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File: 18 KB, 696x449, 0xbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9711269 No.9711269 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, why? What do you have against this coin? If you don't like it, don't buy it.

>> No.9711275

How fucking new are you don't ask questions like this you fucking faggot

>> No.9711386

Why are you upset?

>> No.9711701

t. accumulating

>> No.9711810

You can answer your own question yourself. Why do people fud jesus christ are you actually retarded? You also talk like a bitch which means you're from reddit. Don't be such a faggot next time

>> No.9711824

The intellectual profundity gushing from this post is inspiring.

>> No.9711837

>the intellectual profundity

As if to make my point lol good one guy. Good luck with your thread ;)

>> No.9711844

This is supposed to be BTC run on Ethereum. So my question is this Why does Ethereum need an ERC20 Bitcoin?

>> No.9711853


This shit isn’t the next anything. If they were smart they would have named it Bitcoin 0x . The other way around is just piss poor marketing.

>> No.9711857

A couple of idiots believe influencing a couple of anons to panic sell will give them their bags cheaper.

Now, regarding 0xBTC this may actually work since its still in its infancy.

>> No.9711866

Not my thread. If people want to accumulate they should do it early.

>> No.9711899

Checkd. My mistake, I thought you were OP because of your pink pussy id. You sound like a faggot too though so no regrets, Reddit ;)

>> No.9711907

I have seen this before. Two weeks of shilling followed by a 75% dump.

>> No.9712199

Jesus Christ*

>> No.9712211

Nope. I really do think it sucks

>> No.9712223

Because ETH was never meant to be used as a currency

>> No.9712233

0x might be the actual flippeningof BTC

>> No.9712251
File: 4 KB, 217x232, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why use 0xBTC as a substitute to BTC when you can just use ETH.


>> No.9712258

>"ETH was never meant to be used as a currency"

Doesn't matter in practice. People can pay for products using ETH.

>> No.9712261

Because if they buy YOUR scamcoin they aren't buying MY scamcoin. FUD every coin you don't hold, rule number 1.

>> No.9712262

Store of value that can also interact with smart contracts and is easier to move around.

>> No.9712275

Yea, that's Ether.

There's no need for 0xBTC. Ethereum itself at its core, already does what 0xBTC does.

>"B-but Ether was never meant to be used as a currency."

Again, doesn't matter in practice.

>> No.9712291

Ether won't even be mineable in a year.

>> No.9712312

We’re at $2.45 now faggot. This is the next Ant shares. Remember this face, because from now on you’re only gonna see it at the top.

>> No.9712335

Or maybe Bitc0x, nothing like some bit cocks

>> No.9712347
File: 50 KB, 800x649, 02D699A6-0008-44EC-8223-0040E37C1F4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$2.50 and rising

>> No.9712352

10 dollar end of week

>> No.9712360

And 0.5 dollar end of month.

The token is completely useless.

>> No.9712363
File: 114 KB, 1000x653, 25FED81C-4BF3-4F03-B455-BCE46CA1A0F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the next antshares biz. I am Golden boy. Let’s get rich off this together

>> No.9712375


>> No.9712379


>> No.9712394

It's what Bitcoin should be today. It's Satoshi's vision. Bitcoin Core fucked Bitcoin up my bros!

>> No.9712821
File: 153 KB, 1024x692, lintrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will fall after all buys it, like chainlink

>> No.9712825

There's a 100x difference in the supply, 0xbtc isn't even close to finished.

>> No.9712834

>that pic

It isn't fair... I need to make it NOW or else I can't have my qt asian girlfriend that I convince to let me rape her pussy every chance I can even when she is asleep...REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.9712862

Are you me?

This price won’t stop going up.. the absolute madman

>> No.9712876

Its literally another chainlink.
Exit scam soon.

>> No.9712884

>hey guys i created a cryptocurrency so useless that the only use case for it is to be a store of value

>> No.9712890

t. Satoshi

>> No.9712892

literally BTC

>> No.9712909


More like 99% of crypto.

>> No.9712911


>budget Bitcoin

just buy Nimiq if you want a young up and coming cryptocurrency.

>> No.9712918

0x btc is more than half a decade late to the party

>> No.9712922

To the anon in the couple last threads who told me I'd regret getting just 10, well here I am, regretting as you said. Thanks for making me buy 25 though. Should've bought 1000 arghhhhh ffs why didn't I listen to youuuuuu

>> No.9712923
File: 165 KB, 801x995, I fixed it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9712968

like, erc tokens don't even have the double spend problem, why would you spend precious limited and decentralized electricity for this useless token "store of value" that its mere existence wastes money

>> No.9712994

it can fall below you price when you sleep

>> No.9712995

Can you think of a fair way to distribute the coins, where the amount of resources put in is proportional to the amount of goods received?

>> No.9713004

Don't worry when they exitscam you will regret even getting one coin.

>> No.9713026

How do you exit scam a project that is finished and unchangeable? The devs have as much power to fuck with 0xBitcoin as you and I have lol

>> No.9713028

The logo for this coin is brilliant and beautiful

>> No.9713034

POS system (proof of shill), would be more or less the same of what it is today

>> No.9713045

How would you exit scam this? Dumping on an exchange? That's hardly an exit scam.

>> No.9713054

Thanks just sold 24. Lambo when?

>> No.9713066

Dumping the value to zero is exitscam. It is pointless to argue with you paid shills.

>> No.9713084

>Dumping the value to zero
But WHY would they do this? It wouldn't make sense. If they really wanted to completely liquidate their positions, they'd try to get a consistent price.

>It is pointless to argue with you paid shills
I wish I was getting paid.

>> No.9713108

There's no scam and no one to exit, it isn't centralized dude

>> No.9713158

Dumbass, it's just another miner trying to fud so he can keep mining cheaply. No one is retarded enough to think you can exit scam a decentralized, mined commodity.

>> No.9713231
File: 504 KB, 489x498, 1527637000983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir. they are buying in sir.we will dump it all very very soon sir.