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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 242 KB, 1000x667, eos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9708973 No.9708973 [Reply] [Original]

I see so much FUD around EOS, but yet so many people are investing and building on it. People have been saying its a vaporcoin, however everything seems set to launch. What is the truth?

>> No.9709107

I guarantee the rug will get pulled out the moment it is supposed to go live.

>> No.9709124


You know how LINKies intentionally FUD their coin to give it the illusion its hated because then people think its legit? With EOS it's GENUINELY hated, as in if this thread was about LINK people would instantly be saying shit like 'SERGEY IS A SCAMMER' then someone would post 'no but seriously its a great project just hodl', with EOS its a constant stream of hatred.

That personally makes me bullish but you should follow your gut tbqhwyf.

+EVERYONE thinks its gonna dump after mainnet, so I'm skeptical everyone will be right. But we'll see.

>> No.9709166

I'm not buying it. Fuck you for rewarding wash traders.

>> No.9709182


No thanks, not buying your bags OP. Get ready for the mainnet dump

>> No.9709195

it'll dump because they will struggle to launch the network. it's not decentralized or trustless so launching it has to be done perfectly with no bad actors interfering at all, which won't happen because everyone hates EOS.

>> No.9709242


Well I'm all in EOS with 12K of them, live by the sword die by the sword. Either I make it this year or I don't.

>> No.9709266

same here, but only 1k sadly

>> No.9709276

None of these replies know enough about EOS to give you advice, don't make your decision based on people's unfound opinion, do your own research. Eos testnet been up and run for almost half a year now, many bugs are found and fixed, many concerned were tested and solved, the main net has been ready to launch long time ago. Google it and see what has been done in EOS, people who do things don't say much

>> No.9709295
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Please don't lie. It's not the EOS way.

>> No.9709299

Its genuinely hated because it is genuinely shit.

>> No.9709306

Why do you think it's shit?

>> No.9709310

EOS is not developing anymore once the net goes live. The ponzie is over.

>> No.9709324

It is a centralized scamcoin. All projects supposedly on it are vapor.

>> No.9709331

Nah, most github entries of any coin.

>> No.9709365

I'm actually obeying the constitution and not lying. whales with 15% of tokens can even hijack the network, the appointed block producers launching it prior to voting could be ddos'd or attacked in some way, more bugs could be exploited. plus it'll probably take a whole week just to get up and running. those are all facts.

>> No.9709400

>All projects supposedly on it are vapor.
Oh neat, so the argument has changed that EOS itself is not vapor anymore. Now its all of the projects on it are vapor!

The back stepping is obvious as fuck. So after a few projects release then it will be "Most of the projects on it a vapor. But if all projects are released flawlessly then

> ...ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!

And it would be a pretty solid argument against EOS.

>> No.9709419


>> No.9709554

Mark my words, none of this will ever come out or amount to anything. EOS will be zero within 6 months and all projects are side ponzies.

If you want to lose all your money, I won't stop you.

>> No.9709593

Lmfao broke nigga you can suck our dicks one by one get the fuck out of here with your retarded eth shitcoin and your dumbass reddit arguments lmao brainlets

>> No.9709688

If shit goes well I think it actually fucks ETH really good, making ETH not centralized enough while also being too centralized. but I have a lot of reasons to not want to touch it.

>> No.9709715

What are your reasons?

>> No.9709727

Eos feels utterly massive to me.

>> No.9709754

hence the fud. people are terrified and eos will slay them

>> No.9709786

You realize that a lot of us aren't "broke niggas" we just see the writing on the wall.
I could buy A LOT of EOS right now.
I don't want to.
Youll see.

>> No.9709805

nigga shut your whore mouth you are broke as shit you can't read a line of code to save your life get the fuck out of my face with your retarded DD and reddit research kill yourself

>> No.9709824

>nobody actually gives reasons
What are your reasons friend??

>> No.9709834

are you retarded or something? all reasons have already been stated in million of threads and places. there's nothing more to argue. read a fucking blog spot or something you mouth breathing retard if you need anonymous retard to give you reasons.

everything has already been said. dyor and go fuck yourself

>> No.9709844

>still can't give reasons

>> No.9709880

This is a good start.

>> No.9709925

retard who parrots what he heard on /r/ethereum detected

>> No.9709936

Mainly I believe the big pump has already happened and I think things can get tricky with block producers and development after launch. Like shit raised 4 billions from the start. Scaling isn't as big of a problem as most people seem to believe because there aren't that many people that actually want to use these networks. IMO. Too much risk for me, I get why it's not a dealbreaker for others because crypto is risky shit in general.

>> No.9709974
File: 90 KB, 645x729, QaYqtd7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for bellon scaem sheet brooo thts a lawt of mneyy you know????

>> No.9709975


good points, but i think dapps aren't really used that much because it costs a fee. Imagine all those ETH games with no fee. And those games that are used now congest the ETH network already.

>> No.9709985
File: 51 KB, 645x729, 3Q7iXtQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise imagne playan cryptoekteens and shreemps for no feeee can yu imagne guyse????

>> No.9709996
File: 10 KB, 316x160, hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok buddy

>> No.9710017
File: 34 KB, 408x450, Q5ptlCx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what if we wat if we wat if we play gaems but DECENATRZILSED????? no mowr stoopid gobbernment fukin feds don let mi plaey muh freedum gaems

>> No.9710099

I also think they aren't used that much because your average person doesn't give a shit about decentralization, and frankly, that isn't going to start because of EOS. I'm sorry but that's a fact. Most people couldn't even define what it is, nevermind why they want a dapp.
If you can make money on the swings and pumps good for you. But the major pump happened. It's bleeding now. I have a feeling it will continue to do so.

>> No.9710141
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, kidneys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9710155

>Imagine all those ETH games with no fee
you mean like what Loom SDK did 3 months ago?

>> No.9710408

EOS is the most useful platform yet. Fuds are just salt contrarians.

>> No.9710430


>Expecting normies to install metamask and sign a transaction for EVERY action in a DAPP
>Surprised that this hasn't taken off
>See? LMAO no one likes DAPPS

Holy shit you're a faggot, you're like one of those cucks who said in 1995 that there was no point in releasing shit on the internet because no one really uses the internet...because there's nothing to do on it.

EOS 35 USD end of june checkem.

>> No.9710506

Like I said, if it works I think it will do a number on ETH. People in would be rewarded, I just want to be out.

>> No.9710534

>dapps aren't really used that much because it costs a fee
you ever heard of IDEX friend?

>> No.9710600

? Obviously everyone in crypto has. It still costs a trading fee you fucking jackal.

>> No.9710612

>set launch
And then... ? What comes then? Adoption tomorrow? Billion dollar dapps next week?

>> No.9710621

so you're saying people don't use IDEX much because it costs fees?

>> No.9710631


launch will be much more complicated than what people are imagining >>9710475

>> No.9710645


Too many red flags.

>> No.9710869

Are you suggesting that EOS is communist?

>> No.9710937

Nah that’s ethereum