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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9645421 No.9645421 [Reply] [Original]

>that 72 year old boomer that mines crypto

>> No.9645438

>4 million USD
That's seriously it? I though McAfee was a really big player. I plan on having more than that just from my wageslave.

>> No.9645457

>McAfee's wealth peaked in 2007 at $100 million, before his investments plummeted in the global financial crisis that began that year.

A-are we gonna make it /bizbros?

>> No.9645458
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nice try you schmuck, suddenly this is his nett worth as a celebrity and it''s coming from year 2015. He sold hiis shit ffor almost 7 billion, has shitton of cryptos which are not evidenced nowhere (why anybody suppose to do that just for bragging? Maybe he is not beta cuck like you to do that just to get ugly dog-eating asian waifu)

BTW this thread is now BRAPPERZ thread and op is obvious fag

>> No.9645503

He blows it all on blow, and hookers shitting in his mouth, Im sure his off the books hookerwarchest is bigger then the marketcap of all your shitcoins combined, son

>> No.9645527

Do you really think he's the kind of guy to publicly display his net worth? Mcafee is megachad and is probably holding more USDT than ur grandmas floppy moot

>> No.9645537

The guy would be a billionaire if he wasn't such a fuck up. 4mil isn't even impressive for a guy who has his name on one of the world's most popular antivirus.

>> No.9645596

>poorfag lolbertarian boomer that tweets about crypto

/biz will defend this

>> No.9646432

He has how many bodyguards? Like 5?

He has to pay at least 2 million / year for them alone

>> No.9646466

Why would anyone wanna kill him? Who would benefit from him dying? Other antiviruses? but his antivirus would still exist even if he died, it's not like he maintains it.

>> No.9646476

made money from internet boom
makes money from crypto boom

boomers gonna boom

>> No.9646546
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>mcafee bought high and sold low
>now he shills the fuck out of the ponzi scheme that is crypto in a desperate attempt to get it back

>> No.9646551

He's a fucking joke

>> No.9646581

The viruses want revenge. Sure it won't get rid of the antivirus, but wouldn't it feel pretty good to kill the guy who fucked your whole life up even if it didn't resolve anything?

>> No.9646648

Mcafee charged 25 BTC for his coin of the day picks

>> No.9646667
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He is now pumping BTCP tradesatoshi and the declaration of crypto independence

>> No.9647154

not giving away BCC :DDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.9647164

Is McAfee virgin or does he have wife /family?

>> No.9647185


>> No.9647264

Deepest lore

>> No.9647271

He married a prostitute

>> No.9647273

>tfw higher net worth than mcaffe

>> No.9647311
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>> No.9647315

A nigger whore with a nigger son.

>> No.9647526

lol he's a shit business man, but he probably made the $ back shilling shitcoins

>> No.9647576
File: 1.66 MB, 332x332, cutiechoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

john is a fucking riot to hang out with, and I wish he was my dad
according to him he created the entire hooker shitting in his mouth thing and encouraged it as an inside joke with his circle of close friends
that whole interview with the teenage hookers documentary bullshit? all him, and I believe it too
the man has made and lost more money than 99.999% of people will ever see in their lifetime, and has led a very interesting life