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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9716581 No.9716581 [Reply] [Original]

>/g/ has no interest in Solidity, blockchain tech, etc... because muh crypto scams
>Linux desktop thread #80980980
Why are they stupid enough to miss out the biggest new thing?

>> No.9716628

The amount of people who can program or even understand working blockchain ~20k

While everyone and their mom amature linux sys admin

>> No.9716663
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Sometimes it feels like I'm wasting my time learning this stuff because it might just fail due to sheer human incompetence. Tell me I'm not.

>> No.9716666

>digital beanie babies
>biggest new thing

>> No.9716680

Wanted to argue, but then saw your quads

>> No.9716683

>incentivize people to run a decentralized system in exchange for a coin or token to utilize said system
>Ethereum, an entire decentralized computer where every opcode is cryptographically verified
>ChainLink, allows for fetching data from a decentralized system, utilizes hardware enclaves so sensitive data can be fetched and only be visible to its intended recipients, also allows decentralized verification of fetched data making it tamperless
>digital beanie babies

>> No.9716695

based quads of satan
sold everything

>> No.9716696

oh yeah don't forget skycoin which is attempting to build an entirely decentralized internet

>> No.9716705

>muh buzzwords

>> No.9716714

Because cryptography and distributed systems is what weeds out 99% of wannabe "programmers." Its hilarious how many "linux users" aren't even familiar with public-key cryptography. Most self identified "programmers" click and drag UI elements in an IDE and thing they are programming.

>> No.9716730

go to the fucking githubs of these projects or read into the already working ones you stupid fucking retard
you don't even need to know cryptography, just learn solidity and understand how a blockchain works fuck

>> No.9716882

>bunch of insults
typical buzzword thrower getting defensive

>> No.9716931

Sir I do believe you are misinformed as to the usage of the term "buzzword". If I had used these descriptions of the technology in a way I did not understand intentionally to sound more intelligent than I am then I would have utilized the previously mentioned terminologies as buzzwords. However, I understand what I am saying, therefore, they are not buzzwords but accurate indicators of what I am trying to describe. Have a nice day.

>> No.9716987

The world is moved by a few people with drive, intelligence and vision. Everyone else is inconsequential. At best they do maintenance, at worst they're a drain on civilization. You shouldn't worry what others do. It's obvious smart contracts are the future, but basic human inertia coupled with dunning-kruger will ensure it will be a good 5-10 years before you see average minds actively pursue blockchain tech.

>> No.9717022
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So I'm still ahead of the curve?
Thanks anon I appreciate it.

>> No.9717559

You go get em mate! The world is yours!

>> No.9717665

I guess most of them have a personality type that wants to be unique and when they see all the normies hyping crypto they instantly negatively associate crypto and never want to touch it.
They are also the most skeptical people, that's why they use linux.

>> No.9717668

Decentralized systems don’t solve THAT many problems which a faster centralized database would solve. I’m sorry but much of this is hype

>> No.9717717

Removing the need for trusted third parties is kind of a big deal actually

>> No.9717760

As a regular /g/ent I can say getting milked for info by people who don't know bip on the regular can be annoying.
Post your questions in a sqt thread.
Also /biz/ is seemingly full of larpers with a supercilious attitude. Truly rich people don't buy golden lambos & buy hookers while making fun of people with less money.

>> No.9717772

>being this new

You realised /g/ was one of the first places to discuss bitcoin? They already made it, then moot banned crypto discussion from /g/ as it used to look like /biz/ does today.

>> No.9717778

Solidity is shit.

>> No.9717796

>using software made by some random guy at some random company or "muh anonymoose devs" isn't a trusted third party

>> No.9717798


In 10-15 years when 1st generation blockchain is legacy tech, they'll be all over it.

>> No.9717855
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Because of all the FUD with crypto popular among normalfags. I mean jesus christ you can't even talk about crypto with other people without one of them getting triggered and shitting on blockchain technology.

Blockchain is LITERALLY the future, and everybody who did their research know it is the future. It's constantly in the list of the world community as "top things that would change the world as we know it", like quantum computing, AI, robotics, etc

>> No.9717862
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But we were talking about it on /g/ years ago, until moot banned crypto from /g/

>> No.9717890

>cares about privacy
>uses linux because muh open source
>still uses amd and intel cpus with built in backdoors

welp, literally the biggest brainlet board on this site

>> No.9717894

/biz/ was created to contain crypto threads. IIRC it was one of the first boards created by moot after a long time of not creating one.

I was here in the first days of /biz/, but eventually I the FUD got to me back then, and I stopped coming here. That was a big mistake.

>> No.9717916


>> No.9717944


3D printing, AI, 'internet of things', 'smart homes', 'crowdsourcing', THESE are buzzwords.

Cryptographically secured opcodes on a distributed computer has no buzzwords. Learn the difference, it could save your life!

>> No.9717965

if you cant recognize that most crypto is a vaporware gold rush i dont know what to tell you

>> No.9717969

I'm curious, what crypto projects are you betting on now?

>> No.9717985
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/g/fags who discussed crypto before /biz/ are already millionaires
only normen remain

>> No.9718060

lolwut, AI is actually exactly as profound as it's being made out to be today - maybe even more. And blockchain should be the biggest buzzword on that list. Who the fuck calls it "cryptographically signed opcodes on a public distributed ledger" aside from the actual individuals who care about the space and develop it?

>> No.9718165

Too many to count. But the project I really like the most these days (that's popular) is TAU. There's another one, but fuck I ain't telling people. Though I've seen it mentioned on /biz/ once, I never replied to it because I still want it to be a secret.

>> No.9718193

You're missing my point, a buzzword is a word that creates 'buzz' amongst lay people and investors and boomers who watch CNN.

AI and Machine Learning and Neural Networks, are all legitimate and useful technologies, so is blockchain, the point is they're buzzwords because they are no constantly parroted by people with no actual knowledge and proficiency in the field. Do you know how often I listen to my mum or my dad casually mention shit that is inconsequential like 'Oh they just made an AI that did X' or friends of mine who have unironically said to me 'if we invest in AI wont we become rich'.

The anon was trying to do the same think by taking block (a buzzword) and breaking down WHY it is impressive (distributed cryptographically secured opcodes), he's actually doing the OPPOSITE of using buzzwords. The same way that if I talk about inductive logic programming, that's not a buzzword the way AI is.

>> No.9718195

i literally got life changing job deal out of this, stick to it!

>> No.9718258

>told to learn about the actual code behind these 99% vaporware peojects and how this tech as a whole works
>buzzword thrower
nigga nothing he just said is a buzzword, go learn about how this all works under the hood, for real. it's for your own good

>> No.9718314

lmao /g/ is full of pathetic wageslaves cucks

>> No.9718426

Is it a platform project?

>> No.9719380
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You should check Dero, devs are Linux autistic and C Ninja.

Private Smart Contract with GoLang soon.

>> No.9719438

Shill it once, nigger. It's not like all of biz is watching at any given time. Plus, it actually needs traction to blow up

>> No.9719554

this thread shows how much of a bubble we're in. Decentralized and privacy projects are irrelevant. Look at how TOR, freenet, torrents etc. is doing. That's the future of crypto. There's no economic incentive for decentralization, life changing shit like google can't be done decentralized. The price of bitcoin will always increase long term because of manipulation and you can make money developing these scams since there's always people waiting to buy in, but they will never see widespread adoption

>> No.9719562

if you are still in crypto you are literally a child or retarded

>> No.9719623

Think I can get one of those sweet $100k+/yr jobs in blockchain with a production level experience in Solidity and proficient in Javascript/HTML5/CSS3? Everything else I just know the basics, learning Golang right now to have another skill to add to the list, but I wonder if a good understanding of Solidity/Javascript alone can land a job.

>> No.9719776

Crypto isnt fully decentralized either, eth is highly dependent on vitalik, for instance.

The thing is being decentralized enough to be transparent, and creating efficient digital private (as in non-governmental) currencies. The abusive government-issued fiat was once the most practical option for moving value, but we're past that. Digital transactions on a blockchain will be safe, efficient, and require no government. We will have an open market of currencies and will be able to pick the one that best suits our needs and has the most competitive features, just like you pick an internet provider or credit card company.

>> No.9719952

you raise some good points but:

1) I wonder about the limitations of these transactions. Sure, it works well for money (despite having some advantages) but I don't see it being useful for other scenarios

2) despite traditional money being slow and not private, most of the transactions don't require privacy and there are solutions already to make instant payments. In order for people to even care about it, crypto would need to have a huge advantage over traditional money and that's impossible since it doesn't really create any value. The most significant would probably be fees being reduced but given the other disadvantages already present, I think people wouldn't mind paying a bit more for having a certain sense of safety (the usual financial system)

>> No.9720016

>nice i just got my first salary, in eth, link and neo
>oh fuck its down 30%

>> No.9720548

Nah, just have to have enough adoption for major price stability. Which probably happens around 1 gorillion market cap. I hope you're ready.

>> No.9720823

>actually used somewhere where it provides benefits over existing solutions

>> No.9720839

it just moves the trust somewhere else in the chain. Not removing it at all.

>> No.9720873

Is learning Solidity alone enough, or do I need to know Javascript, too?

>> No.9720903

Just sold 1 mil, thanks Satan

>> No.9720966

You're a piece of shit and not really shouldn't be here. We help each other out. Don't buy link.

>> No.9721052

Devs are a couple of neets who will never make anything useful or new who larp behind a fake pornstar twitter account

>> No.9721117

I know what they mean. I also know they are buzzwords used to make the thing sound more sophisticated for marketing reasons.

>> No.9721239

I think most of us seem to agree that most of this is shit except our bags. Nocoiners are the similar.

>> No.9721370
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Regarding your issues

Honestly, I can't see past currencies and finance, either. It's what bitcoin was originally made for, after all. The only thing people take seriously enough to warrant the safety, privacy and transparency advantages of blockchain over its disadvantages is money and property.

Traditional money fucking sucks. People used to exchange goods and services directly and it was very very common to issue private currencies:
>Be 1850
>Just harvested all my corn
>Take my corn down to the general store
>Want to sell all my corn now while it's best
>Definitely don't want to decide everything i'm gonna take in exchange for the corn right now
>Dude at the general store would stamp a couple pieces of paper written "worth one pound of corn, good until the end of the year" with his official stamp
>Go back home with a couple of eggs, some tools and a load of corncredits, which I trust the general store owner to exchange, based on his history of doing this honestly for the past 20 years

Then comes the government, probably with good intentions, too:
>Alright dipshits, a ton of you have been issuing and using noted goods, it's fucking troublesome for you because most of you can't read for shit, and it's fucking terrible for the banks because they can't be verifying all these different entities and are forced to reject these deposits. How about I issue the fucking paper, it'll be redeemable countrywide, won't expire, exchangeable for gold, you can trust me, problem solved.
It took a while for this to gain traction, people were more skeptical of the faceless government than they were of the local general store owner they had known forever. But eventually, it took off.
Ten generations down the line, the great great great grandsons of the corn farmer have never heard of using anything but government money to exchange goods. The new government noticed no one had tried to redeem the paper in ages, and that no one gave a shit if it just printed more.

>> No.9721436

the kike autists on /g/ don't talk about solidity and chainedblocks because they don't want competition and they don't want you to succeed.

>> No.9721439

/g/ is /v/ 2.0 they only care about consumer products, promoting SJW idiocy and having stupid brand wars

>> No.9722064

O >>9717894

>> No.9722381
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.NET developer here with 2 years of experience

Is it worth transitioning to Solidity/blockchain atm? Where can you even find jobs for this (I live in the DC area)?

>> No.9723156


Time out /biz/, this shit post actually elicited intelligent responses. Who are you people? Did I swap timelines again?