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File: 45 KB, 500x362, 10oz_sunshine_ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
967593 No.967593 [Reply] [Original]

Uhhhh why is silver so low?
>dat $14.07/ozt

>> No.967609


Because predicted inflation from QE hasn't materialized and there are productive asset alternatives. There's no investment demand for silver.

>> No.967634

So...buy now?

>> No.967639


Is there any reason to think a lot of other people will buy soon?

>> No.967647


Deflation is only beginning. The bottom will drop out in the next year. Then buy.

>> No.967648

Probably because of high supply and low demand

>> No.967650

Yes. Look at the charts, its overdue for a breakout to the $20/oz level.

>> No.967688
File: 69 KB, 1100x628, SLV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All I see are lower highs and lower lows. Maybe $15 on the next upswing. I guess that's why I'm not a chartist.

>> No.967786

It's called JEWelry for a reason

>> No.967797
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I bought a bunch of SLV shares at 14.21, i am just waiting for December QE4 for maximum profits

I really hope Schiff is right

>> No.967837

So are the holidays going to push the price of such commodities or am I retarded? Otherwise next check is going straight into this shit.

>> No.967861

Because it's not as pretty 3D technology

>> No.968327

op, you probably won't even read this but this time it really reaches the bottom and i mean the REAL bottom- gold, silver, stock market, banks. the greedy few fucked us over real deep this time.

>> No.968339
File: 21 KB, 275x290, 1373817811430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all that dumb money piling up in front of obvious bull traps
>buying precious metals before December's rate hike in a risk off environment
Thank you anons, your liquidity is much appreciated

>> No.968340

Wait until they start mining comets for the "precious" metals and diamonds. It'll be so cheap, aluminium will be more expensive.

>> No.968364
File: 59 KB, 446x446, husky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw i had an interest in silver when it was around $22/oz

i dodged a bullet.

>> No.968393

>Because predicted inflation from QE hasn't materialized and there are productive asset alternatives.

this. the central banks have won. they have proven they can control everything

>> No.968469

>mining comets
Let's work on reliable re-entry before we worry about mining cosmic bodies.

>> No.968485


> December rate hike

top fucking kek

>> No.968506
File: 376 KB, 860x614, 4252352345435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because predicted inflation from QE hasn't materialized

>> No.969109

> listens to zerohedge and a few contrarians because he thinks they are so cool and unconventional and will totally make him all those sweet anime money
Eh, somebody has got to take the other side of my winning positions i guess. Enjoy a one way ticket for the poorhouse fag

>> No.969784


hope springs eternal I guess, but you really can't look at the metrics Yellen says they care about and honestly think the rate hike is happening in december

>> No.970038


m8, Schiff is a precious metals dealer. He'll tell you to buy at the top. In fact, he did tell people to buy in the $40 range.

There is literally nothing stopping Silver falling to the 2008 low of $9 or $10. Similarly with gold, $800-$900

>> No.970047
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he was right in 08' though, Schiff is absolutely based

I just bought a bunch of shares of SLV,

QE4 is gonna happen in September

>> No.970049


In 2008 Gold and Silver tanked.

>> No.970060
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1000, 64365463654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was at 1,859 in july 11'

so schiff told everyone to buy gold before it sky rocketed

>> No.970068


He also told people to buy at $1859.

If you follow a pundit to make your calls for you, you are a fool.

>> No.970076
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Schiff is so based thought

>> No.970219
File: 36 KB, 833x515, Fed Funds Rate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What no one who believes that a December rate hike is coming has ever explained is: how are they going to raise rates?

Ordinarily, the Federal Reserve raises interest rates by removing excess reserves from the banks. In normal times, excess reserves are single digit Billions. They are currently $2.6 Trillion. The Fed would have to suck hundreds of billions, or perhaps a trillion dollars out of the banking system in order to move the Federal Funds rate from the 0.00% - 0.25% range to the 0.25% - 0.50% range.

And you expect that to happen in a month? LOL.

And the Federal Funds rate is still sitting exactly in the middle: 0.12%. They haven't even started edging it closer to a rate hike. That ought to tell you something.

Now the Fed says they have some kind of new tools to raise rates. What those are, I've never heard. But there is no possible way they are going to raise rates the normal way, and I'm betting that they're just bluffing. Again. They've been talking about raising rates for two years.

That said, the money is just sitting as excess reserves. Unless it starts to get loaned out, there will be no inflation and no reason for silver to spike upwards, in my opinion.

>> No.970244

Because silver and gold move in inverse to the strength of the dollar and the dollar is really strong right now and will get stronger when the fed raises rates. Also worth pointing out that all commodities have been in a bear market for a while now. Unlike gold 50% of the silver mined is used in industrial processes.