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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 173 KB, 560x283, 2018-06-02-000759_560x283_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9710323 No.9710323 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.9710362


watch it dump

>> No.9710363
File: 147 KB, 1165x419, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlets giving their money to a pedo faggot

>> No.9710368

>cope intensifies

>> No.9710372


FUD like clockwork kek. Gonna post a big thread in exactly 100 days, If I'm down more than 10% I'll leave biz and never come back.

>> No.9710390
File: 23 KB, 264x239, iX9lSgZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to be dumped on you fucking nematodes

>> No.9710394
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>> No.9710451


>the dump will happen at the exact moment EOS is released even though everyone seems to 'know' this but no one is dumping now right before the release

Face it fag, the 'mainnet dump' is almost certainly priced in at this point, there's no sell the news because there is NO NEWS to sell. Everyone knows the mainnet is coming yet no one is 'selling' ahead of its release. You sound like you have maybe 1 year experience in investment kek.

>> No.9710464

no one is selling before the snapshot for obvious reasons. after the snapshot though...

>> No.9710475
File: 1.97 MB, 380x285, ughh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weeks, even months before mainnet is active

holy shit. months with no exchange deposits or withdrawals. price is going to zero.

>> No.9710483
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 8nRqoXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise guise chek dis out guys

>> No.9710543

hope so. got more fiat ready.

>> No.9710557

tech problem-solver at large, blockchain analyst and tool builder, damn good at board games

Wew look at those credentials!

>> No.9710610

can you refute the points? there's literally no information out there over the details of launch, and when there is, they are in retarded youtube videos of some autist talking to their webcam.

I've been researching the launch process for weeks and this lines up with everything I've seen so far. no one is talking about the launch process details because 95% of EOS holders are speculators and only care about price.

>> No.9710647
File: 47 KB, 645x773, rSwlsAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been researching the launch process for weeks and this lines up with everything I've seen so far. no one is talking about the launch process details

the state of methlets

>> No.9710648


> Surprise!!! There Will Be No Mainnet (yet)
all BPs are currently coordinating this and running a testnet (called ghostbuster)

>Block.One Will Not Be Supporting Block Producers
not news. no one cares. does ETH support mining pool cartels? no.

> Separate Voting Will Occur On Each Mainnet
this is the worst case scenario that there are multiple chains. this is why BPs are working in unison and staying up to make sure that doesn't happen. still may, however.

> EOSIO 1.0 Will Release On Time
it did. do I need to refute this?

> EOSIO Will Have Issues
file this between "no shit" and "obviously"

> Most Block Producers Are Clueless About Security
this is his guess.

>> No.9710664

>this is the worst case scenario
you mean best case idiot

>> No.9710697

>all BPs are currently coordinating this and running a testnet (called ghostbuster)
this is something you're trusting to happen. the reason this launch is so complicated is because it's centralized and requires everyone to trust third parties. have you ever trusted anyone in the crypto space? any whale or group of whales with 15% of the tokens can hijack mainnet themselves.

>> No.9710739

no, dingaling.

if I log into my wallet and see two chains, which one do I choose to vote on? me personally, I may do both, but the common person (you) probably won't

>> No.9710752

>this is something you're trusting to happen. the reason this launch is so complicated is because it's centralized and requires everyone to trust third parties. have you ever trusted anyone in the crypto space? any whale or group of whales with 15% of the tokens can hijack mainnet themselves.

ohh fuck, can i sell now and buy back after mainnet up ? seems they cant able to bringup mainnet ?

>> No.9710777

do you know what's a wallet? do you think all wallets have to connect to nodes on all chains? do you know how a wallet software works? do you think the wallet is a problem if there are more chains? i can't even comprehend being dumb enough to make these posts

>> No.9710788

I have a buy order in around $2 but I'm starting to think it might be too high

>> No.9710800

nigga stop posting in my thread before i slap your shit. you're mentally challenged

>> No.9710818


also this is why launch is going to be a total cluster fuck. the average holder doesn't even know how to operate a crypto wallet yet they are facing the most complex mainnet launch in the history of cryptos. and they are going to take out their anger on block.one when the price starts to falter and they are told the wallets don't work because mainnet doesn't exist yet. but deposits will be suspended anyways.

>> No.9710830


ok, tell me what would be right buy order for mainnet snap dump? want to buy more after snapshot

>> No.9710834
File: 68 KB, 645x729, t1jjKdV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga stop trying to convince yourself. you're too dumb to make a coherent argument. just follow someone smarter than you and do what they do. that's why DYOR is bad for most people in crypto. you're too much of a brainlet to do any research; stop trying to construct your own thoughts because they're invariably incorrect

>> No.9710838

Odd, just a couple of days ago they had 300k confirmed exploits, i seriously doubt they fixed all of these in the span of 2 days

>> No.9710841


it could moon if the launch is successful.

OR it can totally become utterly worthless if more holes in EOS code are found.

i just find it hilarious how Larimer was desperately offering 10k to anyone who found a bug in his code. just 2 days before main net launch. LULZ and after raising 4 BILLION.

on top of that. after this shit is released Larimer and Block.one won't continue working on it.

The biggest ICO in history is starting to look like a total joke.

this thing has scum and greed written all over it.

>> No.9710857
File: 51 KB, 645x729, 3Q7iXtQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300k confirmed exploits

>on top of that. after this shit is released Larimer and Block.one won't continue working on it.

>the absolute state of EOS fudders is hitting a lower low every day we get closer to the relase

>> No.9710860

actually I'm a developer by trade and have been in cryptos since 2013, so I actually do know what I'm talking about while all you can do is parrot "EOS is better" like the rest of the EOS marines. yall are in for a rude awakening.

>> No.9710877

post screenshot of yourself running a node on the testnet or don't tell me how EOS doesn't work because nigga you have no fucking clue what's up

>> No.9710889

why would I run software with remote execution bugs in it? I'm not a retard. you haven't even said anything of substance, only that I'm the retard.

>> No.9710902

>remote execution bugs
wrong again :) check the patch and stop coming up with retarded fud in my thread bitch. you get nothing of substance until you stop being a braindead retard i have no sympathy for you

>> No.9710917


Sign a transaction from a 2013 bitcoin wallet and I will unironically send you 1 ETH. I will sign a transaction from my 2013 wallet in the morning (in bed on my phone right now).

Go on faggot.

>> No.9710919

so tell me in your expert opinion how many days will it take for the voting to complete and mainnet to become active?

>> No.9710925

2 max

>> No.9710927
File: 9 KB, 598x418, 543436567677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desperately offering 10k to anyone who found a bug in his code
are you actually retarded, like helmet on in a pink padded room retarded? it's a bounty you dumb cuck, and it's the best practice for finding bugs. the absolute state

>> No.9710939

can you back that up? because I haven't seen that number anywhere. BPs have claimed they were looking into it but haven't said a word about it.

>> No.9710944

yeah check back on monday

>> No.9710946

buying now EOS is like buying ETH when it was
$ 25

EOS wont dump anymore, it will go up to at least $ 20 if there is not setback coming

all is priced in, and if mainnet is succesfull, EOS shoot up to moon

>> No.9710971


u fucking twat i know its a bounty. but the fact that he raised 4Billion and the fact that he mentioned this TWO DAYS BEFORE LAUNCH seemed to have alluded you. you must be that fucking retarded.

>> No.9710974

eos may very well still dump because it's impossible the launch will go flawless and people may still want to sell

that's irrelevant though because there's literally 0% chance EOS won't flip ETH

>> No.9710983
File: 6 KB, 417x254, screenshot.2018-06-01 19.07.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ran bitcoin on this machine, all I have is this namecoin wallet but I'm not about to fire it up.

>> No.9711002
File: 6 KB, 249x237, 1520640818765s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone found something, it was patched. he said if anyone finds anything else, 10k nigger. perfectly reasonable. also the code can be patched anytime without a hard fork. what the fuck is wrong with you? are you literally simple jack?

>> No.9711008

and all this talk that EOS dump after succesful mainnet launch is total illogical

why anyone would sell their EOS after succesfull mainnet launch when EOS is just getting started to going succesful

>> No.9711049


yes you are right, some sell and take profit, but its risky business and many may regret after afterwards that they sell it, if EOS will coming succesful and price is about $ 35 - $ 50 by EOY

>> No.9711101



and what if the system gets fucked by some asshole who discovers a vulnerability and all the nodes are exploited. this shit will become WORTHLESS REAL FAST.

ever think about that?

It's not like they are patching a fucking website or game you fucking brainlet mongoloid.

the fact that he they already look unprepared to launch this garbage is very troubling.

>> No.9711117

that vulnerability never existed dumbass. there was no way to take root control lmao stop reading shit news and go suck a dick

>> No.9711130
File: 71 KB, 200x200, 636004882220683899-224762417_for article.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>happen daily
>what is crypto
welcome to crypto newfriend. it really must be summer around here.

>> No.9711139

EOS is now $ 12.19

couple of weeks ago EOS was ATH $ 21

EOS will go to that ATH levels very fast if everything going fine

>> No.9711211







>> No.9711229

or i can actually read code and not take my news from financemagnates.com lmao kys

>> No.9711250


sure you can buddy. I code in Python and C++ too.

believe what you want so you can get sleep at night.


>> No.9711266


you better pray to God this cuckold Larimer doesn't have more holes in his garbage protocol cause i can guarantee you not all chinese people will be forgiving if they do find one.

>> No.9711295

Hint: airdrops

>> No.9711354
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>> No.9711529


>> No.9711531



Your rebuttals are nothing but meaningless Ad hominem attacks which reflect your inability to debate intellectually.

it's hilarious because you think i'm offended.

confirmation bias and delusions of grandeur are common among people who don't even have a single bit of level-headed skepticism.

the vulnerabilities i pointed out are troubling and admit it. but you choose to ignore it because you are too EMOTIONAL invested into this project. i get it, and i feel sorry for people who invest this way. the ones who invest with their emotions more than their brains.

enjoy your watching your wealth evaporate if this shit doesn't launch properly and flops.

>> No.9711544


yeah 4 billion dollars raised and ZERO CLARITY with what they are going to do with all those funds.

>> No.9711607

I am on neither side but there is a 99% chance eos will flip eth if even temporarily. Eos devs have a lot of eth to dump

>> No.9711627


i'm not taking any chances. i'll wait AFTER the main net launches and see how things go.

>> No.9711662

can i check my main net wallet balance now?

>> No.9711792

>pedo faggot that’s the ceo of Tether
>all the whales in crypto are in EOS
>anon fell for the John Oliver kike FUD

>> No.9711807

I know it’ll dump, bought so low anon, that the total MC has to go below 50B for me to start worrying. I am in it for the long term anon.

>> No.9711933

I’m holding this until 2019 or 2020. If it dumps I’ll buy more . Literally can’t lose

>> No.9712162
