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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9705651 No.9705651 [Reply] [Original]

>Sold everything I own that isn't necessary (The only things I have left are my bed, computer, and cell phone, a pan, some plates, utensils, and a .32 revolver.)
>payed the rent for this month
>Left a little money for utilities
>Took $42k (All the money I have left) and went all in today
This is it for me anons. It's either all or nothing. I either make it or I end the pain once and for all.

>> No.9705656

you went all in on ChainLink, right

>> No.9705683

do you mean went all in into the crypto market (as in putting your money in a few coins) or you all in-d into 1 coin?

also where are you from OP

>> No.9705688

Fuck no.

>> No.9705701

do you have a loicense for that revolver

>> No.9705713

All you hd was 42k? Hahah. What the fuck have u been doing with ur life. Im 22 and already have 87k saved up not including my ira

>> No.9705714

Sold my bed last weekend to catch the dip....

>> No.9705730

>sold everything that isn't necessary
>keeps revolver

Americans are fucking dumb and paranoid. Jesus christ imaging living your life like that. Holy shit.

>> No.9705737

The US. And I went all in on the crypto market.

>> No.9705748
File: 296 KB, 720x1280, 20180601_184200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go all in now dont margin. just go all in btc and wait for that sweet 20%. pic related u cunt.

>> No.9705759

Wow mommy gives you a good allowance for taking the garbage out, huh anon? You’re either larping like a faggot or you are your parents’ little fuckboi. Don’t belittle others who have achieved more than you on their own than you ever will because you live a tumorous existence.

>> No.9705779

fuck just shut the fuck up you fucking fuck. we have guns, get over it. nobody cares that your daddy used to shove a gun up your ass to get off you faggot.

>> No.9705782

You will make it anon.

Since I like you.

Go all in REQ at under $0.20.

It will be an easy $1 when coinbase start trading it this summer.

>> No.9705791

I'm 21. I had more money last year but I put most of it in crypto.
The revolver is in case I don't make it.

>> No.9705803
File: 36 KB, 500x566, hmm-2716706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but a revolver like his cost around $400. why would you sell it ?
t.amerimutt poorfag.
in eu you make 5k year for studying for 2 years. then $800 month for 4 years. thats.
Not adding possible stock return, if i do, shit should be at around 55k.
Thats just taking the money in and to your bank on some boomer tier stock. thats 23yo.

>> No.9705829

Not larping faggot. Been working since 15, and outta college my job paid great with no rent. Stay mad and jealous though you poor bitch

>> No.9705851
File: 44 KB, 429x640, 1526792299791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

implying 83k is a lot. dont get ahead of yourself dumb faggot poorfag

>> No.9705861

Why not wait for catastrophoc drop to 5k then go long?

>> No.9705871

Bet its alot more than you have saved up bud

>> No.9705891

What the fuck am I even looking at? You're just drawing lines on a chart.

>> No.9705892

how many 22 year olds you know say bud when they don't mean weed. nice try tho, bud.

>> No.9705915

I went in at $7,400. I felt like it was pretty safe since that's been a triple bottom this year. I might be wrong though most groups have a target price of $5,700

>> No.9705938

It’s hilarious how triggered u faggots are that i can save money. Sad actually

>> No.9705951


BNB is the only moon coin out of those.

You need to gamble on IDEX if you want to make bank. You have like 70 eth or something, that's good to start with.

>> No.9705963
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1526680236841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Poorfag talking shit to a slightly poorerfag to feel better about his own meager achievements.

>> No.9705971

just want to say that you should not kill yourself if you don't make it since you are not even 30 yet.

>> No.9706006

Another triggered poorfag. Ha

>> No.9706021


Not for long. Tide is turning against you and the 2nd amendment WILL be repealed in your lifetime. Suck on that thought, cunt.

>> No.9706039

Yea because the made up cut off of 30 means alot. Jeff bezos would be dead

>> No.9706075

I already have a bunch of shitcoins in my ERC20 wallet from last year:
Most of them mooned hard but then came crashing down even harder. I also hold some nano and xrp just in case.

>> No.9706080

reading comprehension pls

>> No.9706087

You're probably a friendless virgin if you need to brag about having 80k.

>> No.9706092

Anon, buy XSN, go all in. This is my only tip. I'm an insider. XSN will pump.

>> No.9706115

Not a virgin, have 3 main friends. But I understand you ure mad and jealous. Id be too if i was sone mid 20s fag with like 5 k saved. Yikes

>> No.9706121

All you had to do is wait for 1.5-2 month when the price drops below 5k. Now you're fucked unless you tether up.

>> No.9706168

This is from a whale group. I'm hoping we hit 8.2k. I'll probably tether up then and wait for 5k.

>> No.9706179
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>> No.9706198
File: 5 KB, 324x278, jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>87k is a lot of money at 22

>> No.9706203

Youre going to make it. At least youre not like the faggot who lives in his car buying shitcoins..

>> No.9706224

OP you are a dumb motherfucker
Why would you do such a thing in the middle of a bear market???

>> No.9706250

Yeah could have waited till an definitive uptrend is confirmed. Either way OP is going to make it

>> No.9706251

troll kike kys

>> No.9706272

Low quality bait

>> No.9706309

This could be the bottom you faggot

>> No.9706910

Why not Sir? Is very good project, I recommend

>> No.9707107

>be poor growing up
>finally get into middle class
>working on PhD with only 30k saved, 0 debt
>see everyone younger with more money
Fuck me, this is exhausting. I thought I was doing well because the other grad students are retards that still get financial help from their parents, but I guess I'm just not doing well.

>> No.9707323

good choices, just me I would rather XLM than NEO, and rather ZEN and ZEC

>> No.9707335


that wasn't smart