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File: 432 KB, 1080x1549, Screenshot_20180528-003040_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9639964 No.9639964 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit, the raging autism.

>> No.9640007



>> No.9640141
File: 842 KB, 601x901, 1451232442534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at what exact point did the fucking crypto community become so goddamn twee about bending over backwards for the elites and banks and governments and wanting to court "institutional money" instead of giving them the fucking middle finger like they used to want to.

sad shit man. honestly a lot of the blame probably can be put squarely on all the ethereum icos and the dancing unicorn antics of vitalik et al. this is just too much.

>> No.9640217

who gives a shit? it's just an investment. The meme that crypto could ever overthrow elites is pretty funny. Elites are at the top because they're the smartest/richest/have the best connections. A new type of digital asset won't suddenly take away their advantages. At best it would cut their incomes by a few %, assuming they fail to update their business models.

>> No.9640269
File: 104 KB, 925x1420, 1527448050764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who gives a shit?
Mr Rothschild and he is fucking pissed, Vitalik now has to travel to a certain castle in france where they will make him kiss the brown encrusted ring around Jacob de Rothschilds senile anus.

>> No.9640299
File: 36 KB, 470x353, zucc_kike_illuminati.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


alright, what happens when baron de rothschild phones his buddies at the fed and in the white house and gets ethereum classed as a security.

what then, fucklord? do you give a shit then?

also, it's not a meme, doofus, it used to be the entire ethos of the crypto community. bitcoin CAN at least recapture some of the financial leverage from the (((international banking community))) of which the rothschilds are at the absolute center (how they got their wealth in the first place).

so no, it's not a meme. and for you to call the single biggest threat to crypto and the historical target that crypto had always had between its crosshairs something that no one gives a shit about is as disingenuous as it is retarded.

people give a shit, even if you don't. unfortunately, all these summerfags that rode the 2017 wave seem to give less of a shit.clearly, because vitalik is tweely speaking to his twee base through this tweet. and that's a problem.

>> No.9640381

He's not even provoking them or saying anything offensive. They probably want the public to think they're just regular rich people. Considering all the things they do to avoid the spotlight, I would expect them to approve of this tweet.

>> No.9640725

>They're at the top because they're smarter than us! I am unintelligent and am appealing to authority

>> No.9640887

shut up u fag