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File: 2.29 MB, 3955x2962, 85936C7A-503F-49CD-B765-E25D472FEF08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9640514 No.9640514 [Reply] [Original]

Just cashed out some of my BTC and bought a new apartment in Chicago. You guys jealous?

>> No.9640540

How much did it cost? How many sq?

>> No.9640559



>> No.9640564

Is that a double bed?


>> No.9640568

Also putting a bed that close to a window is fucking terrifying.
I get window studio apartments but i would atleast like a bed facing the inner walls of the building.

>> No.9640570

I download walls of /wg/ too

>> No.9640571

I'm from kenilworth. 20 miles north of Chicago on Lake Michigan.

2nd richest zip code in America. 250k median income where the poor side of town has 1 million dollar homes.

No Jews or blacks allowed in kenilworth either which is why it is so exclusive.

Stay poor Chicago anon

>> No.9640576

>just cashed out some btc

at the fucking bottom LOL

>> No.9640578

>that sofa so you can stare out at the city and contemplate your crushing loneliness

>> No.9640579

nice single bed you fucking virgin

>> No.9640598

So you bought an apartment in one of the biggest shit holes in the united states?.

>> No.9640609

nice op. don't listen to these basement dwellers. that apartment is nice asf but your furniture is child tier. my apartment is dogshit but i have nice furniture

>> No.9640614

>Bought an apartment
In America we call them condos

>> No.9640629 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9640640

i agree, i live in an unfinished basement and jealous of OP

>> No.9640654

>cashed out the bottom
>bought an APARTMENT
>entire building can be demolished at anytime

congrats... I guess?

>> No.9640655

I thought the Northern Suburbs of Chicago was Jew Mecca?

>> No.9640666

> thinking this is the bottom

Anon, I...

>> No.9640674


Enjoy subsidising the very niggers that will probably end up robbing and murdering you

>> No.9640675

Just stay out of the bad parts

>> No.9640681

awesome apartment, congrats anon. I'm scared of heights so I would nope out of there very fast.

>> No.9640687

It is... the high school new trier has 5 feeder towns into it and the high school is 50% Jewish.

When I was young and moved in with my family in 1984 the real estate agent asked if we were Jews. Which you can get sued for now.

One black dude I went to high school with who lived in Glencoe said the real estate agent pushed them away from kenilworth even tho the family obv had the money to live in kenilworth since glencoe/winnetka is almost just as rich.

>> No.9640697

Real estate agent asked my mom if we were Jews is what I meant to say. I was just born around that time.

>> No.9640701

800,000 and it’s about 1,800 square feet it’s right on Michigan Ave

>> No.9640704
File: 42 KB, 1555x306, YourFuture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell your bitcoins at the bottom
>buy some shitty real estate
>realize you could have bought said shitty real state with just 1 BTC 2 years from now
>proceed to kill oneself

>> No.9640715

Nice picture


>> No.9640728

I just treat all black people with respect none of them have ever bothered me they realize I’m a liberal just like them and I fight for their rights

>> No.9640732

Fuck how did you find my Reddit account delete this now

>> No.9640741

I'm trying to figure out where that is based on the buildings around it but I don't know the Loop well enough

Anyways why would you buy in the Loop? There are some incredibly comfy houses in Lincoln Park/Lakeview and Wicker/further west have really cool cozy houses too. I don't think I'd ever want to live in the noisy, dirty Loop. It's a cool place to work but I don't think I'd want to live there.

Kenilworth and Evanston are nice but you're paying a fortune just to live in the area. Unless your family is already from old wealth there's no reason to ever move there.

Plus there's something cool about living in the city rather than being a dumbass suburbanite who rides the purple line down for a Cubs game and is afraid of his own shadow if he goes further south than Howard.

>> No.9640749

satan no...

>> No.9640765

>the high school is 50% Jewish.

Jesus Christ that sounds terrible. I'm glad the goyim still have enclaves.

>> No.9640769

Sounds great think of all the networks you could do

>> No.9640777

Kenilworth is the enclave. No Jews or nigs allowed. Hence the exclusivity and 2nd richest zip code in America ranking

>> No.9640780



>> No.9640793


/pol/ please go, as a professional in a financial center the one thing you will understand is that diversity is key to success in any business

>> No.9640796

Cities are fucking concrete jungles, the country is much better.

Kenilworth is literally the most beautiful suburb in America.

I've lived in Chicago area most of my life. The city of Chicago is a fucking shithole now compared to even just 20-25 years ago.

Spicks are fucking EVERYWHERE. All that crime and shit was contained to the south side forever. Now even lake view and Lincoln park are relatively somewhat dangerous.

And the people suck. All socialist scum.

Chicago is not a good place to live anymore

>> No.9640824

What is there to do in the country, go smoke some meth with billy bob and then go tip some cows

In Chicago I have an endless supply of world class food and entertainment. Sure it’s a little more expensive but it’s worth it to not have Dairy Queen be the only restaurant in a 10 mile radius

>> No.9640826

Lol i was gonna give OP props, but its a larp.

>> No.9640827

Interesting. As well all know black people are known for their honor and loyalty. I'm sure that will work out well for you

>> No.9640832

Liberals literally own the cities and run them. The economic and social economic policies have had their bootheels in the necks of the poor black community for decades.

Look how ruined these black kids are listening to their poison rap. 50 years ago they listened to uplifting shit like earth wind and fire and Patti Labelle.

Clintons telecom act destroyed all black radio station owners on purpose so they could usher in the poison they feed them now.

All the features of traditional slavery are in place in black inner city ghettos. They are just enslaved by social programs now... by design.

To be honest... if you have me the option to be born a black baby tomorrow on the south side of Chicago in 2018.... or be born a black baby on a plantation in the south in the 1850's... I'd literally take my chances being born on a traditional slave farm in the 19th century then be born in the filthy ghettos today

>> No.9640833

Chicago...broke...enjoy your massive property taxes.

T. Former Illinois police state resident

>> No.9640834

I live in Aurora? Can I come over right now? Looking to either smoke or drink and pick up broads. Down?

>> No.9640846

It's just taste my friend. It's just so much nicer and freer in the country. I want to buy a place in lake wawasee in north eastenrish Indiana. Absolutely gorgeous there.

The middle of the country is great.

Justin Bieber was asked by a kid reporter what his favorite place to visit on tour... you know which place he said? Tulsa Oklahoma.

There's plenty to do there and you can live right outside the town in a nice exclusive suburb and be totally happy.

Living in a fucking apartment 30 floors up just absolutely sounds like living in a prison

>> No.9640854

Im at Hollywood casino right now. Playing poker.

>> No.9640858


I don’t waste my time arguing with Drumpfkins

>> No.9640859

Go pick up hoes at Ballydoyles

>> No.9640865

I like in s small town in the middle of basically nowhere, all there is to do is workout constantly and drink. The only restaurants are all chains and a few over priced hole in the wall places that charge $10 for a chicken sandwich that doesnt include frys... couple of music halls that are just glorified bars and they only play country... oh and you can go shooting all the time but that is pricey unless you reload your own ammo.

>> No.9640872

right? imagine the first week after moving in, you are high as fuck one night at 4 am 3/4ths asleep and you roll over like you were used to in your old bed, then have a heart attack
it also pairs really really well with the falling dreams everyone has

>> No.9640877

live in a small town*

>> No.9640883

Yeah typical uneducated liberal who can't argue back with substance and has to use stupid ad hominems like a 3rd grader...

Eewwww I hate trump! The Orange cheeto! Liberals have the lowest standards ever for comedy.

Why the fuck you think liberals want illegal Spicks here so badly? Unironically they want to keep their white privilege while the Spicks serve them. Then they unironically call the right white supremacists for wanting to keep them out.

It's the liberals who want the cheap labor to be the white supremacists

>> No.9640896

What town? I mean obviously there are pros and cons to county be city life.... I just think that country life is better. And I'm from Chicago.

Cities are being flooded with 3rd world trash. The time to get out is now.

>> No.9640911

Been there many times. Ride the moto there all the time.
Looking to throw down. How long will you be there?

>> No.9640914

Greeley colorado, this area aint much better I still have mexicans with neck tats all over town... lots of drugs flow through this town.. this is the town criminals go to where they think they wont be found.

>> No.9640915

Open borders will increase world GDP by 200%

>> No.9640933

Yeah I’m down to party, I’m a power bottom just so you know. Got any dick pics?

>> No.9640943

That doesn't mean people would be any wealthier. Study Econ faggot

>> No.9640967


Wait you're gay? Lol cmon anon. I'm straight as a ruler

>> No.9641078

it's a stock pic that has been posted in several larps, you brainlet

>> No.9641101

I can confirm this. I'm losing my mind living in LA

>> No.9641106

>le master ruser
while you fellate yourself over "tricking" /biz/lets, there's a thousand twitter accounts posting more offensive shit they believe wholeheartedly

>> No.9641117


not surprised cause you are another dumbass north shore fag, but you are extremely off with your comment about all of chicago turning into a shithole. i dont even know where to begin

so many northside neighborhoods have changed since i was a kid into affluent areas

bucktown, logan square, west town, etc etc etc

> Lincoln Park is dangerous

KYS you are worse than the actual faggots in lakeview

you have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.9641128
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Agreed, definitely a dope place but child tier furniture. I bought a huge sectional couch off Wayfair for 2500, they fucked up the side i wanted the chaise on and refunded me and shipped me an entire replacement. So i have two of these put together, 5k worth of couch. The thing is 30 feet long and with side by side 6ft chaises. Shits ill. Comfy as fuck.

>> No.9641141

>u jelly?

Not even a little bit, enjoy getting robbed twice on your way to get shot.

>> No.9641158
File: 942 KB, 1164x1062, race_breakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we keep clear segregation lines, dont be fooled

>> No.9641211

>be OP
>be such a brainlet you think niggers give a shit that you're a liberal faggot

Unironically kys. You think Jamal gives a shit that you support BLM? Do you think because you've been brainwashed into having white guilt that Tyrone isn't going to rob you and blow your brains out afterwards? How did being liberal and being down with the brothaz help the white "Malcom X scholar" professor who went to Haiti and got raped by over 50 men in one night?

Enjoy making the 6pm news when they find your body full of bullet holes behind a dumpster.

>> No.9641238

hope you enjoy paying 1200 monthly hoa fees for the rest of your life

>> No.9641240


>> No.9641246

>key to success

Brainlet confirmed

>> No.9641286

I don't like the implication that diversity is achieved through having different races/genders in a group, because it suggests that people of the same race/gender think similarly. You could have a company of nothing but white males who hold more diverse views than another company with every race/gender combination.

>> No.9641951

What rights are you fighting for? Blacks have had the same rights as everyone else for the past ~60 years.

>> No.9641971

You could have bought yourself a mansion but you sold early. Sorry for you mate.

Chicago is a shithole anyways so enjoy.

>> No.9641989

Umm read a book sweetie I don’t argue with drumkfkins

>> No.9641990

No because in a Spiderman 3 type situation you're going to fall to your death in your sleep.

>> No.9642004

I don't understand how some people think living this way is comfy. It looks depressing.

>> No.9642035


Daily reminder that "I just sold" fags are LARPing and want you to sell to buy lower.

>> No.9642053

you paid 800,000 for that? jesus fuck man you could have bought a mansion on 10 acres in some beautiful rural area

>> No.9642068

>small bed

You're doing great bud keep it up

>> No.9642074

Dude that's a shitty looking apartment Lmao

>> No.9642080
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>cashing out at bottom

>> No.9642085

good choice, btc going sub 6k this week

>> No.9642126

fucking kek

>> No.9642152
File: 182 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180528-044626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you are a larping faggot and this is weak bait. But anyone who is unironically replying as if you aren't fucking around is the real retard here.

>> No.9642175

why would you cash out now anon? idgi

>> No.9642182
File: 185 KB, 500x500, scrub tier oc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really...

>> No.9642193

>that feeling when your bed is in your living room
>that feeling when your bed is literally surrounded by 10k windows of other people's houses and offices

>> No.9642199

LOL yeah totally. Just let in 5th grade educated mongoloid illiterate Spicks and wealth will just increase.

Your buying propaganda from the state who fed you the "equality" meme which just means everyone is equally pour except the elite.

Why do you think white elites and Jews want them here so badly? Because then they can enslave the planet with whites out of the way.

Every Spick and Muslim country is a hellhole because these uneducated people lean socialist which easily allows dictators to exploit them.

And that's what TPTB want here and in Europe too.... so they flood the civilized nations with 3rd World trash. Since it is only whites who understand and believe in freedom

>> No.9642209



>> No.9642210

it's all bad parts

>> No.9642211


That shit is rented as fuck. Nice single bed loser

>> No.9642213

lol bucktown Logan square are fucking Spick infested shitholes now. Not literally but it's getting there.

Inironcally the hipster white faggots in these neighborhoods are worse than niggers

>> No.9642217

You sleep in a twin? What are you fucking 12?

>> No.9642225

What's everyone's thoughts on this gocang's principle?

>> No.9642232

Based. Faggot hipster whites are actually a million times worse than the niggers and Spicks who want to kill us. Conquest is as old as the hills... it's the white faggots who have been indoctrinated into this diversity bullshit by the like media that are the problem in America. Niggers and Spicks wanting to take us over I can at least respect.

>> No.9642731

is pic related?

>> No.9642949

The question no one asked, it’s probably a different place than this id never post an outward view of my place in a large city

>> No.9642957



>> No.9642987

that window is basically a door to gravity

>> No.9642998

on what

>> No.9643010

Did something similar but with a multi unit vacation property in a high demand area. Also put a decent amount into https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.9643032

>Having a pillar in the way when you try to get out of bed
End yourself.

>> No.9643153

lol no

>> No.9643209







>> No.9643215

Why in the fuck would you live in the city if you had fuck you money/

>> No.9643225

Nobody in big cities cares about bed sizes. Space is at a premium.

>> No.9643231

Nah man, congrats tho

>> No.9643233



>> No.9643240

>bed on a frame, linens are made

Not going to make it.

>> No.9643253

Congrats on being normal.

>> No.9643262





>> No.9643278

>living in a big city

>> No.9643282


omfg. I was going to come up with something, but this wins the thread.

>> No.9643312

Asians really are the smartest race. Whites eternally BTFO

>> No.9643390


You persons don't have rights

>> No.9643435

>mfw you sold your AMB for a single bed

>> No.9643485
File: 21 KB, 315x327, iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a shitty apartment in a shitty city
>with coins that will be worth 2.5x+ what they are now by the end of the year
>a double bed

What the fuck man, your 'sick pad' doesn't even have any walls, if you are having a nightmare about your bad decision to dump now and thrash around, you might break through the window and fall dozens of storeys to your untimely end.

>> No.9643509


>> No.9643571

>the virgin double bed

>> No.9643647
File: 263 KB, 1080x1701, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good thing. The weak hands being shaken out now mean more stability in the future.

>> No.9643665

i am not jealous, OP. I chose not to live in a city

>> No.9643777

> buys an overpriced apartment in a shithole city
> doesn't even pick one with a bedroom large enough for king size
You made this thread as a brag but you just ended up roasting yourself.
Stay hopeful everyone - the OP is living proof that any complete retard can make a lot of money in crypto.

>> No.9643894
File: 109 KB, 569x822, OKAYFAGGOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet, you posted this image almost two years ago, before the bull run last year.

How do you not know image search exists?


>> No.9643914

Are you seriously that retarded, that you think they can just tear down a highrise you own a condo or apartment in? "Hurrrr at any time". Yeah, that's not how it fucking works, you fucking mouthbreathing moron.

It's not even a real post, which makes your waterheaded post even worse.

>> No.9643919

everyone can see you, how do you jerk off?