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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 500x450, indian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9651300 No.9651300 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone here explain me your ABSOLUTE hate of the Indian people on /biz/ ?

>> No.9651336

Because they have collectively earned that hatred. They deserve to be hated.

>> No.9651345

indians are disgusting subhuman shitskin savages with abhorrent personal hygene

>> No.9651350


Can you elaborate ?

>> No.9651373

there are a lot of Indians hired to shill absolute shitcoins here you can recognize them by the stereotypical marketing techniques
> buy now or stay poor
> why do you hate money
> /biz/ does not deserve this hidden gem

>> No.9651378


They think they're ugly and their accent is funny.

That's literally it.

>> No.9651393
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My boss noticed rajeesh actually working while i was trying to socialize and drink coffee at work and now im probably next in line to be laid off.

>> No.9651405

they spread shit in their streets, and they spread their shitcoins on here

>> No.9651418
File: 17 KB, 284x177, 35A6530A-A8C8-45D9-8A56-ECECCB0EE675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuz they poo in the street and sacred rivers, even after thousands of years of ‘enlightenment’?

>> No.9651420


Lol, yeah I see.

>> No.9651433


So /biz/ is like a gange for them ?

>> No.9651453

Because they are literally fucking retarded - you only have to be in the crypto space for a couple days to get fed up with their shit - they literally spam their retardedness everywhere, in every telegram group, in every reddit, in every biz thread - examples of pajeet behaviour include:

>when airdrop
>when moon
>buy now or stay poor
>this is FUD anon fuck off
>what is circulating supply
and always, always with the fucking
>please sire
>can i speak to an admin sir
>i am looking to buy 10 EOS please pm me

And they come into your fucking PM's saying
>hello sire i am admin of AION group, have you purchased aion yet?
>Anon: Fuck off scammer
>please sire i am admin what is your email

>> No.9651456
File: 195 KB, 1280x960, ba79a1c3e494cc44954f8e176e56b3f658a8bed77c03f204dce69a57e706cce3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disdain for Dunning-Kruger

>> No.9651465

>sir bounty still open?
>reserving translation for hindi
>how can i receive airdrop sir?

>> No.9651483


OMG I so fucking hate when they say "sir". Each time I read it with a disgusting indian accent, lel.

>> No.9651486

Wait...these are Indian telltale signs? I thought they were just /biz/ meme phrases

>> No.9651562

it’s a psy op
>95% of /biz are real indian pajeets

>> No.9651642

lmao that smug rabbi leading the goy to the promised land

>> No.9651952


>> No.9651973

Look at that shnozz

>> No.9651993

Sirs buy my koyns sirs

>> No.9652017

>poo in the loo
>iq 81
> think they are smart
> ends every sentence with sir

>> No.9652146

So. Fucking. True.

>> No.9652173

>call up bank / credit card / dell / etc
>indian comes on who I can barely understand

>> No.9652704

>please sire
>can i speak to an admin sir

>these fucking insane people are actually upset that people are being polite to them on the internet

The absolute state of the human race right now.

>> No.9652733

"saaar" *head wobble*

>> No.9652769

stop making me lol you are a bad person

>> No.9652773

You forgot the writing in broken english and using run on sentences with ellipses ...

>> No.9652878

I've been in India once. Reason enough?

>> No.9652942

buy REQ not or stay poor faggot
Do you hate money ?

>> No.9652990
File: 99 KB, 862x642, 1514758883184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause scammers. Smelly. No regards on where to poop. Manlets. Don't consider personal space. Worship toilets.

>> No.9653070
File: 3.45 MB, 285x214, ultimate-muscle-roller-legend-stitch-that.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/5 bizniacs have been catfished by Indians

>> No.9653418
File: 25 KB, 480x448, 1527423835111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dindu nuffin

>> No.9653539

t. pajeet

>> No.9653574

there would be less hate if there would country tags because we could all point at laugh

>> No.9653970


>> No.9654061
File: 508 KB, 320x240, poo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ABSOLUTE hate of the Indian people on /biz/ ?
why ?

>> No.9654116

Oh and I forgot the absolute fucking worst of pajeets. the lowest of the low. the literal scumbag pajeets:
>make bitcoin talk ANN
First comment is always some fucking poorfag pajeet saying

>> No.9654133


>> No.9654177

they need a "wet floor" sign for that room

>> No.9654250

Have any of you people actually met an Indian in real life??

>> No.9654264


>> No.9654292

When you accidentally eat Indian Curry

>> No.9654311


Literally no proof of this. I guarantee most of these niggers are 3rd worlders from southeast asia, as the Indian community is actually quite small in comparison with SEA when you look at telegram.

You fags just found a scapegoat and the collective hivemind is just sticking to it. God I wish flags were enabled on /biz/

>> No.9654396
File: 183 KB, 395x387, m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure...they're all over New Mexico

>> No.9654497

>Pajeets wanted to scam me with crypto scams, my parents with IRS impersonation fraud and my grandparents with Totally Secure Anti"w"irus 360 but they were polite so all is good.
Absolute state indeed.

>> No.9654568
File: 219 KB, 1277x960, 1526338600130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you accidentally eat Indian Curry
When you accidentally turn around for a indian women

>> No.9654583

Exploitation is ingrained in their caste system.
Hindus believe that reality is an illusion and that the environment is not worthy of protection because it isn't real.

Scamming and dominating all but your family is still a cultural value because they didn't actually westernize.

First gen indians are used to a corrupt government (look at their bureaucracy) and will cheat and game governments and communities in western countries.

They resent the British and so think fucking over white people is OK because they have it coming.

There is rampant cheating in their universities. They defraud credentials and jeopardize those who deal with them in tech and engineering.

It's about their culture anon.

>> No.9654636


>> No.9654670
File: 359 KB, 540x504, 1525385851445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is worse, poos or chinks?

>> No.9654932

chinks have no soul
poos will gang rape your mom

>> No.9654967

You're a bit slow aren't you?

>> No.9655058

The next time you get a call/email that is clearly from a pajeet scammer just tell him you know what he is doing and you are not stupid enough to be tricked by their petty scam. See how polite they are then

>> No.9655289

wtf is this?

>> No.9655328

I've fucked two of their women.

>> No.9655544

How did that go? Didn't you learn after the first one?