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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9697041 No.9697041 [Reply] [Original]

>no official/good way to generate offline EOS keypairs

>> No.9697077

Wut? How is this even possible?

>> No.9697104

eos.io if you are eligible to complete in the ICO. Otherwise you can use Exodus wallet.


>> No.9697118

oh, or you can clone the repo that allows you to do so (offline, of course).

>> No.9697143

>closed source


>> No.9697153

you mean the thing that runs on every modern browser? that every single website uses in some way? that brendan eich (BAT founder) created?

delusional mETHhead identified!

>> No.9697152

EOS is made up of and supported by newcoiners who don't understand the importance of security nor how anything in cryptography works

>> No.9697164
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>cryptographic functions in javascript

>> No.9697209

yeah not gonna lie that was a pretty gay move by EOS to not give some offline alternative, but they did it so the SEC wouldn't fuck them.

If they have no offline function, they can say they tried to prevent US residents from using it.

>> No.9697215
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Please don't lie. Its not the EOS way.

>> No.9697238

lol javascript has great crypto modules. kys faggot

>> No.9697274

t. non-cipherpunk

>> No.9697735

node.js code can run in the browser through transpilation, and the native crypto module uses OpenSSL's standard functions

do you actually know what you are trying to FUD?

>> No.9697778
