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965402 No.965402 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many people still shill this book?

>> No.965410

That book was shilled so hard that it now has an autopilot for shilling.

Literally thousands of people are forced to read that book every year for public school. It was actually mandatory reading in my high school economics/finance class, and that was ten years ago.

Even though it's complete shit, you have to admit that the book is very well written. It lies to you, but it lies in a way that you can rationally accept it as realistic and assume it is common sense advice.

>> No.965414

I prefer to refer tothe book as "Rich Cu ck, Poor Cu ck"

>> No.965434


>> No.965438

The book tells people something that clicks and is easy for them to understand. Since rich people don't actually read these books, they don't get corrected.

>> No.965441

what does it say? don't intend on reading it

>> No.965454


It's a motivational/self help book that uses a lot of fictional stories to explain personal finance to you, specifically on how to generate passive income. The problem is that the author made a career out of telling people that those made up stories were true, but the reality was that he was already very wealthy before the book was even written.

There is absolutely nothing special about the book and it's nearly identical to every other personal finance circle jerk book on the aisle, but it became popular by being part of a massive multi level marketing campaign that the author partnered with.

The book also advocates a lot of illegal activities, but shills argue that these are just exaggerations and tongue in cheek comments that are used to make a point.

>> No.965455

>The book also advocates a lot of illegal activities, but shills argue that these are just exaggerations and tongue in cheek comments that are used to make a point


I think i will read it now. Along withe Freakonomics, aka memenomics

>> No.965460


As said above, it's a shitty finance book, but the same reasons that make it a horrible finance book, make it a very good self help/motivation book.

Someone with little to no knowledge of personal finance or that the book is a scam, will enjoy reading it.

>> No.965505

The best entry level finance book is Malkiel's "A Random Walk Down Wallstreet."

>> No.965517

i guess ill read it now.

What are some other good books for people who get bored from reading easily? I want something really engaging and written in an interesting and easy to read way rather than just 300+ pages blabbering on and on about mutual funds.

>> No.965532


>> No.965545
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>> No.965546

good bye

>> No.965548

very funny but for real tho family.

What is some good kush ass book to read that isn't boring as fuck cus some crackerass peckerwoods wrote?

>> No.965559
File: 210 KB, 273x364, The-Richest-Man-In-Babylon-George-Clason[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight downgrade from this book

>> No.965569

>I want to get rich
>I don't want to work hard
Pick one.
Read a textbook about personal finance. Cut the bullshit story, straight fact.

>> No.965570

i filled ur moms pussy full of semen in babylon tbqh m8

>> No.966282
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