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9619915 No.9619915 [Reply] [Original]

> Be 30 year old unemployed NEET.
> Still live with Mom and Dad.
> Refuse to leave their house and go to court.
> Become national news story.
> Everyone scrambles to pay me for interviews on MSM. I become a cultural icon and the voice of a generation.
> Probably get own reality TV show about my "struggles" becoming a functional human being.
> Get rich. Other NEETs make fun of me on 4chan while I'm getting my dick sucked by 10/10s.

>> No.9619926

This actually wouldn't be a bad idea. I'd pay to have our ilk on tv

>> No.9619935


You must be pretty pathetic if this is how you think this guys life is playing out RN. He lost in court, and is literally a fat neckbeard with no prospects. He would be lucky to get a $10/$10 handjob.

>> No.9619972


>> No.9619982

Remember that dumb cunt who was made viral because she couldn't form proper english sentences? We are living Idiocracy. It playing out like this is a very real possibility.

That said, the cunt only got popular because of her fat tits I guess.

>> No.9619998
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he is biggest the hero of our time

>> No.9620034


>> No.9620086
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This is hilarious. AJ just flew this guy in and paid him three grand to maniacally rant at him about himself.

>> No.9620104
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the best part is where Alex confessed that he does not want to kill him

yes my friends; Alex now thinks he has some sort of Godly power over human life

>> No.9620247


I actually thought that was imaqtpie when I first saw his face. Even his given name checks out.

>> No.9620288

I don't know if that guy is just shy and autistic or just dense as fuck. Personally I think the later.

He only says ok? ya? aha? and the rest is just incomprehensible gibberish

He just seems like the mind of a dumb 16 year old is in the body of a 30 year old

>> No.9620298

No one will remember him next month.

This is just the fotm media outrage that fits an agenda.

>> No.9620304

this is great while drunk

>> No.9620312

seems to me like deep emotional problems. also keep in mind Jones is not 100% normal either. what could the NEET king say when he got paid $3000 to get schooled live on tv

>> No.9620323

the msm has been all over this story. something is up. i dont know what, but something.

>> No.9620331

neets and incels and the beta uprising are becoming very popular in Murrica; thanks to the constant shootings

the normals wanna know whats going on. The root of it all is 4chan

4chan is the root of all evil. it is satanic

>> No.9620336

beta uprising when

>> No.9620355

what? thats what you thought he meant? i cant even follow your thought process. he was probably talking about how globalists want to kill us, and that hes not like those globalists and that his advice comes from wanting to empower him while the establishment wants to harm him. or something like that. not a confession that he believes he has superpowers but doesnt want to use them, lol, what

>> No.9620365
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The funniest part is when Alex presses him on his "business plan" and the guy begrudgingly says "tech", is totally non-committal, and keeps it abstract as possible.

>> No.9620375

i think 4, 4 incels shot some people and now every loser that cant get laid is public enemy number one. the narrative is retarded. but they might want to shut down 4chan and other free speach areas so they had to associate us with some kind of terrorism they probably invented. create a problem, control the reaction, provide a solution. in this case they create this bs narrative about some beta uprising that was only ever a meme, then they control the reaction and get everyone upset about this supposed threat. and then they provide the solution, which is what they wanted all along, an excuse to shut something down and to gain the powers to do so.

>> No.9620398


Yeah something seems of about him

I think he definitely needs help from a professional.

Not because he still lives at home at his age but because of ho he conducts himself.

And Jones is just an entertainer that gets unfortunately taken too seriously by a lot of people.

>> No.9620404


>some people say my wife has a big nose
>she's not jewish, she's german
>i like that

>> No.9620405

He's holding crypto bags for sure but too embarrassed to say it

>> No.9620414

10/10 would friends with alex

>> No.9620433

>just an entertainer
is this that crap about how alex jones admitted to acting in some of his videos in court. cause thats a dumb msm talking point. he was taken out of context and referring to those videos where he was obviously acting, cause everyone knows hes not really ripping his shirt off like the incredible hulk and flying through the ceiling on super male vitality. he plays little joke skits and commercials sometimes. and likes to allow himself to blow off steam on air because people enjoy it.

dudes probably just a little autistic because he got vaccinated and drinks unfiltered tap water and ate the transgenic corn as a child

>> No.9620495


To me he is an entertainer and I watch some of his clips because they entertain me.
Watch the Joe Rogan podcast with him and the other conspiracy nut Eddie Bravo and you will see what I mean

His whole stick is to be over the top. He has taken the Preacher scam where you fill stadiums with gullible religious people who give you money just for your words and substituted religion with over the top ideology and conspiracies.

But of course there are enough gullible people out there who take him seriously

But I am sure that at least 80% of what he does and says is motivated by money alone.

His show is basically a huge commercial for his products

>> No.9620522

its funny i look like this guy bet a lot of 4chan faggits do haha

>> No.9620616

>boomer policies make housing market ridiculously expensive and unaffordable to millennials
>complain when millennials can't survive
they're actually lucky most of them are soiboys, otherwise no doubt they would come after them with pitchforks

>> No.9620800

>But I am sure that at least 80% of what he does and says is motivated by money alone.
You're just repeating MSM talking points.
First of all, there's nothing wrong with making money you commie. Second, Alex is not in it for the money. When 9/11 happened he lost more than half of his listeners and radio stations because he wouldn't back off the inside job conspiracy theories.
He's a moron in many ways (he recently called Jordan Peterson an atheist ffs), but the man has integrity.

>> No.9620806


This video is actually pretty interesting. Alex Jones discussing how he started his businesses and how he pays his employees fuck all while keeping the massive profits.

It's actually pretty inspiring.

>> No.9620816

hey you do you

>> No.9620874

The absolute state of redditspacers

>> No.9620974

Only in America, an inspiration to the world.

>> No.9621790

that was a weird conversation , damnnn

>> No.9621882
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>> No.9621902

>Thinking you can lose in court

Well I mean you can but this faggot can appeal the decision and drag it on 6 months+.

>> No.9621918

he is the failed brother