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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9648369 No.9648369 [Reply] [Original]

Hey there wagie. How are those extra 24 hours away from Mr. Shekelstein going? Hope you got up super early today so you can enjoy those extra few moments of freedom as long as possible. Also, i hope you didn't drink too much this weekend. You'll need to be on your A game Tuesday to catch up on that missed day of productivity champ.

>> No.9648439

how will wage slaves ever recover

>> No.9648466

I work with people who feel this way and it doesn't even bother them.

>> No.9648571

>tfw literally can't drink unless its on a long weekend because it takes 3-4 days to recover

>> No.9648678

are you the same OP every week or are there a few of you?

>> No.9648707

This shit never gets old.

>> No.9648718
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There is literally NOTHING more degenerate than waging, willingly trading your LIFE to make someone else rich. How do wagies live with themselves?