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9620708 No.9620708 [Reply] [Original]

Why are boomers like this? I've been told multiple times by them that I am "wasting time" by not working - even if I make 3x in crypto as much as I would working in any starting job in my country. They say I'm not chasing life and that money isn't everything when I mention I'm making a nice amount. They also said the classic "crypto is a ponzi" meme.

Wat do?

>> No.9620727

ignore them, get rich, go do what you want instead of wasting your life wagecucking
>they'll still be jellymad

>> No.9620729

true with me too but they are right
you need to have a steady source of income

>> No.9620744

I agree, but the problem I've stumbled upon is if I get a normal wagie job I won't have nearly as much time as I have now to focus on trading and making what I make. My "long term" dream is to live doing my shitty art and having a clothing brand, I don't see how wagecucking can help with that other than exposing me to possible connections

>> No.9620746

Why would you even care, idiot? You're already ahead of the curve, fuck what the brainwashed normies think

Holy shit I understand having to handhodl poor incels so they can get a shot at life and help us bring about the beta uprising or whatever the fuck you wanna call it, but when you're doing well you don't really need to be handhedl, do you?

Grow a pair and support your life choices with some spunk, ya know? And I mean that both literally and figuratively

>> No.9620750
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literally every single one of them would make their money from crypto if they understood how it works or had the ability. what you're experiencing is boomer/wagecuck cope. boomer cope is due to the fact that they can never be young and rich, and absolutely hate anything that enables this for anyone else. wagecucks need to justify their slavery by fanciful ideas such as "chasing life", as if working a job that you self-created where you click a button on your laptop from anywhere in the world 20 times a month and make six or seven figures a year would prevent you from "chasing life"

>> No.9620751

Normies like jobs. That includes boomers.

>> No.9620752
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When ETH switches to Proof of stake you'll be making passive income from staking.

If you have 1500 ETH you've already made it, just a matter of time.

(the minimum for solo staking)


>> No.9620766

When I tried to explain how the market works I tried comparing it to stocks and FOREX and they still didnt get it. Just kept repeating "But Those Dollers U Put In First Are Just GONE?!"

>> No.9620786
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Thanks anon. I usually stick to my plans and goals in anything in life and don't give up until I reach them, and this is one of them.

>> No.9620939

This is my problem now. I only have 20k in crypto and I want to trade but I can only do that on the weekends and it's tough having to catch up on what happened all week on Friday nights

>> No.9620961

boomers have a value system developed by jews. You must avoid them at all cost

>> No.9620985

life experience is something that you should not dismiss that easily.

Why not do both, crypto and an education.

You don't need to stare all day at the charts to make profit.

>> No.9621135

I forgot to mention I'm "waiting" until September for my classes to start. They're just nagging me to "get moving" right now since we're months from that still... I'm 21 by the way

>> No.9621168

If I absolutely HAD to work I'd just let my meme money sit on long term projects and look at it 1-2 times a week. Making a bad trade and not looking/missing out on something would be devastating due to the lack of time

>> No.9621223

then fuck them. You will have to slave soon enough anyway. Might as well take it easy while you can

That being said they mean well and if one is not careful enough taking it easy soon becomes just waisting time

>> No.9621270

Thanks anon. I'll consider my options a bit deeper and try to conceal both things

>> No.9621773

they rely...
they rely on you to take care of them in old age, but they shipped off their parents to a nursing home without even an ounce of empathy and thinking it through
they rely on the state to give them a hefty pension but they spent (past tense) every penny of their monthly wages on frivoulous shit to "fuel the economy" while our age
they rely that their status-quo, despite economic hardships, stays established like in:
they rely on that long, expensive holiday once a year instead of helping their kids pay off their debt or renovating the house to, one day, give to the kids...

my parents, btw. did the exact opposite in all points i just established...
that's why i can point them out so easily...
if you parents check even onw or two points off that list, they don't deserve you taking care of them at old age.

don't make their mistakes and
you are an island from the point you are born to the point you drop dead... remember that always, swallow this thruth and let it shine through any major decision you make in your life...

and you shall make it...
break the economic and cultural bonds your boomer parents have shackled you with...
they don't believe in you...
you don't believe in yourself...

but i believe in all of you...

inb4 faggot ... give me a break, i'm having the first good day in a while

>> No.9621825

they mad. ignore them. buy the bank that has their mortgage, and then take their house. win

>> No.9621960

Speculating faggots like yourself do not create wealth.

Crypto is a zero sum game unless you are a miner.

>> No.9622112

>"Having a job is like having one customer."

A normie 9-5 is 10x less steady or stable than working for yourself.

>> No.9622209

strong words well spoken my brother. thank you for believing

>> No.9622226

Why the fuck should I care? "Speculating faggots" in the 90s made fortunes for generations to come.

>> No.9622245

holy shit this hits home..

im a full time miner and parents think its an embrassment and won't tell their friends.

yet i make more money then all of them and i just put a down payment on their house...

lol fcking normies man.

>> No.9622298


Normies want you to be a normie too. They can't NOT be a normie because they would instantly be crushed into pieces by peer pressure from other normies. Normies are weak-willed soulless retards.

>> No.9622345

People think you have to work to make money. They don't understand other avenues of income. In addition, some of them need a feeling of accomplishment that comes from doing a good job. We all need that feeling, some of us just get it from other things.

Tell yourself whatever you need to man. I'm a normie and a wagecuck and I'd love nothing more than to NEET it up. I'd just rather work and have more money to put into crypto.

Once I have enough for 20 acres, a house, and 4-5 years of wages while I set up my aquaculture/organic farm? I'll be working for myself.

>> No.9622366

>We all need that feeling, some of us just get it from other things.
exactly this, they don't seem to understand I feel accomplished enough the way I am right now and planning my future business while not having to worry about a wagecuck job

>> No.9622386
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Work your ass off and do Crypto part time. Crypto is not everything and I have been saying it for the longest of times, Cryptocurrencies will never be like it was last year. It is literally in the name. Crypto(((c u r r e n c y))). A currency is meant to be stable and literally using technical analysis for speculation is fucking autistic. Buy and hold, stop trading the damn coins.

>> No.9622432


I mean no offence of course. It's not like you can help being weak or retarded. Just like you can't help being short or tall. Doesn't change the facts though.

>> No.9622469

I just don't have the motivation to work a starting job that won't get me anywhere other than bring in "steady income". I'm still open for nice positions in my field though... Been searching for some weeks now

>> No.9622603

Not offended, I'm actually quite sure I have a stronger will than you. Enjoy NEETdom. I wish you the best.

>> No.9622706


Nah, you're just better at doing what you're told to or "supposed" to do. You confuse it with strong will. That's how I know you're retarded.

>> No.9622727

They are really upset you aren’t propping up social security for them

>> No.9622742

He still is, he'll have to pay taxes just like everyone else.

>> No.9622787

Remember that these are the same ones who reject UBI. Anything new even for the better frightens them, it's what they're used to. Eventually their bubble'll burst and they'll have to face reality

>> No.9622827

Huh, that is strangely accurate. We had a conversation the other thay about UBI and they just sprouted out that would cause infinite inflation and economy would collapse, without even understanding (or trying to) the whole picture

>> No.9623656

Not everyone is a visionary. Just lie and say you are a small business owner

>> No.9623699

I'm basically a NEET right now.

but I have around $700k alone from crypto.

enough to live off the interest money