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File: 4 KB, 575x93, divorce-rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9669574 No.9669574 [Reply] [Original]

Ok anons, we constantly have threads regarding taxation, and other equally important issues, I'm sure, but nothing about the dreaded divorce rape.

What precautions can a young man that wants to get married in this day and age take in order to avoid getting his life ruined by the state and feminist court system?

Some of us here might not ever experience this state sanctioned crime (which I perceive to be nothing more than a mechanism for wealth transfer btw) but others won't be so lucky.

So, my dear anons, let's begin a conversation about how not to get divorce raped in the 21st century as a male, living in a feminized shithole like Canada or the USA. Go!

>> No.9669584

I too would like to know.

>> No.9669588

>don't get married.
Problem solved.

>> No.9669589

there is only one way

the game is rigged dude, so play or don't play

>> No.9669606

So have a kid with a serious girlfriend essentially, but avoid marrying?

>> No.9669623

That's easy to say, but what if you want children? What do you do then?

>> No.9669631


>> No.9669667

doesn't work, court will declare you de facto or common law married and she will get 50%

also there are numerous instances now where even if a married couple have signed a prenup, the judge will just overturn it and still grant her 50% with custody

>> No.9669670

Doesn't work in countries with common law (ie canada).

Marry a virgin. Or at least marry a woman who was a virgin prior to you dating her.

>> No.9669694

preemptive strikes on local jews to thin the herd of criminals then do not get married. US bitches are nasty anyways and brainwashed to hell fucking niggers and mexicans. DO NOT GET MARRIED. Just knock up bitches if you have good genetics, the legal system might as well be called crime against white men system

>> No.9669705

That's highly unrealistic, anon

>> No.9669781


>Common-law and statutory marriage have the following characteristics in common:

>Both parties must freely consent to the marriage


>> No.9669867

No consent required by the partners in certain Canadian provinces. If you meet the provinces criteria, you are common law.

>> No.9669917

Don't have a shitty personality so you can marry someone who doesn't have a shitty personality.

>> No.9670057

Don’t get married in the US

If you must , make it a virgin , otherwise the House has odds on this one

Seriously tho, why sacrifice half your future earnings, properties, and custody of future children, just for a sharply depreciating asset?

>> No.9670087

Set up a trust fund mah niggah.
Move all assets into the trust.
Don’t have it set up in your name.
Problem solved.

>> No.9670554

What type of trust structure? Offshore or domestic? Aren't trusts risky? Like, if you have a self settling trust, can't creditors still come after it?

>> No.9670601

Luckily I’m not a burgerfag. Divorce courts are somewhat fair in my country - especially if you get a prenup. I’m not a fan of modern feminism, but I actually think the more feminist a country is the more fair divorce courts tend to be.

>> No.9670684

America is where most of the feminists come from and the divorce laws are rape. Feminists mean women first and not equality. Bring up how much divorce and custody law fucks men over and you will get nothing but coughs and evasion from them and they will make no attempt ever to stop that from being the case.

>> No.9670710

its cause the judges in us are mostly jew or jew licker catholiks and they are mommas boys. Time to crush the jews and take America back for men

>> No.9670746

In the court's eyes, living together is de facto consent. Don't fall for it.

>> No.9670762

I guess the more egalitarian a country is the more fair divorce courts tend to be* would be a better way to put it. I’m from Scandinavia fwiw.

>> No.9670765

I'm writing a guide on how to divorce rape your wife with crypto. but it does require you to skip the country. anyone interested?

>> No.9670785

>preemptive strikes on local jews

>> No.9670789

Dubs of wisdom

>> No.9670813
File: 114 KB, 1080x1081, 1516266457757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahhahaha my fucking sides. need to remember that phrase

>> No.9670819

cut off your penis

>> No.9670831

>he isn't man enough to get married
Man child detected

>> No.9670835

only possible if she lives in a seperate house. if you live under the same roof too long you are considered common law married.

which means the only solution is no long term marriage at all.

theyre trying to prevent the formation of family units. trying to drive families apart. because they want a future where the state has absolute control over all child development with no parents to get in the way teaching morals and values the state doesnt want.

>> No.9670859

>he isnt man enough to NOT get married

> mommy said you were such a good media rep

>> No.9670870


>> No.9670915

he said don't get married anon. you can blow a load in your gf and make a baby any time you want. you afraid jesus will be sad if you have premarital sex?

>> No.9671034

I did it.

>> No.9671239

>if you live under the same roof too long you are considered common law married.
Isn't this only a thing in like a dozen US states?

>> No.9671592

This does not work in Australia.

>> No.9671612

It doesn't matter if it is unrealistic or not since it is a really good point.

>> No.9671640

No I'm not. Won't you still be on the hook for child support though?
Well, I live in Toronto, there ain't many virgins here, and if there are, I don't have access to them. Toronto is like a nightmare for men

>> No.9671666

I'm really interested in asset protection. Any anons gone this route? Do you have to setup an offshore trust?

>> No.9671685


roasties and cucks need to gtfo

>> No.9671859

Then move beaner, but still my girlfriend is from L.A.

>> No.9672200

THIS. Marriage with virgin females is very very unlikely to fail. The main mistake guys make is waiting until they're 27-30 then they marry some 27-30 year old bar slut they met.

>> No.9672220

I live in a big city right outside NYC and I managed to get an 18 year old virgin wife.

>> No.9672259

How old were you when you met her?

>> No.9672276



I did exactly this.

My GF and I have a daughter together. I'm happy, she's happy. I will never marry her. We each have our own job and our own $. We split the kids expenses 50/50.

Any man that would get married nowadays is a fucking idiot. ESPECIALLY if he earns more than 50% of the household income.

Common Law is very weak. A LOT is required for it to hold up in court. You must share one bank account, etc etc etc

>> No.9672277

Just get a prenup

>> No.9672404


>> No.9672450

Which provinces are those?

>> No.9672460

DYOR but regarding the trust situation.
I’ve heard of people setting them up. Making someone else, like another family member the trustee.
Get them to sign an official note drafted up with no date, stating their resignation. Good idea to keep that in a safe place in case this person is no longer trustworthy with your assets.
Don’t make this person aware of any specifics. For instance, they might be the trustee/ person in charge of your trust. But If you don’t reveal the name or any specific details of the trust to them. They can not really make any changes to it anyway.
Also if anybody was to question you having any involvement to any trust, deny deny deny.
And if any chick ever pressures you about it or wants to know facts tell them to get fucked because it’s none of their business.
sorry my info is a bit vague, you can speak to many solicitors/accountants or read up online and they can answer more questions if you want to go down that avenue. It’s not heaps expensive in the grand scheme of things. Not in comparison to losing 50-70% in a settlement case.
Good luck friend.

>> No.9672876
File: 124 KB, 1153x814, ahbea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can get married but not sign any (((legal))) papers.
It's between you her and God not the government.
Besides it helps if both of you aren't degenerate and waited till marriage,

>> No.9673043


>> No.9673056

Wew, you're a cuck.

>> No.9673117

>marry a girl way richer than you
>problem solved

>> No.9673264
File: 10 KB, 200x210, 1516199689460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theyre trying to prevent the formation of family units. trying to drive families apart. because they want a future where the state has absolute control over all child development with no parents to get in the way teaching morals and values the state doesnt want.
This. We are so fucked.

>> No.9673270


if she doesn't want to be with you without marriage:

you're the price, not she. that's why she has the urge to control the fuck out of you, manage every aspect of your life.

if you don't feel like a prize: work more on yourself.

>> No.9673365

I've been dating a girl for over 2 years but I've been living with my parents the entire time. Is the eternal vagina going to take my gains? I live in NZ, similar to Canadian laws.

>> No.9673378

fuck off /pol/.

>> No.9673452

Or Surrogate motherhood
Or pay a woman so You will cum in her and she will give kids to You (she will abandon them as parents, but You need to have connections to do this thing)

>> No.9673483


>> No.9673587

I hear they often throw those right out in a divorce case

>> No.9673679

Yeah. They do. The american system sucks, other countries are way better as far as this is concerned.

Take France, for example. "prenups" don't exist per se, since prenups are not authentified by a sanctioned state representative. Marriage contracts, in France, are necessarily certified by a notary prior to the ceremony.

Do note that French notaries are waaaaaay more qualified than American notaries and only share a name with the latter. They don't have the same jobs, and the French notaries are nominated by the Ministry of Justice.

The consequence of that authentication is that the marriage contract can never be disputed in court (if the notary does his job well, which he'll do because otherwise the sanctions are huge). With a marriage contract, you can choose whatever happens during the marriage : are previously acquired estates common or do they remain each spouse's private property ? What about the ones acquired after the marriage ? What about salaries and other incomes ? What about who gets the cat if there is a divorce (not common but it happens) ?

And on top of that, in France, women can't get permanent alimonies that represent 150% of the divorcee's income, like it happens everyday in the US of A. Instead, the maximum sanction is literally an alimony (barely enough to pay half a meal a day) that only lasts for a limited time, with a one-time payment. And it doesn't ALWAYS happen. Most of the time, divorces are negociated by notaries / lawyers and don't even include any sort of compensation, except for, eventually, the value of one's half of a shared real estate, depending on who keeps it.

America's really been cucked as far as matrimonial law goes.

>> No.9674462


trying to belittle other anons

>found the insecure one

>> No.9674663

Don't get married. All Western women are raised to be whores add given power to enforce it through Jewish laws add Jewish media control. They control our culture and our government. They raise our women to cuck, hate, and betray us. Our world is one of nihilism and chutzpah, honor, loyalty, brotherhood, etc. don't exist.

If you're dumb enough to get married to one of these creatures you deserve to lose everything.