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9622672 No.9622672 [Reply] [Original]

...with a dash of dead cat bouncing.

>> No.9622700
File: 162 KB, 1184x575, U9EvTfRk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


press "play" on these charts:





>> No.9622818

technical analysis is regarded as reading chicken guts. to me it seems more like a formal analysis of what your brain does when it sees a graph. it's part psychology part self fulfilling prophecy. and it's wrong a lot of times because it can't account for outside events.

>> No.9622831

That's cute. Stay poor, anon.

>> No.9622852
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>> No.9622857

did i touch you where it hurts? why so sensitive?

>> No.9622868

rick rolled again

>> No.9622873

You're one of those people who fell for the "TA is bullshit" meme and you keep regurgitating it in an effort to seem intellectual. That's kinda sad.

>> No.9622881
File: 88 KB, 1000x750, 379VvoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your mother

>> No.9622889

but it's almost always wrong. i'm not saying it has to be always wrong and i gave you the reason for it. it's just plain unreliable. especially short term.

>> No.9622913
File: 185 KB, 1536x1536, 1523532915571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am George Soros and I approve this message.

>> No.9622981

there is an other way to approach this.
it could be mathematically proven that if someone could get ta to work for him consistently ie in significantly more than 50% of the times he could rule the world in a few years and become so rich it's just unimaginable.

>> No.9623134
File: 57 KB, 1481x948, January 26 2017 prediction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like with anything, painting, math, music, whatever, the majority of people always have lower skill than that minority who has developed high skill. The majority of "art" posted on say a site like deviantart for example, most of that is shit -- doesn't mean everything on that site is shit, or that good art is impossible, or no good artists exist.

TA is wrong a lot of the time because it's done by inexperienced people and/or people who allow their emotions and their investments to cloud their judgement (for example they just bought and therefore they want it to go up). That doesn't invalidate TA itself. If a TA is accurate or not is a reflection on the skill & knowledge of person doing the analysis.

When people say TA is like "reading chicken guts" or some retarded nonsense like that, that just sounds like they're grumpy and salty because they lost money from following a bad TA, or because they desperately want a moon ride but the TA posted is saying it's going down so they get upset. A protip: ignore the front page of tradingview because those "ideas" are wrong 99% of the time - the top authors are just attention whores who entertain their audience.

>> No.9623173

Good luck getting through to a degenerate gambler. They don't think rationally and will have any amount of excuses for their failure to produce results.

>> No.9623232

Not using TA at all, in any manner, THAT is gambling. Because you're throwing money around blindly in the dark. Yeeeaah, regardless of when you buy a coin like BTC, you'll still make gains later, eventually, because it keeps going up, but you'll get fewer coins for your money (thus less future gains) when you buy when it's high instead of during dips/crashes -- which you won't know about in advance without TA.

>> No.9623339
File: 343 KB, 1764x2508, '.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TA tells you nothing about the market you wouldn't get from reading tea leaves or cracked bones in a fire. You're just making promises you can't back up.

>> No.9623600
File: 12 KB, 471x480, 1518651664539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is it

>> No.9623772

half of them aren't even accurate lol, this is some nostradamus-tier shit

there are much better examples and even they aren't perfect

stop posting this in every thread you autistic faggot
>w-w-w-well it's following the g-g-g-g-general t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-trend

>> No.9623785
File: 114 KB, 914x768, 443242322332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cashed out purchased a new Range Rover with my sick gains senpai.

>Haha, you're all poorfags.

>> No.9623795

>mommy look I posted the meme again

That's nice.

>> No.9623805

I think it's too risky to sell here but we're likely headed back to around 5.5k. After that it's literally 10k, 20k, maybe 100k.

>> No.9623827

We are going to test 10k again you utter brainlets.

>> No.9623835

if btc goes to 5k it will be a blessing and the greatest chance for everyone coming here after june '17

>> No.9623842

You dont even need >50%

My TA (beta version) has a 40% success rate, but can land +72% in 5 months

How? Average win is twice as large as average loss

>> No.9623847

If it goes to $5.5k it won't hit $10k for at least 1-2 years. A breakdown below the $6.5k support line will destroy any chance of a bull in the near future.

>> No.9623851

>If it goes to $5.5k it won't hit $10k for at least 1-2 years. A breakdown below the $6.5k support line will destroy any chance of a bull in the near future.

>> No.9623952

Without getting into too many specifics, it'll shatter any hope that we're in a corrective triangle and support the idea that pre-bubble prices are those from early 2017.

>> No.9623958

Sounds like that's just complete speculation on your part. Why do you designate 6.5k as the key support? It's totally arbitrary.

>> No.9624008

Of course its speculation in the sense that nobody can predict the future. However, it's not arbitrary. DYOR. Or don't. Honestly even the most cursory TA will show you where the current key support line. Yeah, yeah "muh meme lines" - except TA is employed by top investment firms worldwide and in fact is a useful, but not infallible, tool.

>> No.9624016

you just went off the rails and lost your spaghetti justifying TA when that was never a point of contention between the two of us
I'm asking why you specifically chose 6.5k and it seems completely baseless
"DYOR" - how about you give me a satisfactory response that isn't "well we bounced there twice since the 20k peak..."?

>> No.9624056

OP stop baiting people into selling. All the weak hands are gone, and the whales are running out of BTC to sell to drive the price down. Soon we go up.

>> No.9624059

was expecting a "reply to this post or your mum will be raped by blockstream"
disappointing t b h
goes to show you can't buy good taste

>> No.9624125


nah. if it breaks 6.4k bulls are destroyed and down trend is fully established. right now long term uptrend has been maintained but breaking 6.4k makes a rally to 10k off the cards for a very very long time.

>> No.9624141

this isn't an RPG

>> No.9624192


The reason why you say things like this is because you are invested heavily emotionally. Believe me, i'm bullish long term, i think bears have run out of steam but it's just where the last major support for a long term uptrend lies. If it breaks, i turn bear because long term uptrend is broken.

TA is a means for entry and exit points. support lines and resistance points. not much more than that can be relied upon, and that's all most people use. 6.4/6.5k is not "arbitrary" at all. its a very significant number, as is 10k. if we have bottomed out at 7.2k here and break 10k, 10k will be a extremely important support for a long time.

and don't be autistic, bulls and bears are euphemisms for people who are long or short.

>> No.9624376

>The reason why you say things like this is because you are invested heavily emotionally
Stopped reading here, you are an idiot. Completely baseless speculation, again, like the person above who never responded

>> No.9624383

interesting, so if you switch from ta to a coin toss you could improve your earnings.

>> No.9624391

and just to elaborate, you are so wrapped up in your asinine, childish fantasy of you being some coldly calculating genius that you can't shut the fuck up about TA for a second even in a situation where the person you're speaking to already agrees with you on that, you just autistically sperg on and on about it

no one cares you stupid fuck

how about you address my comments rather than randomly going off on an autistic tangent?

you are like an autistic child who can't stop talking about Sonic