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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 945x686, ourcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9633334 No.9633334 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry stinky Linkies. 0xBTC-Marines will take over now.

>> No.9633379

thank u for your service linkies but /biz/ is sorry to announce that since you didnt work out we are moving to new things

>> No.9633383
File: 1.18 MB, 896x1371, 1519959210451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post a LINK meme and SAGE, marines

>> No.9633386
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They can both be /ourcoin/ equally

>> No.9633541

>Being this retarded.
Using a separate token instead of just ETH itself...

>> No.9633726

0xBTC will make /biz rich af

>> No.9633741

Im literally just lurking and see you posting the same thing for the third time, kek

>> No.9633748

All praise to the biggest moon mission of the season

>> No.9633784



>> No.9633794


>> No.9633938
File: 113 KB, 590x290, youvsme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vs me

>> No.9634646

i dunno who all these 0xbtc weirdos are but you are most amusing

>> No.9634660

Just kys we are the 0xmarines.

>> No.9634757


u mad bro

the meme coin era is over

>> No.9634768

i want to mine this on igpu plx

>> No.9634959

you can actually cpu mine but its slow compared to gpu

>> No.9635107

Yeah. Much slower but still doable.

>> No.9635133

Buy 0xBTC NOW or forever be considered a lower-caste member of your principality. 1kEOY guaranteed

>> No.9635142
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>> No.9635153

>doesn't know how 0xbtc literally eliminates gas fees when used in contracts
>doesn't understand how 0xbtc will provide a stable medium of payment within the ethereum virtual machine
stay poor, new/biz/

>> No.9635164

is this the new pajeet coin? what does it do better than btc and better than eth

>> No.9635212

Best of both worlds

>> No.9635262

but how is it better than any other erc20 coin?
how is implementing pow mining again any good?

>> No.9635279

there are no answers here
only shilling

>> No.9635297
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>> No.9635357

I like the color, I am in.

>> No.9635388

1 0xBTC in 2 days with CPU i guess. I receive 1 per day with 1050gpu

>> No.9635392

Buy this coins sirs, good coin, big community, many people here from India

>> No.9635440

Lol, when you self-identify as the next link.

Absolute fucking state

>> No.9635480

>1 per day
so 50 cents? kek. whata joke

>> No.9636156
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>> No.9636212

but kys

>> No.9636455

instamoon 0xbtc marie reporting

>> No.9636545

>doesn't know how 0xbtc literally eliminates gas fees when used in contracts
>doesn't understand how 0xbtc will provide a stable medium of payment within the ethereum virtual machine
>stay poor, new/biz/

Are you fucking retarded? It's a TOKEN it has no power over the RULES regarding ETHEREUM'S BLOCKCHAIN.

The lavawallet whatever its called is just a fucking relayer, someone will still pay the fucking fees in ETH and it works for EVERY TOKEN, NOT THIS FUCKING SHITTOKEN YOU MORON.

"stable medium of payment" FUCKING LOL, you and everyone else who buys this is fucking delusional

>> No.9636665

Excellent fud, 0xmarine :))

>> No.9636709

fud? Explain how im wrong then retard

>> No.9636737

You are fudding so you can hopefully buy in lower, like the most of us.

>> No.9636745

Go away with your shitcoin

>> No.9636754

I dont want your shittoken, and I said explain how im wrong, what in this post >>9636545 is wrong?
If you cant explain it then its not fud, its truth you moron

>> No.9636807

People like you FUDed even ETH at 0.50$

Stay Poor Anon if it makes u happy :)

>> No.9636837
File: 47 KB, 706x256, 222222222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it fud when your dev says the same fucking thing as I already said?

>> No.9636868
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>> No.9636876

Im not saying you are wrong however you don't understand how a normie brain works. They don't care how the FED works and they dont care how this syste, will work. As long its easy.

>> No.9636904

Pretty sure a "normie brain" does not want even more expensive transactions when there are platforms that can do free transactions

>> No.9636905





>> No.9636929



>> No.9637000


>> No.9637023

Casper might give you lower transaction cost yes, but the Lavawallet solution will still be 2x.

So bitcoin cant be wrong? It barely fucking works when people use it, same with ETH. Cant even run 1 DAPP, it will not even be able to run 10 DAPPS with 1,000,000 tps retard.

"You do not have to use lavawallet" ok good job, you dont have to use 0xbitchcoin either.

ONLY 2X, FUCKING LOL DUDE, people dont want to pay for transactions and you think its "ONLY 2X"

You can trade 0xbtc yes, it doesnt do anything else than that, a retarded no purpose token is what it is

>> No.9637093

The main value proposition is the FAIR distribution of 0xBTC. Spending Money on Mining will give the Coin Value. Eventually 0xBitcoin will become a Basepair on certain exchanges and even become colleteral in the MakerDao DAI Stablecoinsystem just like DigxGold.

>> No.9637182

You're fucking dumb as fuck arent you?
If you want a distribution as fair as possible you'd do an airdrop.
Second of all its not fairly distributed, when blockchain finally gets adoption the people who join back then will not have any 0xbtc, any shittier token can be fairly distributed in the beginning but later on when large whales will buy this will change, its the same for any token, you cannot have fair distribution when you have a coin on an exchange. Big money will buy it and pump the prise up and distribution will go from fair to shitty again.

Why do I even try to talk to people who buy a shitty token with 0 purpose, its not like you did any research and if you did you have 0 braincells as you fucking did buy it anyway.

>muh fair distribution due to mining!!!

>> No.9637351

yeah good luck giving anything value with 100% airdropped supply

mining is the fairest solution right now.
ico is shit and puts the money in the hands of some shady guy that will also hold 20%+ of it.

>> No.9637370

Zero use case shittoken will only be good for regular PnDs, and I don’t even hold LINK but at least it has a real proposed value. This thing isn’t even trying to propose value. Literally invented by 4chan to try to get rich. Good luck though.

>> No.9637383

0xBTC was shilled on reddit first. That's where I first heard of it and mined ~13k in the early days.
/biz/ will make redditors rich by buying 0xBTC bags.

>> No.9637416

Fairest solution to what? You do realize that a token is basically the product/service of a company, you buy the product and can speculate on the price of this product/service in the future by buying it early, or you can hold it if you want to use it. Why the fuck should a company provide their product/service for free?
Seems like you dont fucking understand what blockchain is for, but im not surprised since you're defending this 0xShitCoin

>> No.9637534

it is a new multichain settlement layer for the token ecomy

>> No.9637545

mining offcchain allows trustless web-of-trust protocol

>> No.9637555

I own over 2k tokens myself and I'm in that discord so I gotta agree that this token in itself is useless aside from the fair distribution.
It will only have value if third party developers make dapps for it, if none are made it's just a useless shitcoin.

It's low marketcap, isn't even listed in cmc, the community is passionate about it and very pro-active, so I got my faith that some good projects arise out of it.

>> No.9637603
File: 12 KB, 591x272, ERC20_ERC918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just quiet down. There is absolutely nothing negative you can say about 0xBTC.

ERC 918 is 0xBitcoin.



>> No.9637621

It doesnt run on its own chain, its a token you moron, its runs on ethereums one and only blockchain. You dont mine offchain, you dont mine at all, it mimics mining and it does not allow for anything called "web of trust", its a fucking token, it doesnt change the rules of how ethereum works.

>> No.9637630

you clearly don't know what you're talking about

>> No.9637639

Oh wow amazing dude, except it doesnt change anything of what i've said earlier. Still no usecase. And as soon as it gets "big", big money will buy it and the "fair" distribution that you have now will not be fair anymore, any fucking mineable coin is "fair" in the beginning you dimwit

>> No.9637646

you are honestly a salty fucking retarted faggot nigger who literally said that airdrop is a fair distribution.

ever heared of the sybli attacks?

just kill yourself, do it, grab a rope, put it on your neck and fucking hang yourself, you fucking brainlet faggot

>> No.9637648

Show the sidechain on ethereum it's running on.
Also show me the ACTUAL MINING you do.
Show and explain how it enables what you call "web-of-trust protocol"

>> No.9637659

Yeah because it is more fair than pow? isnt it?
Giving everyone 10 or let the few who start gain 1000 the next wave who start 100 and the next after that 10 and then 1 and then 0.1. Hmm sounds like bitcoin all over again, GREAT JOB DUDE, IM HAPPY FOR YOU!

>> No.9637663

eip's are proposals, brainlet. And EIP-918 is in "draft" status, there's no guarantee that it will become officially part of ethereum.
I bet I'm holding more 0xbtc than you, but I'm not delusional.

>> No.9637673

who are you going to trust, reader, me? or this autist who doesn't realize he is being trolled?

buy 0xBTC

>> No.9637675
File: 98 KB, 474x596, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons, stop the fight, immediately!
Your lord and savior will show your the way.

>> No.9637695

now follow up my advice and neck yourself

>> No.9637701

Im going to trust any sort of LEGIT info that you can give me, but you cant because what you've said is bullshit, ive looked into 0xbtc, is a nice little community but the fucking token is still a shitty ass token with 0 purpose that you and the other cultists glorify as some second coming of bitcoin

>> No.9637718

shhh anon it's ok just do the needful

>> No.9637731

See, you guys cant even come up with arguments and neither can you show proof of what you've said.
bizraelis at their finest

>> No.9637743

you aren't worth telling it, you are a braindead faggot which cannot be influenced even with LEGIT info.

>> No.9637818
File: 62 KB, 608x607, 1516027189981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me the legit info instead of saying that im retarded when im giving you actual legitimate criticism regarding your shittoken. Oh right, you cant thats why you go back to insults and say "you arent worth telling".

Typical bizraeli
>This token is soooo good, buy it!!
>But it has flaws, just look at this and this
>Dude you just dont understand
>No you arent worth telling!1!!


>> No.9637840


>> No.9637844
File: 157 KB, 598x624, 1526189229842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip, when a coin received this much replies/biz hate it's a good sign to buy

>> No.9637898

1. No purpose
2. It aims to fix what? "Fair distribution"? Good luck it fails as soon as it reaches any level of adoption in the crypto community as price will be manipulated by whales
3. It does exactly NOTHING, the only thing difference betwen a bigtitcoin, trumpcoin etc and this is that it uses PoW for distribution
4. It's not real mining and it's unnecessary, airdrop would still be better for distribution purposes

>> No.9637917

>airdrop would still be better for distribution purposes
being this retarded

>> No.9638004

Giving everyone 10 means everyone gets 10, this would be fair you understand that right?

Giving 1000 at the start and then next wave who start 100 and the next after that 10 and then 1 and then 0.1
How is this more fair?

Lets fast forward and imagine 0xbtc is successful.
So in 5 years you guys will have 20000 0xbtc and others will have 0, nice and fair distribution right there. But they can just mine it right? Except the difficulty is up through the roof and they will be lucky to earn 0.01. But they can just buy it right? yeah, buy 1 for $10000.
Whats the difference between this and early bitcoin? Nothing.

>> No.9638031

Okay so can you guys please list the usecases for this token?

>> No.9638048

Go buy eBitcoin EBTC then .... i heard they are succeeding on all the fronts with their Airdrop.

>> No.9638057

Buy low sell high

>> No.9638067

this is officially pasta

>> No.9638081
File: 213 KB, 1351x621, 0xbitcoinexchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basepair on Exchanges instead of ETH. Vitalik and others want people to stop using ETH as a currency.

>> No.9638191

No, its just another shittoken.

Retard, Ethereum is not designed to be a sort of payment system, its supposed to run smartcontracts. If you want a payment system you can use NANO or something else that has 0 Transcations and is instant. You dont use fucking tokens on ethereum, the tokens are just a medium of exchange right now because we are in an early stage of realizing what blockchain can be used for once we are able to scale it up.
And if you are talking about not using ETH on ethereums network then you are fucking dumb because you fucking NEED ETH to even use 0xBTC so why the fuck would 0xbitchcoin become some glorified "main" currency of ethereum when it relies on ETH? Just because its been distributed with PoW?

>> No.9638220

ETH is GAS for Transactions and not a Currency. DAI, DGX and 0xBTC are Currencies.

>> No.9638260

They are tokens you dipshit, they are not currencies and they RELY on ETH to fucking be used you moron. Just because you call your token a currency does not mean that it is one, its a glorified smartcontract that doesnt even do anything, give me one reason why I should even use this for transactions when I still need ETH to use it? It would be far simpler and better for any user to just use ETH

>> No.9638280

Move over Stinkies, you've had the chance to prove yourselves 1000$ EOY bullshit, 0xbtc here to take over

>> No.9638296

holy fucking shit you are really that retarted huh?

>> No.9638330

Explain it to me then if you're so smart?
You do realize that bitcoin needs bitcoin to be sent right? You pay a fee, it works exactly like ethereum, the only difference between bitcoin and ethereum is that you can create smartcontracts on ethereums network, why would this part make it into "fuel"? They fucking call it fuel and currency in the whitepaper so I dont even get what you people are on about.

>> No.9638410

definitely not you

>> No.9638583

haha i'm enjoying this so much

>> No.9638613

Respond to this. Should be easy if this project is the read deal.

>> No.9638649

i'm trying to mine this and it ain't working guys, it just keeps saying "got new challenge number 5345-02349-2394-"
not finding my eth address in the token mining pool either


>> No.9638665

LOL. You are basically saying the guys that invented MakerDao and Dai are stupid as the use the same mechanism to transport their currency.

>> No.9638708

They cant, I havent gotten a single legit answer

>> No.9638721

No because their smartcontract actually does something, meanwhile you guys have a shittoken and the only difference between this and Trumpcoin or whatever as I said before is that this is distributed via PoW, it doesnt make it a better token

>> No.9638741

>Comparing 0xbitcoin to trumpcoin

>> No.9638754

Whats the difference? :-)

>> No.9638897

tits or gtfo larp

>> No.9638914


>> No.9638936

ETH isn't mineable and doesn't have a hardcap you idiot. This is better than BTC or ETH as a currency.

>> No.9638946

How is 2k a larp?
It's worth almost nothing lmao

>> No.9638975
File: 10 KB, 273x328, LOL IDIOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And its not better, you still have to use fucking ETH to use 0xshitcoin so why the fuck should I use both when I can only ETH instead? Retard

>> No.9638990

This is way better! https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.9639003

that means its working. you need to wait for a share to submit. depending on your hardware this can take a bit

>> No.9639005

Ah fuck you're right. My nose is clogged, giving me less oxygen.

>> No.9639015

Because Vitalik and his friends don't want ETH to be a Currency. There is a reason they call it GAS.


>> No.9639018

oh look it's minerium 3.0
pathetic ass pajeet shills need to kill themselves
imagine being so shitty at crupto your only hope is to shilling these literal shitcoins

>> No.9639030

got shitted on for shilling this, biztards not in deserve to kys

>> No.9639044


>> No.9639046

kys for shilling this shitcoin

>> No.9639065

No, because MakerDao actually does something. It keeps Dai pegged to use on an around 1:1 ratio using a complex system. It's not just a currency, it's a DECENTRALIZED STABLE COIN.

>> No.9639075
File: 25 KB, 620x230, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He likes stablecoins like DAI and USDT, not shitcoins like your 0xBitcoin token, see picture.

USDT.. What an incompetent dev

>> No.9639083

No problem, buddy. Trying to show these pajeets the way into the light of Vitalik Buterin's sweet, warm, moist embrace.

>> No.9639112
File: 49 KB, 400x396, DIGITALPEPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 0xBTC reported in

>> No.9639129

just mine that shit and forget it, you'll probably be rich by eoy

>> No.9639255

how to mine it on macbook pro?

>> No.9639278

Can't figure it out, doesn't deserve to gain the tokens.

>> No.9639322

Continue killing yourself

>> No.9639327

See you fucking cunt son of a bitch you giving it a bad name, I won't tell u again stop fucking posting u fucking piss shit teen cunt, I will fucking hack your home pc you fuck face

>> No.9639656

how many devs are working on it? do they even have any roadmap?

>> No.9639703

theres a handful of devs working on all sorts of things but you are using the pajeet mentality to understand it

it's not another ICO with an imaginary roadmap and partnerships, it's a made product ready to be adopted in a decentralised manner, as btc was.

>> No.9639781

so why website looks so shitty

>> No.9639795

fuck off you pajeet go buy some trx they have a good site we dont want indians in this thanks

>> No.9639859

Where we goin, boys? 0.1 ETH? 1 ETH?

>> No.9639880

now is mined 2,564,350 0xBTC
Its like less that 2mil marketcap. Why its have so much attention?

>> No.9639999

Because it’s about to 100c in value retard.

>> No.9640451

$1.2 already

>> No.9640939

Who here is /all-in/

>> No.9641119

I bought finally 628. lets see what future brings. Mercatox makes it listing on CMC in no time

>> No.9641201

One can only hope

>> No.9641218
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>Eth isn't mineable

>> No.9641317
File: 98 KB, 1217x809, 4pointplan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I mine this on a gaming laptop? If so how long till I see some 0xbtc?