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968941 No.968941 [Reply] [Original]

Is Investment Banking a huge /biz/ and pretty much everywhere meme?

Reading more and more about people's experiences in it, it sounds downright horrible and just doesn't seem like it pays off for the amount of work put in.

>Need to get accepted to target school for IB
>Need to work your ass off in college to get top 5-10% of class
>Need to do hella extracurriculars, network like crazy and get a good internship or two
>5 or so people might be picked from your school for IB(quite competitive)

>Huge pressure, need to take cocaine and adderall and 500mg of caffeine just to get through each day
>Working 80+hrs/week
>No time for anything else
>Health quickly deteriorating
>ON TOP OF THAT, you're earning like $15/hr when you account for hours worked
>Very few people get much farther on the Wallstreet foodchain, almost guaranteed to burn out within a year or two at the most

Seems like a huge meme, incredibly tiny chance to even break into Investment Banking, if you do you work like fucking crazy and likely burn out just to earn a pitiful salary.

>> No.968947

It's worse than medicine when it comes to soul sucking wage slavery.

Yeah, the ceiling is high, but the amount of hours, luck, and dick sucking is just not worth it

>> No.968951

It sounds like a terrible career tbqh.

And the worst part is just how hard you to work to get into it... It makes no sense.

Literally breaking your balls to get into target school, then breaking your balls ONCE AGAIN to get top of class just to have a chance of being one of 5 people to get into IB.

Why is there such an emphasis on this board and other University forums that investment banking is the be-all and end-all of careers? When realistically you have to be the smartest/hardworking of all to even get a chance to get there?

>> No.968971


>> No.968979


Because the type of people that want to do I-banking (or big law or consulting) are the ones who are very fixated on prestige. And prestige only exists in the heads of other people, so they spend a lot of time re-affirming their life choices by making sure other people know that it's awesome.

>> No.968985
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Makes sense actually

>> No.968988

>so they spend a lot of time re-affirming their life choices by making sure other people know that it's awesome

Hmm I see it. So it is a meme then afterall?

Because I've been browsing some University forums to see what they're all about... And holy these are about the most insufferable people I have ever seen.

>They post programs/schools they got accepted to in their signature like it's some amazing badge of achievement
>You attend/graduated from ______? HAHAHA fucking loser you're shit enjoy McDonalds because my school is higher ranked than yours (sometimes it's not even higher ranked, they just don't like it for some subjective reason)
>The programs I got accepted to have a 3.654% lower acceptance rate than yours, so you are a plebenstein dumbass

I don't even get how one person can have opinions on Several Schools as well. How could you possibly know the quality of multiple schools if you've at most only been to one or two?

>> No.968995

You don't understand. I'm the golden child. Born rightful king of all. Everyone else is just a pleb.

>> No.969010

I wonder if these people hang themselves when they don't get their "ONLY ACCEPTABLE CAREER IS ____".

Or do they mature and realize that there is more than one way to success?

>> No.969038

I did the latter. Pretty humbling experience though desu. I needed it.

>> No.969042

I wanna do IB, but if I can't make it, I'll still have an awesome MBA that can get me any other business job that I want.

>> No.969045

I especially like when I see a 17-18 year old kid who probably just watched Boiler room posting "If you don't get into IB you are literally subhuman, hang yourself", I really want to see his face when he doesn't get in and then has to retract all the comments he made to his friends and family about how he's going to be a big wallstreet banker.

>> No.969069


Just accurately described 80% of /biz/ posters tbqh pham

>> No.969320

Shit is pretty soul grinding, but I get to live my 20's like almost no one else in the world. Although engineers at hot startups make pretty much the same and work way less hours. I envy my friends in those fields. Ceiling is lower unless you hit the jackpot with the firm you're working at equity wise but you'll have more free time. I personally just don't value my free time on the weekdays that highly. I'd probably just be sitting on the couch watching tv if I wasn't working

>> No.969350


Prestige eventually leads to power, brah. It depends on your priorities.

I did my undergrad with some of these folks. They're insufferable, but they're good at what they do. One of them went into law, and his facebook has become a de-facto homepage for his eventual political career. He posts all of this inflammatory neocon stuff, and all in this upbeat, self-congratulatory way.

He now has a ton of connections with financebros passing their certs, working their way up (the ceiling is much higher than the posters in this thread are implying, mid six figures in half a decade isn't unusual in the least), other lawyers, and doctors -- all of whom will eventually be his donors.

They will all go to the same clubs (sports and gentleman's, not the plebian kind), weddings, symphonies, and eventually be able to have a major impact on real-world policy. This is what they want; this is what they're working towards.

Kinda fun to watch. Two of them are in my Fantasy Football league. I had a hard time figuring it out myself, but then I read this history of the Met and it all fell into place. They're working for the eventual seat at the table of power.

>> No.969375

Makes sense but I'm interested in how the ones that didn't make it stomach it.

They're all insufferable but only the best of the best can really get into these spots, where do the failed investment bankers and such go?

>> No.969383

> best of the best

Not necessarily. There's always options, especially when you network as much as these guys do.

For an IB guy who has passed their certs, "settling" into a marginally less glamorous life can't be too terribly difficult to swallow. Even if you don't know anyone, the series 7 and the series 66 are alone enough to open some awfully lucrative doors

>> No.969417


Bankers do series 79 and 63

Source: am one

>> No.969598

Does the excruciating work hours include weekends as well?

>> No.969608

I would imagine so. I don't think you can fit 80 hours of work within 5 days. Unless you work like 16 hours a day for 5 days a week.

>> No.969639

>you cant work 80 hours in 5 days unless you work 16 hours a day!
and the most obvious post goes to..

>> No.969642

Doesn't that violate some labor laws?

>> No.969650

>caring about government regulations


>> No.969661

Anywhere where you work for an employer instead of yourself is a meme.

Is engineering a meme? You work on a project which brings 10M/month in profit, yet you get paid less than 100K/year. Requirements change constantly and deadlines are always "by yesterday". 10h workdays of intense mental activity are the norm. After 4.5 years of this crap I decided I might as well be on top of the pyramid than below and launched my own product.

>> No.969666

>Anywhere where you work for an employer instead of yourself is a meme

True shit.

Whenever le big guy talks about how much money he earns per year it makes me automatically think about how much he's earning someone else in order to justify such a salary.

>> No.969783


You're the Canadian shitposter right?

Anyways, did you go to Queens University Fall Preview day yesterday? I was there, looks like an actual good place man.

Hopefully, one day, you'll realize, people like me who want to do IB, are not there to make money, we want to create change, and be at the head of the table. We want power more than anything, and IB is one of the best places to assert your dominance, while learning from others that assert their dominance over you. Also IB basically sets you and your future generation up for life, who wouldn't want power and money?

Only an idiot.

>> No.969789

Dunno guys.

Like I laid out in this post >>969350, it's all about what your priorities are and what you value.

It's certainly nice not to have someone telling you what to do and/or controlling the means of your production, however. Good on ye

>> No.969796

I'm in the same boat as you. Power over everything and I was at the preview as well. Good to see there are other /biz/ minded people in our keked country that are about competition. How's your academic achievement?

>> No.969797

>We want power more than anything, and IB is one of the best places to assert your dominance, while learning from others that assert their dominance over you. Also IB basically sets you and your future generation up for life, who wouldn't want power and money?

The thing I'm getting at is that you all say that but in reality it's a very small percentage of people who actually get to Wallstreet.

For several reasons, first of all they simply might not make the cut, or they might not actually enjoy it when they get there and burn out. Imagine how silly it would look if you didn't make the cut and you made all these comments and posts saying "I want power, I want money I want to build a legacy for my children blahblahblah Boiler room/wolf of wallstreet-tier quotes". - And that's pretty much the reality since a large portion will not be going to Wallstreet...

>> No.969804

Really, I'd be okay with that. Thing is that I'm giving my 100%. I don't make it? I'll find another way. People these days like to shove it down others that theyre not going to make it but the reality is that you have to work hard and give it all. That's with anything. So if I seriously can't make it, then maybe the whole thing is not meant for me but I'll be damned if I let the opportunity slip because I didnt believe in myself or didn't work hard enough.

>> No.969805

If you think the route to banking is hard, look at elite economics. Matt Rognlie (the kid that's considered an economic prodigy and will most likely be a household name in 15 years) has the most unbelievable CV I've ever seen in my life

>> No.969846

what a plebian thing to be concerned about

>> No.969870


Academic isn't so good right now, but I'm improving, I think I'll have around an 87 - 89 average for my top 6, I'm taking the English, functions, and calculus right now, and then my last 3 will be bird courses, like challenge and change, families in Canada, and international business, which i should be able to get 100% in all 3, because the same teacher teaches it, and i got a 100% in his class in gr 11, and we talk a lot about the markets, business, and investing all the time, pretty close to getting a nice recommendation letter from him as well


I don't have to go to Wall Street, it's not my goal, there are many other ways, in fact, I believe going to Wall Street is what the people who DIDN'T make it, do. People who are top 10% of their class might start as an IB, but after a few short years, they'll be executive heads of fortune 100 companies, because they're so strong and well known by everyone in the banking community.

>> No.969873


My grades aren't the best, but my extracurriculars are great, I volunteered at a hospital, did a couple run for cancers (helped in managing them), and I won my schools stock market challenge, also one of my fathers friends is an alumni from Queens in the 1980s, and he's a big shot accounting executive right now

I also have like 8 months of sales experience, and I'm planning on get 6 more months of experience before starting at Queens, and it's not mcdonalds shit, its actual useful sales job experience!

>> No.969884

That's weird I thought functions was a requirement to calculus no? either way mine is around 92 atm, but its bound to drop because I took physics, politics and functions and none of them are bird at all and next semester I'll have something similar to you: calc, English and data. but since math is my strong suit ill be fine, but I fucking hate English. Heard its all filled with feminazi bullshit. but you'll enjoy IB. Super fun course.

My friend's dad is a recruitment officer at Rotman and they told me they loved seeing competition wins and actual work experience so you're in the clear for that one. You should try organizing a DECA chapter and do a written event that looks pretty good.

As for me, I'm the stuco president, deca exec and made a club that allows other clubs to outsource all of their publicity to us.you should make a club in your school as it shows your initiative

but I think both of us are doing great right now, we're all gonna make it bruh

>> No.969887

Yeah but making 300k a year while ur 30 years old is nice and u can know lots of people and party it up in New York City ( one of the greatest cities on earth )

>> No.969892

>but after a few short years, they'll be executive heads of fortune 100 companies
Yeah no that's public accounting

>> No.970083


In the Ontario curriculum its not stated that you have to do functions before calc, so even though my guidance counselor said I couldn't, I went to the superintendent and told him what the curriculum said and that he must allow me to take functions and Calculus together if I want. But yeah, with a 92 average you should get an early offer, and me with an 87-89 should be good enough, I was talking to some kids last year and they got in with 85-87, and QC themselves said if I got an 85 in functions and calc, and an overall average of 87, I will be fine.

Also I did DECA at my school already, but we only ran it one year, and I made it to provincials (only one in my school - me and my partner), but the school said they wont pay if we make it to ICDC, and they didn't run it properly, it was all rushed, so we never had a good background in DECA, and we didn't make it to Internationals, but we probably could have, me and my partner got perfect scores on regionals and provincials though, and got medals, but our school didn't even put our picture in the yearbook, and they said that they would, hate my school lol.

Also, my dad works at a cancer centre treating cancer patients, and he's going to see if he can get me a job in the hospital, or even at our friends pharmacy, so it looks a bit better than just volunteering I guess.

And I've done a few other things during high school, like ran my own online business, and other shit, so I have a lot of experience in Commerce I guess

We will definitely both get in, we have way more than some old Commerce applicants, also, did you start writing your PSE and Commerce essays yet? I'm going to start soon, im reading a lot of the examples given online on essay websites, it just sucks how its only 300 words, I can't brag enough in only 300 words lmao!

>> No.970112

>unironically living in canada

Canada is fucking shit lmao, you will never get to wallstreet. Your only hope might be the Toronto office.

>> No.970121


Fuck you, I don't want to be on any street, I just want to be in the clouds, getting high, off the smell of sex and some w33d.

>> No.970122

Go to York then.

Canada is a shithole Trudeau Jr. Is going to destroy it with refugees of every shape and size and 90% income tax for high-earners(above $60k/yr)

>> No.970125


So? I'm not living in Canada when I graduate. I'm going to do my Bachelor of Commerce with a Juris Doctor at Queens for 6 years, then move to Zurich, or Sydney, or Auckland, or something similar, fuck north america and its fat short women

>> No.970126

Good lad. Fuck North America indeed.

I just gotta find a good place to move to...

>> No.970131
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Yep, and also... Look at all the fun I'll have for the next 6 years bro.

God damn, I'm hard just looking at these girls.

>> No.970290
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What you did was actually really smart. The only thing calc and function have in common is the instantaneous rate of change bullshit. Smart move. But yea my schools a faggot about DECA as well. They made us pay for provincials and we didn't do jack for the competition. Got an 80 tho without studying. Instead me and my friends went to a bunch of clubs it was pretty lit.

And regarding PSE and the essay, look at pic related: does the December first deadline require you to submit your PSE and essay before that day to qualify for early offers or is it just based on marks? Regardless, I haven't even got an email from them since I applied like 3 days ago lol

>> No.970293

Out of interest, what even are the other areas of banking? Like seriously, IB gets so much hype that when I think 'banking' I think 'Investment Banking'.

>> No.970399


I think you have to be done the essays and at least 3 Gr 12 marks with mid terms to get an early offer.

But offers go out on a rolling basis, so even if you finish for December 15, you'll still get an offer before January or early January, they review applications as they come in, so you'll still be ahead of most people because most people will wait until February 1st or something to send their stuff in

>> No.970691
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Currently at Queen's 3L J.D. heading to big law for articling - you guys are picking an awesome school (assuming it's your top choice). The alumni base is really strong and they do well by each other.

Good luck with your applications! Cha Gheill

Also, ama I guess

>> No.970734

How does it feel to know Queen's is shit compared to even mid-tier US schools?

>> No.970766


Yeah it's my first choice, what does 3L mean?

Also can u like fuck the admissions officer and go on her computer and send me an acceptance early? :o pls

>> No.970795


I have a friend who studied medicine at Cambridge and they said there were people in their class who were having actual mental breakdowns at the age of 19 and were effectively on suicide watch because they only got a Merit and not a Distinction.

>> No.970806


Not sure where you are getting that info. If it's from university rankings, those don't generally translate to how employers view degrees from various schools, those hold more meaning to applicants desu. It's well known that Queen's alum are really tight and the connections (read: jobs) you get from that is worth more than some number in a magazine.

Additionally, we aren't really competing in the same marker as any US schools, so even if Queen's was in fact viewed as such in the US, it wouldn't make a difference for employability in Canada. Since we're learning Canadian law, we will generally end up staying in Canada to start out with. Ftiw though, having attended some open houses by Baker Mackenzie and skadden in NYC, I was told by recruiters that they classify law applicants from osgoode, uoft, uwo, and queens in the same category as top tier US law schools.

>> No.970811


I knew someone who did this to the president of the AMS, but admissions would be quite a bit trickier. You seem pretty confident you'll get in though, do they still do early acceptances starting in December?

Also, 3L stands for 3rd year law, so I'm done essentially

>> No.970886

Not him but did I fuck up by going to Laurier BBA?

Is it worthless? Should I hang myself?

>> No.970894

How's that first year business plan competition? Faggot

>> No.970896

Eat my nigger dick you stupid retard

>> No.970929


I don't think Laurier BBA is useless, its apparently right behind Western and Queens, and I bet in the future it'll become as good as Queens and Western as well, like 4-5 years.

>> No.970932


Yeah, they do early offers, as long as you apply and send in your shit before December 1st, and I think you have to have mid term marks reported already also.

But since I already have 3 gr 12 classes totally finished, I should be able to get an early offer, even if I apply for January 15th or w/e, because I'm still 3 classes ahead of everyone else. (3 in gr 11, 3 right now, and 3 more in second semester) so I'll have 9, while most people only have 6.

Ah, so how do you like Law at Queens? I want to do that 6 year Bcom+JD degree, but apparently they only took in like 5 kids this year, since its the first year it started, but when I apply for it, it'll be 2019, so hopefully they offer more spots. Right now, I'm pretty much the highest mark in my business and entrepreneur and accounting classes, so I think I should be able to get top 10% of the classes easily to get a spot in Bcom+JD, but idk, Queens was so fun, but also pretty intimidating, especially with how people dress and present themselves (I'm a bit of an introvert) lol

>> No.970988

does your school automatically send in your midterm marks or do you have to do it yourself? also,
>entrepreneur class
nigger I didn't know they actually offer that
What's the worst thing about queens? What do you not like and would like to change? What should we do first if we get into the program? What was your average when you applied?

>> No.970999


My school sends them in automatically, some schools don't send mid terms though, but you just have to tell them to, and they can't say no, and if they do, you can just mail in your report card to any university, and they'll use them to give you an offer, but it'll be "unofficial marks" so you have to mail them a sealed copy of your transcript at the end of the year, or they'll see it when your school uploads your final marks.

most schools do upload midterms though, i only know like 2 schools that don't in my entire board (public) and (catholic).

Also, yeah they do have one for us, i think its BOH4M, business leadership - management fundamentals, SUCH A DAMN BIRD COURSE man.


you can take it online or through independent study using this, its only like $40, and you just do your work and email it, or mail it in

>> No.971012

Do those courses count for your average when applying?

Or would they possibly scrutinize it in some way since it's a lot easier to get 95 average doing online courses than in most regular schools?

If not then why doesn't everyone just artificially inflate their average like that?

>> No.971019


It counts, its approved by the ministry of education, and a university cannot weigh one course over another, a lot of people i know do this, they take Calculus, English, and like 4 easy courses like food and nutrition which is an M or U course, year book class (making the yearbook) and stuff like international business, or Microsoft office classes.

Universities accept any 6 U/M courses, and some say only 2 M courses, but HSB4U and CGW4U are also bird courses, and they're U courses, so you can take them.

Universities don't care which courses you take, as long as you have your pre requisites, and some universities will say you have to have like an 80% average in your pre reqs, and an overall average of 85% to be considered and stuff like that, but they cannot discriminate between classes.

>Canada eh

Also, you can take courses in private schools, for like $550, and inflate your marks a lot, since you just buy the mark in private school. I know this girl who is so fucking retarded, used to get 60s in gr 11 math and science, and then she went to a private school for gr 12, and got into McMaster Engineering last year, and that's a FUCKING HARD program to get into.

>> No.971034

Seems pointless since she'll obviously fail tho, w.e I guess the university won't object to taking her money.

So you can just take 6 ez courses and get into whatever meme you want? Seems hella easy since on the assignments it's next to impossible to get under 90 and then the exams are also quite easy. So all in all you're guaranteed an 85 average pretty much if you do them.

>> No.971041


The work is given to you, in 4 or 5 books, 5 or 4 lessons each, 20 lessons per entire course, and that's like 30 assignments I guess, some less some more, but tops out at around 25 - 35 "pages" of actual work you type.

So if you're going for Social Sciences, you only need English 4U, and then like 5 'meme' courses, which can be HSB4U, CGW4U, HHS4U, BOH4M, BBB4M and like MDM4U, all EXTREMELY easy, mostly 'work based' courses, so you just make charts and shit in Excel, it might be a bit of work, but its mad fucking easy.

So if you get 100% on all the lessons, 20 of them, you're guaranteed a 70% in the class, then if you just go into the exam and get a 50%, you're guaranteed another 15% out of the 30% remaining, which is 85%, but these classes are piss easy, you should be able to pull 75% EASILY, with only a bit of studying, so you should realistically be able to get like 92.5% or 93% because they round up, in any of these 'meme' courses, and if you get 5 x 93%, plus lets say a 75% in English 4U, your average is like 90%, and that's usually enough to qualify for most scholarships for a few thousand.

But if you get higher marks in these courses, which you have to be able to do, you can easily get a 95% average, and go to uni with a $4000 a year scholarship, at basically any 'mid-tier' university, like York, Ryerson, Guelph, Laurier, etc, and basically graduate debt free. Also you can graduate with an Honors High School Diploma, if you just wanna go and work in an office or something, or go to college, and you can get some nice awards for being 'humanitarian' and 'community involvement leader' and shit, because of these piss easy courses.

>> No.971046


Btw, she won't fail, because once you're in university, it's like easier than high school in Canada, because the hard part is 'getting in' but once you're in, you don't really drop out, unless you're actually retarded.

In McMaster moreso than others, they make sure to keep their acceptance rates low, then bell curve everyone up to around 70% in university so their program looks more prestigious and shit. Like Health Science at McMaster is the hardest undergraduate program to get into in Canada, but the course work is so laughable, because you talk about your feelings, and how to care for patients using words, and you give yourself marks, based on how you feel about your own presentation and shit. Life Science at McMaster however is the real course where you learn a lot about human anatomy, take Biochem and stuff like that. Health Science kids also get bell curved up like shit, and that's how they artificially make their program look so good to the retards who spend their lives trying to get into it. The same exact thing happens for Arts and Science at McMaster, and even Kinesiology.

>> No.971067

Dang that's pretty good.

So should I just take these courses to basically "re-do" highschool and get into a decent university? I've mostly been doing nothing after highschool since I really wasn't a very good student and didn't take U stream classes mostly and had a bad average overall anyway.

Because what you described seems REALLY OP. That's pretty ridiculous how even the least brightest students can get 85%+ average and get accepted.

How long do these courses usually take if you do all the lessons as you said? And any tips to keep in mind to get it done more smoothly?
Also would I even qualify for scholarships if I'm going to University a couple of years after highschool rather than straight away?

>> No.971079

Lol yeah, i work in IB and trying to get into PE, but worrief>>969350

Lol i work in IB, amd this post is just lol. Maybe relevant to politics brahs, but def not relevant to IB. if you think IB means you're going to be "scultping the world", think again

>> No.971088


Lol m8, i work in IB...cannot wait until you start working in an ib...gonna think back to this post and realise how blind you were.

>> No.971100


You will qualify for sure, they cannot discriminate against you for re-doing classes and starting late, as long as you're not 21+ when you start I think, but even then, you should qualify for a lot of them. Schools like York and Ryerson actually apply for a shit tonne of scholarships on your behalf once you fill out this form when you apply.

For these meme courses, you could finish 1 less on 1 - 2 hours, so theoretically, if you work non stop, and let's say you work for 5 hours - 7.5 hours a day, on the weekend or some shit, you can complete 1 book per day, which is like 1/4 your course. Or you could do 3-4 courses at a time, and complete every single one, within 20 days, then just go and write your exam at one of their centers, and you're finished.

Just got to dedicate yourself to DOING the work, because that's what's most hard about it, it sometimes takes a lot of work, and it can be tedious, but the mark is way worth it, and it's basically helping you in life isn't it?

My best tips would probably be, go do this work at your public library, or somewhere quiet, AWAY from home, like a library works best. Also, it helps if you drink an energy drink or three during your work, because this shit can sometimes get really boring, and it's a lot of reading (around 40 pages of reading material per book, which means 200 pages or so, of readings / information). But the courses are basically just read and answer questions that have the answers in the reading. Like those DRA things we used to do in grade 1 - 8? Reading comprehension is basically all it is.

Also, make sure you have some music or something, unless you work better in silence, but yeah, it just takes dedication man, that's the hardest part about this.

But you can hand in 1 book at a time, and they'll take like less than a week to mark it, so you can get motivated pretty fast I guess.

>> No.971116

spoken like an undergrad

>> No.971117

Thanks bro sounds fucking awesome.

I gotta start a community college though because my parents really getting on my back about how I'm not in postsecondary and just "wasting time". I'll do that shit since I'll be super easy and then meanwhile do those courses.

Any idea about how applying to university after would be? Would they consider community college marks or my "new" hs marks? Or is it a choice between the two?

>> No.971120


Btw, I just scanned the entire first book of a course I just took for you, I'm uploading the album to imgur right now, so you can see how the work looks for yourself I guess

around 45 pictures, gimmie 5 minutes or so

>> No.971123


Do any of you know how mark rounding works? Like I know they round up or down but

lets say im getting 90.4 , 91.4 and 92.6. their average without rounding is 91.46 which shows up as 91.5, causing it to round up to 92.

If we round them up before averaging, theyre 90,91 and 93. this average is 91.3 which will be rounded down to 91.

you see what im doing here? this could both work in your or against your favour and that's one whole percent difference.

>> No.971129


here is the imgur album for book 1 of BDI3C (entrepreneurial studies, gr 11 version)

its a C course, but the 4M and 4U meme courses are all similar, just maybe a bit more work, but nothing 'harder'.


That's all the courses look like, and it's pretty easy shit to be honest. See for yourself and tell me what you think about them?

>> No.971133


For competitive programs, universities round to the second or third decimal point, so 90.xxx or 90.xx they will round too and use that.

I think waterloo rounds to the 4th decimal point sometimes, so you can't really 'round up' or 'round down' for competitive shit, and non-competitive shit you'll get into easily if you have a 90% average anyways, so don't worry about it too much, at least, that's my thinking anyways lol

>> No.971141

Bruh what is this pussy shit

>> No.971143


That's what I'm saying bro!!!!!!

Like, this is how I'm getting my average up LMFAO.

>> No.971160

>works in IB
>has time to shitpost in 4chin

>> No.971171


i think this anon is probably jizzing himself because of how easy this shit is, and he's probably like trying to convince his parents right now LMAO


>> No.971175

Dope shit thanks man.

I'll do this asap. Hope I can get into a university by next fall I guess...

This is great, way easier than I expected. BTW how's the exams? Difficult or pretty much based on lessons?

>> No.971188


Exactly whats in the lessons, literally sometimes word for word shit. Like in CGW4U one of the units was about Aid in Africa, and you just talk about if you think Africa needs more aid, or to stop giving aid, and give some examples, as long as its examples from the reading a bit, you can bullshit all you want basically.

>> No.971192



>> No.971196


i dunno man, I also only found out about this, in gr 12 lmao, if I found out earlier I would have graduated high school in 1 year tbqh desu

>> No.971202

Fuck dude fuck.

I could've done this sooooooo long ago. And it actually looks pretty cool since it's easy but you do actually learn the material anyway you'd have learned from regular classes.

Ight dewd I am going to drink a bunch of coffee and head to the library to work on this stuff as soon as I get it. Thanks a lot man, cool stuff and I'm glad it's so chill.

Parents want me to attend a CC though... Any clue on application process CC -> Uni in Canada? I know it's a bit different from the US which I've seen tons of topics about but not so sure about Can.

>> No.971208


Look for bridge programs man, CC starts in January I think right? you cant go start right away, so within the next 30 - 40 days, you can probably finish 3 courses and get your marks, and maybe you can convince your parents to not make you go to CC if you get good marks.

But, most CC's should have a bridge program with a university near them, Mohawk College has a bridge with McMaster, for CS and Nursing and a few others, York has something with Seneca, and I think Western has something with Fanshawe if I'm not mistake, also Sheridan has a bunch with a few uni's

Just call them up, the CC's, and ask them which uni's they offer bridge programs with, and they'll be able to give you an updated list, usually it's CC's close to a university, so Mohawk Mac, Fanshawe Western, Seneca York, etc etc etc

Takes 5 mins to find out in the mornings, and make sure you call before like 3pm, because a lot of the colleges and uni's close their phone lines at around 3 - 3:30 usually

Also application process according to a friend, he just said he went to Mohawk, did like 1 year of courses, and was able to transfer into Mac for CS, because his marks were high in CC, and they used SOME of his high school marks, mainly English though, and that's how he got in, although he said one of his friends did 2 years of CC, and got in that way as well.

But the more CC you do, the less your high school matters, but you can probs go to CC for January to april I guess, get at least some courses done, and then transfer, or just finish your courses through ILC, and then work for 4 - 6 months, and actually have some money for uni

Go make a deal with your parents, if you finish 3 courses with over 85%, you don't have to go to uni, lmao, guaranteed they'll say yes.

>> No.971213

Thanks for the replies dude.

They're not budging though, they think I am a lazy degenerate who will fail university if I go straight away(I am a degenerate but I'm not that dumb).
I guess I'll just go for a semester while finishing it then transfer(or apply directly to university as if I just finished hs).

Not really worried about the cost since they are giving me like $15k for school but I'm pretty sure nothing beyond that so hopefully I get gud OSAP and scholarships to make work of the rest.

Thanks man you gave me new hope :')

>> No.971218


Then don't ask them, apply for CC right now, but do this ILC on the side, without them knowing, and when it comes time to go to CC, just show them your progress you're making, but meh, idk much about your rents tho, most will not force you to go if you show them you're progressing

C-c-c-come to Queens with me and @ >>971160 bro

We can tear up hot rich white female asssssssssss

>> No.971223


I disagree with the first bit. Sometimes working on someone else's dream can be a part of your dream.
You have to factor in the forms of capital other than money and time.
Experience, Connections, Knowledge, access.
Factor those in to see if they can be grown to reduce the
Relative cost of Replacement in time and money
of the business.
Sometimes in the game, you can't beat them. In which case, join them, learn their weaknesses, exploit them at a later date for your purposes.

>> No.971226

I'll apply breh.

Also the fuck is up with cost of uni applications? Shit's ridic.

If I do go though we need to do a /biz/ chill and become bros if you guys aren't creepy Asian autists.
Also whatever uni I go to I'm going to start a club. Seems fun and like it'd be great for resume.

>> No.971228


Since you're gonna be a 105 applicant, you'll get fucked, because you have to pay a supplementary fee to every uni you apply to, so basically if you apply to Queens, you have to pay like $80 or something, and THEN $50 per program you apply too, so that's like $150 for 3 programs + $80, and the supplementary fee is different for all universities, it ranges from $60 - $90 though, so just make sure, you're really sure where you're applying, because, like, it's expensive lol

>> No.971230


Also, if you come to Queens, we will all chill, for sure, we can actually join the finance club, and make real money, instead of listening to NEETs on 4chin shilling $HEAR and shit lmfao

btw do you guys have kik's or skypes or something? >>971226

>> No.971236

Fuck that dude... So like $500 just to apply to 3 unis?

Eh not the worst I guess. Since I'm pretty sure with this easy 85-90% average I should get accepted quite easily. I don't have any EC's though...

Damn dude I am excited, I'll try to bang out like one of those units a week for 3-4 courses so I can finish fast as fuck.

More like kik(e) lmao.

And nah Skype is a Microsoft virus. Saves all your shit.

Become a /g/ay and use Tox or whatever they're shilling nowadays

>> No.971245


Yeah man, around $250 per 3 programs, so $500 for 6 programs, and you can apply to a max of 3 programs per uni, so yeah...

It's like 30% more than applying in high school I guess for you, since its a 105, but yeah, the feees really fuck shit up don't they LOL. At least its CDN and not USD, ahahaha.............................................................................................................................................................

What is tox

>> No.971250

A meme chat client.

Skype saves everything you type and video/audio calls bad idea to use it

Kinda sucks there's only Skype and then /g/ meme chat clients only which are in beta lol

>> No.971253 [DELETED] 


whats your tox name, i just made one, dmcbxyz

>> No.971254

Btw what do you think is best for getting a job in another country? Since I've been considering moving from Canada in the future and I'm not sure what would be best.

I figure UofT/Queens/McGill would be best reputation international since other universities might be as good but just not known to people outside Canada.

A few friends in the US I have spike highly of McGill, I guess they thought it was some Ivyleague school for some reason.

>> No.971257


McGill, UBC, Queens, UofT, and Waterloo will be the best schools for getting out of Canada definitely

whats your tox name

>> No.971258

i just made one too: bizmaster

>> No.971261

lol you gotta actually post the toxid:

>> No.971262



copy and paste that into the 'add friend' place, tell me what yours is too

>> No.971264


added you

>> No.971267

>they actually fell for the meme

I wasn't even being serious I just heard autists on /g/ talking about it and it seemed like good alternative. I don't even have the shit installed lol one min

>> No.971269


SHEEEEEEEEET dawg its so much fun LMAO

>> No.971272

Yeah fuck this I'm trying to run it in VM it won't work lol

My own meme failed

>> No.971273


just install it on a USB and plug it in for fucks sakes LMAO

its actually so fun and it looks promising for anonymity

>> No.971278

I-im glad you like it...

I'll install it later on my lappy. Fuck Windows nothing ever works right on it

>> No.971285


NOW nigger

>> No.971314

Where the fuck did you guys go

>> No.971316


Yo dude what's your toxid, post it, its dmcbxyz, Android won't let me fucking log in, because I have to export my entire file from my laptop hard drive to my phone for it to.import the data lmfao baka senpai

>> No.971317


lol the other guy dipped without even saying bye

>> No.971338

niggers i was posting there with no response.

>> No.971369


I don't think it's a mistake at all. The bba craze took off after I was half way through law school, so what I know about it mostly comes from articles/reports. However, I know an investment counsellor who has a degree from Laurier and it didn't stop him from landing his job which nets in the range of 600-800k

>> No.971371

My brother is an investment banker. 150k starting fresh from uni, distinction average best uni for both of his degrees that he got. He likes being an IB and he does do a lot of person to person interaction as he is more the signing of JV's, merged, acquisitions etc

I'm about to go to uni and I'm thinking about following his career path. It also interests me.

>> No.971375

Yeah I know several dual degree people in my year who are all jdmpa or jdmecon and their first year was extremely rigorous. Queen's is great for law, I love the collegial campus and tight-knit feel. You can still succeed as an introvert, but I will caution you that law is in essence a service job. There are a very limited number of jobs you can get which don't involve significant interaction with people. Even in law school, socialising is key to build a professional network. If law is your goal, you might have to get over that proclivity of yours.

I would say the worst thing is that Queen's law can tend to feel like a high school sometimes in that it gets pretty cliquey. I enjoyed my high school experience, but I didn't miss all the stupid teen drama. Little did I know that 20 somethings were just as capable as creating it as 16y/os

My average going in was 3.85-3.9 with 163 lsat - not overwhelmingly stellar but obv competitive

>> No.971382

>this thread
Obvious autists are trying to act "normie" by posting "LMAO dewd LOL." posts. You will never succeed in finance.

>> No.971391

Some of us are actually normies. I just got addicted to 4chan 8 years ago and now frequent it out of habit. Despite the stereotype it is possible to go on 4chan and live a normal life (as long as you don't fall into the NEET stuff that plagues many anons)

>> No.971399

You are pretty autistic for caring how people type on 4chan.

>> No.971426

go back to reddit

>> No.971428

>millionaires and billionaires only want the absolute best investing their money for them
What a surprise

>> No.971538


>> No.971655

Is it "reddit" or "autistic" to point out that both of you are actually ~20yo virgins still living with your parents?
There is no chance for you to get into top-tier Wall Street banks.

>> No.972443

Fuck off canadafags

>> No.972667

any job that pays VERY very well is either
Very competitive (so you work 80+)
nepotism based.

deal with it

>> No.972997

It's worth it because BBs opens a shit load of doors for you; whether in the industry or the buy side

People usually do 2 years there and bounce to find better opportunities as the doors opened for them. It's impossible to get in if you're not from a target school; and I don't mean just ivy. I mean universities like Queens and Michigan State. If you're not from their target list, you are completely fucked

I have alumni from a non target school working in the back office and middle. They don't know anyone in the front; and that fucks me over big time as cold emailing doesn't get you anywhere with these folks.

I'm considering sudoku to be honest. I've exhausted all other options like start ups and haven't been hired by them either

>> No.974056

>I'm considering sudoku to be honest.
Seems legit.