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9712268 No.9712268 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say hypothetically I have access to the social media accounts of a VERY large tech firm (I'm talking top 10 globally), and I tweeted "We just partnered with X cryptocurrency", how much of a pump do you think we're talking?

>> No.9712272

Please make it LINK

>> No.9712281

Probably quite a bit but not worth the trip to the hole

>> No.9712287

Even if OP made it link you bagholders would end up buying more and not selling the fake pump. Aka you're fucking dumb.

>> No.9712288

More like tyrone pumping your ass in jail after you get done for market manipulation

>> No.9712308

Let's say hypothetically I'm behind several proxies

>> No.9712345

you have to time it perfectly
if all is perfect and the project is fairly undervalued and just needs a little push to light the fuse it can be anything from 50% to 250%+

>> No.9712367
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Be sure to make the partnership sound plausible. Many cryptos people will assume fuckery

Would have to be small cap enough to move, but pretty reputable project

>> No.9712370

First Id say this is a larp. If against all the odds it isnt, tell us the coin first and see the biggest pnd of your life.

>> No.9712372

Don't go to prison, OP.

>> No.9712393

No shit
That would compromise the whole thing since all it would take is one post saying linking to the thread
Prison isn't so bad taking into account how much it could be worth

>> No.9712405

They'll find the thread either way.

>> No.9712418

>Implying the market checks 4chin before investing

>> No.9712433

Just say the coin then delete rhe thread after a couple of minutes

>> No.9712440

lol. no way it would link to this thread. way too abstract and even then i doubt 4chins would give data over. but wait for a bullrun op. dont do it yet

>> No.9712451

Tell us a time

>> No.9712507

Someone from 4chan would link the thread in the replies. Seen it happen a dozen times for different things. Who are you retards trying to convince?

>> No.9712538
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>That would compromise the whole thing since all it would take is one post saying linking to the thread

Good lookin

Literally just tell us the country account, many of these corps have multiple accounts for each country.

We can then narrow it down by info you already gave us, that's all

Sincerely your pal,


>> No.9712562

okay i have an idea. make a post saying that you will announce a partnership with a certain coin and then make another tweet. this way we have enough time to guess the coin.

>> No.9712589

I don't care if you have enough time or not

>> No.9712619

Then what the fuck are you posting here for?

Go pump your shit and make your money LARP

>> No.9712680

I would do it with amb. Its ven but very low market cap. You do it to amb it's an easy x100

>> No.9712689

Link doesn’t need that.

>> No.9712697

Read my OP. Where did it say anything about you? I don't care about you. I'm asking for information and/or prediction. I didn't post saying "I'm going to help you make money", did I, you stupid fucking idiot?

>> No.9712706

Keep eyes open you never know

>> No.9712717

If you’re gonna do it, then do it nigga. If not then kys.

>> No.9712720

top 10? It all depends on how low you're going with the market cap before it looks unbelievable.
If it's not a top 100 crypto, I'd start getting suspicious.

i'd say you could get a 1-5x out of it

>> No.9712730

COLX dude... cheap as shit and plausable

>> No.9712764

Do it

>> No.9712796
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it's /biz tradition homo

>> No.9712887
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Oh boy watch out. 3r337 h4x0r on board. Proxies and all that, sheeeeeiiiiit. Corporate America is FUX0R3D!

>> No.9712912

Pump 0xbtc to dethrone btc

>> No.9712957

now your time to shine...on the weekend

>> No.9712979
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>even then i doubt 4chins would give data over. but wait for a bullrun op. dont do it yet

>> No.9713086

It's not about helping others OP, it's about the pure smug satisfaction you'll get. All the shitty mainstream outlets will be reporting on "the hacker 4chan" organizing a mass pump through technical and social engineering, making the users insanely rich in the process.

Think of the most infamous events on 4chan; #cuttingforbieber, hacking trayvon martin's account, the countless polls manipulated (such as the mountain dew one), steve job's death hoax, etc.

You could be THE person to create another huge scandal involving 4chan. To pull of something this big successfully would stick with you til the day you die. You'd make yourself filthy rich and live with the ultimate "fuck you, I'm rich" attitude for the rest of your life. You single-handedly created unimaginable riches for yourself and a select few. It would completely change the crypto landscape forever. This could very possibly be the biggest story ever to come from this shitty germanian sun bathing site. Don't think about us, think about the glory of being able to manipulate the playing field in precisely the way you want to, simply letting us tag along for the ride with you as our benefactor.

>> No.9713099


>> No.9713186

do it faggot this would be nice to witness

>> No.9713189
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just start narrowing it down, could be further down the list if OP's metrics aren't by revenue, but it's probably on top 20 here

>> No.9713202

follow on twitter everyone

>> No.9713217

No it isn't faggot newfag

>> No.9713227

That was the gag genius
Autism is a barrier, I get it

>> No.9713236

I don't give a single shit about 4chan and have posted here over a decade

Get out more

>> No.9713272

For this epic PnD to works must be a very low cap (something plausible) with a very low volume and a very thin order book, on a decently know exchange, that you slowly accumulated during the last weeks.

>> No.9713297
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Oh no, look at the time. That was some bretty gud faggotry OP. Gay+

>> No.9713307

I was being sincere

>> No.9713345

IBM announced partnership with Stellar

pumped about $0.018 to $0.045

>> No.9713366

Nice weenie OP

>> No.9713375

I know but I'm thinking it would have to be under 2 hours max before someone regained access of the account/s and corrected/updated. Plus IBM and all the crypto partnerships announced have been kind of half hearted pussy footed announcements.

Mine is much bigger, and much pinker, unirnocally

>> No.9713383

Stellar pumped from $0.005 to $0.05 in 4 days (May 4 2017 to May 8 2017)

Don't know what caused this pump.

>> No.9713390


>> No.9713391

fuck that was censored quick. i think mods are watching this thread lol

>> No.9713400
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>one of the most trafficked sites in the US

>> No.9713402

>priced in

>> No.9713418
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Endless amounts of obvious shill campaigns and off-topic threads

Mods ban when someone posts their butthole

>> No.9713443

That fucks LINK

>> No.9713469

SAP and SPHTX partnership?

>> No.9713476
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Maybe mods are just understaffed?

Hire me

>> No.9713525

shit they're all just volunteers
no wonder

>> No.9714038

if OP is legit, should take the time to make a professional looking PR image with full corporate branding, it will look more legit.

>> No.9714060

Do aion, it's believable and I own it.

>> No.9714106

Hey OP. If you want to make it look legit follow my steps.

>step 1 - don't listen to any of these faggots in this thread. make sure you are actually proxied up with no leaks etc and do it pussy.

>step 2 - write an official medium article on behalf of the cryptocurrency. make sure you have a clear outline of WHY the partnered etc. a simple image will work i guess but make sure its designed professional and dimensions are right etc.

>step 3 - check engagement time of their audience, so if 50% of their SM followers are US, make sure you post during those hours.

things to note:
will need to be small asf crypto (payfair would work)

make sure you're not the only one selling the pamp

crypto normies are smart with scams so will probably be quick to call bullshit in the comments

godspeed, op

>> No.9714206

This is the only guy looking out for you OP. do this, then help me out because I don't give a shit that you don't give a shit about Biz and I feel entitled to make money from you okay?