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9628045 No.9628045 [Reply] [Original]

who else here is genuinely fucked in a major way if they don't make it in crypto by 2020?

>> No.9628056

I am generally fucked either way. I don't have a gf and i'm already 30. Most people are already married and have kids by now.

>> No.9628062

>That 30 year old Boomer in crypto

>> No.9628063

unless some of the extremely adventurous shit im doing outside of the coins magically works/takes off, probably me.

>> No.9628070

just turn gay
a new guy fucks me every night

>> No.9628075

I don't need it at all

Probably means I'll make it in crypto

>> No.9628085

google PUA
youtube PUA
read book "the game" by Neil Strauss

>> No.9628111


Im all in

>> No.9628114

My best hope is to be comfortably miserable by 2020.

>> No.9628123

I have $100k in crypto right now, thats pretty much all I have. ATH for me was about $280k.
If it doesn't work out I hope I'll have enough left for either some kneepads or a rope.

>> No.9628157

My business makes 70k/year
I don't need crypto, it just gives me more pocket change. And I really don't think it's going to recover, seems like the fad is over

>> No.9628162

I can still fall back on being a biomedical researcher/assistant professor at a uni somewhere and work my way up to a 6 fig salary but the stress will consume me. I just want to /make it/ with link and start my own research firm and focus on my anti-aging research interests.
t. 40k linklet

>> No.9628167

i'm $170K in debt and i can't work my job for medical reasons. i took out another $40K loan and put $10K into JNT and having been living off the rest for the past 6 months. i have like 20K left which hopefully can get me thru 2018. my only chance is that JNT goes to 10 bucks and i can cash out $100K and pray to god JNT is the moonshot we think it could be.

>> No.9628170

>That 30 year old Boomer in crypto

>> No.9628186

Why would you take out a $40k loan if you're already over $100k in debt?

>> No.9628188

I'm a software developer
I could still survive, but crypto is my shot at freedom from wageslavery. I'd love to spend my life programming projects when I feel like it and enjoying myself otherwise.

>> No.9628212

because this is my one chance to make it and it's ultimately worth the risk of being further in debt. nigger-tier perhaps but we'll never get this opportunity again

>> No.9628234

I hope you make it anon. I really do. With that much risk, there should be some reward.

>> No.9628334

That's why he's over 100k in debt.

>> No.9628338

me because im struggling in college and will not be able to find a job

>> No.9628340

Damn dude if you can't live off ~$3k/month then I don't know what to say to you.

>> No.9628347

>With that much risk, there should be some reward.

by that logic, somebody who takes out a loan to buy 10K Powerball tickets deserves to win

>> No.9628351

If I can get HST to go to $50 at least, then that will put me in an incredible position in life. Won't be rich, but will have plenty of money to play with then to grow my businesses and catapult myself into the top 1%.

>> No.9628624

fell for the grad school meme, also i should be making bank but i have a medical condition that prevents me from working. otherwise i'd be fine

>> No.9628638
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>> No.9628709

And you unironically picked JNT over LINK? What the fuck mate

>> No.9628719

Pretty much exactly what I’m trying to do, but sub out HST for other shit coins. Godspeed anon.

>> No.9628728

hey man if your doing this thats cool. but dont tell other people this fucking garbage. i really hope you werent so desperate for the validation of others that you researched into any of those three things you mentioned, because you just throw your dignity as a human being out the window if you do

>> No.9628731

I'm fucked up, i guess. Despite being pretty wealthy by my country standarts (2 millions), fit and smart i just can't have children. So i have no ideat what to do next/

>> No.9628835


>> No.9628863

>Not betting on the chain with more patents than bank of America.

Brahbulance, where are you going? Because you are not driving to Lambo land.

>> No.9628897

me and my gf would both probably have an hero'd if we didn't have a good chance to make it via crypto. hope cashing-out laws change here within a year or so and our stacks grow by 30x so we both independently have more than 3m USD.

We're both in vulnerable positions due to illness and basically trying to deal with the public health sector is near impossible. We need funds for private health care and we want to not have to rely on state or family welfare, nor have to deal with renting and the stress that comes with it.

30x is sure to happen by EOY, but being able to legally cash out might not.

>> No.9628915

JNT is a guaranteed 10x minimum over the next 6 months. i have to go with guaranteed gains right now even if Link in the best case scenario would do better

>> No.9628926

You're in your prime as man anon you just need to move to a big city where people don't get married. I'm in NYC and there is an unlimited supply of single women within a mile of my apartment.

>> No.9628990

He lives in Zimbabwe, anon

>> No.9628994

>30x is sure to happen by EOY
comments like this are how you know the crypto party is oved

>> No.9629002

Legit fucked if crypto doesn't win. 32 soon and only shit jobs, no career. Still very good looking, though, so might yet find a gf/waifu. Social retard and very low sex drive, autisitc.

>> No.9629014

32, and you use the word "waifu".

Yeah. You're gonna be jerking off a lot for the next couple of decades.

>> No.9629047

This. Also anon is likely a boring as fuck person.

>> No.9629105

I'll be 30 in 2020 and yes I'll be fucked if I don't at least 10x by then.

>implying being married is better than being single
Stop thinking like a woman and fuck some thots

>> No.9629124

1990 is 30 years ago soon