOMO in dude. I want them to kill themselves before they ever see 1k - I'm sure there will be enough regret while it's climbing through the double digits.

>> No.9717688

using SDK is not a partnership. working with swift for blockchain interface that may not use link is not a partnership. the ceo tweeting shit is not a partnership.
>basically confirmed
nothing confirmed, all speculation. a partnership is when both parties publicly acknowledge each other and announce their intentions. it's obviously not a partnership because only plebs on a sudanese genital mutilation coping forum consider these loose associations as partnerships. sorry sweetie, put your diaper on and strap in for nothing.

>> No.9717736

The absolute state of this thread is hilarious. Litterally throw anything at a linky and they'll twist it to make it fit their ideology.

>> No.9717774

You people are soooo fkn mad that your missing out on a stock like chainlink. Seriously the next bitcoin looking at you in the face and your too scared to buy. 1000$ dollers end of year 2k18

>> No.9717791

And volume isnt even important. Coinmarket cap doesnt count the wallets of institutional buyers and allot of exchanges like korea and japan arent inxluded either. The volume is fine!! This is such OBVIOUS FUD

>> No.9717800

You are so sure that link as a project will make it its actually scary.

>> No.9717846

delusion is hilarious


>> No.9717874

Never selling bitch

>> No.9717988
File: 148 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-06-02-01-57-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will i make it if i buy $2000 worth of link? I almost bought in 7 months ago but i had a motorcycle accident and I was struggling to pay bills. My settlement money comes next week

>> No.9718212

just set your money on fire
same result but immediate gratification

>> No.9718238

why are there so many threads here like this? i keep coming back here because there is good discussion once in a while but the signal is completely outnumbered by the noise. we could be talking about setting up nodes but instead we shitpost.

>> No.9718358

You spastics know it is going to end up on Coinbase, right?

>> No.9718367

I'm a holder and I truly doubt this but would rejoice if it came true.

>> No.9718578

Yeah idk why I keep buying probably have a problem. 70k link but 2k in bank account now.

>> No.9718589

False. Maybe in 2020

>> No.9718651

and thats a good thing

>> No.9718695

are you fudding your own post pajeet?

>> No.9718699
File: 65 KB, 779x295, loll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what linkies actually believe

>> No.9719341


>> No.9719352

This other meme needs to die too
See, replace link with any cin and it's the same!
>If Tron does work and companies adopt it, they know it will be huge and Tron tokens will be a hot commodity.
>If EOS does work and companies adopt it, they know it will be huge and EOS tokens will be a hot commodity.

>> No.9719386

get fucked dipshit

>> No.9719440
File: 106 KB, 724x720, 4326779C-D972-4AE1-94F0-4B38A1A00D2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link cultist and fanatics probably would kill themselves and their families if their heretic lord sirgay as so willed.

>> No.9719457

what will happen to my linkies that i hold on binance i they delist link? does it mean i can still send them to another exchange after the delistening and just cant trade them on binance? do i h-have to sell my linkies? its just like 100 but i still want to be part of the meme

>> No.9719461

Link ain't going away. All you fudders can choke on a dick.

>> No.9719481

But that's all there is to it in the end. If your plan is to sell it, you need to find people that want it, companies or normies or whoever, then hope you're right,

>> No.9719530

Put some respeck on my name

>> No.9719779

answer please

>> No.9719786

Link isn't getting delisted. You can always use MEW anyways

>> No.9719790

You will be able to withdraw them to another exchange. But by that time they'll be worthless because everyone will dump it.

>> No.9719807

It's not getting delisted faggot.

>> No.9719831

nice i will just hold them in that case and wait for the relistening after link hits 30 dollars in october 2019

>> No.9719833

Yes it is. Stay mad.

>> No.9719840

how are you so stupid?

>> No.9719905

oh i checked i got 300 link. still its not even 100 bucks i rather stay in the meme then losing the equivalent of 20 happy meals on some chiniese shitcoin. i will walk with my brothers through the valley of shadow and death for the better or the worse

>> No.9719939

also of course it was a typo. 3000$ in october 2019

>> No.9720018

LINK is an institutional token and Jewbase is an institutional exchange. It'll happen.

>> No.9720146

Noooo, you're full of shit like a Christmas turkey. Get in Hell, buddy.

>> No.9720169

Why don't we settle this the old fashioned way, you can come on down here, hide behind your keyboard while I kick your ass, then you can go home and suck on ya momma's titties or whatever you do.

>> No.9720198
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I warned y'all. I warned you not to buy shitcoins, and you didn't listen. I said, keep your money in something big like BTC or ETH or even LTC or NEO if you like ghetto fab shit coins, but no.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest LINK. Meditate on this, unwisened goyim.

>> No.9720872
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>no partnership
>no progress

>> No.9721085

I see you changed the format up a bit. I am flattered.

>Because Chainlink mainnet isn't live yet; there's no working product. Once it's out and companies that intend to use it have verified that it works as intended they'll make their announcements. This accomplishes two things:

>1. It saves them the embarrassment of having to backtrack on a partnership announcement in the event that Chainlink doesn't work.
>2. If Chainlink does work and these companies adopt it, they know it will be huge and LINK tokens will be a hot commodity. If they make partnership announcements before a working product is proven then they know people like us will be scrambling to buy in anticipation of its adoption and in turn drive up the price, increasing the amount they have to pay to have access to the network they'll be reliant on. By waiting to make partnership announcements they ensure that they're able to buy LINK at a cheap price and that they have a working product before any big moves are made. These companies would be vastly increasing their risk exposure by making partnerships announcements prematurely.

>> No.9721097
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Our trust lies with the Linkgregore now bitch. He speaks in 5's.

>> No.9721126

>Seriously what the fuck happened to the volume though
link has become so valuable that to sell for less than $100 is pointles. the market will catch up and the singularity will begin.

>> No.9721162

>But is there any effort at all in keeping a token listed?
exchanges make money from listing coins you fucking moron. there's no cost in doing nothing and letting it sit there. fuck. millenials

>> No.9721309
File: 17 KB, 250x250, Bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been spreading FUD threads as of lately.... you know the Daily reminder threads?
I give you one last warning. Cut your fucking losses, man up, and move on

Linkys on suicide watch
>42 btc volume from 1,000
amongst the lowest on binanace for a few weeks now with absolute pajeet shitcoins that no one has heard about.
>volume doesn't mean anything
This is cope

DAILYYYYY reminder this coin is shilled by pajeets selling a dream and hope of 1000x gains

>Pajeet buys snake oil $1 for 1ml
>Pajeet offers to sell at amazing price $20 for 1 ml
>Pajeet says $1000 EOY for 1 ml of snake oil
>Mfw Link bag holders are first in line to buy
There is no difference between a Link buyer and that example

And now to finish you off with with the nail in the coffin, confirmed facts
Daily reminder:
Biz said link would be $10 after SIBOS. Assblaster said $3 by May. The whale larper said $1000 EOY (all in the archives)

The only person who predicts correctly is the oldfag who always posts that black Amex saying it will keep falling until 0 (so far he is more accurate)

Save your self, or be stupid and poor. If you want to support a philosophers little coding project that is his hobby. Go ahead and be a cuck

If you want to make money, exit while you can.
If you do not take my advice and warninig, i hope you stay poor and dumb. You'll never make it
>42 btc volume

>> No.9721319


>> No.9721340

either it works and I'm link rich or it doesn't and I not. Either way I'm not a pussy and not going to back out now.

>> No.9721355


>> No.9721392

Does anyone else think Linkies deserve it for constantly spamming the board?

I hope they all end up homeless desu.

>> No.9721418

>there's no cost in doing nothing and letting it sit there
That's wrong you stupid fuck. Market making bots cost money to run and so does bandwidth and there's no point in doing that shit if nobody is actually trading the coin.

>> No.9721422


You are playing 1 to 1000 odds
vs 1 to 50 odds on coins that have proven their pump potential and have large top tier teams with MARKETING

Yet you choose to gamble on the worst game... this is a psychological issue. You have become so deluded by the larps and shills of Link.... or you are a straight degenerate gambler

A gambler that will withdraw all his funds out of the bank, his childs college fund, and everything . To go all in and on slim chance that he will score big time.

I'll be the gambler that plays conservatively , gets losses , and plays the best odds he can.
Wake the fuck up man, you have been played like a fiddle yet choose to remain stubborn.


>> No.9721445

*cuts losses*

Sorry you linkys have me fumbling my words

>> No.9721507
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The King is dead, long live the King!

>> No.9721509

fuck off back to r*ddit, reddit spacer.

>> No.9721821

the 2 IQ response when the JUST has been shown and revealed to Linkys
Also whoever started that post on biz would get knocked out if i saw him. Spacing is easier to read you dumb faggot, it has 0 to do with reddit. I do it on youtube too, kill your self for being a follower and just repeating what you see

>Reddit spacing! xD
I got him guys!

>> No.9721846

i'm not even a linkie you retarded faggot, the fact that you can't figure that out by using a simple feature on 4chan almost proves that you came from reddit.

>reddit spacing is easier to read
yeah, if you're from reddit.

>> No.9721951

Lol it wont
How are people itt so retarded?