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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9641252 No.9641252 [Reply] [Original]

It was a good rush while it lasted.
After some bad trades, I was convinced to gamble my holdings (gambled, not bitmex) as a last resort.

I literally flushed everything I had down the fucking drain chasing the dream.

I didn't want to live a large life. Just a comfortable one.

A life where I didn't have to worry about next months rent, or my phone getting cut off.. getting loans from friends and partners just to stay afloat till next month... till next month...

I'm feeling not with it right now.. a little lethargic?

If I died right now, I'd be happy.. I wouldn't have to end my life like a coward.. but here I am.. ready to meet my maker.. thinking about the most painless way to do it... I've suffered enough and out enough people through my shit...

So many people before me died.. and they had much more promising lives then I ever had... why make me suffer??

I'm not religious by any means, I have no idea what happens when someone dies, nor will I care cause I'll be Fucking dead....

It pains me to think about the few people that do actually care about me and potentially value my life, but they'll move on.. just like everybody else does.

My car was repoed this morning, power getting cut tomorrow along with mobile... rent is due..
I'm fucked

I'm fucked I'm fuckin tired. I'm just so fucking tired oh my fuck I'm tired. Please. My only wish is that I would have a fucking heart attack and die.

I don't know if I can muster up the courage to off myself so I expect I'll be around in the chat for a while if anybody wants to chat...

>> No.9641313
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Sort yourself out

>> No.9641335


Learn to program Python with me nigger

it's our only hope outside of WAGEKEKIN til DEATH

>> No.9641334

Now this is the kind of shit I was looking for.

Thanks anon, I honestly couldn't say where I've been the last few months because it's just been a whirlwind of bullshit, I've known for months I need to sort my shit out. But I just Fucking can't. Why the fuck not

>> No.9641344

I'm actually down. Create a discord and send the inv code

>> No.9641390


Learn something new, I'm learning TA right now and it feels fucking amazing when you see all the pieces coming together

>> No.9641397

Ahh sorry friend but I'll have to pass on that one.

Thanks for the idea though.

>> No.9641401
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Atleast you healthy
Even if me of make it, will die soon after
Ugh just type that make me feel sick >.>

>> No.9641406

its not that I'm lacking in skills, I have two trades and the mind of a business man.
I'm lacking motivation to live, to work, to just be a person.
I forget who I was...

>> No.9641418

I'd be interested as well

>> No.9641426

im really sorry, If I could help you I would.

I do have good health, so I have that going for me...

>> No.9641448

That's why I was specific about learning something new. I finally understand the people that are willing to get by on getting paid next to nothing because they get to "do what they love" for a living. I absolutely love trading, and it's making me solid cash. Crypto is wonderful for this, even when it's a bear market you just short.

>> No.9641472
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>> No.9641474

Well I do love what I do, just the last 5 years are finally catching up to me. I've been burned out for over a year and struggling since.

When I do get a job, I am more then happy to work it at a cheap rate just because I'm happy to be doing the work. But in the meantime I need to operate, find new leads and pursue them, do the work and finances.

I've been doing 4 men's work and it has me mentally ruined.

>> No.9641501

Are you interested in joining a discord channel? I'm learning TA as well and we can help each other out. I'm also writing a trading bot that hopefully will execute profitable trades.

>> No.9641506
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you're lucky though. You won't have to kill youself like the rest of us.

>> No.9641510

How is Death Even Real Nigga Haha Just Breathe Nigga Lmao Just Get Up And Walk it Off Haha

>> No.9641519

Post proof and I’ll pay some of your bills.

>> No.9641521

Listen to your own advice then, dude.

You need to figure out how to delegate the other aspects of your job that you don't love

Sounds good, hit me up.

>> No.9641546

39KvbA here

>> No.9641561

This is my problem, I'm completly aware of what's going on, and essentially why, but I'm just like broken and can't function.. is this what depression is like? should I be medicated???

>> No.9641574

Fuck anon, I'm not here to beg.. more so to vent.. but I'm literally so desperate now... what do you need as proof?

>> No.9641636

You want to fucking make it?
You think that it's a meme when people say that all you need to make it is one bitcoin?
if not, then do you think you can handle living under heavy debt for a while, with the guarantee that it will all pay off?
read pic related, watch the above video.
i fucking guarantee you, anon.
i fucking guarantee you, you will be rich.
if you're not rich in a year—two years, TOPS—
THEN you can kill yourself.
if it's this or suicide, you have nothing to lose.

>> No.9641647
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fucking broken-ass mobile browser

>> No.9641670



Not the other guy but I’m learning rn and I made us a comfy chat

>> No.9641688

Well put it this way, you're in a bad way just now but you're not doing anything about it. You've continued this way for a while til it's brought you to this point where you're asking for help figuring out your situation.

Help is often viewed as a weakness in society but that's inherently incorrect, it's a huge sign of strength which you need to acknowledge isn't the trait of someone talking of killing themself.

You need to shake this whole killing yourself thing, especially posting it on 4Chan where you've got a high chance you'll get replies of people telling you to do it.

Look up Psycho Cybernetics, you need to reprogram your view of life, emotions, drive. At very least you need to have a paradigm shift.

And I've spent time typing all this shit up so you at very least spend some time trying to figure it out for yourself.

>> No.9641697

so fucking kill yourself then, and stop shitting up 4chan with your crybaby non issues

>> No.9641701

Holy shit wtf how did I redditspace the shit out of that fuck

>> No.9641738

Haha your a good person, and have certainly earned my respect.

I don't want to kill myself, it's just literally all my mind is thinking about right now, but it has taken quite amount of buildup before I could ask anybody for help.

I don't think I want to kill myself, but when people ask me to hang out Ina few days etc, I respond with "if I'm around" as if I don't see where I'll be tomorrow afternoon.

I remember dreaming far ahead in life...

Anyways, thank you for your support anon.

>> No.9641743

Invest the rest into Bitcoin Cash.

Its worth a shot if BCH flips BTC.

>> No.9641758
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Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.9641805

Answer all these 1 by 1 for me please

Would you shake that feeling if you just won a scratch card and had


>> No.9641854

OP, Make a throwaway email and post it here in response to this Anon. Tell them to do likewise and get in contact. Send proof but nothing that could give away sensitive info. What's the worst that can happen?

Unironically (and I mean it) the best pep talk I have ever seen on 4chan. That shit came from the heart, and was expressed in ways far better than anything I could come up with.

Don't take the kindness of these Anons for granted, OP. If you're still alive you still have time to at least try a different approach to sorting yourself out. Good luck.

>> No.9641905

5k would clear my debt and give me another month of rent to figure my shit out.

>> No.9641929

Sorry I could have made a response to all of them.. 1k would keep the debt at bay for a couple more weeks, 5k would do as I said.
10k would allow me to take a couple months of training somewhere to up my game.
25k would allow me to reset and make a down payment on a home.
50k would do the same just bigger downpayment for lower mortgage
100k would buy some new equipment, downpayment on the home and allow me to do what I truely love at a proper pace and then I could put out work that's worth 110% of what the client payed.

>> No.9641981


It's a throwaway.

>> No.9642065

So the cash is your mental hurdle. It's preventing you from stepping forwards. Spend every second from now in the mind space as if you had that money in the bank.

Just seen this reply as I was typing, perfect.

Imagine it's the 1k, every second from this moment on you have that 1k in the bank buying you that extra time.

What do you need to do? What are your options? Get started right now and don't stop. There's bad stress and good stress. It's all down to your paradigm. Make this good stress - build something with this time, improve yourself and your thinking.

Watch this OP. Explains how a shift in your paradigm can make something hard into something easy just by changing your perspective. It's seriously life changing stuff.


If anyone else is reading this and struggling with life or anything else - apply the ideologies to your own situation. We're all gonna make it brahs.

>> No.9642129

OP, I'm going to sleep - You'll figure this out, I'm sure of it. Hope to see an update post from you the coming days dude.

Same goes for anyone else. Don't let that feeling take over, you're capable of being much, much more.

>> No.9642176

Thanks much my friend. I'll spend the night thinking about all of it.

>> No.9642223

Walk into Canada and claim you're a gay refugee.

>> No.9642322

You should have applied gocang's principle. Sorry anon

>> No.9642642
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The psychology of the gamber is not that he's chasing wins. It's that he's slowly throwing his money away, because it's in that moment that he feels most alive.
The dizzying heights and modern life kept you in a euphoria that your body didn't like anon.