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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 71 KB, 922x524, 1527437829276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9640767 No.9640767 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow stinky linkies, I thought it would be a good idea to give anyone with insider information about the chainlink project a chance to speak up and let us know what will happen. Go ahead, you have the mic:

>> No.9640790
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Thank you anon.
I work for a big financial corporation.
Won't say which one though as that would give my identity away.
In fact I just got out of a private meeting today.
A few bankers and some guys from Cornell and MIT.
Basically $1000 eoy confirmed.
Fill your bags frens.

>> No.9640806
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Jesus Christ himself told me yesterday that chainlink would be worth $1000 by the end of the year.

He also looked suspiciously like Sergey

>> No.9640816

ari jules here, i'm gonna make all you retarded neets so fucking rich. enjoy, boys.

>> No.9640831

I just got back from a meeting with the Iluminati. The whole agenda was about Chainlink. Rest assured, $1000 EOY.

>> No.9640839

I work for a bank and I thought of a great use case today. I’m not telling though because I’m actually going to build the service and really fucking /makeit/..

.. but basically there are a whole lot of issues with verification in consumer credit in Australia and decentralized oracles can fix all (if not most) of them

>> No.9640852

Can you give us any clues as to what topics were discussed?

What are the best cities in Oz? Been itching to go

>> No.9640868


>> No.9640926

>you have the mic

Stumbles onto stage. Takes mic, drops big mac carton and wipes hand on shirt staring blankly, drops mic. Thud. Echoing feedback. Makes for exit and falls off stage, wanders back and forth and then disappears through stage exit to sound of thunderous belch..

Silence, some sobbing sounds from audience. Then a scream and a gun shot. An anon at the back live streaming just shot himself as he was all in. The crowd is evacuated. As they evacuate though the lobby a body is seen hurtling downwards to land head first on the pavement. Another all in. The crowd is hurled outside, a scream as one throws itself under a passing bus. A moan of despair moves through the crowd.

A black merc passes the tinted windows rolls down, a thunderous belch is heard and another empty big mac carton is slung out. It lands on an anons face. There is silence. It is over. Someone starts passing out plastic cups. The time has come, OP wanders back and forth passing the kool aid, soon it will be over. Soon they will be at peace, they will in spirit follow the black merc, circling the convention centre after it eternally until one by one they are reborn as prajeets. Thuds as the bodies begin to hit the pavement, some crying, some singing 'stinky linky' though tears. Its over a cluster of bodies and the sound of silence with sirens echoing distantly.

>I just got back from a meeting with the Iluminati.

Has rob got that tenner he owes me yet?

>He also looked suspiciously like Sergey

That is an unemployed slav with a beard. They generally all look alike.

>ari jules
The crypto fairy. Fairy as in homosexual

>> No.9640942


>> No.9640956
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I am thinking of using my companys hackathon to shill chainlink to business people. I work at a big financial company (top 20 if not top 10 in the usa)

>> No.9640960

What if?
There are no announcements
Because there is no news

>> No.9640962


>> No.9640973

>I work at a big financial company (top 20 if not top 10 in the usa)

enjoy your employers wrath if true
Not true though, neet dreamer

>> No.9640982
File: 3.42 MB, 3740x2696, Benjamin_Franklin_-_Join_or_Die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it, tell them to hold through 2019

>> No.9640995


I saw it all in a dream after eating a two day old tandoori chicken pizza and passing out. I awoke skaking, it was so real, I turned on the 486 and started posting using AOL immediately

>> No.9641003

>do it, tell them to hold through 2019

I recommend holding until 2090. This will give you long enough to forget about it via senility/Parkinson's/Alzheimer's

>> No.9641011
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>> No.9641013
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Thank you

>> No.9641015


>> No.9641031

Note even joking. I invested the singularity meme purely because I found a few pics while making memes. Can prove.

>> No.9641040

My financial company likes blockchain. If we find a new system that allows us to fire 250 (maybe 500?) cobol developers, analysts, project managers, the business would jizz their pants.

>> No.9641044
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Like this u c

>> No.9641053
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is it dawning on you lot yet?

>> No.9641063

was there talk of team rocket being related to chainlink before articles about their new protocols were published?

>> No.9641066

The horror the horror...all true

and the evolution one.

>> No.9641068

Even if you're being honest that doesn't mean it won't moon.

>> No.9641081

>If we find a new system that allows us to fire 250 (maybe 500?) cobol developers, analysts, project managers, the business would jizz their pants.

Like maybe..a relational database you larping twat? But you think...hummm a completely batshit insane irrelevant unprooven crypto project instead because, what, you are a brainlet?

>> No.9641085

>Even if you're being honest that doesn't mean it won't moon.

Sure and I might win the lotto. Might, should have, could have, you could have been a contender brah etc.

>> No.9641108


It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.9641115
File: 34 KB, 633x758, 1516131290388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-he was just a little early, right?

>> No.9641127

What you need to reflect on here gentlemen, is who's ass and indeed the implications of that aforementioned ass being blasted.

The answer is yours and indeed they have been. Thank you all for playing. Please come again.

>> No.9641132

two things, first I am the Kind of Delphi, Delphi was sergeys idea to keep the board occupied during this lead up to main net, everything was planned all the way down to astrolarp.

Second, everything you have thought and more is about to come true. Swift, IBM, DocuSign, Salesforce, Microsoft, Zepplin OS, Facebook, Walmart, Dozens of big banks, and all of the retail and online payment processors/select credit cards will use chainlink as the backdoor to all of their dlt and smartcontract needs. 1k EOY.

>> No.9641146

>the Kind of Delphi

I slid into you and blasted. I left you shaking.

>> No.9641154

>everything you have thought and more

Livestream an heros?

>> No.9641194


>> No.9641207

mcblastro you con of a bitch

>> No.9641253

My girlfriend works for one of the board member banks at SWIFT’s headquarters in Brussels.

Can’t say much, but let’s just say Chainlink holders are in for a BIG surprise.

>> No.9641256

But seriously. Chainlink has been working with central banks worldwide to replace al existing contracts or energy. Of course all this is being done in secret with the cover being switf. The French have demanded that everything is translated into French. So that is now done using google translator. A few glitches have to be ironed out and then the price meme will happen and you will ALL be BILLIONAIRES as central banks being buying chainlink to run the global economy. I can't say anymore, the sell of you will see this week down to 25 is just a preparation for the buy in.

>> No.9641268

>Chainlink holders are in for a BIG surprise.

Ya. Its just a shitty little prizes for the kiddies project winner. Next week sergey will win the Texas Baptist high school science far too

>> No.9641276

Is she thot?
Pic or it never happened.

>> No.9641284

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.9641309

>thanks just bought 100k

You'd better move fast before only central banks own it. This is why the team are so quiet. They will get executed if they speak. All PM and energy, commodities and trillions of dollars in contracts will move via this shitty little unproven crypto project and you are early investors. You're the brightest an the quickest and the most internets, your l33t. You saw that happening as a possible reality.

>> No.9641322

Nice, astro is back.

>> No.9641328

a good surprise, I hope?

>> No.9641363

Him? A mere wet fart. A nothing this is the real deal.

>Stumbles onto stage. Takes mic, drops big mac carton and wipes hand on shirt staring blankly, drops mic. Thud. Echoing feedback. Makes for exit and falls off stage, wanders back and forth and then disappears through stage exit to sound of thunderous belch.. Silence, some sobbing sounds from audience. Then a scream and a gun shot. An anon at the back live streaming just shot himself as he was all in. The crowd is evacuated. As they evacuate though the lobby a body is seen hurtling downwards to land head first on the pavement. Another all in. The crowd is hurled outside, a scream as one throws itself under a passing bus. A moan of despair moves through the crowd. A black merc passes the tinted windows rolls down, a thunderous belch is heard and another empty big mac carton is slung out. It lands on an anons face. There is silence. It is over. Someone starts passing out plastic cups. The time has come, OP wanders back and forth passing the kool aid, soon it will be over. Soon they will be at peace, they will in spirit follow the black merc, circling the convention centre after it eternally until one by one they are reborn as prajeets. Thuds as the bodies begin to hit the pavement, some crying, some singing 'stinky linky' though tears. Its over a cluster of bodies and the sound of silence with sirens echoing distantly.

>I can't say anymore, the sell off you will see this week down to .25 is just a preparation for the buy in.

>> No.9641372

For you. Only pain.

>> No.9641441

Is it worth the waiting for?
If we live for eighty four
All we ever get is justed!
Every day we say our prayer --
Will they change the bill of fare?
Still we get the same old wojack!
There's not a nameag, not a mobius can we find,
Can we beg, can we borrow, or cadge,
But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill
When we all close our eyes and imagine
memes, glorious memes!
Hot chainlink and jsons!
While we're in the mood --
Cold bigmacs and bathrooms!
Bot pumping and sergeys
What next is the question?
Rich gentlemen have it, boys --
internet money!
memes Glorious memes
We're anxious to try it
Three postings a day
Our favorite thread
Just picture a great big beard
Samefagged, replied, or OP'd
Oh memes! magical memes! wonderful
memes! marvelous memes!

>> No.9641445

Iron hands iron man

My linky stay super stinky $1,000 eoy

>> No.9641446

Melbourne, Perth and Hobart

>> No.9641462
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>Won't say which one though as that would give my identity away.

>> No.9641477
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>> No.9641494

check 'em

>> No.9641516

Right now is the time to buy
Out of nowhere we will moon
Really good partnerships incoming
You need to buy some Link

>> No.9641534

>Out of nowhere we will moon

Drive by mooning
A mooning assault on innocent pedestrians or drivers. An assault occurs when the passengers bare their bottoms out of a car window whilst slapping their bare cheeks making loud noises. The driver will normally honk his horn to gain the victims’ attention.

There are a few types of drive by moonings. A regular drive by mooning will be a prearranged assault on a selected location. Mooning hotspots are places where large amounts of people congregate for maximum eyeful of bum.

Another type is the spontaneous mooning. This occurs on people out walking. The driver will slow to allow the mooners to disrobe as they rush to bare their bottoms before the target is reached.

>> No.9641540

Another form is the double bum offensive. This is when there is more than 1 passenger in the car. 2 people allows for both sides of the car to be covered allowing for mooning on the port or starboard sides.

If 1 passenger is in the shotgun position (front passenger seat) it allows targets to be greeted by 2 sets of shit cannons (bums) if the target is on the correct side of the car. 1 bottom from the front and 1 from the back. When 2 bottoms are bared, this is referred to as a 'Full Moon'.

There are occasions especially on a spontaneous moon that the mooners will not be able to get their pants down in time for a full-on 100% moon. If the mooners are unable to open the window in time or fully expose their bottoms, this is known as a 'Half Moon'. A half moon is regarded as a FAIL in the mooning community.
"I was happily drinking outside the pub when I heard a car honking. I turned around to find that I had been drive by mooned"

"I was eating my hotdog quite contently until I looked up and saw a car. Low and behold, I was the victim of a full moon. The full moon reminds me of cheese so I went an gorged myself on some full blown cheddar and now I'm the size of a garden shed. That full moon made me obsese!"

>> No.9641556

The only way this could have been better is if you has all been epileptic
You've all been gooned. Goodnight and sweet dreams.

>> No.9641564

that you bud?

>> No.9641579

>that you bud?

He's out back having a piss.

>> No.9641601

That you son?

>> No.9641653

oh fug