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9673494 No.9673494 [Reply] [Original]

The bull run is starting, Italy is on the verge, Deutsche bank is just holding on with 1 hand right now. The 'system' is about to dump off the cliff. This has been a long time coming, overdue even. This is the reason I have been in crypto.
Personally, I want all these normie scum to feel the pain of their ignorance/acquiescence. Anyone else feel the same?

>> No.9673503

I feel the same, I’m black pilled as hell snd I want humanity to suffer.

>> No.9673532

totally i expected this in 2011 but it has dragged on for so long. back then i got gold and silver wasnt into cryptos then stupid me. i wound down my exposure in the bank i had a big deposit account paying buttons and basically stopped working in 2013 expecting the crash. nowadays little in the banking system have my cryptos not much have gold silver bring it on i say.

>> No.9673559

No one cares. For real.

>> No.9673588

I don't have a great understanding of world economics but don't the rich park their money in low-risk assets during turmoil? I can see the appeal of bitcoin being a hedge against typical markets but is that enough to counter the risk?

Also, isn't a lack of ETFs keeping most potential big investors out? And there's no word on whether ETFs will even happen this year AFAIK.

>> No.9673593

Already 25% of my wealth in gold and silver and accunulating more. The bomb will blow up sooner than later...italy has like 360b bad loans

>> No.9673597

>Personally, I want all these normie scum to feel the pain of their ignorance/acquiescence. Anyone else feel the same?
no, doesn't matter how far up the wealth distribution you got if WWIII starts
unless you can afford accommodation in Antarctica?

>> No.9673600

If there is a serious economic downturn crypto markets will be exited like hell

>> No.9673601

The so called (((rich)))...have shit in bitcoin, look at the mcap of bitcoin alone. Basically nothing is in it.

>> No.9673603

It doesn't matter what's going on in Italy or wherever. Crypto is not a safe haven. It could be, but people are stupid as shit, and as a result, whenever the stock market crashes, a big currency like the Euro Dollar crash, crypto goes down with them instantly. In fact, it will be hit worst, way worse than stocks. So yall better not hope for this

>> No.9673605

>I don't have a great understanding of world economics
Prepare to learn the hard way.
start by reading 'the creation of money' by the bank of England, it 14 pages ffs, read it carefully

>> No.9673606

fool, economic downturn means inflation

>> No.9673612

That's what I thought. I don't know why European banks collapsing is supposed to be good for bitcoin. Just looking for an explanation on that.

>> No.9673618

I don't care if i die, i just want the normies to be miserable for being dumb, equilibrium must be sought.
what happened in the Cyprus bank closure in '13?

>> No.9673661

Then I'll buy more.
Even if it costs $10 for a loaf of bread, I'll fucking find a way to buy more BTC/ETC/LINK.

>> No.9673683


>> No.9673696

lol maybe because the bank system is entirely based on trust? when trust is lost (really soon) money will move into this new trustless universal assets (BTC) and diversify into alts.

>> No.9673703

basically yes but it depends on what type. we could see hyperinflation, biflation allsorts but no one knows. so many people have big loans mortgages at low interest rates the options for the big banks are more quantitative easing or even more qe. look at the fall of the roman empire, the breakup of the former ussr even weimar republic this gives a flavor of what may come but no one knows but somethings coming. people will try and flee to safe havens traditionally gold/silver but we could benefit if the banking contagion accelerates and people see safety in cryptos.

>> No.9673706

You think the average Joe would care about BTC in a crisis? He needs to feed his family and buys gold

Good luck with your BTC, when there is a ww and blackouts ;)

>> No.9673718
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I feel exactly the same. However, crypto is not guaranteed to succeed yet. My anxiety is currently through the roof desu

>> No.9673719

lol nope

>> No.9673764

I honestly think this crisis will be the excuse to peg the usd to a crypto and then let everyone's wealth go down against gold. Everything will be blamed on the bankers and elites will be put on trial for show

it will be xrp (antichrist tier), btc (boomer antichrist tier) or bch (second coming 1000 years of peace and prosperity tier)

>> No.9673765

I wwnna see the owners squirm. The normies are ok, just a bit retarded

Blackpill is actually just a dark blue pill

>> No.9673786

Now that's a fucking redpill for ya

>> No.9673789

LOL pls explain me how gold is more liquid than BTC.
The average joe will jump on btc when it'll be mooning again, this means after smart money/institutional investors.

>> No.9673807

It isn't about liquidity. It is about excisting in reality. The average Joe can touch his shiny gold.

>> No.9673835

i can touch my balls but i can't buy bread with them.

>> No.9673837

>I wanna see the owners squirm.
Nah, i have come around to a different thinking over the years, The Rothchilds et al. are the good guys, its the normies fault for the arrogance of their ignorance. If ppl don't see what is going on its their own fault. We have too many useless ppl on this world.

You think the average Joe would care about BTC in a crisis?
fuck average joe, take a look at Cyprus in '13 check out BTC

>> No.9673839

Average Joe doesn't give a fuck about gold but they're all certainly addicted to their smart phones. Cyber cash will be more popular than gold from now on

>> No.9673840

Watch this as your first step, my poor friend.

>> No.9673846

that's what gold bugs don't realize; crypto can and will make gold redundant in every scenario bar global nuclear holocaust, in which case material wealth is the least of your problems

>> No.9673847

gold is the ultimate money there is no third party risk, it is highly liquid and cannot be inflated away. gold is a good hedge for anyone in a time of crisis. average joe has no money anyway so gold or cryptos wont help him. people with real money will flee the banking system at some point and put it anywhere rather than see it destroyed or seized or used for a bail in. they may decide to throw some into cryptos in a real crisis.

>> No.9673856

Price surged from 47 to 88 dollar. It was hedging in different assets. I am certain the have bought pm like gold too, but obviously the effect wouldn't be that dramatic if you compare the different mcaps.

I am not shilling gold, but gold has history. BTC has yet to show how it will perform in the first crisis.

>> No.9673868

>I am not shilling gold, but gold has history. BTC has yet to show how it will perform in the first crisis.
You are not wrong, with gold it is just you & the other party to the contract, no 3rd party needed

>> No.9673875

i kinda agree but you all seem to forget how the gold market is rigged as fuck if it wasnt there is no reason why the gold price is lower than 2014 level.

>> No.9673886
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>> No.9673895

nice meme lines, do you want to see mine on the BTC chart?

>> No.9673913

this graph looks oddly familiar

>> No.9673931



>> No.9673941

That's just what they want you to think bro

Fuck depopulationism

>> No.9673945

Soros is Rothschild bag-man, nothing more.

How many nations are the cretins allowed to destroy?

We are winning or they would not make a threat and expose themselves like this.

I told you guys several yrs ago that the old world is dying. Bush is dying, Soros is dying, the Rothschilds are dying, the queen on England is dying. Its all over, look around you.

The New World is not theirs, its ours.

>> No.9673959
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the amount of money invested in making people believe financial growth is stochastic
it's exponential as long as you use a measuring stick independent of time (gold)

>> No.9674130

This is interesting, thx Anon! but we are not going to returning to the mean any time soon

>> No.9674147

So this chart shows us, that we have like 10years of a bull run ahead with NEW insane ATH?

>> No.9674178

dead cat bounce

>> No.9674211

>don't the rich park their money in low-risk assets during turmoil?
traditionally, yes

but this time it's different because those low-risk assets - cash and bonds - are the things that are overvalued. We've had effectively 0% interest rates for a decade and a ton of money printed (QE 1, 2, 3). The effects of this have been postponed with a simultaneous regulation of lending so the banks haven't been able to lend

But everyone knows this house of cards is coming down soon. In all the other bubbles you wanted to be in fixed income securities - this time you want the opposite

>> No.9674226

it's just nominal though. that number really means your purchasing power is disappearing, fast.

>> No.9674248

Jesus Christ the black pill is just a dark blue pill is so true. Well put mein nigger.

>> No.9674331

“The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”
― Morpheus The Matrix

>> No.9674355


Kek wait til Ireland follows suit then y'all will see some debt. Eu is fucked.