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File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20180601_191932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9712646 No.9712646 [Reply] [Original]

Whatcha smokin' on biz?

Just smoked some kk about to roll pic related up "cookie monster"

>> No.9712652
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just some backyard bush weed
very gud

>> No.9712702
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dat bible, can't make this stuff up

>> No.9712740

Roll one with bible paper, find deuteronomy 4:20

>> No.9712749

ITT: People who won't make it

>> No.9712768

im making a fat one right now

>> No.9712770

Some Koala Kush and King Loiue. Good stuff after a long day of trading. Doing any drugs during however is a really fucking bad idea

>> No.9712782
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not sure which one to smoke tonight...

>> No.9712807

Weed turns you a lazy cunt, stop being a degenerate

>> No.9712818

Coming home and getting high after work is the only reason I can wage slave.

>> No.9712864

'made it'
daily smoker
Blaze n win, y'all

>> No.9712894

the hardest part of trading is the ability to have conviction in your trades and just wait. weed and video games are a traders best friends.

>> No.9712927

Green crack wood strongly recommend

>> No.9712928

Still blazing some fire gelato

>> No.9712931

Nice outdoor or greenhouse

>> No.9712973
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Degenerate fags

>> No.9712977
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>> No.9712986
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Tat is actually pre good

>> No.9713015

blue city diesel and Haze

sipping on capriccio sangria

>> No.9713062
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Sipping on this 500mg thc

>> No.9713072

Skywalker OG, getting ready to go to sleep. After dealing with insomnia is for 20+ years, getting a medical card was the best decision I ever made.

>> No.9713083

who here /computer duster and trade/?

>> No.9713092

Why would you risk getting a criminal record and going to jail?

Are you a nigger or a retard?

>> No.9713100

Smoked this strain earlier
Glad to hear weed has inproved your quality of life.

>> No.9713143

turning my "cookie cakes" into icecream

>> No.9713150
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>> No.9713270

Yeah, it's been a nice change, used to average 3 or 4 hours a night, now I'm sleeping 7 or 8. Usually I use my solo 2 vape, one bowl of about .2 grams is enough for me. If I am having trouble staying asleep, I take a 15mg lozenge then the bowl. The bowl hits me quick and I settle into bed, and the high from the bowl wears off in a couple hours. The lozenge takes about an hour to kick in and lasts about 4 or 5 hours for me, so I can stay asleep. Have to do both maybe once a week or so, but it's nice I have the option.

>> No.9713285

ribs and brisket real slow

>> No.9713314


>> No.9713373 [DELETED] 

the fuck is a bj extract? you drinking that?

>> No.9713374

/jenk and trade/ till u make it bro

>> No.9713414

take out the OT and burn it

>> No.9713425

some swag unfortunately, its all I can afford

Its good enough to get me high though

>> No.9713435

how long would that stash last for a single human user?

>> No.9713475
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I’m about to do some of these dabs

>> No.9713513

It's legal here.

>> No.9713520

>do dabs
>shit tier wax
I hope you're in Texas or some bullshit, that looks like shit.

>> No.9713532

quantity over quality

i buy out the 12$ a gram places and see what I like most since alot of the high end oils cost 40$ a gram and don't taste any better

clear hardly even tastes better than run of the mill oils, it's all about how you extract it anyways

>> No.9713536

and yes, I do produce wax and have grown weed but it's a pain in the ass to do so I'd rather just buy what these mexicans pump out and see if anything sticks

sometimes there's some really high quality cheap stuff since nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about

>> No.9713538

Dude don’t smoke that butane filled wax that shit looks like poop soup

>> No.9713553

I 100% do know what I’m talking about and that since has so much butane in it you’re killing yourself slowly, not metaphorically. Do yourself a favor and only smoke wax that’s got a nice yellow color to it

>> No.9713560
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Get out of here, lay about

>> No.9713566

terp preservation is key

thanks most are

>> No.9713907

> bj extracts

R i i i i i i i ght. . .

>> No.9714080

Try a dynavap on a small waterpipe, it will blow your mind. I can't imagine life without it

>> No.9714162

>this is what pothead geymen actually believe

>> No.9714239

I've been pretty happy with my solo 2, thinking about getting the wooden stem for less chance at breakage. How is the dynavap different? Never tried a water bubbler or a different vape, the solo is what was recommended to ke for an easy to use and all around good product.

>> No.9714370

Um smoking some bingo bongo clown diesel kush haze its so lit dude its fire! Im so baked right now this shit is loud man. Did you know weed makes you smarter and cures cancer? Dude weed lmao

>> No.9714384

t. 25 year old boomer

>> No.9714391

>cures cancer
Then why are you here?

>> No.9714442

have a bunch of vapes including dynavape and the solo 2 is the best. never mind the wood stem. just buy some more glass stems its only a few dollars more stop being a cheap cunt. you can run a whip from your vape to a waterpipe no problem. you just need interfaces verses a whole new set up. git gud mafucka.

>> No.9714483

Pure Power Plant and AK47. AK makes me paranoid as fuck somehow though lol! Glad I wasted my stash of it already. Need to attend to this party in 3 hours so keeping myself sober now. After the party I'll come home, rip a bong and then proceed to go to the sauna to relax. Shit is sooooo cash.

>> No.9714487
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I don't know what kind of faggy place you live in, but where I'm from we have the freedom to smoke whenever we want.

>> No.9714498

And yet you smoke black dicks.

>> No.9714526

just puffed out on some orange cookies. The cookies variations have been my favorite for the past few months, all provide euphoric uplifting feelings

>> No.9714538
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Lemon haze :3

>> No.9714569

Your non-existent gf would love it here.

>> No.9714572

>not having a small clientelle base to feed your habit

Its like you guys don't even want to make it

>> No.9714586

>being a drug addict

Its you whos not gonna make it pal now go hit that bong and stare at the walls for a couple of hours

>> No.9715023

loopy fruit

>> No.9715053

Not surprised this is biz after all.


>> No.9715070

I'll look into it. Was thinking about the wood stem since my gf already broke one glass stem her first time trying to use it. She tried to tap the ABV into the glass jar instead of using the pipe pick and shattered it.

>> No.9715900

Maybe I haven’t made it
But I for sure am faded
Fad d

>> No.9715919


My girlfriend and I would probably get through that in ~18 months - 2 years.

>> No.9716401

Know what, might be a good 0pace to ask. I'm getting quite a bit of ABV and looking at making brownies, but I know I cant dat them all before they go bad from mold. I can give some away, can you freeze the rest and not lose potency for a period of day 6 months?

>> No.9716526

My friend is on a team of executives of a company building a massive cannabis grow facility. They're going to grow and amortize the building for under $200usd/lb

>> No.9716541

nice british internet news article you got there buddy

>> No.9716649
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>smoking weed
You won’t make it degenerate nigger

>> No.9716941

Water cure your ABV first it'll taste better, much sweeter
make it butter with either coconut oil or clarified butter, better potency
make brownies
freeze away without worry they'll still kick

>> No.9717002

are you smoking crack or meth?

>> No.9717251
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>imagine wasting gpus on children games

>> No.9717287
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>not having legal weed
>living in niggerland

>> No.9717298

>cookie monster
God addicted stoner culture is so fucking annoying.

>> No.9717434

Weed is for niggers

>> No.9717553

I used to smoke/vape every day for about 4 years straight. Started messing with speed/coke and shit went downhill for me fast. Sobered up and was dealing with anxiety/agoraphobia for a while. It's been 3 years and I'm getting better and want to go back to an occasional smoke but I'm worried about the anxiety. I'm also pretty isolated socially which probably doesn't help. Any tips, anons?

>> No.9717594

Where did you get speed/coke?

>> No.9717597
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U make concentrate from mexican dirt weed? Lmao

Nice. Yeah these edibles come in handy

>> No.9717621

That was pretty much me a few years ago. Look at it this way:

If you can handle anxiety while high, you can definitely handle it while sober. It's like training in 100x earth's gravity.

Some cognitive therapy really helped me with my anxiety as well. Mainly just looking at the anxiety as a mechanical issue instead of a mental one went a really long way: You're not losing your mind or buckling under intense pressure.

Your brain went full retard and pumped you full of adrenaline, nothing more, nothing less. Just ride out that dose of adrenaline and get back to killing it.

>> No.9717637

Please elaborate on your anxiety management techniques. I could really use some advice in that regard.

>> No.9717646

fuck me I want some THC pills too

>> No.9717649
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Dont smoke sativas, smoke hood quality indicas to avoid paranoia in my opinion, im not doctor and everyone reacts different to different strains. About to smoke this sherblato thoa

>> No.9717671

my nigga

>> No.9717766

we vapin up in this biatch smokin is for old money new money vapes dry herb. girlscout cookies crossed with fire og. dank sativa.

>> No.9717773

sunset sherbert
gelato 41

>> No.9717832

I hope weed gets legalized worldwide. The more degenerate potheads out there the less competition i have in life and business

>> No.9717873

Three things helped me immensely with my anxiety over the past few years:

The main thing is the term 'Second fear'. Whatever sets your anxiety in motion is the first fear, and then all the thoughts you have that perpetuate that anxiety are second fears. I stay focused on not thinking up every possible second fear. I call myself out when I start listing second fears. It is a pitfall that I need to keep my eye on constantly. Second fear is what turns a mildly uncomfortable day into hyperventilating, pacing around, throwing up, nervous wreck.

The second was what I mentioned before. Anxiety as a mechanical failure and not a mental one. I used to try and crack the fucking davinci code whenever I got anxious. How can I stop this? What set this off? How will this affect my life from now on? Tons of dumb shit that would only contribute to second fear. I abandoned that strategy since it never helped, and focused instead on mocking my brain for dumping all my adrenaline into my body. And that has helped a lot.

The last bit is nothing special: breathing exercises are actually great. Two regular breaths, then inhale for 4 seconds, hold it for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds. And just repeat until you've done twenty or thirty reps. Just staying focused on counting and breathing is usually enough to distract me from thinking up second fears.

>> No.9717902
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damn fren, this is great advice, i'm happy for you and appreciate that you're spreading these ideas.

>> No.9717983
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>Smoking with your gf

>> No.9718169

Use the abv to roll light spliffs instead of tobacco

>> No.9718183

TF is this

>> No.9718315

Nah, just smart enough to outsmart the coppers.
>Smoking since 7 yrs
>Not even controlled once
>Went just for fun behind some civil cops who were searching for drugs (they busted three ex-dealer infront of my eyes) in my street just because I can :^)

>> No.9718495
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Astroboy combines Apollo 13 genetics with a cross of Ortega and Cinderella 99 and is bred by TGA Subcool Seeds. It is typically an energetic, sativa-dominant hybrid. However, this Astroboy is the rare and elusive Watermelon phenotype and has decidedly indica-leaning properties. This phenotype is known to be an exceptional expression of the strain and is often desired as an influence for other breeding projects.

A mix of sweet and sour fruit flavors like citrus and cherry lead the way towards a buzz that is fast-acting and calming. The high is rapid onset with a relaxing body buzz that spreads from the head down the neck and throughout the rest of the body, leaving you completely pain free and utterly at ease. Your mind will fall in and out of focus as the high builds and builds. This heavy-hitting bud is one that will take you straight to the stars with one hit, and is a good choice for those suffering from insomnia.

This batch of Astroboy was grown in the heart of Pemberton, BC using the completely organic Destiny Grow System. This style of growing is 100% organic throughout the entire cycle of the crops that only uses pre-fertilized super soil, microbial teas, liquid kelp, water that is 6.2-6.4 pH, along with predator bugs and neem oil to eliminate pests.

Parents: Apollo 13, Ortega, Cinderella 99

Flavors: Cherries, Spicy, Citrus, Grapefruit
Effects: Body High, Cerebral, Relaxing, Happy, Tingly
Medical: Headaches, Depression, Muscle Spasms, Pain, Fatigue

>> No.9718513

Sherblato, dank
Meth tard

>> No.9718568
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kek me not smoke pot
but know some stuffs about chemistry

cleaned out friends Oil pipe with self cured alcohol
then me strained and removed fats / water from the alcohol with frozen carbon
then strained with micron filter

now me have like 2 grams of beautiful amber shatter
thinking about seeing what smoking this like b4 giving back to him kek

>> No.9718758
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Buying weed, kek

>> No.9718878

Tell me more

>> No.9719267

I was acquainted with people in those circles at the time, not really friends though. Moved to deep web by 2014-2015

>> No.9719329

What actually happened to GanjaCoin?

>> No.9719337

Thanks for sharing that perspective anon. I never had anxiety until I began abusing stimulants. I started slipping into panic attacks regularly while high. Probably nearly died a few times desu (not from weed, but from overdoing stims + no sleep, not to mention fucking with nootropics that would supposedly potentiate effects and/or protect me from neurotoxicity, lol. I was so naive). Anyway that's why I've been sober for so long. Because I literally fear slipping into that state. Hell I barely drink coffee these days.

>> No.9719342

damn come clean my shit

>> No.9719351

That's good advice. Unfortunately my state has shit mj laws. I don't think you can even get flowers if you get a medical card lol. I need to move.

>> No.9719458

I've noticed that most stuff that is 'grey area' is hated by Asian investors and tends not to do well. Pot coins, porn coins... they run off whenever anything like that is mentioned. Asians are about the most bluepilled people on the planet when it comes to drugs.

>> No.9719497

Hope you don't have a doggo or guns

>> No.9719689
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mfw most of those who have already made it were degenerate stoners from erowid/bluelight/420chan using crypto to buy sketchy shit online back in 2011
That's what you think
these are good but I have to eat like 6-10

>> No.9719919

Time hasn't been kind to you, Bill :(