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9640192 No.9640192 [Reply] [Original]

>Why are so few women buying into Bitcoin
Come on

>> No.9640201


it must be men's fault

>> No.9640202

Literally who.

>> No.9640232

Because they have to make it some sort of issue and the fault of men rather than admit that women are extremely risk-averse and boring normies that only do things when all the men are doing them.

>> No.9640264

Because blockchain is WEIRD AND CREEPY
This is like asking why don't women code or start websites or use email in 1993. Because even most men are too blind or risk averse to actually understand it and invest

>> No.9640286

My mom got mad at my dad when he tried to explain blockchain to her. "It doesn't matter, waste of time, etc" lol.

>> No.9640291

I for one, go for this anyway, let those gullible women invest for the sake of equality. imagine the dramatic rise in value of bitcoin.

>> No.9640361

Someone needs to buy the bags at ATH once men in suits have declared it "safe".

>> No.9640394

1.) Women don't care about technology.
2.) Women don't care about liberty.
3.) Women don't take risks.

Women are entirely to blame for the lack of women in crypto.

>> No.9640462

Why are they so fucking shitty with making these graphics. That's clearly an AGP graphics card in the picture. Nobody even in the early days mined on a fucking card that old.

>> No.9640474

Exactly. If they care so much about the gender balance, stfu and buy in. But that would be too easy, instead they have to maintain the eternal victim narrative and pretend there's some oppressive force in the way.

>> No.9640497


look at all these virgin incels lmao

>> No.9640529


>> No.9640533

>anyone who isn't on their hands and knees licking the feet of those poor oppressed women is a pathetic incel loser!

kek look at this amazing white knight, he's really telling us how it is

>> No.9640624

IMO women find so much sense of accomplishment in trivial life milestones like HS graduation, college, marriage, house, children. It seems like most women are 100% content just going through the motions in life doing what every other person does and they act like its a huge accomplishment. I think they are so used to being coddled by society they just think they are entitled to success by just doing what they're supposed to do. And if they don't get promotions at work or advance in their career its due to sexism and a male dominated society. Not because they never took risks or did anything differently than anyone else to stand out or improve the world. Women don't buy crypto because its not the normal way to invest. 99% of women actually don't even save much money because "the normal thing to do" is to borrow money for everything and work until your 65 or let your husband support you. Those that do save money just invest in traditional mutual funds because its the normal way to invest and they are completely, 100% fine with missing out on crypto gains because all their friends are missing out on it too.

>> No.9640656

>he doesn't want more money in the market
I'd shill crypto to Africans if I could.

>> No.9640705

lol what a cuck

>> No.9640721

not all food is equal. some food will make you sick.

some demographics will make your market sick. A good example of this is the recent loss of money in the video game and comic book market due to catering to the new audience that acts like cancer.

>> No.9640730
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>> No.9640800

Divide and conquer is the only strat they know. Too bad it works 95 percent of the time

>> No.9640804

Literally there is zero barrier to entry. Jump on coinbase, link up a bank account, buy some BTC. 10 minutes tops.

The fact that women aren't as equally engaged in crypto or, at the least, that a smaller percentage of them hold cryptoassets than men, if anything is proof irrefutable that women and men are wired (on average) for different things. Crypto is risky and thing-oriented, while psychological studies for a long time have shown a consistent preference for low-risk, person-oriented activities/professions among women.

Also, I'm a literal faggot, women are not part of my sexual marketplace experience so I have no reason hate on them unduly like most men do. I'm not hating on them at all, actually. I'm honestly just pointing out that their psychography differs on average from male psychography, but if I mention this IRL it makes me a mansplaining patriarch. What the fuck ever.

>> No.9640882

>hate on them like most men do
>like most men do

you've already been brainwashed beyond help if you think men hate women.

>> No.9640894

Holy shit, biz is infested with men's rights activists. Disgusting.

>> No.9640900

It's clearly because when you make a coinbase account they ask for your gender and if you click the Female box coinbase deletes your account and IP bans you

>> No.9641045
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>> No.9641050
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and reality

>> No.9641071

sources, ASIC

>> No.9641233

Holy shit, biz is infested with feminists and manginas. Revolting.

>> No.9641258

"I was only pretending to be jewish..." isn't going to save you from the rope, rent-a-kike.

>> No.9641271

I hope tons of women buy Bitcoin and then get dumped on as the men switch to Bitcoin cash.

>> No.9641292


but that cant be possible because it would hurt feelings so it cant be true

>> No.9641439

"Its proponents argue that blockchain could see the proliferation of small-scale peer-to-peer finance schemes, while research in developing nations shows that nearly 90% of such microfinance investments go to women."

>gibs me your money i have a vagina!!!!!

>> No.9641467

Fuck, my wife got mad at me when I tried to describe the Google WiFi system I bought. Women just don't get tech unless you hold their hand,and they're interested.

>> No.9641749

>baiting as a pretend turboroastie
sad desu

>> No.9641809

you're missing the mark on what motivates them and how they feel about these things. it's not really about entitlement or accomplishment per se, women winning conditions lie in social validation above all
women will bust their ass at trivial jobs for a word of praise, especially from a man they look up to
crypto is the contrary of that right now, it's pure undistillated money with little social rewards
it should tell you something the few women in crypto aren't there as investors or developers, but pioneers, technology advocates, conference goers... basically the social parts of crypto. it's about pretending you're part of a revolution, but only once the revolution is large enough there's a guarantee of external validation (hence why there were no women to be seen in 2010 bitcointalk)
women as a group will never buy crypto until it can be spent - in the practical, consumerist sense of the word, rather than marginal use cases

>> No.9641896

(((The World Economic Forum))) is Marxist kikes, what a surprise.

>> No.9642045

>......unless it makes easy money

>> No.9642055

Because everything is a gender related issue these days.

Women have lost their minds and are getting more annoying by the day.

>> No.9642067

>jewish male writes an article
>"women have lost their mind"

>> No.9642089

They have in the big cities.
Women cant into tech either. I get asked to do the most simple things and im treated like Einstein for doing it.

Seeing articles like this just make me laugh.

>> No.9642093


>> No.9642132

>read shitty article by guy with English last name
>still blame Jews

>> No.9642186

Yknow it's funny. I've actually tried to get a lot of my female friends to buy eth/btc. they always roll their eyes. total disinterest.

>> No.9642219

what about intelligence

>> No.9642233

Same here. Zero interest from almost everyone I know. It's why I think I'm going to make some money.

>> No.9642261
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Women are intellectually inferior to men. It makes sense that they cannot understand the tech/potential behind crypto.

Reminder: Once we have sexbots we WILL deal with the roasties. Men WILL remove the leeches from our backs

>> No.9642412


>> No.9642497

all i said was that it was written by a jewish male
hardly the big anti-semitic attack on the Chosen you make it out to be

>> No.9642601

what does his religion to do with that? I don't buy that you are that stupid. If you mention it in your response, then you imply that it is relevant in some way, you faggot.