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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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965807 No.965807 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ just got some interesting info on a stock that will drive the price up a ton. So here it goes.

Ticker: TEAR

TearLab corp.

They make this diagnostic system that helps doctors to diagnose dry eye and apply a numerical gade so they can track the progress for verious treatments.

It's a test where they just touch a little stick to your tear duct and in 5 seconds it gives them a numerical value. Simple and it works. I'm no expert but that's it in a nutshell.

So they have this platform on the market now all across the US and Canada.

So they have developed a new function for the same platform called T2. It hasn't been announced yet but it's going to increase the value of their device 10 fold.

It will allow their platform to use the same tech to diagnose inflammation caused by allergies. So, it's going to make allergy treatment success 100% tangible and targeted in the same way it helps with dry eye patients.

So when they release this tech, the tens of thousands of devices already placed in verious practices around the world will instantly have added functionality. Use of the device will double overnight. This is huge because the practices pay for each use. On top of all that it will make the devices an easy sell with no competition.

Over the weekend they did a promo for some select doctors at a convention in Vegas.

In conclusion: the tech is finished and functional. But nobody knows yet. They are going to impliment the tech in limited locations in early 2016. But nobody knows yet. The price is $1.56 per share. When the PR about the tech drops it's going to the moon.

As an added note: the stock price even without the new tech is sitting on a low support and in a prime buy position.

Let's make money bizbros

>> No.965815

im down, will prob pickup around 400 shares

>> No.965816

What's your source?
Also you should screenshot this if you really think it'll take off. That way you can post a new thread declaring yourself a genius

>> No.965817

I'm going to buy in next week once my funds are available.

>> No.965821

I have a source that is within the company but is only privy to public info. This is technically not proprietary information, there has just been no PR. So can't even get knocked for IT. They are just holding off going big with the PR because they just lifted the black out on employee stock options. So they will probably announce officially when the blackout goes back up and employees are all loaded and locked.

>> No.965858

just bought 320 at 1.6

>> No.965882


So, OP can sell his shitty stock to you.

>> No.965905
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>> No.965911

I literally have no shares. I'm buying next week.

>> No.965914

You're a fucking shill. Seriously delete this thread, mods.

>> No.965917

All my loot is unsettled or in ASTI. Which is another story.

>> No.965921

Of course you are anon, of course.

>> No.965924

Why has OP not bought stock?