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963315 No.963315 [Reply] [Original]

- Anyone here have a successful and durable experience in forex trading ?
- What's techniques did you use ?
- With how much money did you begin ?
- Gives me advice for a beginner like me, please.

>> No.963325

1. I do not have a successful experience in fx trading. Although, I know a few people mostly employed at large firms.

2. I believe must understand graduate level maths, but do not necessary implement it in their models. Herd behavior is possibly an sufficient trigger.

3. I know that most firms require you to have around €10k to get access to their platforms.

4. I would advice you to not start with fx if you haven't been in other markets before. It is better to start with certificates, options, stocks etc. Why do I say this? It's because it is mostly firms and institutions trading fx, which means that the competition is extremely high. They return/losses are 1-to-1 if you earn money, someone else has lost it. Which means that if you want to earn money you most likely have to beat a firm or large institution. They have a lot of resources and are generally superior to private persons. If you are still interested I advice you to start reading at quora, buy some books in macroeconomics and start reading the latest published academic articles in macroeconomics and finance related to fx trading.

I hope I'm not discouraging, because it is a vastly interesting topic and I hope you explore the possibilities, but be careful and good luck!

>> No.963326
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>> No.963328

Hahaha you made my day thank you!

>> No.963330

actually that is one way to make money in FX that has worked over a few decades... trend following - buy high (then sell higher), sell low (then cover lower)

some of the biggest hedge funds in the world essentially do that - they implement the same model in a bunch of futures and FX forward contracts simultaneously and overall it gives them a small edge

>> No.963332

Unfortunately it is not that easy. As I wrote before, if you win someone lose. Of course if you put out a naked call/put option far from the market, you will make some money in 99% of the cases, but eventually you will lose and you will lose big. You have to have a sophisticated idea that is better then the rest of the market to consistently make money - simple as that.

>> No.963334

sometimes win always lose :-)

>> No.963336

I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean:p

>> No.963339

you don't have to have a sophisticated idea at all - the concept behind say trend following is fairly basic... the implementation of it can get complicated... especially executing large orders without affecting the market too much but the overall idea can be rather simple and would surprise people

>> No.963346

use moving avarage, and parapolic sar, then pick rsi and try figure out how to works, youtube your friend, i make 5k one week. But i must take a rest 1 month because i cant sleep that week.

>> No.963348

Trade only centralized structure markets, get out of FOREX. Any derivatives on GLOBEX, CBOT or ICE will do. Why should you splash your money into toilet on hazard FOREX? Are you nuts?

>> No.963446


>> No.963669


>> No.963690
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>> No.963698

do the makret instead less risky, less """"""manipulate"""""""

>> No.963776


you are a professionnal trader ?

what's your perfomance ?

>> No.963782

20% yearly, no forex just indices

>> No.963888

I make around 2k a day on a slow day, but remind me again why I''d divulge my method to the masses?

>> No.963909

>I make around 2k a day

With which capital did you start ?

>> No.963952

I guess the more the better.
simply have a strategy.
on some brokers you can start with 100€
the thing is about the strategy, not how much you start because that is relative to one's economic status. thats why they invented the "micro" accounts to operate with micro lots

one strategy for one that cant afford to lose more than 100€ is:
open account with 100
grow 2% daily/weekly/monthly/yearly (or w.e, its just an example) and compound
earn 10 pips a day/weekly/monthly/yearly
not risk more than 2% of account (that is a tight one, some people do 5% which to me is too much)
see the "risks" or the money you afford to lose as the "turns" you have left to still be playing in the game, like in poker (the blinds)
only operate the moments that best suit your trading style (each session/hour of the day and market works differently)

now go learn about your trading platform, and find others that might be even better. learn the indis, and frequent sites in which those type of people communicate in.


>> No.963956

how many years of experience in trading do you have?

how you calculate your stop ?

what was your biggest loss and your biggest profit ?

>> No.964592


>> No.964702
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>mfw profitable fx trader since 2013
>not telling you anything so your liquidty can be used to take the other side of my winning positions
>mfw you lose and stay poor and mad to fund my lavish lifestyle
>mfw the internet is so full of shills shilling bullshit courses and blinds leading blinds who end up with the rest of the dumb money
Jus b yourself OP ;^)

>> No.965117
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ask a forex professional anything

i trade using a parabolic SAR/bollinger bands/macd crossover strategy

>> No.965120

how long did it take for you to git gud?

>> No.965128


i traded ASX (australian stock exchange) shares for approximately 18 months and then transitioned into forex when I got a job in the forex field about a month ago.

Remember, in stock trading (at least in less liquid markets such as the ASX) , technical analysis is 100% horseshit. in fact, tech analysis is 100% baseless bullshit in FX trading too - its just a self fulfilling prophecy because everyone uses it.

The key thing is to keep an eye on news events and government data reports - and don't just analyse them for what they are; analyse them in how you think everyone else will perceive them.

I.e. few weeks ago ABS (aus bureau statistics) released a report saying the national unemployment rate was the lowest in 10 years. international traders took this as a huge indicator of AUD strength and bought heaps. but in reality the way the ABS calculates those figures is quite misleading. if people "aren't looking for a job" they aren't unemployed - so an unemployment rate decline isn't such a black and white thing. So even if you understand a matter comprehensively - keep in mind most people won't.

>> No.965159


>i trade using a parabolic SAR/bollinger >bands/macd crossover strategy

>forex professional


>> No.965163

>analyse them in how you think everyone else will perceive them.
>I.e. few weeks ago ABS (aus bureau statistics) released a report saying the national unemployment rate was the lowest in 10 years. international traders took this as a huge indicator of AUD strength and bought heaps.
Isn't this just another one of those self-fulfilling prophecies?

Bet half the people who bought just did it because they thought everyone else would be buying.

>> No.965165


I actually dont work in a trading organisation. we are a broker (one that doesnt trade against clients).

but, as i work at a broker, i have access to wholesale fx prices on spreads (typically 1-2 points on AUD/USD, EUR/USD) which are quite good, and allow you to use these strategies effectively.

>> No.965168


scalping ? ?

not authorized on plus500.

>> No.965170


i dont scalp. and plus500 are fucking stupid anyway. i dont work there, and idk why i trade on their platform. it has 3 pip spreads which are absolute dog shit.

>> No.965177

With which capital did you start ?

>> No.965181


$25000. now at $34609.11

>> No.965183


in 18 month ?

>> No.965188


1 month. easy come easy go though. i went from $25,000 to $50,000 in a week, then back down to $28,000 and now im growing slowly and sensibly.

>> No.965190

$3,000,000 buys
>trading with 1:120 leverage.
no thanks!

>> No.965193

>i went from $25,000 to $50,000 in a week, then back down to $28,000

you don't use stop ?

>> No.965196
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I do. I was sold AUD into USD (short on AUD/USD), then the australian government released some data that made the AUD jump up about 1 cent in 4 minutes. so, it blew straight through my stops and sold at a massive loss lol.

>> No.965198

how you calculate your stop ?

>> No.965200


usually i start with a 5 pip stop loss, but if the trade enters a good trend i chuck on a trailing stop loss with a 5 pip trigger also.

>> No.965207

>i traded ASX (australian stock exchange) shares for approximately 18 months

what's your perfomance/profit while this 18 month ?

>> No.965221

to summarize, your method for trading in Forex is :

- Very big leverage and take little pips, 3 or 5 pips of profit.
- Follow economic news

is that right?

what's your money management ?

>> No.965229


only about 50% on $10k. i just rode on BAL for a while.


my method is big leverage and little pips because i trade 5m candles using 15m and 1h to gauge general market sentiment and 1m candles for price entry.

on asx trading i did 100% fundamental analysis and took 2-3 month long positions before closing.

of course, one does have to follow major economic news. it doesnt matter how much you analyse the market - the wrong government report can completely fuck you. no strategies or methods apply when important data hits the markets.

money management is 100% risk. my super goes 100% into ASX200, i trade forex and asx, i take on heaps of risk to make money. becuase im 21 and i can.

>> No.965231
File: 2.92 MB, 300x400, HelicopterCat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here has any idea what they're talking about all of these frogposters are full of shit

>> No.965237
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fuck you, i work in sydney and can see the bridge from my office.

>> No.965239

> i take on heaps of risk to make money. becuase im 21 and i can.

>trades on 1:120 leverage
>$3,000,000 buy
>something goes SWISS-currency on his ass, -30% in 5 minutes
> Suddenly owes over $800,000 AUD

>> No.965245


i honestly dont give half a fuck. im young and im making money. if it all goes to shit ill just say okay, heres my measly net worth, now fuck off, and start again. i will definitely reduce my risk exposure as I accumulate more wealth though.

>> No.965246

Wow you pulled off a shitty image of one of the most expensive and shittiest cities in the world from google I guess you really have made it. Honestly what good is making tons of money if you can only spend it on kangaroo shit and crocodile piss. Even if you are a forex trader I bet you probably suck emo farmer dick to pay rent to live in some aboriginals outhouse and eat of of Outback dumpsters. Do us all a favor and go back to your shitty cubicle and fuck yourself with your digeridoo.

>> No.965247

>we are a broker

how did you find that job ?
This is a famous and reliable broker ?

>> No.965250
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Youre grammer are so terrible me has to translate it:
>i honestly dont give half a fuck because im too busy sucking dick. if i get aids then ill just say fuck it, i aint worth shit time to start sucking cock again. i will definitely start doing anal to accumulate more wealth to compensate for my extreme faggotry

>> No.965256


confirmed for mad. im not even good. im just an extremely risk hungry guy with a medium income in a shitty city. just took the photo to show you im not a troll.


networking br0. all about networking.
it isn't a big broker but it will be.

what do you do for a crust?

>> No.965263

you studied finance?
what is your salary ?

>> No.965270

have fun stealing crocodile eggs from zoos and sucking dick to survive m8

>> No.965280


i dont have a degree
"salary" is pretty arbitrary in a field where everyone trades, invests, owns small businesses, side hustles. and im not telling you what i make, but ill say its shit. but its only my first month, and its a career job so im happy.


this isnt the silicoon valley

>> No.965286

ur right that ur not in the silicon valley m8 ur in the shittacon valley

>> No.965772


>> No.965984


>> No.966700


good fx day 2day

>> No.967131


how many pips ?

>> No.968359


>> No.968523



>> No.968545

That's nice dear

>> No.968555

Probably 20 dank memes a day.

>> No.969028



the very first day i traded i got beginners luck i think, made 30 pips in 2 hours.

>> No.969274

Immediately short the USD against all major currencies besides the JPY without setting a S/L and set all your T/P's at least 2% in the money maxing out at least 20X leverage constantly and no more than 50X leverage at any time until your a proficient trader. After all your positions have been automatically liquidated at a profit begin speculating all on your own by creating your own hedges always maintaining at least a little bit of margin.

>> No.969278


i love you doge such cute

>> No.969282


> any time until your a proficient trader.

>> No.969404
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what the fuck

>> No.969570

so you earlier claimed to be a 'forex professional' when in reality you're someone who has recently started work at a 'broker' and trades FX on the side like any other retail punter - what makes you think you've got any valuable insights to share above any other retail punter

>> No.969593

if you work in the industry you realize how complex it is and how much you don't know. if your retail you can trick yourself into thinking random luck is your alpha when in reality its all beta returns

>> No.969600

but like... isn't 4chan the best spot for financial advise lol. all these under grad econ majors must know their shit lol

>> No.969605

point is he doesn't really work in the industry but previously claimed to

>> No.969612

the deception!!! and i thought this website was where people only told the truth!.... Nah i hear ya

>> No.969886
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you sir are a dickhead


sorry, its what i legally have to describe myself as though. one guy called himself a banker on the phoen to a client and got fired on the spot.


4chan users often identify a shitload of opportunities which you can then investigate yourself. I myself, like most 4chin users have no life experience and can't see some of the sneaky shit as easily.


i do work in the industry tho, but i was a bit trollish the other day.

anyway pic related, made a gud trade this AM, GMT+ 11 i think.

>> No.970242


what's your favorite indicator ?

>> No.971000
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i just use MACD/parabolic SAR/bollinger bands.
configured as such:
bollinger bands: deviation 2, period 10, simple (not exponential)
parabolic SAR: initial/step 0.02, maximum 0.20
macd/OsMA: period for shorter EMA: 12, period for longer EMA: 26, period for signal: 9,

its very important to note how signals interpret data though. also make sure you're using a data feed the same as everyone elses.

lets say you're looking at 5 minute candles

on broker A, they make a new 5 minute candle at 00:03, 00:08, 00:13, 00:18 etc
on broker B, they make a new 5 minute candle at 00:04, 00:09, 00:14, 00:19 etc

if you look at these price feeds, they can show drastically different information. so even though they're using the same live data with zero latency, if your technical analysis is on a data feed that looks completely different to everybody elses, it will probably fuck you in the ass.

trading history since yesterday. got lucky on the dip in USD strength at around midnight here (market open on NYSE)

>> No.971049

The price signals never work alone. You need to create your own full systems. Even then you are sort of gambling.

>> No.971052
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why the hell would somebody trade forex? that's like the ultimate hardest market to beat. there are globally 1000x easier markets with 1000x returns compared to forex gamble

>> No.971056

>1000x easier markets with 1000x returns

give examples.

>> No.971060
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anything related to stocks toppest of keks

>> No.971124

if you buy an apple for 2 cents from a wholesaler and sell it for $2 at a street stall thats 100 x returns. point is, there are heaps of markets with massive margins but they are tiny niche markets.

>> No.972072
