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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9682969 No.9682969 [Reply] [Original]

I made 1,000,000 and i dont know what to do

i have no friends no girlfriend im ugly and gross but i made all this money and i was happy but now im depressed cause a chad with money is different than a neet with money.

what's the first thing you would do in my situation? i actually feel worse than when i was broke because then i had something to look forward to and thought how great it would all be but now im finally here and i fucking hate it. i feel like making money is boring now so i dont care to make that much more i know 1m isn't a lot but it's so fucking boring staring at charts.


>> No.9682981

i'm so lonely it sucks having money and being lonely. i need friends to hang out with now and theres no way thats gonna happen

>> No.9682984

ill help you spend it if you want

>> No.9682991

If it were me I would pay a personal trainer and and in your case you may also need a psychologist. They will be well worth the money.

>> No.9682992

You can throw me 1k to help pay my bills bro.

>> No.9683001

travel bro, do it while your body allows for it

>> No.9683011

by myself? that souds terrifying what if something happens to me. i don't know anyone to go with and i would only wanna go if i could go with someone...

>> No.9683013

seconding this

>> No.9683020
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If i had thay kinda money and no friends or life, i would atleast help someone else out who is in deep shit right now. For instance there are many here including me who would have their monthly bills paid and family fed if they get even 1 eth.. Thats how bad some people are fucked. Point i am tryna make is, money can buy happiness. Try helping someone in need and you will have gained more than you would believe.

>> No.9683023

R u Jewish? Do birthright

>> No.9683024

take psychedelics

>> No.9683032

do what i do anon. I made a lot more than you but barely spend anything, so you could do it on your budget. just buy a small house/condo in a smaller city for like $200k or less, get uber eats when youre hungry, buy the latest video games, life is good.

>> No.9683036

i'll be your friend man.. can you help me out with 1 eth

>> No.9683047

Money is only important if you lack it. Congrats, now you have a lot more resources to help yourself and others. You have responsibility now. Don't waste it on hooks and cooker anon.

>> No.9683054

could always toss me a btc or two anon. charity lifts the heart 1FjCbDNemCESkbsLra7T7me5PX1Pi5mWk4

if you just need someone to talk to there's plenty of anons with too much time on their hands, myself included.

>> No.9683057

Invest in long term, low maintenance ultra-safe stock. No facebook, apple or startup bullshit. Put it in separate banks (most only return 250k after a robbery.)

Ignore the massive sum, let it build up and live like you have been off the revenue. Most people who make bank go broke because they go buck fucking wild thinking the cash is infinite.

Buy yourself Basics and move on.

>> No.9683063

but the whole point i did this was to live the sweet life i thought i'd have with all this money. i'll still be depressed if i live the same way i am now. i need to buy stuff and do things and enjoy life more but i dont know where to start

i did already i dont wanna do it again

>> No.9683068

i agree traveling alone can be a little scary and it's nice to be able to share a travel experience with someone else, but at least travel alone. once. you'll get to figure out what kind of person you really are and the experience of making it through things by yourself is great for self image

>> No.9683074

Go to the club wearing designer clothes and buy a table. Girls will find you

>> No.9683077

congratulations man, you made it. What coin did you hold?

>> No.9683078

I have 150,000$ at the moment, coming from 3000$ initial investment and I have the same feeling...

>> No.9683080

/fit/ bro and get jacked rent a good personal trainor and meet bros in the jump 2 months from now when youve stuck it out into habituation.

Dont tell anyone about the 1000000 bucks its not enough to stop you from working and people will just ask for handouts.

good site have fun.
dont fuck it up and if that mil is still in cryptos good tokens you made it gj

>> No.9683082

i was thinking buying a lambo but then i would be more depressed cause i dont have a girlfriend to ride with or any friends to show it off to. fuck what do i do

>> No.9683093

If you dont know what you want than I dont think anyone can really help you. Best you can do is try to find out what other people are doing and what their goals are and just copy them I guess. You could get a life coach maybe. You can copy what I did if you like.
>travel abroad for ~3 months staying in safe/expensive hotels only in first world countrys that are safe such as Iceland and Japan
>return home, buy an office space on main street, put up large signs saying go away we're closed
>spend $100k or so on a mining operation
>when im not mining walk down to any of the coffee places, get a snack, walk back

>> No.9683096

thats EXACTLY when i started getting the feeling and i also started from 3 grand. it kinda sucks at the top cause theres no more excitement of making money and you realize you're now just a loser with no money, instead of the chad we thought we'd end up like

>> No.9683107

Earn it fags.

OP I'd travel to warm locations and enjoy my stay. Then settle somewhere and look into real world projects to get involved in. Invest back into certain stocks and keep a few itcoins and ether around.

>> No.9683113

>Go to the club wearing designer clothes and buy a table. Girls will find you
I did this a couple times, the girls didnt find me, I no longer buy bottle service.

>> No.9683127
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congrats dude. please read this carefully. this money can change the way you live and get you started on the right track to improve your social life. its gonna take some time but be patient, you will get there.

make sure you put a decent chunk in the bank and 50% in conservative investments, maybe dividend/income producing investments so you can live off of them. pay off all debts.

next: get a gym membership and buy some new clothes/things that will help you live more comfortably. execerising will help make you more confident and as you improve your health, you will become happier. you will see your gains that you are making. join some clubs and think about what hobbies you are interested in, read some interesting books or take a cooking class. dont do anything crazy outside of your comfort zone like traveling to a foreign country. you need to take things day by day. its a process but you will make it fren. let me know if you have questions.

>> No.9683132

traveling by myself will just make me jump out the hotel window after realizing i have nobody. the only reason i wasnt depressed when i was broke because of the excitement and thought of getting rich kept life interesting but now it's sooo boring

with money*

>> No.9683161

1M isn't really making it completely, sure you'll be sorta comfy if you can make it by on 50k for the next 20 years. It's cushion but you really need around 10M for lambo & yacht life

>> No.9683162

also, how many close friends do you have? try not to tell many people about your newly acquired wealth. it could lead to jealousy or other bad emotions. find out what your passionate about and use that as a path to get to where you want to be in life. remember, this will be a marathon, not a race, so take your time. you don't have to do a million things your first month.

>> No.9683164

just before you decide to kill yourselves share some of that btc to some anons ok.

>> No.9683174

i can be your friend....for money ofcourse

>> No.9683235

it's so boring to make money now though. it's grueling once you hit 1m and knowing you gotta do that 9 more times

>> No.9683249

i have a couple semi-close but kinda distant friends who i never hang out with but talk to frequently. they are busy with their lives though cause they're both lawyers

>> No.9683250

Opinion on VTSAX? Also aren't stocks bound to crash soon? Wouldn't one be better off waiting for the crash, then buy everything on sale?

>> No.9683396

Op I promise helping people helps you feel better.... if you don't know what to do with it all please send just 1btc. My mom had MS and it's really hard being able to help her and need to help her pay bills.

Seriously... would be so appreciated...


>> No.9683403

Health is wealth dude, focus the money on you. Lift, yadda yadda, but more importantly go to the doctors as often as possible. Having cancer or any sort of disease like that will kill your money faster than you can say what the fuck. It’s a bigger world than you think

>> No.9683414

fellow richfag here whats your steam?

>> No.9683448

ffs take profits. makerdao lending, tether, buying gold, real estate, etc. pick your poison but don't just hodl your coins
start listening to some patrice o'neal to develop your mindset on how to deal with women. as far as the whole self image thing goes: apply the same mindset that got you to 1M to your looks because clearly you have it in you to improve yourself.

>> No.9683455
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I have an idea. Run an experiement. Give 10 people here 1k and within 6 months. Check back who made the most. The winner gets an additional 5k.

>> No.9683465

>Buy $100k RV
>Travel the continent
>Meet people along the way

You'll eventually find friends. I promise. Being ugly, meh, who cares. I know it sucks but you can compensate with personality. I'm moderately attractive and an asshole, so I'm a 10/10, but you can find friends just by being a genuine person.

>> No.9683469

Send me 1 et and I'll teach you how to get a gr8 on discord

>> No.9683481

Go study something interesting at a school somewhere nice. I know a dude who went to Hawaii and went to community college thereafter he got an inheritance.

>> No.9683483

I'd rather put money in Tbonds or Eurobonds for example than stocks, the stock market is inflated and every single trader in buying stocks on margin.

>> No.9683532

send me $1200 to make up for the money poloniex stole from me
i'll be your discord buddy, provided you like people who rant about poloniex

>> No.9683538

Hire me to be your life coach.

>> No.9683543

>move city/country, change name, start fresh
>plastic surgery/aesthetic improvements
>life coach/therapist/personal trainer (temporary)
>travel and fake chad it. do things just to take photos for instagram (pay for followers, pay people to take your pics with them as if friends)
>home from travelling, handsome, rich chad instagram with 100k pajeet followers, buy home, trick dumb sluts into fucking me
>buy a race car and crash it
>RIP chad

>> No.9683578

>I made 1,000,000
>fucking help me
I hope you die little bitch. If I had that money I would cure my treatment resistant depression with the best doctors in the world and then improve myself to get a life full of joy.
>hurr durr no frens to see my lambo
Die, die and die

>> No.9683610

/fit here. Get swole bro. Seriously. If you need a personal trainer then get one. Getting /fit will take between 6 months and 3 years depending on genetics and starting point.
After /fit move onto /ck then /lit etc etc. Master all the skills 4chan can teach you.

>> No.9683635

>instagram with 100k pajeets following you


>> No.9683681

the goal isn't money itself, the goal is the things money allows you to do, it just seemed like money was the goal when you didn't have any

now put it to use, change your life, get fit, see a therapist, hell if you're really disgustingly ugly consider plastic surgery, dental work, hair transplant, or whatever the fuck you need, use the money to improve your life.

>> No.9683702

I wish I had your problems

>> No.9683705

BE CAREFUL anon, I did the EXACT same thing and this happened to me >>9559643

>> No.9683715

>mfw have been doing this
>mfw in wrong order
>mfw only finished fit last year
>mfw I started biz 8months ago

>> No.9683735
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>mfw I made a million from crypto but I still live life exactly the same I even wagecuck
>i just go home and play fortnite and smoke weed sometimes
>total isolation

I'm a simple guy

>> No.9683760

Do the right thing. Burn those money, all of them, since you don't deserve that wealth. Your "problems" are insignificant, just like you, and rich or not you will probably end to kys, maybe sooner than later with that amount of cash. There are peoples out there with REAL problems that could be fixed with 1/10 of your money, but still, you are here bitching about your stupid bitchy "problems". And to be clear, I'm not begging. I just want you to burn your stack and stop being a faggot by kys. The only solution.

>> No.9683817

Are you me?

>> No.9683890

I just want to ask what you roughly did to achieve this. I'm a simple man, I just want no less than £1,000 by August. I currently have 118 XRP. I've been out of the cryptosphere for a while, last time I was involved was 2016.

>> No.9683921
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I live in Bay Area in nice LG mountain house and am poor as shit, also I get laid fairly regularly because I'm good looking and "nice"

I'll train you to improve your life if interested, kick a reply

>> No.9683985

Throw me $100 to get my crypto portfolio off the ground and I'll let you add me on discord/social media

>> No.9683994

Split it into different banks and live on the interest. Maybe look at putting it into CDs. Don't waste it on stupid shit but don't keep it all in one bank either. You are only insured up to $250,000 so if you put it all in one bank and they go under, you lose everything over $250,000. If you play it smart you never have to work.

>> No.9684009

>can’t figure out 2% of 1mm equals poverty

>> No.9684036

4chan is trash for self-improvement unless you have a master filter, everyone/thing can be toxic here, even in /ck/ lol

>> No.9684086

Steroids dumbass. Do some faggot startup lifting program for a couple months while eating keto or some other meme diet then when you run out of noob gains do a test-e cycle.

>> No.9684094

I'd get a makeover
Hair transplant
Laser eye surgery
New wardrobe
Some accessories, watch and car etc
Take a holiday to some beach resort
Then return back to neetcave or buy a comfy apartment and play games, trade more shitcoins, bang hookers and buy a gun to blow my brains out after I get tired of it.

>> No.9684101

Yeah that is depressing as fuck though
t. someone who is doing that exact thing right now

>> No.9684127

wierd that you got that feeling so early, I only got it after cashing out completely and seeing the money in my bank account. That is when reality hit, all the fun was over... what now...

>> No.9684129

Kind of similar situation, I've got $400k in VTSAX and am a NEET with a tiny cost of living, ~ $600/mo. No idea what to do, no motivation, for the last 6 months I just lay around reading, go for walks, lift, play vidya, watch movies, cook, play guitar, and sometimes meet up with old friends on the weekend. Probably sounds nice to some people but I'm going insane.

>> No.9684130

Earn another 10x (get to 10m) so you have a goal again.

Or if you don't wanna do that make a YouTube channel about crypto, helps develop a community who values you.

>> No.9684152

>meme diet
pick one

I've been on keto for years, lost like 120lbs in one year, never felt better or more energetic. Carbs are for subhuman faggots.

>> No.9684157

to make it even worse
I used to have a lot of friends but this laser focus on making money as fast as possible made me ignore them and all other things in life completely, and now I have almost none left. Fuck your thread hit me in the feels op

seems like the only way to win is to be born rich

>> No.9684183


You don't have any responsibilities at home do you? Family? Children? Job?

Literally just bank 75% of it into some safe fund so that it matures and gets you a bit of interest, put 50k into another account for your travels, put the remaining into a separate and secure account.

Buy some flights, and just fuckin travel. Don't think about it, just go to somewhere you've never been, if you're scared start with somewhere safe like europe, google 'best places to visit in europe' and visit the top 10.

Now, the imporant part, you are lonely right? Fuck hotels, stay in a HOSTEL. You will meet so many people and will almost certainly make a friend by pure osmosis. As you have absolutely no plans or responsibilities you can change where you're going at any given moment, you could even decide to join a group of friends who are travelling and doing a similar thing. THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE GOOD FRIENDS FOR LIFE.

Having money doesn't mean you need to splash out on lambos, or bottle service or fancy hotels, ignore these fucking retards.

Travel, do it cheap like everyone else is so that you meet all these people, you will BE ONE OF THEM!

The money has not given you an elevated status, or happiness, or a 'cool life', it's given you freedom to do whatever the fuck you want. It seems that you want friends and to see the world, go do it.

God speed.

>> No.9684218

have you tried ketamine?

>> No.9684245

Travel didn't help me, it only made the lack of meaningful responsibility more acute. Halfway through my last trip to Japan I couldn't take the meaninglessness of wandering anymore and flew back home to sort myself out. We can't run forever.

>> No.9684246
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Honestly anon maybe it will make you feel better offering a donation to someone who really needs it. I have a daughter about to head into surgery and have been struggling a lot in making some cash to pay the bills lately. Could really use some help! :(

ETH: 0x296A7e90968bDF744baffF6F8D85C4F12417900c

>> No.9684251

To expand on this, if you do have family back home you care about, give them 100k or something so you don't feel bad about leaving and travelling, you don't know when you'll be back afterall.

If you are nervous (which is perfectly normal) just take out the super premium global travel/health insurance. Everything else you will pick up along the way.

Travel light, just a weeks worth of basic clean clothes and toiletries, it will encourage you to go out and find new ones in new places, you're rich afterall so you dont care about leaving some stuff in places, or giving it away to people in hostels ect.

>> No.9684264

Fuck travelling
Put it all in high dividend paying stocks and wageslave
You're still a miserable normie like me except I'm a hot mans and I have friends.
I would trade places with you probably

>> No.9684269

i've had a totally opposite experience to you anon and i'm sorry you couldn't experience the same thing.

Anecdotally, having this freedom to do as you please and go where you want helps people find themselves and work out what they would like to settle on long term. Everyone's process is different and some are much more difficult than others.

I expect your realization and return home is just one step in this process, i hope you found/will find fulfillment

>> No.9684273


I would honestly love to be able to travel. Always dreamed about it. I've been stuck unable to move for so long. It's suffocating.

>> No.9684279

It's on the watch list

>> No.9684302

Thanks anon, you too. I should have mentioned that I have backpacked extensively already so it was getting old anyway, but if OP has never gotten out it might be good for him. Now ironically I'm looking at the opposite of traveling- buying land to grow pastured animals. Cheers.

>> No.9684335

this is shit advice

Everyone i know who has came into money and thought this would solve their problems was horribly mistaken. The problem is that if you hate yourself and think you're a loser right now at home, you'll just hate yourself and be a loser somewhere else in the world. Moving or traveling doesn't fix your problem because you carry the problem inside yourself.

Traveling is great, but travel when you're confident in yourself and love the person you are. If he thinks he's an ugly toad then he needs to either improve himself physically, or repair his mental image of himself, or both, and once he's done that then he should follow your advice and go see the world.

>> No.9684360

first good idea thanks

>> No.9684374


>> No.9684376

that's me. i was focused on money and ignored friends now i have none but i have all this money

>> No.9684419

People telling you to reinvest are probably also ugly NEETs. My advice - take out 100k, buy a ticket to literally anywhere and travel for as long as you can (reinvest the rest though). Take yourself well outside of your comfort zone and confront the world head on. Find something or someone you love do whatever you can to hold on to it. Traveling is the best way to figure yourself out, by far.

When you come home, get an wducation in somethhing or teach yourself something useful. Or better yet, buy rural property, start gardening and become self sufficient. Grow heaps of dope and spend the rest of your life reading, browsing, smoking dope and gardening. That is pretty much the best life you can hope for without any qualifications or a decent education.

>> No.9684420

i struggle with serious general/social anxiety issues which would cause panic attacks for something as 'simple' as going to a nightclub.

travelling unlocked something in me, the anxiety is still there, it will never go away, but i feel like because i managed to do and see so many things all on my own that i have mastered it. it's my little bitch, i own my life and I've been to thailand and rome and africa despite my deep and entrenched problems. now I am back home and wageslaving (as i am not lucky like OP to have so much cash) but it's not as hard, I can go out drinking with colleagues and attend hard meetings that just wasn't possible before i had this travel period.

i was lucky enough to find a girlfriend to do this with, but doing it alone is very possible too and i guess it's even easier as you have no responsibilities

like i said to the other anon, everyones process is different and i am just sharing what has worked for me and many people i know/met whilst doing said travelling. we're all a lot happier now

>> No.9684453

also for anyone else with social anxiety issues, my advise is get a prescription for propranpolol, it's a beta-blocker that keeps you chilled as fuck whenever you think you'll be going into a stressful situation.

Also, keep some dramamine (or whatever the anti-motion sickness tablets are branded as in your country) on hand. Being nervous + shitty bumpy bus or taxi rides in a foreign country will make you feel sick, these tablets combat the motion sickness but also make you a little bit sleepy/calmer which reduces the anxiety response. All legal and safe drugs which are over the counter and non-addictive, can be used constantly and long term.

>> No.9684506

It's suffocating to be a poor normie wageslave. This fag can't retire on 1M but he could wageslave for 30 years and retire at 50 comfy

>> No.9684534

fair enough dude, if OP's specifically just dealing with anxiety/loneliness then your approach seems great. I still stand by what I said though if his problems run deeper and it's more of a severe confidence/body image problem. Your situation sounds like it might have been a little different since you said you were traveling with your girlfriend which proves some competency and confidence on your part already, whereas if OP can't even muster that he might be far worse off than you were.

I've dealt with anxiety myself (still do to some extent) but I don't conflate it with lack of confidence or self-image issues. For me it's more that I just don't like crowds or being around groups of people I'm not familiar with. Giving a speech or presentation in front of a bunch of strangers still makes me anxious as fuck.

>> No.9684615

It really sucks, finding new friends is also impossible it seems

>> No.9684687
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>i need friends to hang out with now and theres no way thats gonna happen
I'll come watch anime with you. For money.

>> No.9684711

Go to the gym. Workout.

I was going to list a long line of things to improve your life, but literally just going to the gym and lifting, and actually setting goals for lifting and hitting them not just dicking around will improve your life greater then anything else you could do.

>> No.9685300

go to college
start lifting
youre happy

also get off biz

>> No.9685313
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Actually this

You need to get the brain chemistry flowing in a better direction

Meditate, clean out your pineal with boron, lose some fat and gain muscle

Join some crypto telegrams

Learn some game for girls

>> No.9685348

Working on yourself without never worrying about money ever.. how the fuck do you complain. You are literally free to to anything. Start a fighting sport it's fucking great, alot of confidence comes with it

>> No.9685427

Give it to me and I'll turn you into a woman

>> No.9685480

Here i am trying to "make it" by being able to buy the shittiest, cheapest apartment in my hometown so that i don't have to be a slave and yet here i hear about non-slaves who are depressed.

>> No.9685489

That's the beauty of it. Once you learn to filter out the shitposting then you can improve, laugh at memes and shitpost with everyone else. /fit taught me how to tell whats shitpositng and what's real advice and I've been applying the same methods since I've come here and so far it seems like I'm on the right track.

>> No.9685502

Ketamine is evil. Don't bother senpai.

t. ex-ketamine addict.

>> No.9685511

sauce on the boron thing?

>> No.9685544

1 milly is nothing son, keep going and keep a baseline to keep yourself safe. Once you make it into the 10's of millions start working out, so you'll feel better about yourself, once you're in decent shape work on cardio then start travelling. Theres much more to life than staring at a screen.

Also stay away from women or anything calling itself a woman. They'll sap the life out of you, any amount you feel bad now will be heavily amplified.

>> No.9685570


>> No.9685575

OP, I'll seriously be your live in butler. All I require is a average sized room with a good gaming PC.

>> No.9685606

Pay off debt, get your own place, work on yourself (working out and going to social events). Once you achieve those goals you will be fine. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations (more socializing) to get better at it. Don't overthink the outcome and go with the flow even if you think you fucked up op. Then travel and fuck bitches

>> No.9685745

Ironically find God

>> No.9685761


>> No.9685775

every single faggot begging for money should be banned

>> No.9685798
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>> No.9685816

Travel. The world is more open and friendly than your neighbors.

>> No.9685859

>only 2.5k in crypto
> loving gf of 7 years who I hope to spoil with gains

Man...you guys just re-motivated me. All I want is to take my gf everywhere. Can't imagine what rich life is like without that motivation.

>> No.9686283
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you have resources to become a god among men
set a plan to make yourself into top tier human bean, make that plan a half year long for starters
organize yourself, plan your day, negotiate with yourself when you will do some work and then spent some time on pleasures, fuck chaos, it all about microhabits
read,read, read, at least hour a day, doesnt matter if it is some self help book, or a novel, it will increase your vocabulary and your skill in expressing ideas and connecting with people, whenever you go you will be able to talk with people, thats super fucking useful, your quality of life will increase tenfold
get up and go to bed at same hour everyday
read on food, improve your diet which will improve your mood
plan out your meals that wont repeat (so you dont eat same shit all the time) for entire week, and when to cook em, so you wont have to think what to eat everyday because you have all that worked out, go shopping once a week to buy ingredients for what you have planed out, if u dont know how to cook, there is an abundance of recipes on the net, just try and learn
go to gym, lifting shit sounds boring, but if youll find the joys of improving your body, you will look at next workout with anticipation and not as something negative, also get a personal trainer if u dont want to read about the exercises and how muscles work
go ride a bike once a week, its good for your heart and hormones which will affect your mood, while riding think about what you read o maybe listen to some podcast on topic you find interesting, that will also increase your knowledge and vocabulary
stop watching porn, it fucks up your reward system and ruins your motivation mechanisms, fap less, but still fap
you dont have to be a prettyface, you have to be manly, and emit a presence of someone who has their shit together
read op on skincare general on /fa/, also find info on hair, learn to dress properly

>> No.9686332
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once you enriched your mind and body, find an activity that interests you and involves random people, you have the money so you have plenty to chose from
and then just talk to people, learn to listen to them, this way people can feel really connected
you can find friends everywhere, real friends, not facebook-tier friends, but you have to open up, and have something to talk about, and that wont come to you by itself
also never tell about your money gains, just dont

>> No.9686352

do u want my help

>> No.9686421

Dude this it's literally leveling up but it's real and actually good for you and will improve your life by at least 10%.

>> No.9686900


Also, look into Vitamin D, B-Complex, Iron and Omega-3.
Inflammation and nutritional deficiencies are the underlying cause of a lot (but not all) of modern depression.

>> No.9687116
File: 81 KB, 727x1135, 6f9aaf81292cbaeebf99a1ab79a7a4ea--sexy-ebony-girls-ebony-women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.9687143

didn't know joey diaz is a crypto trading /biz/tard

>> No.9687216

Now you know cocksucka

>> No.9687236

joey, is bitcoin gonna breakout?

>> No.9687265

Listen dog. No one knows.
Anyone who says they're certain is a lying motherfucka

>> No.9687274

cool, I've been in that situation before.. all you need to do is calm down, count your blessings, because you have taken one big hurdle out of your path.. now tackle the rest.

>> No.9687292

4/10 broke chad here, get a gym membership, learn to cook well, get tender, go out and learn new things.

>> No.9687297

thanks, I'm gonna go pirate some of your shows

>> No.9687317

Ill wipe my tears with these benjamins you broke motherfucka

>> No.9687431

you know 1m isn't alot of money, but you can easily swing 4% returns with bonds or 7% returns with a total market fund(until the market takes another dive). I'd put it all in bonds and cds and then buy the dip when the stock market crashes again. People will say you can't time the market, but they are fucking retarded and are just waiting to buy low themselves.

>> No.9687454

this is true. nothing will improve your health more than giving up on carbs. I'm still not 100% full keot, but getting there slowly. I've never been a fat fuck and was oscilating between average and moderately fit so I never considered that keto can do much for me, but it did. So much fucking energy and well-being now.

>> No.9687635

These are the two replies that matter. You've managed to turn down the difficulty level in life. It doesn't mean everything is easy now, but it does mean there are problems most people have to deal with that you no longer have to worry about. Winners believe in abundance over scarcity. The world has slapped you in the face with a million bucks. Accept that you're a winner.

>> No.9687655


>I feel you OP.

There are no more barriers to cross. All I have in common with the uncontrollable and the insane, the vicious and the evil, all the mayhem I have caused and my utter indifference toward it I have now surpassed. My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact, I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis; my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.

>> No.9687683

Just give us all some money you shit eating mongoloid