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9650574 No.9650574 [Reply] [Original]

No larping. Parents heard about this story on CNN and finally want me out of the house. I am a 29 yo neet with little job history and no degree past hs. They are giving me a year to move out, I have some money from Crypto ($15k) but they now also want me to pay 300$ rent from that... What skill or trade can I learn within a year that is not gonna have me flipping burgers or becoming homeless within a year? Programming? Trade school? Start a business? Just move out now and live in a car? I am overwhelmed as fuck right now.

I am not sure why I am this stupid or why I come to /biz/ for help, but I could use some advice.
This stupid faggot ruined my perfect neet life.

>> No.9650602

That is why I’m thinking it was a psyop. NEETS have been growing too strong

>> No.9650626

murder them

>> No.9650638

How do you neets do it? I'd feel like such a nuisance and failure to my parents.

>> No.9650649

Buy crypto and learn to program. Do your parents have any friends that run their own business?

My parents friends run a small business (500k to 1mil revenue per year) and they let me begin working there a few years ago for $10 an hr, then I eventually moved up to $19 an hour in about a year working there. They kind of tailored a custom position around my autism. They always tell everyone I am the best employee they ever had.

I work 2 days a week making about $250 per week. This is enough if you are a neet.

>> No.9650654


>> No.9650668

Jesus, its called growin fuckin up retard

>> No.9650674


They're selfish people.

>> No.9650726

There is nothing perfect about a neet life, otherwise you wouldnt be getting kicked out. Get some cisco/it certs and start working freelance. Your community college may even cover the costs. Start making progress, then ask your parents for more time if you need. They will be more likely to say yes if you are taking active steps to gtfo. You need to want to improve. Dont treat being a NEET like a good thing even if it really is.

T. Involutary pseudo-NEET with a new job who is trying his hardest but is still stuck at home for a couple more months and it is just terrible

>> No.9650739

Go to the next level; the hermit NEET living in a box

>> No.9650807


Either look for free YouTube tutorials or buy a course on udemy and go through it (JavaScript is probably your best bet). Freecodecamp is good too.

>> No.9650830
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>> No.9650843

>> 9650638

Man I don't know. Except for being a financial burden for longer than I should be I really wasn't much of "nuisance" to them ever. And when I did get money from Crypto I even paid some of their bills up to 1000$ last March. I didn't expect them to let me live here forever, but I also didn't expect a rogue neet on CNN to proxy-evict me either.

>> 9650649
>> 9650807

> Do your parents have any friends that run their own business?
> Buy crypto and learn to program.
> Programming.

I have a friend who runs a business but its kinda on and off and failing, but running for 5 years. I guess I could ask him for some advice, feels bad though. But yeah I'll try my best. Programming seems like my only option at this point really, I attempted and failed CS50x multiple timees though.

> I work 2 days a week making about $250 per week. This is enough if you are a neet.


>> No.9650856

daytrade on bitmex

>> No.9650872


And lose all the money I have? No lol.

>> No.9650881

Truck driving is fast and easy to learn.

>> No.9650891

NEETs are the most powerful race on the planet.

>> No.9651049

take them to court. win.

>> No.9651071

I have to say, this story was a genius play by (((them)))
They knew a large chunk of cryptofags were adult men still living with their parents, and they were getting too much money
So they threw this story out there to convince other parents to throw those men out and make their little crypto hobby more difficult to keep up with, with the threat of homelessness/having to wagecuck to survive

>> No.9651125

>This stupid faggot ruined my perfect neet life.
The first step is to get the fuck over this mentality. If you've learned anything from being around here, it should be that you are fucking responsible for your own shit. No one forced you to be a NEET.

The second step is to go to look into getting your net, net+, security, and security+ certifications and then take some of that remaining $13,500 (after your rent) and invest into a webdev bootcamp.

If you work your ass off, you'll be more than ready to become a productive member of society instead of a leech within a year. Yes, you'll be a wagecuck - get the fuck over it. Make money, suck the dick, and build yourself up to where you can operate on your own either through passive income, investments, or owning your own business.

No one in this world owes you a fucking thing, and it's time to face that reality.

>> No.9651205


I am honestly not doubting that. They paused the CNN piece, called me down to watch it with them and then started talking about me having to move out.

> The first step is to get the fuck over this mentality.

Well shit, reality hits hard and fast. I can't go from 1 to 100 within a few hours after being faced with one of the biggest changes in my life. You're right though, I am planning to absolutely learn/work or whatever my ass off, because this is a serious reality check. It is not like I haven't tried to get out of this situation before, the alternative of just staying around was just better.

> net+, security, and security+ certifications

What about CCNA? I dabbled around shortly, even have study books from a time where I thought programming/networking is something I could dedicate some free time on. But I was never as motivated as I am right now, I just don't want to waste the next year on something which isn't going to throw of any fruits.

> Yes, you'll be a wagecuck - get the fuck over it.

I seriously can't. Yet.

>> No.9651227


>No larping. Parents heard about this story on CNN and finally want me out of the house.

FUCK I hate people like that so much. No mind of their own just do what everyone else does lol. But yeah you should propably move out anyway but not just because some random fag did too....

>> No.9651236

The answer is bartending. I make about 40 to 50$ per hr (mimimum wage + tips) and work 3 days a week to live good. When I started last year I had no other experience and now I make more than any of my debt slave collegecuck friends.

>> No.9651289

Also it feels good to no longer be a parasite upon my own family.

The dignity will help your self esteem and your social anxiety

>> No.9651297

CCNA is also good, but it's a bit more complex. I posted the net/sec stuff because those are the easiest to get and essentially guarantee you a job (albeit a terrible one) in some companies IT department. They are easy enough to allow you to focus on something more substantial like a webdev bootcamp. If you can manage net/sec/CCNA, that's the best way to go, but don't forgo learning actual programming.

You can learn the shit necessary to become an architect, but that is going to take you much longer than a year. In a SHTF situation like yours, stick to webdev. Easy, dirty, quick turn around on employment and profitability.

I am recommending the net/sec and the webdev shit because they are very easy and require minimum effort. You need to be cognizant of the fact that you're a NEET, so no amount of motivation is going to magically teach you a work ethic in the coming months. Stick with the easy shit that guarantees employment so you won't be homeless in a year.

Is an option, but do you have the personality and social skills to bring in that kind of tip money? Even in America's current YOU BETTER FUCKING TIP mentality, it's not a guarantee you'll make decent money on tips and what is considered "decent" is largely dependent on where you live. If you don't live in a metropolitan area that likes it's bars and clubs, you aren't going to be making $40-50/hr bar tending at the local Buffalo Wild Wings.

>> No.9651309

oilfield trucking, you'll have no life but you will make alot of money

>> No.9651322

Tell them about the jewish conspiracy against white straight men.

>> No.9651355

1) He's gotta live near an oil field
2) Be realistic, do you expect a NEET to be able to handle those kinds of hours or to be able to move to find the work?
3) You better hope Trump gets re-elected in 4 years - and that's a fucking big ass hope unless you're lying to yourself - because otherwise the Democrats will have power and will bring the heavy EPA regulations right back in that killed off oilfield trucking in the first place. It's only making money again because of lax EPA regulations, and you cannot rely on those to stay.

>> No.9651384

i give mummy footrubs everyday

>> No.9651398

Don't listen to this guy OP he's a total faggot. Just let the shit blow over with your parents. You've been there 29 years LMAO, they'll be fine with 29 more.

>> No.9651549

Also I forgot to mention I invest most of the money back into crypto. Made a bit off the big bullrun and have been buying more on the dips.

>> No.9651550

you could look for a sugar mommy on seekingarrangement.com

>> No.9651552

>become a productive member of society

I love this normie meme. He didn't ask to be born and now it's forced to work for a society that owns him nothing and doesn't give a shit about him. The only thing society wants from you is your money but neets don't have money so of course they will guilt trip them into becoming souless wageslaves. And you don't even make that much of an impact in society by wagecucking considering there's quite a lot of unemployment. The only way to make significant impact is to become a doctor because more doctors are always needed.

OP, swing trade shitcoins with $5k and save the remaining $10k to pay rent to your shitty parents. Once you have enough (around $50k +), invest in a solid project and wait a few years. In the mean time you will have to wagecuck unfortunately. The easiest option is to become a truck driver. I assume you don't have a social life if you are a 29 yrs old neet so the trucker lifestyle won't affect you. You might need a truck license so use some of your money for that as well. Once you make it, cut contact with your parents and tell them to fuck off.

>> No.9651607


Thanks for this anon! Yes, webdev doesn't sound that bad. Learning programming was always an issue of motivation but I guess I have no excuse now. I know a little of Python, Ruby and PHP, but always quit those online courses when the hard stuff came at me. Literally had a nightmare involving nested loops when I tried to get through CS50x. I'll spend some time figuring out where to start by tomorrow.


I am out Crypto now but will be looking to add back what I can once I eventually make money. Last thing I want is lose a single cent of those $15k and be even worse off in a year. The idea of becoming homeless is worse than anything else about this.

> The easiest option is to become a truck driver.

I'll give that some thought, never crossed my mind, thanks.

>> No.9651637

>He didn't ask to be born.

You're right, he should just kill himself.

>> No.9651653


This. They're trying to make it socially unacceptable.

I'm a 34 year old neet, and i refuse to contribute anything to this sick and rotten society. Let it burn.

>> No.9651666

>Thought being a NEET was socially acceptable.

>> No.9651671


I get that point, but how do we survive? It's not like we can barter our neet philosophy in exchange for food and shelter.

>> No.9651704

depending on where you live, self termination can be problematic.
society should provide people with poison to terminate their life if they choose to. normies will never allow it though as they know a lot of wageslaves will jump off the train

>> No.9651705

>Programming seems like my only option at this point really, I attempted and failed CS50x multiple timees though

then stop feeling like le programming is guaranteed employment or skills. you're going to end up wasting your time realizing in 8 months that you hardly understand the fucking basics. just because you feel like a geek doesn't mean you can program. Try to start an apprenticeship, which IS piss easy and way better money than an amateur "programmer".

>> No.9651735

>He didn't ask to be born and now it's forced to work for a society that owns him nothing and doesn't give a shit about him.

If he doesn't want to be alive, he can kill himself. If he does want to be alive, he owes the people who put a roof over his head and food on his table, since it costs them their time and energy to do so. NEETs have no concept of fairness

>> No.9651745

Just learn some programming. There's lots of demand for programmers so if you're not a total retard you should be able to find a job.

>> No.9651768

>I'm a 34 year old neet, and i refuse to contribute anything to this sick and rotten society. Let it burn.

then you deserve to watch it burn around you. when the flames lick at your skin and you realize what a grave mistake you've made because you have never felt a blaze in your life, you will regret your decision and you will have earned everything you receive. The other option is to try and shape the world into the image you want. If you have no vision for the world, and are hoping someone else can shape the world for you, you will be waiting until you die, like most of us.

>> No.9651810


> then stop feeling like le programming is guaranteed employment or skills.

It is though. Like I said before, I never had the motivation to carry through any of the programming courses mostly because there was no reason. Now there's one. It's not like I didn't understand the course material, I just didn't care to proceed. The little money I made and experience I do have comes from managing a few dozen wordpress websites with content bought from pajeets on fiverr, SEO and some minor code hacks by myself about 5-6 years ago. So I definitely know where programming falls into place....somehow.

> Try to start an apprenticeship

But how and where do I even look?

>> No.9651842
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I don't know what you're into but depending on your interests you might try becoming a PhD student. I love it. I get paid to read about & tinker with shit that I was already doing in my spare time anyway. Yes the pay is low (only 28k / year) but you're a NEET so you're used to that anyways, right?
So life is good, and it only gets better after you finish, depending on your field; in the areas of statistics, computer science, or electrical engineering for example, you can pull upwards of 150k STARTING in industry, or become a professor and live an easy lifestyle with tons of free time while making 80-100k.
Only trick is to be a PhD student you need to get a bachelor's degree and you need really good grades but your parents will probably gladly help you out with that financially and trust me when I say getting good grades is easy as fuck. Undergraduate classes are designed for you to get A's if you just spend a few hours a week studying. Start in community college for cheap with the plan of transferring to a 4-year school as a junior (filling your gen.ed requirements and early math classes at CC), and start slow. Of course, live at home as you are now, primarily to keep costs down, but also to avoid getting too caught up in continuous gaming, parties, and drugs.
If parents push back at helping with school just note the massive discrepancy between salaries of people with degrees and people without (i.e. according to Wired, autonomous vehicle engineer average salary is $400K/yr) and how much smarter it is to invest now.
Trade school / bootcamp bullshit is quicker money in the near future but so much less rewarding long term.

Full disclosure: my genetic makeup. and i had a GPA 3.96 and 97th/99th percentile V/Q on GRE, it's so easy, even a nigger can do it.

>> No.9651860

>becoming a professor at the height of the education bubble

>> No.9651881


>> No.9651910

The bubble is for faggots who study useless shit
Go into a useful field and there is actually a dearth of professors

>> No.9651949


Bro, I have one year not a decade. Also 15k obviously won't get me far...

>> No.9651953

>Truck driving is fast and easy to learn.
no future in that
self-driving will be the norm in less than 5 years

>> No.9651978


this neet is never gonna be a truck driver it would take too much drive. that said, you're full of shit. self driving won't happen for another generation or two, if it ever happens. he could retire a truck driver. i'd bet you literally anything that in 5 years people will still be driving trucks

>> No.9651979
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I am out guys, thanks for the advice so far. I seriously need to go for a long walk and let this whole situation settle in.

>> No.9651992

the problem is not really that you're living at home.
the problem is you're a fucking NEET.
if you were bringing home a 4.0 gpa in an engineering degree program they would not only leave you alone, they would actually help you

>> No.9652032

Try 10 years, faggot.

>> No.9652055
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Dont think so. And even if so, then drive 5 years.

Your mom is having pms mood swings. Dont worry you dont have to move

>> No.9652076

Kinda in the same boat OP.

I'm going to buy a Nissan NV200 and live in that. Payments should be about 300 per month. I'll get unlimited 4g and chill in my van and play vidya and trade crypto all day until my shitcoins moon and the economy collapses. Then I'll scoop up cheap real estate and pay my enemies back.

>> No.9652101

What is the stuff necessary to become an architect? Please do answer.



>> No.9652125
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>> No.9652140
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brainlet confirmed

>> No.9652157

i thought architect level programmer lel

>> No.9652181

I was in a similar situation. I choose not to work and be a homeless highway wanderer in Brazil. I just walk to a petrol station, they assume that I walked a lot, but I don't. I just go to the next petrol station. The gas stations have wifi, bathroom, shower, energy and the personal are sympathetic with highway wanderers. They give free food and let Mr sleep there where I usually hang a Hammock. I have some crypto money and I will learn music to make money in the service stations.

There are some foreigners doing this.

Homeless life has been surprisingly good.

>> No.9652205

live in a sunshine state?
learn to clean pools online lol
buy the truck and supplies and post on craigslist
cleaning pools is fun and pays well desu

>> No.9652215

also you wont be locked into any skill or trade that took too much time or effort to learn, so when your crypto portfolio blasts off you can ditch it as quickly as you learned it and aren't feelin glike you're throwing away a skill

>> No.9652233

if you can keep ONE rich persons pool clean during summer months, that rich mofo will refer you to ten other rich mofos with pools

>> No.9652266

or get hired by a dipshit with a pool cleaning business, learn to clean pools, and then quit and be a solo pool cleaning magician. you've gotta clean the pools like it's your god damn passion though, or else there's no point and they will find a pool cleaner who not only keeps leaves off the surface but also dirt off the bottom and a perfect Ph balance.

>> No.9652283

nah my math/stat department had 200 applicants for one opening for assistant professor

>> No.9652357

Where do you live OP? I am about 6 months into a tool and die maker apprenticeship and make $20/hr. Get a job at a small shop or a factory and take up a skilled trade. Some big union shops pay upwards to $25-30/hr for a forklift driver so if you're willing to put in a couple years as a dock worker you can set yourself up as union worker for the big 3 just sitting on your ass most of the time.

>> No.9652429
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lol get woke bro

>> No.9652500

Some of my friends found a workaround for this situation, however, it probably won't work for most of you.

My neet friend failed out of college, lived at his mom's house and couldn't keep a job as a server anywhere because he would no-call-no-show all the time. Eventually his Mom gave him the countdown to move out.

So he got back with his old girlfriend, moved out of his mom's house and into her house, and now he's in essentially the same situation but instead of his mom cooking, cleaning, paying the bills for him it's his gf. So you could try that but really it requires being able to actually get an enabling gf that's as bad as your parents so might not work for you.

Otherwise, you need friends that are not failures like you. My brother owns his own business and several of our former-neet friends are his employees. Again, this might not work for you because you need to actual have friends.

I'm starting my solo practice as a lawyer and I plan to hire the more dependable of my old, unhireable friends as employees. Sadly, the kind of attitude that makes one a neet in the first place doesn't translate well to being a good employee so I have some friends I care about deeply but would never hire (esp the one with fucking face tats jfc).

It's all about forming real connections with people you trust, aka, you need friends to help. You could pick yourself up by your own bootsraps but let's face it, you would have already done that by now.

Reach out to old friends and/or gf, "that's what friends are for" hopefully still means something

>> No.9652601

Get youself a van or a truck with camper
Live in Walmart parkinglots