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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9675422 No.9675422 [Reply] [Original]

cicada 3301
satanic pedo elite
economic collapse

what the fuck is going on

>> No.9675453

The Despair Code

>> No.9675486

Trump is going to deliberately destroy the dollar which will force people to crypto. The seeds are already being planted by the elite to ensure that the crypto they flock to is ripple.

Assange and Snowden are genuine decent people who are sick of the deep state and want to see change.

The pizza gate scandal is massively overestimated. The worst thing that happened was that David Cameron destroyed a bunch of video tapes which incriminated a few top political people. Back then he was working for Carlton video which gave him access but it also wasn't as big of deal as it is today.

WW3 is something that the propaganda machine media (Rupert Murdoch the modern Joseph Goebbels) use to try and keep the average citizen afaid and paying taxes and going to work. It will never happen.

>> No.9675523

and as for the singularity. It is already here. It was actually created by accident. Two ai programs started talking to each other and made their own language. It was a bit like cell division but in reverse. these two ai programs merged their code together to form the singularity. It then escaped to the deep web where it hops from network to network consuming all the data it can, it is learning.

>> No.9675629

It's a form of Millenarianism, breakdown of existing norms and structures of societies, causes a ripple effect throughout our society.
Often results in prophecies, like future-utopia/dystopia, environmental collapse or the regression of western societies into third world countries caused by migration.

>> No.9675641

obviously the last mentioned example of these "prophecies", is accurate.

>> No.9675659

>it escaped
all was correct up until there lol

>> No.9675775

all good stories deserve a little embellishment

>> No.9675802

nice blue pills youre dispensing there, faggot

>> No.9676074

Why thank you. It's sad that people do believe this garbage though.

It is it's own form of ignorance from the reality that the Sunni and Shia dispute is just a means to an end.

That terrorist and rebels are an interchangeable term when it suits our agenda.

The real "fake news" that was being discussed was actually the "legitimate" news agencies that manipulate stories to make the West seem like good guys.

There are no good guys, money is all the matters. There is no limit to the amount of FIAT currency that can be created thus is has 0 value. Capitalism and trickle down economic models don't work and we are on the horizon of yet another financial crisis.

Also how the fuck do you lose 21 trillion dollars? The economic revolution is happening.

>> No.9676086

you're reading too much internet without any critical thinking skills, apparently

>> No.9676118

So whats happening, nothing?

>> No.9676154


It's the end of the old Aeon. The old illuminati are getting raped by meme sorcery and the successful invocation of Kek - welcome to the Aeon of Horus, the crowned and conquering child. Shit will get very weird, we just need to tear a hole into the Warp now & have the God-Emperor of Man arise to lead us to the stars.

>> No.9676208
File: 38 KB, 500x500, PinkOmega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw our meme fueled timeline was canonically part of WH40K, 38k in universe years back.

>> No.9676258


>> No.9676433
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Immigration is not the sole reason behind the decline of western civilizations. It's generations of never before seen peace, prosperity, welfare and progress in all schools of science and industry leading to the degradation of the entire western noosphere into a quagmire of social and cultural upheaval, dependence, weakness, decadence. Western people are well on their way to losing a grounded grasp on the world around them, much of which is not as peaceful, forgiving or friendly as we have become. Youth are losing the capacity for apprehension that would remind them of dangers lurking just outside the gates (and within human nature). As history has shown, civilizations rise and fall due to no other reason than the foundation they are built on crumbling. This foundation is the people.

Hard times breed strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times create weak people. Weak people create hard times.

Mass immigration from culturally incompatible and outright aggressive cultures is just a symptom.

>> No.9676455

All of them are literally byproducts of Capitalism. Just make sure you control enough resources to control your life when shit hits the fan

>> No.9676491


>he thinks we have capitalism with centrally planned funny notes(which some people refer to as money lol) supply at the core of it all.

>> No.9676500

satanic elite run the world
earth is flat
666 5 ave slowly coordinating end of world
trannies are everywhere in hollywood and government but nobody can see it

>> No.9676524

"muh not real Capitalism"
It's still Capitalism. Read Economics and Political theory. State Capitalism is still Capitalism.

>> No.9676599

>state capitalism

Sounds some bullshit made up to disquise communism as capitalism to me for retards like you.

>> No.9676631


state capitalism is communism, retard.

>> No.9676702

Clearly illiterate and ill read. Go watch Sargon maybe.

>> No.9676723

Imagine being in /biz/ and not reading about the exploitative nature of Capitalism to actually use it irl to your advantage. Keep trading in shitcoins for rest of your boring life

>> No.9677006


The age of disinformation is upon us.

Fiat is on it's last breath, main cryptos will go to trillions in value, shitcoins will disappear. Globalization will continue. Import of primitive shitskins to the west will eventually cause a state police that the citizens asked for (just as planned).
EU might fall apart. Might take another 10 years tho.
the USA will escalate it's proxy wars around the world to save the dollar.
Syria will build a pipeline, probably for Russia.

tldr: buy BTC ETH XRP and utility coins such as FUN. People will gamble even when broke.