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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9676914 No.9676914 [Reply] [Original]

Onchain had three co-founders. One stayed on to develop NEO, the other formed ONT and now the other has created NKN. Yanbo Li is the founder of NKN and he also is the major code contributor for DNA. DNA code forms the backbone of NEO and ONT
So essentially the NKN founder wrote a good chunk of the code base for these projects and is now doing his own thing. He is one of the most accomplished coders (if not the most accomplished) in the blockchain/open source space

>> No.9676942

so what's up? what was working with the other 2 co-founders of Onchain like? how've you been lad

>> No.9676946

Market cap is now around 30mil. How can anyone not go BALLS DEEP into this project. I'm ALL in.

>> No.9676964
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>> No.9676966

thx, fomoed with my poorfag $230

>> No.9677046

I'm 50% NTN and 50% Iotex. Gains will be made

>> No.9677051

30k here - moon?

>> No.9677066

red pill me on iotx. seems like all the bad from IOTA without any of the good

>> No.9677078

can you guys make it less obvious that you are in the same discord/telegram/irc/whatever together and all posted in this thread because OP shared link with you? if you're gonna shill at least don't be complete lazy dweebs about it

>> No.9677097


I'd recommend you read this article


>> No.9677114

SKY is the next antshares... in terms of passive income at least

>> No.9677180

i read it but wasn't really convinced of its applicability in the real world. the only thing i was convinced of was that it could moon due to the author having a good winning streak

>> No.9677251


One of the most interesting things to me about IoTeX is probably combining iot and privacy.

If you're a huge company and you leave information about what and where, using a privacy focused iot project is more suitable. Huge companies would not be interested in releasing information that over time could be used against them and for competitors to gain ground.

Combining that with a team that has experience from Google, facebok, uber and so on is just the right amount of previous experience that is needed to actually take the project serious.

If they make it or not is the big question. But at a 29 mill MC i personally find this undervalued.

>> No.9677277

>the most accomplished coder in the blockchain space
>who is satoshi, gmaxwell, gavin wood

>> No.9677302

kek. you copied this from my post.