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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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964370 No.964370 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe the stories about the lousy way Amazon treats workers, and do you care?

>> No.964392

Friend of mine used to work in their loss prevention department at one of their shipping centers. He would walk people out daily for stupid shit and the turnover rate was crazy. He fired loss prevention guys all the time for every little thing.

I would be more specific but I don't really remember the stories he told except that most of them were so petty, I realized amazon is a terrible employer.

>> No.964393

Amazon has shopping centers?

>> No.964404

SHIPPING centers. They're huge warehouses all over the nation that they employee people to receive, store, pack, and ship their shit.

>> No.964456

I heard about it and don't care.

>> No.964457
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nobody is forcing anyone to work there you kek

>> No.964482
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heard there were packers stealing Pepsi Perfect from shipments

I'm gonna be pissed if my order doesn't get shipped bc of this

>> No.964490

>I don't understand market forces
By amazon being an asshole to their workers, they're putting putting dow ward pressure on employer-employee relations

>> No.964492

Then show them it's not OK and quit?

>> No.964499

You're also forgetting that jobs have entered into a state of inelastic demand. People need to work to live, and now there are far more people than there are jobs. Someone is going to be working there regardless of how shit amazon treats them, so there really isn't a way out.

>> No.964503

Nah there's plenty of jobs, if you want something better maybe you should gain some skills.

>> No.964509

As a software engineer that doesn't work for them, I've heard several stories where they just try to get as much out of you as fast as they can. They burn through engineers at a startling pace.

>> No.964510

Excluding unionized workplaces, when have you ever seen a company shut down because nobody would work there from the poor working conditions? It just doesn't happen: people will work there no matter what.

>> No.964512

Not my problem.

I hear men are constantly hiring new mouth talent, it can be a new career path for some of those people.

>> No.964515

It becomes your problem when market forces cause your employer to do the same thing to you. Amazon is slaying the competition because they squeeze every last drop of productivity from their workers before dumping them on the roadside. Other companies see this, and in ten years, I'm willing to bet your job satisfaction will be a lot lower than it is now regardless of whether you work for amazon or not.

>> No.964518

In 10 years I'll already have started my company.

I'm not a peasant who Gupta or Pajeet that works a job that requires no skill or knowledge.

>> No.964520

You realize that's what literally everyone tells themselves, right?

>> No.964521

They might tell themselves that but it doesn't make it true.

Unqualified lazy retards will always get taken advantage of because they deserve it. Maybe College wasn't such a "scam" like Tai Lopez leads you believe, huh?

>> No.964522

>this is the guy you're arguing with about economics

Reminder: never take /biz/ seriously on anything even remotely related to academia

>> No.964524
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Got it. Good luck with your endeavors.

>> No.964527

>"Wahh wahh we need more government to protect me and regulate the mean companies I choose to work for!"
- you

>> No.964532

>>>964503 (You)
>>this is the guy you're arguing with about economics
>Reminder: never take /biz/ seriously on anything even remotely related to academia

>taking /biz/ seriously in the first place

I just like posting memes and being contrarian.

Usually I'll post Jew and /pol/-tier shit, then when someone else does it I'll post "Nice Jew meme go back to >>>/pol/"

I do the same on /pol/, I usually post two easy to argue threads, but with opposite opinions, usually "Are videogames redpilled? Which is your favorite, pol" And "If you're still playing videogames after 15 you're a manchild degenerate".

Then I just sit back and watch retards argue. - Sometimes I even post controversial "bait" replies with different IDs to get the threads started if they're not going right away.

>> No.964540

Feels good fa.m desu.

>> No.964554

I know you're an underaged troll, but for the sake of completeness:

>having a choice about working or not
Good luck! I'll see you at the soup kitchen.

>> No.964557

you always have the choice whether and where you work, there is no slavery where you live you idiot

>> No.964559

Watch out guys, we've got a master manipulator Chaotic Neutral puppetmaster here. What mind-bending scheme will he enact next. Perhaps he'll say something that isn't true. Or maybe he'll contradict something somebody said. Get out of my head, you maniac.

>> No.964560

Wasn't aware there's only one employer in an entire city, let alone country.

You have tons of choices especially when you have in demand skills and experience where you can negotiate a salary rather than being a cukkold, but obviously that's not about you.

Hurry off to your occupy wall street meeting, you don't want to be late, they're discussing how to restore Communism again today

>> No.964564

It works tho.

I've singlehandedly created numerous /biz/ memes and contributed to shitting up this awful board.

Spending 2 minutes to make a bait thread that gets over 300 posts on /pol/ is fun too

>> No.964569

Are you implying being a homeless bum is a viable alternative? This whole "choose to work" argument is bullshit: would you ever "choose" not to work?

It's illogical bullshit arguments like what you're saying that allow problems like exploitation of employees to continue.

>> No.964571

Market forces generated by a highly successful company like amazon will cause other companies to follow suit. It's clear that you don't even understand basic economics. You shouldn't even be on this board.

>> No.964576

You should be on reddit or occupy wall street, worthless peasant subhuman

>> No.964578

You're going to need some better bait.

I know you're trolling, but I see these fallacious arguments often enough that I'm dispelling them for the sake of improving discussion on /biz/.

>> No.964579

noone is trolling you imbecile

>> No.964582

Then quit calling names and post some arguments!

>> No.964583

I live in Seattle and know plenty of people who work/worked for Amazon and all the rumors are absolutely true. They treat all their workers like shit from their warehouse workers to their corporate programmers.

>> No.964584

I'm going to assume you're not from reddit or participated in occupy wall street for a second.

But how do you expect companies to treat lazy people who regularly fuck up doing the most basic and simple work that anyone can do? With utmost care and respect?

>> No.964589

Don't bother. Most of /biz/ are randroid-tier and think the market is 100% efficient 100% of the time and can do no wrong.

>> No.964590

That's completely unrelated to being generally shitty to your workers. Are you implying that *everyone* at amazon except for Bezos is a complete fuckup and doing a poor job? The performance of their business would suggest otherwise.

>> No.964599

you didn't read my previous arguments, go sell your ass

>> No.964600

If it's doing well then whatever they're doing is clearly working and people will follow suit.

If it works well why change it?

If I can spit on my employees and finger their assholes and they just suck it up and keep working anyway then why would I stop?

>> No.964601

And I responded to them and you chose to reply with namecalling. You gave up.

Post more arguments.

>> No.964603

>Implying it's not true.

I mean, still leagues above /pol/, but /biz/ as a whole has an unhealthy amount of faith in the government.

And no, before you strawman me, I don't have an unhealthy amount of faith in the government.

>> No.964609

read them word for word instead of cherrypicking, you were replying to things i did not say
i don't think so, from the left everyone is to your right and vice-versa friendo

>> No.964612

Do I need to respond to this one? Is it really our end goal to make life as miserable as possible?

>> No.964614

>from the left everyone is to your right and vice-versa friendo
Thanks for doing exactly what I tried to prevent. No. I'm not "from the left". The commentary on Fox and the commentary on MSNBC are equally disgusting to me. If you don't think the political leanings of this board in terms of economics are solidly to the right, you're blind.

>> No.964615

As were you. I'm not letting myself get swayed onto a tangent: I'm sticking with broader economic phenomena that I was originally talking about, rather than your individual case of whether or not you might be able to land a job somewhere else. What you're saying is a distraction from the issue.

>> No.964618


Woodinville checking in, can confirm.

I make 2x as much with 1/4 the stress doing SharePoint consulting.

>> No.964619

We don't have any faith in the government you absolute retard. We want it to be involved as minimally as possible.

You are the one who has faith in the government since you're trying to force regulations on companies...

Who cares? Winners win and losers lose, some faggot will always need to clean the toilets after someone who just took a shit after eating at a nice restaurant.

>> No.964625

So what happens as this cycle progresses and everyone but a small handful of people gets born into loserdom? Because that's where we're headed.

>> No.964627

>solidly to the right,
well you're obviously not, and the other posters in this thread aren't either,
check the other threads, cryptos, gambling etc, they all aren't right wing, not even the investing threads nowadays

>> No.964629

How could that possibly be true? What is your basis for it

>> No.964631

Amazon has how many board members? 20? 30? And how many employees in total?

>> No.964634

What's left wing about those threads?

>> No.964638

the posters

>> No.964642

So what is your solution?

Please enlighten me how you plan on effectively fixing this?(if it even needs to be fixed)

>> No.964647

Could you be more specific? Do they believe in government regulation, higher taxes on the rich, increased social welfare policies, etc?

>> No.964650



>> No.964652

Can you paraphrase it? I'm not going to read a meme website

>> No.964659
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I'm merely raising awareness of a growing problem. Companies like amazon are coming and they're going to just fuck our shit up. More people need to understand the bigger picture of what's going on before we can take action.

>> No.964663

Most people don't want to understand the bigger picture

>> No.964665

Why aren't there any funny conservative satirists out there? I feel like there's plenty to make fun of liberals, but the only thing that comes close is Portlandia.

>> No.964669

How would you even take action? It's just the way the world is.

If you, and they want to take action then start a campaign of people refusing to work for Amazon. Then they would be forced to improve their working conditions since they can't find any employees.

By them continuing to work there and then crying on twitter and using hashtags or whatever they're enabling them. You stupid fucking communist, the free market dictates

>> No.964670

Because conservatives take themselves too seriously (see: that crazy fucker Chick and his "tracts")

>> No.964681

I mean, is that more true than libs, though? There are plenty of SJWs who can't take a joke.

I just feel like every attempt at conservative humor falls flat or feels forced. There's mostly just "X person is bad because duh". Like, I'd love for people to mock Hillary more, but conservatives tend to just make jokes where Hillary IS the punchline, rather than making jokes about her policies or her gaffes.

The only people who make funny jokes about her tend to be liberals like Colbert.

>> No.964684

Too much of the conservative ethos is wrapped up in a unwavering faith that it is some sort of ideological vanguard preventing the very fall of man.

By nature it makes for an excellent target for satire. In contrast, the only defense conservatism can muster is a tired and often hackneyed portrayal of liberals as naive or childish. Short of stepping on its own toes, there's very little it can work with.

>> No.964685



>> No.964686

Okay, so we have different taste. Who do you find funny, anon? If they're a comedian, chances are they're liberal.

>> No.964687


I've actually found /fit/ to be the worst. Accidentally bring up anything with even the most surface-level intellectual heft, and they'll turn into an raving army of Malthusians.

To be fair, this thread is getting awfully close.

>> No.964696

I sure have. Sounds like a shitty place to work for sure. Good thing I worked hard and went to school so I'm not forced into a position of working for them.

I don't give a shit because I love being able to ship my clothes, pop tarts, car parts, and dildos straight to my office with zero hassle and great customer service.

>> No.964698

>We want it to be involved as minimally as possible.
Which is a conservative ideal. Which was my point.

>You are the one who has faith in the government since you're trying to force regulations on companies...
Nice strawman, m80.

>> No.964707

I like Sam Hyde, he's the only comedian I actually care about

Is he liberal?

>> No.964708

first person that said something that was rational and true in the whole thread

>> No.964720

I feel like Bezos et al are fed up with not having robots do everything.

>> No.964726

I'll be starting there in June as a Software Development Engineer I.

From alumni I've spoken to, the high pressure mostly comes in on the business side. Most devs work 40-50h a week.

>> No.964728

How many shekels you getting there?

>> No.964729

Inelastic demand: google it. That, or open any introductory economics textbook. People will work for amazon no matter what.

Undermining your own quality of life for cheap Chinese goods shipped to your door is not the work of a perfectly rational economic actor.

>> No.964733

"Comedian," not "clown."

I have a friend who is a Software Dev. 1. Watch out for the prissy Hawaiian kid with the cocksucker lips.

>> No.964747

What's the difference?

>> No.964749

Your moms pussy is inelastic.

>> No.964750

I wouldn't call him a clown, but I'd call him more of a performance artist. His comedy itself isn't funny. It's the fact that he goes up to TedX people and the like and mocks them to their faces.

>> No.964760

I work at one of amazon's distribution center warehouses as an entry level employee. AMA

>> No.964762

What's it like taking it in the pooper for papa Bezos?

>> No.964767

Well, it's pretty easy work, in my case. I work 10 hour shifts during the daytime. I spend at least half of my hours there leaning on the laptop I'm stationed at while usually reading news articles.

I get 14.50/hr in compensation. Plus full benefits, including stock. Again, I'm an entry level employee.

>> No.964773

How old are you and what are your qualifications?

>> No.964775


there have been workers stealing Pepsi Perfect from shipments right?

>> No.964779

When I got the job, i was 18, a college dropout. - so literally zero qualifications
The current in-direct labor role I serve was given to me 3 months after my employment.
Now I'm 22, back in college.

The DC i work at doesn't get grocery product normally, so I'm not sure. Stealing things from the warehouse i work at would be pretty difficult though.

>> No.964791

I assume you handle some kind of inventory management or distribution job if you're at a computer all day?

Doesn't sound like a bad gig at all. What's the vibe on upward mobility?

>> No.964808

Yep, that's pretty much exactly what I do. However, most of their employees are staring at computer screens all day. The only difference is mine doesn't run linux and can brows freely.

Upward mobility is... well it's crowded. It does help they they expand buildings' capacities and open new ones though. The options are pretty limited with regard to upward moves that aren't just dead ends. I would say It would almost be impossible to break out of the warehouse environment if one were to start from the bottom.

>> No.964811

What region are you in so we can estimate the cost of living.

>> No.964816

US - Indiana/Ohio/Kentucky area

>> No.964851

Absolutely certain. You don't rise to the top being generous to workers.

I don't buy off Amazon however because it's stupidly marked up.

>> No.964919


>> No.964969


They use some kind of external wage survey to determine competitive wages for their hourly warehouse associates, in the US. In my area their starting wage is 11.75/hr - with a full range of health and retirement benefits plus variable pay compensation in addition to the wage, and restricted stock units - requiring literally no skills. I'm not so sure how it works in other countries.

I would say that they're pretty generous, now. However, in the past I've heard it wasn't like this at all.

They also source a significant amount of their labor from Temp. services, which isn't exactly healthy for employees.

>> No.965052


It's on Glassdoor, but 100k plus 20k bonus first year and 2nd year.

>> No.965383

Everything besides the low wage positions pay well at least. I think you need to be a little souless to operate a business that runs 24/7 365.

>> No.965420


> people aren't forced to work, so bad treatment is acceptable

Into the republican-lie-trash you go.

>> No.965422


> the never ending machine of employment abuse rationalized

>> No.965442

you spent money on that? or will you be reselling to morons?

>> No.965448


Don't worry, soon they won't need them.


>> No.965453


yeah I missed out on the first batch that went on sale prematurely, there is a market to resell at a sizeable margin, but I could only get one on the final release and thus that will be going to my gf who wants to keep it

I agree though, $20.15 is too expensive, I mean plus tax too. But then look at people willing to pay more for it on ebay and it looks like pepsi is really keeping it limited

>> No.965499


Current AWS employee. I can pretty much say every story you see about Amazon/AWS is true. I'd also add that the company has layers and layers of management, all focused on their own careers and the "customer focus" the company touts is pretty much a smoke screen. The only time the company is customer focused is when it makes them look bad, and things only change inside the company once it gets tot he point that a VP becomes aware of it. Millions and millions of dollars are spent on projects that start out going no place and end up being the way of getting work done. On the AWS side of things they push building new data centers and getting new racks in, while wasting money on very outdated servers they have to pay out the nose to get parts for or letting servers sit, in some cases for years, costing the company all kinds of money.

>> No.965554

I work for Amazon (PDM) Some of the stories are true - but lets keep in mind that most of those people are given several chances to prove themselves and the most effort they have ever put towards anything regarding to Amazon was a disgruntled e-mail or rant on a shitty blog. Warehouse employees are not real employees. Sorry. Most of you won't have jobs within the next 10 years.

The worst part about Amazon is the retards that HR allow to slip through. That, and the greasy little Indian fucks that walk in and think they are going to change the way Amazon functions, and then cry on their flight back to India because they were useless.

>> No.965562
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>the greasy little Indian fucks that walk in and think they are going to change the way Amazon functions


>> No.965568

not a a bad company actually worked there for a while, company was actually very nice

>> No.965591


you absolute madman, you