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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 436x170, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 15.15.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9690709 No.9690709 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a scam or what? Please, only smart anons.

>> No.9691083

Obviously DYOR but im personally heavily invested. They had a preview of the atlantis update two days ago and everything they promised was fully functioning

Really needs to get listed on a bigger exchange desu, the two its on rn suck

>3,463 stack here


>> No.9691150

>3,463 stack here
Jesus fucking Christ
I am jelly as fuck

There are no guarantees OP. This is a smart boi project and i have full faith in the tech, but I reckon privacy coins will take a heavy beating from gubbaments.

If we weren't in the political climate we are, I would consider going in with at least half my stack

>> No.9691192

the whole point is that governments cant do shit. and privacy coins are one of the few types of coins that actually have a valid use case

>> No.9691265

Like it or not exchanges have to comply with the gubbament and privacy boys will struggle. It'll struggle to find listings and it'll stall a growing userbase for that big money adoption

You can't rule out the jews they will try their hardest to stop shit

>> No.9691334

Privacity dont will be a gubbament problem when they implement atomic swaps and fuck off all exanges

>> No.9691617

Most high IQ posts in discord / slack of any crypto that I have seen

>> No.9691721
File: 63 KB, 1888x208, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 16.45.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true that they actually rewrote the entire cryptonote protocol in golang just to prove that they are competent devs? can someone actually confirm that they are the first to do this?

>> No.9691831
File: 293 KB, 2372x946, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 16.53.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. i just joined and this is the conversation i see. g-guys is this a gem?

>> No.9691875
File: 180 KB, 1242x2208, t8Yda9q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dero is a high risk and high reward. Personally I would stay out of it until there are smart contracts and full repo available. I also think Tari will be superior just by who is behind each team (the best crypto team in regards of privacy vs literally nobodies) and the budgets for each project (gazillions vs peanuts) but that's just me, using facts and stuff.

>> No.9692138

If you haven't bought dero already now is your last chance to buy under 45k sats

>> No.9692171

Nice discord shill. Keep it up, you’re going great. Look into Phore instead. Dero was premined 50% of the supply by the devs. Phore has 0 premine. Real community coin. And mcafee tweeted about it twice yesterday. Also dero means homeless in Australian. Godspeed

>> No.9692215

That's all I needed to hear to know I should stay away from it.

>> No.9692320

where can i find more info about this? is there a website?

>> No.9692374

It's shit

>> No.9692417

From the website
>CryptoTARI is a pre-mined cryptocurrency which can also be released into circulation through charitable donations.

>> No.9692439

How fucking dare you Stocks is one of the best centralized exchanges right now

>> No.9692493

Fucking faggot. mcafee collects multiple bitcoins for every twitter shill

>> No.9692570

this is the wrong website. i did some googling and i dont think there is a website yet.
>tari is a monero sidechain allowing for smart contracts to be developed on it. timeline for release date has not yet been announced yet

>> No.9692630

tradeogre is the bomb

>> No.9692779

>>tari is a monero sidechain allowing for smart contracts to be developed on it. timeline for release date has not yet been announced yet
Oh it's just another Monero fork kek , who cares and isn't Masari doing that too?

>> No.9692904
File: 1.36 MB, 1384x692, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 18.12.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nvm. i found some more info. this is backed by riccardo and two other lead devs. pic related.
here is their website
Shit. this looks pretty legit desu

>> No.9692940
File: 46 KB, 1346x194, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 18.15.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nvm again lmao. i just joined the telegram group. this is from riccardo himself. pic related.
>Do people know that there’s no ICO and no airdrops and it’s probably going to take 2 years to build?

>> No.9692968

it is over hyped - this will result in a pump and then a dump. long term who knows. they are behind the curve though

>> No.9693012
File: 130 KB, 381x607, dero_comments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and the golang version is on github for other devs to checkout tfw

>> No.9693102

And the no ico and realistic roadmap is what tells me that shit is the real deal.

>> No.9693240

>they are behind the curve though
What did he mean by this

>> No.9693268


> Crypto-millionaire with a watch at 800k
> no ICO.

No funds ? kek.

Tari it's a 2nd layer solution, why they just don't change Monero and put everything in 1st layer like Dero do ? That smell like a lack of confidence ?

>> No.9693291

i guess because putting everything on mainchain is no easy feat when it is already so large. also, then you get the fags that complain that turing completenes is *unsafe* and should never be on mainchain

>> No.9693301


Overhyped? Lol.. Its a 6 mill marketcap, and literally noone knows about it outside biz..

>> No.9693342
File: 681 KB, 1258x484, atlantis_badger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> scam
> pajeet
> overhyped


DYOR faggots

>> No.9693352

Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.9693427

I m think doing a 2nd layer solution is faster but less secure, so it's the easy way.

Dero devs work on the project since 2010 to solve the PoW blockchain scalability issue.

>> No.9693507

Did you mine it or buy it?

>> No.9693546

They come from btc early dev team.
X1000 sure

>> No.9693702

link to that discord?

>> No.9693714


>> No.9693726

so your saying that the devs came up with this "badger" protocol?

>> No.9693784


>> No.9693785

1/10 weak FUD. Everybody knows the premine is 10%. Try harder. And using the popular meaning of name in one random country to FUD it is ridiculous. KYS, pajeet.

>> No.9693810


>> No.9693841


Badger is just a feature to load x10 faster the blockchain and save 30% space on your full node.

Atlantis is more than Badger they have more features coming with it.

>> No.9693880

Yes I understand but are you saying that the devs are the ones who invented badger? pls no lie. i dont have time to do deep research myself atm since i am phoneposting but i will look later.

>> No.9693894

Thats from turtlecoin dev from their discord
Tari: Already had a private sale, prepare to get dumped on

>> No.9693908

Oh would you look at that, no sell orders below 45k sats. But im just a dumb retard

>> No.9693949
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1524692839443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did Bitcoin's devs invented SHA256 or P2P protocol ? I don't think so.

Anyway the first Bitcoin devs team were only 3 devs.

>> No.9693974

fucking lol. are you saying that dero is made by hal finney, wei dai and satoshi. absolute fucking kek

>> No.9693984

interesting. a couple turtlecoin devs also starred the github repo. along with one guy who built the first fully golang crypto implementation - (i am pretty sure this is one of the devs)

>> No.9693993

This shit is mooning like a motherfucker. Okay, I'm in.

>> No.9694063
File: 1.03 MB, 305x360, 1520480809557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dero Lead Dev claim to be crypto searcher and published academic paper before 2010.

Dero team claims publicly on btctalk to be 3 system devs with more than 10 years in blockchain knowledge, try to solve sclalbility issue of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Rumors saying the Devs behind the first version of Bitcoin are at least 3 devs.

DERO, mean : Date Of Expect Return Oversea. (Military slang)

Dero devs claims to stay anonymous to prevent any bull run because of their identity.

Community manger said they gonna be good surprise when their identity will be revealed.

>> No.9694092
File: 35 KB, 250x250, DERO TRTL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Community manger said they gonna be good surprise when their identity will be revealed.
When they're going to do that?

>> No.9694117

After Atlantis

>> No.9694151

Q3 2018 SC on mainnet.
Q4 2018 on the roadmap : incorporate and active marketing, peers reviews, conferences...

>> No.9694164
File: 81 KB, 2448x172, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 20.00.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit. i just looked up wei dai to see what hes doing nowadays but founf this
>discovered SSL/TLS exploit
Dero is the only chain to have solved this issue...
Obviously hal finney is dead and satoshi... well.. satoshi but wei dai might actually be legit involved

>> No.9694214
File: 61 KB, 769x322, Dero-Hash-Rate-Crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the hashrate crash going to have an effect on the price? That bothers me a bit. Is it better to mine it for a while? pic related

>> No.9694240

>hoopla over at sumokoin
What does he mean by this?

>> No.9694280

oh nvm. dero does not fix this, it just uses SSL as an extra layer of security

>> No.9694432

Question: Do you think this will stay at 6mil? Who the fuck cares about hashrate at this price?

>> No.9694467

SSL is used like more like tunnel just to hide network activity and prevent MITM sniffing from ISP.

And Dero current version support since day one, TOR.

>> No.9694495

I just want to know if the devs will actually be able to build the golang VM. if they can do that it will be $1billion+ project... but idk man

>> No.9694570


Really ? They are kind of guys to building a compiler from scratch during the lunch and refactor the code with optimizations on the same time.

Dero VM will be a peace of cake, they are already in testing phase.

When Atlantis will be out you gonna get access to your own testnet with SC for testing purpose. (derod with --testnet flag)

>> No.9694604

>small miner coins

>> No.9694621

wait wtf? atlantis release will come with a testnet that already has the testnet working?

>> No.9694673


A testnet is just another blockchain who differs from the main blockchain with you own genesis block.

>> No.9694693

lol sorry i mispelled
I meant
>wait wtf? atlantis release will come with a testnet that already has the smart contracts working?
Im stoned as shit right now kek

>> No.9694807
File: 9 KB, 235x214, 24s8g92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Atlantis is a major update :
> 9 second PoW block times (capable of 2 second blocks*)
> < 99 second confirmation times
> A unique linear PoW based DAG (DERO-DAG)
> CryptoNote
> Atomic swaps (IN TESTING)
> Bulletproofs
> Complete SSL/TLS
> Asset management (IN TESTING)
> Shadow addresses
> no orphan blocks
> private smart contracts (IN TESTING)
> Scalable to terabytes


>> No.9694846

The 9 second PoW block time is due to some country have an avg network bandwith of 2 Mb/s

The Dero-Dag is capable to a 2 sec Block Times, but a 3 sec block time require 1.2MB/s (around 10 Mb/s)

>> No.9694886

Yes. They used tweet about oracles being the biggest thing in 2018 on their main website kek anyone who invests in dero might have iq in single digits

>> No.9695033

what are the chances they dont deliver...

>> No.9695074

Its in like 5 days..

>> No.9695096

Please wash your mouth with a shotgun blast.

>> No.9695099

>the DYOR meme
Haahahaha thisfucking pajeets

>> No.9695114

link to the preview?

>> No.9695148


I m not your financial adviser, but you have 5 day to do your own research.

Every project when go in early stage is a big gambling. (high risk, high reward)

If you wanna a response, for now they have never miss any deliver unless once : about the PoW cnv7 fork

>> No.9695171


>> No.9695285

I bet they will deliver on 6th June (D-Day!)

>> No.9695304

fuck it. I just bought 2.5k of these fuckers. will buy more tomorrow if they seem proper legit. God i hope this is a gem. i lost so much fucking with shitcoins these past months

>> No.9695359
File: 30 KB, 640x360, 1525393946564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> mfw only 1.5k.

I'm jealous, Reeeee.

>> No.9695382

You'll both be rich if this is successful

>> No.9695393

tfw only 2k

>> No.9695799

Also a 1.5k bro. Don't worry senpai were gonna make it

>> No.9695814

god fucking dammit. its dumping now

>> No.9695864
File: 56 KB, 1582x204, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 22.16.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit.. check out pic related.. surely this cant be legit right?

>> No.9695928

They have a linear DAG that is decentralized and solves double spends I'd say that is legit

>> No.9696171

*will have

>> No.9696564

it's live on the testnet which means they actually have it

>> No.9696871
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>> No.9696905

well... no code regarding the DAg has been released yet so we still have to wait

>> No.9697408

bought it